Thursday, June 27, 2019


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Emergency Drills BOE Policy EBBE / Senate Bill 128 – for All Administrators

New Items

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Emergency Drills BOE Policy EBBE / Senate Bill 128

from Chief Henry R. Horn
Governor Laura Kelly signed Senate Bill 128 into law on April 10, 2019 changing the number of safety drills K-12 schools in Kansas must perform each year from sixteen (16) to nine (9).

As schools across the state of Kansas know, Senate Bill 109 passed in 2018, schools were required to change the number and type of drills conducted during the school year.

The change required schools to conduct nine (9) crisis drills, four (4) fire drills and three (3) tornado drills during the school year, for a total of sixteen (16) drills per school year. The change was positive in bringing about crisis drills to schools, however the total number of drills proved to be overwhelming for many school districts.

With that in mind, Senate Bill 128 was introduced to change the number of drills requested for schools. The bill changes the total number of drills from sixteen (16) to nine (9). Schools must conduct at least two (2) tornado drills (one in September and on in March), three (3) crisis drills and four (4) fire drills per school year.

Crisis drills should reflect events that have a potential to occur in your school and can included but are not limited to, things such as a water main break, earthquake, missing student, hazardous spills, intruders, active shooters or medical emergencies.

The new law goes into effect on July 1, 2019 and will be in effect for the 2019-2020 school year. Attached to this notice is the new drill form which reflects the change in number of drills. If you have any questions please contact one of the following persons:

Lisa Garcia-Stewart, Director of Student Services

Henry R. Horn, Chief of Police

Joel Beckner, OSFM Prevention Education Consultant or 785-296-0659

K-12 School Drills – Explanation PDF

K-12 School Drills PDF

Fire Drill Record PDF

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


New Items

Previous Items

Emergency Drills BOE Policy EBBE / Senate Bill 128 – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Emergency Drills BOE Policy EBBE / Senate Bill 128

from Chief Henry R. Horn
Governor Laura Kelly signed Senate Bill 128 into law on April 10, 2019 changing the number of safety drills K-12 schools in Kansas must perform each year from sixteen (16) to nine (9).

As schools across the state of Kansas know, Senate Bill 109 passed in 2018, schools were required to change the number and type of drills conducted during the school year.

The change required schools to conduct nine (9) crisis drills, four (4) fire drills and three (3) tornado drills during the school year, for a total of sixteen (16) drills per school year. The change was positive in bringing about crisis drills to schools, however the total number of drills proved to be overwhelming for many school districts.

With that in mind, Senate Bill 128 was introduced to change the number of drills requested for schools. The bill changes the total number of drills from sixteen (16) to nine (9). Schools must conduct at least two (2) tornado drills (one in September and on in March), three (3) crisis drills and four (4) fire drills per school year.

Crisis drills should reflect events that have a potential to occur in your school and can included but are not limited to, things such as a water main break, earthquake, missing student, hazardous spills, intruders, active shooters or medical emergencies.

The new law goes into effect on July 1, 2019 and will be in effect for the 2019-2020 school year. Attached to this notice is the new drill form which reflects the change in number of drills. If you have any questions please contact one of the following persons:

Lisa Garcia-Stewart, Director of Student Services

Henry R. Horn, Chief of Police

Joel Beckner, OSFM Prevention Education Consultant or 785-296-0659

K-12 School Drills – Explanation PDF

K-12 School Drills PDF

Fire Drill Record PDF

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


New Items

Previous Items

Emergency Drills BOE Policy EBBE / Senate Bill 128 – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Emergency Drills BOE Policy EBBE / Senate Bill 128

from Chief Henry R. Horn
Governor Laura Kelly signed Senate Bill 128 into law on April 10, 2019 changing the number of safety drills K-12 schools in Kansas must perform each year from sixteen (16) to nine (9).

As schools across the state of Kansas know, Senate Bill 109 passed in 2018, schools were required to change the number and type of drills conducted during the school year.

The change required schools to conduct nine (9) crisis drills, four (4) fire drills and three (3) tornado drills during the school year, for a total of sixteen (16) drills per school year. The change was positive in bringing about crisis drills to schools, however the total number of drills proved to be overwhelming for many school districts.

With that in mind, Senate Bill 128 was introduced to change the number of drills requested for schools. The bill changes the total number of drills from sixteen (16) to nine (9). Schools must conduct at least two (2) tornado drills (one in September and on in March), three (3) crisis drills and four (4) fire drills per school year.

Crisis drills should reflect events that have a potential to occur in your school and can included but are not limited to, things such as a water main break, earthquake, missing student, hazardous spills, intruders, active shooters or medical emergencies.

The new law goes into effect on July 1, 2019 and will be in effect for the 2019-2020 school year. Attached to this notice is the new drill form which reflects the change in number of drills. If you have any questions please contact one of the following persons:

Lisa Garcia-Stewart, Director of Student Services

Henry R. Horn, Chief of Police

Joel Beckner, OSFM Prevention Education Consultant or 785-296-0659

K-12 School Drills – Explanation PDF

K-12 School Drills PDF

Fire Drill Record PDF

Monday, June 24, 2019


New Items

Emergency Drills BOE Policy EBBE / Senate Bill 128 – for All Administrators

Previous Items

SY2019-2020 Assessment Calendar – for All Administrators

New Items

Emergency Drills BOE Policy EBBE / Senate Bill 128

from Chief Henry R. Horn
Governor Laura Kelly signed Senate Bill 128 into law on April 10, 2019 changing the number of safety drills K-12 schools in Kansas must perform each year from sixteen (16) to nine (9).

As schools across the state of Kansas know, Senate Bill 109 passed in 2018, schools were required to change the number and type of drills conducted during the school year.

The change required schools to conduct nine (9) crisis drills, four (4) fire drills and three (3) tornado drills during the school year, for a total of sixteen (16) drills per school year. The change was positive in bringing about crisis drills to schools, however the total number of drills proved to be overwhelming for many school districts.

With that in mind, Senate Bill 128 was introduced to change the number of drills requested for schools. The bill changes the total number of drills from sixteen (16) to nine (9). Schools must conduct at least two (2) tornado drills (one in September and on in March), three (3) crisis drills and four (4) fire drills per school year.

Crisis drills should reflect events that have a potential to occur in your school and can included but are not limited to, things such as a water main break, earthquake, missing student, hazardous spills, intruders, active shooters or medical emergencies.

The new law goes into effect on July 1, 2019 and will be in effect for the 2019-2020 school year. Attached to this notice is the new drill form which reflects the change in number of drills. If you have any questions please contact one of the following persons:

Lisa Garcia-Stewart, Director of Student Services

Henry R. Horn, Chief of Police

Joel Beckner, OSFM Prevention Education Consultant or 785-296-0659

K-12 School Drills – Explanation PDF

K-12 School Drills PDF

Fire Drill Record PDF

Previous Items

SY2019-2020 Assessment Calendar

from David Rand
Please find attached a draft SY2019-2020 Assessment Calendar; there is a one-page list view as well as a month-by-month calendar view. Please note that MAP will no longer be available for grades 3-12 (except for grade 7 that will still test in fall and winter for Sumner admissions). Also, we have added the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) for grades 1, 3 and 6 in fall that will serve as an additional screener for referring a student to the General Education Intervention process. Spring MAP for grades K-2 has been pushed back so that there is only one week of overlap with the state assessment. Please note that this is a working draft and is subject to updates and changes as they occur. If you have any questions regarding any of these dates or assessments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much!!!!!!!

Assessment Calendar – Calendar View PDF

Assessment Calendar – List View PDF