Friday, October 2, 2020

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Curriculum & Instruction

All Principals

Re: Social Studies State Assessments

This year 3rd, 6th, and 9th grade students will participate in a required pilot of the Social Studies State Assessment. This will be a classroom embedded assessment within instructional units and will not require any additional time. It will be administered and reported during the third quarter. Stay tuned for more information. For questions, contact Brenda Burney at or Cheryl Beyer at

All Principals

Re: Fastbridge/Assessment Literacy overview slides

Please refer to these slides for a refresher of the assessment literacy and assessment calendar professional learning opportunity provided on October 1. Feel free to share this information with your staff.

All Elementary & Middle School Principals

Re: Wyandotte County Spelling Bee

The 2021 Wyandotte County Spelling Bee will be hosted by KCKPS on Saturday, February 6 at 9:30. Building spelling bee sponsors will organize a process at the building level (elementary & middle schools, grades 3-8) to determine a student to represent each building at the county spelling bee. Chosen sponsors in each building must complete the form linked below no later than Monday, October 5.  Each building/sponsor will be registered with Scripps to support preparation for the building and county bees. This includes support for possible an on-line bee format.

We will also schedule a district on-line meeting for sponsors in late October or early November.   One building sponsor per building will be compensated for 10 extra duty hours. 

Please complete the form even if your building chooses not to participate.

All Elementary Principals

Re: FastBridge Follow-up

Thank you for joining us October 1st to learn more about FastBridge. To view our slides, complete with links to all the sites and newly added links to “How To” videos, please go to 

Helpful Info:

  • Link to original slides from Darcy & Ben (Slide 1 Notes)
  • Link to our Padlet Parking Lot (Slide 1 Notes)
  • Link to Elementary Assessments Spreadsheet (Slide 7 Notes)
  • Training Site Info (Slide 17 Notes)
  • Log In Info & 4 minute Video (Slide 18 Notes)
  • Certification Info & 12 minute Video (Slide 20 Notes)
  • Certifications Checklist (Slide 21 Notes)

All EC-5 Grade Principals

Re:  ELA (F&P Accounts)

F&P will be changing their platform in the near future, so they are not going to make any changes to our building accounts. They have advised that all buildings use a shared account, which will carry over to the new platform (whenever that may arrive). This shared account can be distributed to any teacher, SPED teacher, ESL teacher, intervention teacher, etc. It has ALL district provided products linked (including Pre-K IRA & SR).  Any F&P products purchased with building funds (IR/LLI) will still need to be accessed via your building account.


Password:  welcome.kckps

All Elementary Principals

Re: ELA Professional Learning Invitation

Building principals are invited to attend ELA professional learning with instructional coaches today October 2nd from 1:30-4:00 and next Friday, October 9th from 2:00 to 3:30. The October 2nd session will focus on reading research, the reading brain, and orthographic mapping. The October 9th session will focus on phonological awareness and phonics instruction and intervention. If you are interested in attending, please email Alli Rice for the Zoom Link at or use Meeting ID: 812 6887 6527. Hope you can join!


Beginning Monday October 5th, the Individual Language Plan (ILP) window will be open. Teachers and ESL support staff that are responsible for the ILP will need to participate in the Frontline training available Monday. The link for the training will be sent to ESL staff on Monday morning in an email indicating that the ILP window has been open. Due to the fact that we do not have KELPA scores teachers will be monitoring and updating ILPs in Infinite Campus. This means that students language proficiency score will be these same as the 2019-20 school year. Newly identified ESOL students will have an ILP initiated with their pre-screener language proficiency levels. The purpose of the ILP is to be directly connected to instruction. The ILP should guide a teacher with their Tier 1 instruction and the students should engage with their language proficiency goals. The ILP form will close on October 30th end of day.  Should questions arise please reach out to an ESL Instructional Coach or Jacqueline Rodriguez, Director of ESOL & Migrant Programs.

Federal Programs

Important Information for Title I Funded Buildings (ALL Elementary & Middle Schools)

  1. A reminder from the August 5, 2020 Principals’ Office – All Title I funded buildings, principals are required to provide (mail or post) several documents to parents at the start of each school year.  These documents include School-Home Compact, Family Engagement PlanSchoolwide Planning Team, Parents-Right-To-Know ESSA letters, and Standard Complaint Resolution Process. All templates and documents stored in the Federal Programs Elementary/Middle Schools Title I subfolder meet the 2021SY compliance guidelines regarding annual notification to parents related to highly qualified staff and other funding mandates.
  2. Title I (Elementary/Middle) Schools will receive an email from Indistar/KansaStar notifying you when your Title I Schoolwide Supplemental Form has been reviewed and accepted in the KansaStar system by KSDE. You will need to submit your form when you receive the following message and directions:
    1. Your Name Here Elementary School (SW)  —   Title I Schoolwide Supplemental Form Accepted –> Please Submit
      1. Your form has been reviewed and accepted.
      2. You may now submit the form on the Submissions tab at the bottom of your Indistar HOME page.
  • Please login to your dashboard and go to Complete Forms tab to find your reviewed form and review may comments or suggestion, prior to submitting via the Submissions tab.
  1. Title I Building Budgets WILL CHANGE now that we have submitted the KCKPS 2020-21 Local Consolidated Plan (LCP). As a reminder, because we closed and added schools this year, we were required to use the 2020-21 student enrollment and free/reduced counts.  This means your budget will increase OR decrease based on your total student enrollment, the number of verified free/reduced lunch forms in Infinite Campus AND how the changes at your campus compare to the changes at ALL other elementary and middle schools.  It’s important to remember that building allocations are proportional to, and influenced by, the total group.  Budgets adjustments will begin soon.  Please contact Lisa Walker or Bridgette DeSmet if you have any questions as adjustments occur.

Student Services

Bullying Prevention and Awareness from KSDE–  This year’s theme is “Choose Peace.”

This year the week starts on Oct 5th. However, if that date doesn’t work for schools they are encouraged to recognize the need to address bullying when it would work for them as well as follow-up throughout the school year. Resources, including remote learning lessons, activities, and COVID 19 specific information, can be foundhere

On October 21st, we will be recognizing Unity Day by having an Orange Out! Encourage your community to wear orange on October 21st. Graphics, promotional materials, and Unity Day Guide can be found here.

If you have activities planned, please email any materials to Tracie Chauvin  so that Student Services can recognize and promote all the amazing activities happening in our school communities. If you promote on your social media please tag @SELKCKPS.

Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays (bi-weekly)

The next Trauma Sensitive Tuesday will be Tuesday, October 13th at 12pm. We will be focusing on Restorative Practices and have an amazing panel of speakers from across the district sharing their knowledge. Staff can register via Crowdcastand it can be found on Frontline. All sessions are recorded for staff to view on-demand as well. If staff need help navigating Frontline, here is a great tutorial on how to find Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays, accessing the Crowdcast from Frontline, and completing the program evaluation form.

SIT Building Coordinator Information 

An email and meeting invite went out this week to all the building level SIT Coordinators that had emails listed in the SIT Building Coordinator information listed in the spreadsheet sent out to principals in weeks prior. If you have added a SIT Building Coordinator after October 1st to the spreadsheet, please email Tracie Chauvin their name and information so that she can send them the meeting invite information.