Enough is Enough Sign-Up
Principals, please share this pledge page with your staff – and ask them to share it with students and parents.
Curriculum & Instruction
Attn: Elementary Administrators
Re: Instructional Minutes for the 21-22 School Year
Instructional minutes have been updated for the 21-22 school year to be more aligned with KSDEs recommendations for Structured Literacy and to accommodate the new science and social studies resources. This information can be found on the GVC landing page for any grade level under the “Helpful Resources” section (see image).
Please note, more detailed information about the 150 minute ELA block is linked within the instructional minutes document. This information is differentiated by grade band.
Attn: EC-5 Administrators
Re: Welcome to KCKPS Video
The EC-5 C&I Team is putting together a welcome video for our new teachers to show during the August 4th afternoon training session. If you would like to create a very short video or add a photo to the video introducing yourself and welcome our new EC-5 staff, please click here to participate by August 2nd. Thank you for helping us give a warm welcome to our new teachers!
Attn: Elementary Administrators
Re: Eureka Math Digital Suite and InSync Access
This information is also included in this week’s Mobile Minute for teachers and instructional coaches. The Eureka Math Digital Suite & InSync are easier to access!
Click here for more information
ESOL: Audience Elementary Principals
The Period Schedule (Bell Schedule) for Elementary Buildings will not be sent to administrators until all teachers are scheduled in their courses within Infinite Campus. Email Connie Thao when this has been completed to receive your building Period Bell Schedule. As a reminder, we are utilizing teacher course numbers from Infinite Campus to pull minutes for September 20th as opposed to asking all teachers to input their schedule within IC Web. We cannot Once teachers are assigned within Infinite Campus a spreadsheet will be pulled and sent to you to add bell schedule times and return to Connie Thao. Teachers without course numbers (ESOL, SPED, Gifted, Reading Intervention) will submit push-in schedule after the start of the school year.

Federal Programs
Building Principals and Department Directors
Mandatory Training Bundles for ALL Staff – Completed by 8/13/2021
All USD500 employees must complete the required Staff Mandatory Trainings for 2021-22SY by 8/13/2021.
Training Bundle 1 MUST be shown by Department Directors in a GROUP setting via physical in-seat meeting or a live Zoom. Remember to take attendance and submit your attendance sheet to your IDP representative or HR team for entry into the Frontline system.
- District staff members who are assigned to one building and who regularly attend staff meetings at that building should get their training through their building principal.
- All maintenance/custodial staff, nutritional services and bus drivers will receive their training and directions from their District Operations Director.
- Staff members who work out of central office and support multiple buildings should receive their training through you, the Department Director.
Training Bundle 2 can be done via OnDemand with employees watching videos on an individual basis during the time you designate for your staff to complete the videos. Principals and Department Directors MAY choose to facilitate the showing of ALL videos in a physical in-seat meeting or live Zoom setting to ensure all staff complete their trainings. Remember to take attendance and submit your attendance sheet to your IDP representative or HR team for entry into the Frontline system.
See the HR Admin Guide or Principal Handbook Annual Staff & Student Mandatory Training resource page for step-by-step directions on how to access and facilitate training.
A Bright Arrow message will be sent to ALL USD500 employees within the next week with directions regarding how to complete the 2021-22 Mandatory Training bundles. Staff members who do not complete trainings may be subject to progressive coaching action.
NEW Building Principals, Assistant Principals, Instructional Coaches
School Improvement Planning (SIP) Core Training (Onboarding) August 4, 2021
New administrators (principals, assistant principals) and instructional coaches should plan to attend the upcoming SIP workshops designed for new KCKPS instructional leaders. KCKPS utilizes a district-wide SIP process to engage all leaders and teachers in an ongoing cycle of review of data, curriculum and instruction using the KSDE required KansaSTAR system. To accommodate busy schedules, these trainings will be conducted via Zoom.
Please click on the link below to sign up for either the morning or afternoon professional development session. Different zoom links are located at the top of each sign-up sheet and can be placed on your calendar for the time/session you choose to attend.
Human Resources
New Hire Orientation
After receiving feedback from a sampling of principals and directors, it has been decided that orientation will be done differently this year. Information that is shared with new hires is extremely important. Therefore, we are spreading out the information over the course of a month. This will include four Tuesday mornings and one Wednesday morning. All trainings will begin at 8:30am and will run anywhere from 90 minutes to four hours. All will be through Zoom, except for one, which will need to be in-person at the Central Office. It’s important and necessary that you make this time available for your new employees.
Once an employee is hired, a schedule of their orientation, along with the Zoom link, will be emailed to each one of them. The email will also direct them to share their schedule with their principal/supervisor.
Employees that begin between now and August will receive all of their orientation through their schools/departments in August. This means that the orienetation trainings will not begin until the end of August. The only exception to this is for all classified employees during this time period. August 11th at 8:30am will be a training that explains their benefits options and payroll. Please make the needed arrangements for these new hires to be available for this training.
Any questions? Please contact Sherrie Piedimonte – OR 913.235.8902
Instructional Technology
KCKPS Administrator Mobile Minute
- Canvas Expectations/Options/Support
- Login Reminders
- Who to ask for help
- Parent Orientation for Canvas
- Building purchased software update
Professional Development
IDP Reps
Principals, please complete the following survey by Friday, August 6.
IDP Representative responsibilities:
Track Building PD in Frontline
Ensure all staff take the mandatory trainings listed in Frontline annually
Compensated at $289/semester
Mentor Program
Student Services
All Audiences -Principals, Assistant Principals, Registrars, Attendance Secretaries, Principal Secretaries
- Language Support
We understand that language support is important and Student Services is committed to provide the necessary resources to buildings. At this time, the district has both internal and contracted interpretation services to help buildings and provide language support to families via zoom meetings, phone calls, and more. Please use the links below as a guide to find how to access those resources and request language support. This information can be found in the Principals’ Handbook.
2021-22 KCKPS Interpreter Request Form
Family Advocacy Interpreter Request – September 2021
Family Advocacy Interpreter Request – February 2022
If you have any questions, concerns or need to utilize any of the interpreter resources please email or contact Naomi Tolentino at 913-279-2247 / .