Friday, September 6, 2019


New Items

ASQ Reminder – for Elementary Principals

Previous Items

Frontline Professional Growth Platform – for All Administrators
Request for Field Trip Buses and Van Transport – for All Administrators

New Items

ASQ Reminder

from David Rand
This is a reminder that the deadline to complete the ASQ is Friday, September 20th. The ASQ is a state requirement and the goal is to have 100% of our parents complete the questionnaires. If your school has not yet started on the ASQ, I strongly recommend having a plan in place to get started immediately. We have noticed that some schools have had the parents complete only one of the two questionnaires (ASQ-3 or ASQ-2:SE); please note that we are required to give both questionnaires. Please see the attached document for directions to get a link for parents that will include both questionnaires. Also included in the attachment is how to get the link for just one of the surveys if parents have completed one, but not the other. If you have any questions regarding this information, or need any support around ASQ, please do not hesitate to contact Benjamin Price ( or 913-627-5676). Thank you very much!!!!!!

ASQ Reminder PDF

Previous Items

Frontline Professional Growth Platform

from Lisa Walker

We are ready to officially launch the 2019-20 mandatory trainings in the Professional Growth platform on Frontline.

An email notification will go out to all employees from the Communications Department next week, September 9, 2019.?? Included in the notice, will be a step-by-step guide to accessing and completing the mandatory trainings.?? In advance of that notice, here are the details for administrators.

All employees are required to complete all seven (7) of the 2019-20 mandatory trainings as a part of their employment with the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools.?? All trainings must be completed by Friday, November 8, 2019.

The trainings will be assigned to staff through the Professional Growth platform and can be viewed through the My Learning Plan tab?? or under the event: 2019-20 Mandatory Training in the District Catalog.?? As a reminder, there are seven (7) mandatory trainings:

-2019-20 Harassment Awareness

-2019-20 Suicide Prevention **

-2019-20 Emergency Safety Interventions Requirements **

-2019-20 McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless **

-2019-20 Bloodborne Pathogens for School Employees

-2019-20 Bullying Prevention

-2019-20 Mandated Reporting **

** Online activity that requires the completion of an evaluation.

We are aware some of these trainings (suicide prevention, mandated reporting, ESI) have been completed in group training sessions at some locations.?? In these cases, your IDP should have already created an activity and marked attendance for your staff members in the Frontline Professional Growth platform.?? Staff members who did NOT participate in these group training sessions will need to complete the trainings on an individual basis in the online system.

District administrators and campus managers for Physical Properties (including custodians), Nutritional Services, and Transportation will provide guidance to staff members on how and when to complete group trainings.

Building principals will need to provide guidance to all other campus staff members (including secretaries, nurses, treasurers, social workers, instructional aides) regarding how and when mandatory trainings should be completed during the contracted work day.

All other district leaders will need to provide guidance to staff members in their respective departments, regarding how and when mandatory trainings should be completed during the contracted work day.

Please feel free to contact Ana Perez-Sievert (279-2314), Lisa Walker (627-2829) or Kim Smith (627-2414) for assistance.

Request for Field Trip Buses and Van Transport

from Miguel Martin

All field trip requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance prior to the field trip.?? Field trip bus requests between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:45 pm, and after 4:30 pm have the best chance of being approved.

Submit field trip requests to: *Reminder that all field trip requests must reflect an arrival time back to the school by 2:00 pm or after 4:30 pm, so that we may serve afternoon regular dismissal.?? Failure to comply with return times will result in an additional cost to the school. Requests for Overnight/Out of District Travel must first be School Board Approved (please provide the approval documents with request).?? Field trips not submitted within the 2 week window risk non approval.

Request for a field trip bus is not a guarantee of schedule confirmation.?? The following steps ensure a successful schedule; Requestor submits the request via the web site listed above; the building approver approves the request, Transportation reviews the request and determines whether or not the request can be accommodated, and determines the final approval or disapproval.

All bus safety rules apply to a field trip bus outing.

For log in concerns or the need for your password, please contact Shameka Brown in the Transportation Dept. for assistance.??

Request for use of Van Transport

All van requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance prior to the trip.?? Requests for Overnight/Out of District Travel must first be School Board Approved (Approval Documents must be provided with request). Van requests not submitted within the 2 week window risk non approval.?? The vans accommodate 9 passengers; 10 including the driver.

The following steps ensure a successful schedule; Requestor requests the need, Transportation reviews the request and determines whether or not the request can be accommodated, and determines the final approval or disapproval.

For consideration for use for a van, submit all van requests to:

  • Van request will be considered as 1 van per school, per group per day
  • High School groups will be considered as a priority, and first come first served
  • Groups larger than 9 must request a Field Trip Bus (also 2 weeks advance)
  • Incomplete forms will be returned to requestor
  • Van Drivers must be currently employed with USD 500.
    • Complete the motor vehicle release form
    • Possess and provide a copy of a valid driver???s license and continue to update as necessary
    • Provide proof of personal automobile insurance and continue to update as necessary
    • Maintain a clear driving record, as driving history determines eligibility for approval
    • Be approved as an authorized driver by the Director of Transportation
    • Renewed for considered every school year

Thursday, September 5, 2019


New Items

Frontline Professional Growth Platform – for All Administrators
Request for Field Trip Buses and Van Transport – for All Administrators

Previous Items

New Items

Frontline Professional Growth Platform

from Lisa Walker

We are ready to officially launch the 2019-20 mandatory trainings in the Professional Growth platform on Frontline.

An email notification will go out to all employees from the Communications Department next week, September 9, 2019.?? Included in the notice, will be a step-by-step guide to accessing and completing the mandatory trainings.?? In advance of that notice, here are the details for administrators.

All employees are required to complete all seven (7) of the 2019-20 mandatory trainings as a part of their employment with the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools.?? All trainings must be completed by Friday, November 8, 2019.

The trainings will be assigned to staff through the Professional Growth platform and can be viewed through the My Learning Plan tab?? or under the event: 2019-20 Mandatory Training in the District Catalog.?? As a reminder, there are seven (7) mandatory trainings:

-2019-20 Harassment Awareness

-2019-20 Suicide Prevention **

-2019-20 Emergency Safety Interventions Requirements **

-2019-20 McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless **

-2019-20 Bloodborne Pathogens for School Employees

-2019-20 Bullying Prevention

-2019-20 Mandated Reporting **

** Online activity that requires the completion of an evaluation.

We are aware some of these trainings (suicide prevention, mandated reporting, ESI) have been completed in group training sessions at some locations.?? In these cases, your IDP should have already created an activity and marked attendance for your staff members in the Frontline Professional Growth platform.?? Staff members who did NOT participate in these group training sessions will need to complete the trainings on an individual basis in the online system.

District administrators and campus managers for Physical Properties (including custodians), Nutritional Services, and Transportation will provide guidance to staff members on how and when to complete group trainings.

Building principals will need to provide guidance to all other campus staff members (including secretaries, nurses, treasurers, social workers, instructional aides) regarding how and when mandatory trainings should be completed during the contracted work day.

All other district leaders will need to provide guidance to staff members in their respective departments, regarding how and when mandatory trainings should be completed during the contracted work day.

Please feel free to contact Ana Perez-Sievert (279-2314), Lisa Walker (627-2829) or Kim Smith (627-2414) for assistance.

Request for Field Trip Buses and Van Transport

from Miguel Martin

All field trip requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance prior to the field trip.?? Field trip bus requests between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:45 pm, and after 4:30 pm have the best chance of being approved.

Submit field trip requests to: *Reminder that all field trip requests must reflect an arrival time back to the school by 2:00 pm or after 4:30 pm, so that we may serve afternoon regular dismissal.?? Failure to comply with return times will result in an additional cost to the school. Requests for Overnight/Out of District Travel must first be School Board Approved (please provide the approval documents with request).?? Field trips not submitted within the 2 week window risk non approval.

Request for a field trip bus is not a guarantee of schedule confirmation.?? The following steps ensure a successful schedule; Requestor submits the request via the web site listed above; the building approver approves the request, Transportation reviews the request and determines whether or not the request can be accommodated, and determines the final approval or disapproval.

All bus safety rules apply to a field trip bus outing.

For log in concerns or the need for your password, please contact Shameka Brown in the Transportation Dept. for assistance.??

Request for use of Van Transport

All van requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance prior to the trip.?? Requests for Overnight/Out of District Travel must first be School Board Approved (Approval Documents must be provided with request). Van requests not submitted within the 2 week window risk non approval.?? The vans accommodate 9 passengers; 10 including the driver.

The following steps ensure a successful schedule; Requestor requests the need, Transportation reviews the request and determines whether or not the request can be accommodated, and determines the final approval or disapproval.

For consideration for use for a van, submit all van requests to:

  • Van request will be considered as 1 van per school, per group per day
  • High School groups will be considered as a priority, and first come first served
  • Groups larger than 9 must request a Field Trip Bus (also 2 weeks advance)
  • Incomplete forms will be returned to requestor
  • Van Drivers must be currently employed with USD 500.
    • Complete the motor vehicle release form
    • Possess and provide a copy of a valid driver???s license and continue to update as necessary
    • Provide proof of personal automobile insurance and continue to update as necessary
    • Maintain a clear driving record, as driving history determines eligibility for approval
    • Be approved as an authorized driver by the Director of Transportation
    • Renewed for considered every school year

Previous Items

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


New Items

Previous Items

Fountas and Pinnell Classroom Implementation Guide – for All Administrators and Coaches
Afterschool Meals – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Fountas and Pinnell Classroom Implementation Guide

from Jasmine Shimerda
This document is being provided by the Curriculum and Instruction Department. It can be used to support the needs of buildings when working to implement Fountas and Pinnell Classroom materials in order to use them as part of Standards-based Planning. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions.

Fountas and Pinnell Classroom Implementation Guide PDF

Afterschool Meals

from Josh Mathiasmeier
As a reminder, all afterschool programs must have a Snack or Supper meal offered to our students. Additionally, all out of district afterschool events must have a snack or supper accompanying the students for their event. The Snack and Supper request form can be found on the Nutritional Services website . We look forward to providing healthy meals to our students after the school day!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


New Items

Previous Items

Fountas and Pinnell Classroom Implementation Guide – for All Administrators and Coaches
Afterschool Meals – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Fountas and Pinnell Classroom Implementation Guide

from Jasmine Shimerda
This document is being provided by the Curriculum and Instruction Department. It can be used to support the needs of buildings when working to implement Fountas and Pinnell Classroom materials in order to use them as part of Standards-based Planning. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions.

Fountas and Pinnell Classroom Implementation Guide PDF

Afterschool Meals

from Josh Mathiasmeier
As a reminder, all afterschool programs must have a Snack or Supper meal offered to our students. Additionally, all out of district afterschool events must have a snack or supper accompanying the students for their event. The Snack and Supper request form can be found on the Nutritional Services website . We look forward to providing healthy meals to our students after the school day!

Friday, August 30, 2019


New Items

Previous Items

Champions for Health Photo Contest – for Elementary Administrators and Instructional Coaches
Fountas and Pinnell Classroom Implementation Guide – for All Administrators and Coaches
Afterschool Meals – for All Administrators
2020 Kansas Horizon Award Application Now Available – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Champions for Health Photo Contest

from Jodie Lin
What would your students do with $2,500? The Champions for Health photo contest gives students the power to make big changes at their school that support health. Through photo essays classrooms submit health and wellness project proposals designed for kids by kids.

Using the activities in the Champions for Health curriculum, students think critically about their communities??? features, such as walking trails or broken sidewalks, safe playgrounds or blighted lots, schoolyard gardens or fast food restaurants. Students then create projects that promote student wellness, such as through the purchase of new playground balls, pedometers, fruit and vegetable tastings, nutrition education, school wellness council projects and more.

Contest Begins: August 1, 2019
Contest Ends: December 6, 2019
Winners Notified: January 2020
Youth Summit and Award Ceremony: March 2020

This year, we???re offering 24 prizes:

  • 18 Honorable Mention Awards ($100)
  • 5 First Place Awards ($1,000)
  • 1 Grand Prize ($2,500)

The contest is open to classrooms for grades three through eight and summer school programs in incorporated schools in Johnson and Wyandotte counties in Kansas. Also, in Missouri Cass, Clay, Jackson and Platte counties may participate. Winning classrooms are expected to use funds for student led wellness projects in the school.

Details via this link:

Champions for Health Photo Contest

Fountas and Pinnell Classroom Implementation Guide

from Jasmine Shimerda
This document is being provided by the Curriculum and Instruction Department. It can be used to support the needs of buildings when working to implement Fountas and Pinnell Classroom materials in order to use them as part of Standards-based Planning. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions.

Fountas and Pinnell Classroom Implementation Guide PDF

Afterschool Meals

from Josh Mathiasmeier
As a reminder, all afterschool programs must have a Snack or Supper meal offered to our students. Additionally, all out of district afterschool events must have a snack or supper accompanying the students for their event. The Snack and Supper request form can be found on the Nutritional Services website . We look forward to providing healthy meals to our students after the school day!

2020 Kansas Horizon Award Application Now Available

from Tamla Miller

The Kansas Horizon Award program offers Kansas school districts an excellent opportunity to honor exemplary first-year teachers.

The program, sponsored by the Kansas State Department of Education, recognizes and rewards teachers who have served as outstanding representatives of excellent teaching in the elementary and secondary classrooms of the state during their first year of teaching.

Horizon Award winners receive special recognition during the KEEN State Education Conference, which takes place each February in Topeka.

Nominated teachers must have completed their first-year of teaching and be starting their second year. It???s easy to nominate a teacher from your district ??? simply click on this link and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Completed applications must be postmarked no later than Oct. 10, 2019.

We hope you???ll take advantage of this opportunity to recognize and reward first-year teachers in your district.

For more information about the program, please contact Tamla Miller at (785) 296-4950, or e-mail her at