Wednesday, March 21, 2018


New Items

Previous Items

Teacher Transfer Window – Opens March 19 – for All Administrators
Information needed for Welcome Center – for Elementary and Secondary Administrators
Frontline Training for All IDP reps – for All Principals
Vincent Legacy Scholarship – for Middle School Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Teacher Transfer Window – Opens March 19

From Amy Jo Troyer
As a reminder, the Teacher Transfer Window opens March 19, 2018 and will remain open until 11:59 p.m. on March 30, 2018. A separate and more detailed notice will go out to teachers via email on the 19th.

To be eligible, teachers must have completed 3 or more years of service in KCK by the start of the 2018-19 school year and they must hold appropriate licensure for the position(s) they wish to be considered for.

Once applications are submitted, you may begin to receive candidates for consideration if you have open ATF’s in Talent Ed. If you select an internal candidate to recommend for hire, please follow the same, standard recommendation for hire protocol as you would for any hire.

Information needed for Welcome Center

From Kristen Scott
In order to streamline communication once the Welcome Center opens, tentatively on April 2nd, I am needing information from you. Please submit to me the names of those individuals in your building that will need notification that a new student(s) has enrolled and will be potentially starting the next school day. I am suggesting that you include all of your administrative staff, front office staff, registrars/secretaries that handle enrollment, and counselors. Please include first and last names as they are in the district’s email system. We will be creating building groups based on the information received.
Please submit information to Kristen Scott by Wednesday, March 28th.

Frontline Training for All IDP reps

From Shelly Beech
Below is the message that I sent to all IDP reps on Monday, March 19. We will be going live with our new Frontline Professional Growth System during the first week of April. Your IDP rep will be trained on how to enter activities and how to have your staff sign in to the activity. Please read below the message that was sent to your IDP rep.

I hope that you spring break was a good one and that you were able to get some rest and enjoy time away from work. This email is to inform you that we will be going live with our new Frontline Professional Growth system in April. We have scheduled a second training to be held for all of you. We know that the first training was not delivered as well as we had hoped and that you need to have more information. We have been working diligently to get the system ready and have set up pilot schools to begin this week.

During this training we will focus on how to enter an activity into the new system. Once we go live you will be entering the activity into the system and your staff will mark themselves present. We will also provide information that will enable you to train your staff on how to log in to the system and enroll in activities. Please bring a charged laptop.

Also one of the things that you will need to do by the end of the semester is enter all activities for the school year into the system. We are asking that you complete this task so that every staff member receives their points for attendance. This may seem like a cumbersome task but it will be fairly easy once you have the activity in and can mark names in the system. Any blue sheets that you have sent to our office will be given back to you to enter. We will discuss this more in our training on the 27th.

We have planned a training for all IDP reps on the following date and times:

  • Washington/Schlagle Cluster Schools:
    Tuesday, March 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. at Central Office – Rooms 131, 132, 133
  • Harmon and Wyandotte Cluster Schools:
    Tuesday, March 27 1:00-4:00 p.m. at Central Office – Rooms 131, 132, 133

Please enter your absence into AESOP as soon as possible. If you need assistance with AESOP/sub please contact Morgan Hunter at 866-923-6433.

We are looking forward to our training and the beginning of full implementation of the new Frontline Professional Growth System. If you have any questions, please contact Ana Perez-Sievert or Shelly Beech.

Vincent Legacy Scholarship

From Melissa Fears

Greetings from Starlight Theatre! As Starlight???s vice president of education and outreach,??I would like to ask your assistance in sharing information about an outstanding scholarship opportunity for ethnically diverse/minority middle-school students.??We are using several outreach efforts, including local media, to get information about Starlight???s Vincent Legacy Scholarship to teachers, parents and guardians of 6th, 7th??and 8th-grade students who are interested in the performing arts and may qualify for this financial-need-based scholarship.??And we???d love to have help from you, too!

The Vincent Legacy Scholarship was established by Starlight supporters Greg and Rebecca Reid. The Reids sought to provide minority youth who show performing arts talent the opportunity to further refine and improve their skills through professional instruction. The need-based scholarship will pay for $2,500 of instruction in the areas of singing, dancing and/or acting for each selected recipient, typically two winners per year. To qualify, students must demonstrate their performing arts skills, maintain a minimum B (3.0) grade point average, be free of unexcused school absences and demonstrate an interest in community service.

The deadline for application is next Monday, March 26, 2018, so please share this information as quickly as possible! We would greatly appreciate if you could include news of the Vincent Legacy Scholarship on your website and directly communicate/forward the information to clients, parents and guardians of middle school students served by your organization.

The attached flyer and news release provide additional details. Interested and qualified students may access the application materials at

If you have questions or suggestions, please respond to Barb Schulte at 816.997.1144 or??

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


New Items

Information needed for Welcome Center – for Elementary and Secondary Administrators
Frontline Training for All IDP reps – for All Principals
Vincent Legacy Scholarship – for Middle School Administrators

Previous Items

Teacher Transfer Window – Opens March 19 – for All Administrators

New Items

Information needed for Welcome Center

From Kristen Scott
In order to streamline communication once the Welcome Center opens, tentatively on April 2nd, I am needing information from you. Please submit to me the names of those individuals in your building that will need notification that a new student(s) has enrolled and will be potentially starting the next school day. I am suggesting that you include all of your administrative staff, front office staff, registrars/secretaries that handle enrollment, and counselors. Please include first and last names as they are in the district’s email system. We will be creating building groups based on the information received.
Please submit information to Kristen Scott by Wednesday, March 28th.

Frontline Training for All IDP reps

From Shelly Beech
Below is the message that I sent to all IDP reps on Monday, March 19. We will be going live with our new Frontline Professional Growth System during the first week of April. Your IDP rep will be trained on how to enter activities and how to have your staff sign in to the activity. Please read below the message that was sent to your IDP rep.

I hope that you spring break was a good one and that you were able to get some rest and enjoy time away from work. This email is to inform you that we will be going live with our new Frontline Professional Growth system in April. We have scheduled a second training to be held for all of you. We know that the first training was not delivered as well as we had hoped and that you need to have more information. We have been working diligently to get the system ready and have set up pilot schools to begin this week.

During this training we will focus on how to enter an activity into the new system. Once we go live you will be entering the activity into the system and your staff will mark themselves present. We will also provide information that will enable you to train your staff on how to log in to the system and enroll in activities. Please bring a charged laptop.

Also one of the things that you will need to do by the end of the semester is enter all activities for the school year into the system. We are asking that you complete this task so that every staff member receives their points for attendance. This may seem like a cumbersome task but it will be fairly easy once you have the activity in and can mark names in the system. Any blue sheets that you have sent to our office will be given back to you to enter. We will discuss this more in our training on the 27th.

We have planned a training for all IDP reps on the following date and times:

  • Washington/Schlagle Cluster Schools:
    Tuesday, March 27 8:30-11:30 a.m. at Central Office – Rooms 131, 132, 133
  • Harmon and Wyandotte Cluster Schools:
    Tuesday, March 27 1:00-4:00 p.m. at Central Office – Rooms 131, 132, 133

Please enter your absence into AESOP as soon as possible. If you need assistance with AESOP/sub please contact Morgan Hunter at 866-923-6433.

We are looking forward to our training and the beginning of full implementation of the new Frontline Professional Growth System. If you have any questions, please contact Ana Perez-Sievert or Shelly Beech.

Vincent Legacy Scholarship

From Melissa Fears

Greetings from Starlight Theatre! As Starlight???s vice president of education and outreach,??I would like to ask your assistance in sharing information about an outstanding scholarship opportunity for ethnically diverse/minority middle-school students.??We are using several outreach efforts, including local media, to get information about Starlight???s Vincent Legacy Scholarship to teachers, parents and guardians of 6th, 7th??and 8th-grade students who are interested in the performing arts and may qualify for this financial-need-based scholarship.??And we???d love to have help from you, too!

The Vincent Legacy Scholarship was established by Starlight supporters Greg and Rebecca Reid. The Reids sought to provide minority youth who show performing arts talent the opportunity to further refine and improve their skills through professional instruction. The need-based scholarship will pay for $2,500 of instruction in the areas of singing, dancing and/or acting for each selected recipient, typically two winners per year. To qualify, students must demonstrate their performing arts skills, maintain a minimum B (3.0) grade point average, be free of unexcused school absences and demonstrate an interest in community service.

The deadline for application is next Monday, March 26, 2018, so please share this information as quickly as possible! We would greatly appreciate if you could include news of the Vincent Legacy Scholarship on your website and directly communicate/forward the information to clients, parents and guardians of middle school students served by your organization.

The attached flyer and news release provide additional details. Interested and qualified students may access the application materials at

If you have questions or suggestions, please respond to Barb Schulte at 816.997.1144 or??

Previous Items

Teacher Transfer Window – Opens March 19

From Amy Jo Troyer
As a reminder, the Teacher Transfer Window opens March 19, 2018 and will remain open until 11:59 p.m. on March 30, 2018. A separate and more detailed notice will go out to teachers via email on the 19th.

To be eligible, teachers must have completed 3 or more years of service in KCK by the start of the 2018-19 school year and they must hold appropriate licensure for the position(s) they wish to be considered for.

Once applications are submitted, you may begin to receive candidates for consideration if you have open ATF’s in Talent Ed. If you select an internal candidate to recommend for hire, please follow the same, standard recommendation for hire protocol as you would for any hire.

Monday, March 19, 2018


New Items

Teacher Transfer Window – Opens March 19 – for All Administrators

Previous Items

New Items

Teacher Transfer Window – Opens March 19

From Amy Jo Troyer
As a reminder, the Teacher Transfer Window opens March 19, 2018 and will remain open until 11:59 p.m. on March 30, 2018. A separate and more detailed notice will go out to teachers via email on the 19th.

To be eligible, teachers must have completed 3 or more years of service in KCK by the start of the 2018-19 school year and they must hold appropriate licensure for the position(s) they wish to be considered for.

Once applications are submitted, you may begin to receive candidates for consideration if you have open ATF’s in Talent Ed. If you select an internal candidate to recommend for hire, please follow the same, standard recommendation for hire protocol as you would for any hire.

Previous Items

Friday, March 9, 2018


New Items

Spring Break Hiatus for Administrators’ Notice – for All Administrators

Previous Items

Professional Development Plans and Consultants – for All Administrators
Consultant Contracts – for All Administrators
Important State Assessment Information – for All Administrators
Learning Environment Grant for Teachers & Schools – for All Administrators
The Board of Education Presents Listening Tours – for All Administrators

New Items

Spring Break Hiatus for Administrators’ Notice

From Mike Keener
The Administrators’ Notice will not be published next week during Spring Break; it will resume on Monday, March 19.

Previous Items

Professional Development Plans and Consultants

From Shelly Beech
This is a reminder that any Professional Development Contract and/or consultant contract is to be sent to the Professional Workforce Development office to my attention for approval. Also as a reminder your Executive Director or supervisor should also be aware of this contract.

Consultant Contracts

From Bridgette DeSmet
Please remember that ALL contracts must be approved by Dr. Mather before consultant services can be scheduled.

I know many schools are working to schedule/contract consultant services for next school year. Be sure to send your contracts for Dr. Mather’s review and approval.

This is crucial as some contracts may require Board approval.

Important State Assessment Information

From David Rand

The district state assessment window opens on March 19 and runs through April 27. Detailed information can be found on the DERA webpage for the state assessment at Please review the following checklist and ensure that your school has completed all of the important steps below in order to be prepared for testing. We will provide a list of DLM students (exempt from KAP if enrolled and completed DLM) and ELL students in the country less than a year (exempt from ELA and SS) when we send your test tickets later this week.

  1. Train all test administration staff on test security and test administration procedures; ensure all have signed the ‘Agreement to Abide by Testing Procedures’ document.
  2. Provide a list of students that need read-aloud or magnification accommodations to Samantha Bradshaw by March 9th.
  3. Ensure that enrollments are cleaned up prior to testing and that the district protocol for doing due diligence and dropping students is followed (document attached). Students still actively enrolled once the testing window opens will count against your official participation if they are not tested, regardless of whether they have a schedule or are truly attending.
  4. Notify David Rand how you would like your tickets sorted. Elementary will default to being printed by grade level and teacher and middle school will default to being printed by the core content class that matches the subject area of the test. There is no default for high school, you will need to notify David Rand how to organize tickets for printing.
  5. Plan for the scoring of the multi-disciplinary performance task that is part of the Social Studies test (grades 6, 8 and 11). While schools have the flexibility to determine how they will conduct scoring, we strongly recommend that all staff are involved with scoring and the burden does not fall solely on the SS teacher. All scoring must be completed by May 11 and details will be available on the DERA state assessment webpage.
  6. Check technology to be used for testing to ensure they have the latest updates and are able to launch KITE successfully. If you are planning to test a large amount of students at one time, we strongly recommend doing a test run with the demo test to make sure the network can handle a large number of devices hitting at the same time.
  7. Test Coordinators make sure they can access the KITE admin portal; all identified coordinators have been entered/updated with the appropriate access.

If you have any questions regarding the state assessment or need support around any of the required tasks, please do not hesitate to reach out to the DERA Staff by e-mail or phone (Dr. Doug Hager – 913-832-6707, Ms. Samantha Bradshaw – 913-575-3261, Mr. David Rand – 913-279-2298). Thank you very much!!!!!

Guidelines for Dropping Students from Enrollment PDF

Learning Environment Grant for Teachers & Schools

From Amanda Chavez
The Kansas City Chapter of the Association for Learning Environments is proud to support
efforts in education innovation by funding the work of teachers, administrators and schools to
bring new ideas and opportunities to learners in our area. Four $1,500 Innovation in Learning
Environments Grants will be awarded annually. Application Deadline is April 2. Please see attachment for more details.

Learning Environment Grant PDF

The Board of Education Presents Listening Tours

From Melissa Bedford Fears

Dear Principals and Administrators,

Please share the following information with your audiences by placing this content on your School Loop, social media and various other communication sites to make parents, students and the community aware of these opportunities to engage with the board about what is important for the school district.

The Board of Education is presenting ???Listening Tours??? for the school district???s parents, students and the community to share what???s important to them and their families regarding the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools (KCKPS).

The Listening Tours will give the KCK Board of Education a chance to hear first-hand about these important opportunities which could help inform future board priorities. It will also give parents, students and the community a chance to meet the new KCK Board.

The following are the Listening Tours in Kansas City, Kansas:

  • Saturday, March 10: 1 to 3 p.m. at the South Branch of the Kansas City, Kansas Public Library, 3104 Strong Ave.
  • Monday, March 19: 6 to 8 p.m. at Wyandotte High School, 2501 Minnesota Ave.
  • Saturday, March 31: 1 to 3 p.m. at Washington High School, 7340 Leavenworth Road
  • Tuesday, April 3: 10 a.m. to Noon at the Central Office & Training Center, 2010 N. 59thSt.

Those unable to attend in person, can engage with the board by sharing their comments and/or questions during a YouTube Live event on the school district???s page:??

For more information, contact the Superintendent???s Office at 816.279.2235.

Click here for a printable PDF copy of the flyer in English.

Click here for a printable PDF copy of the flyer in Spanish.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


New Items

Previous Items

Professional Development Plans and Consultants – for All Administrators
Consultant Contracts – for All Administrators
Important State Assessment Information – for All Administrators
Learning Environment Grant for Teachers & Schools – for All Administrators
The Board of Education Presents Listening Tours – for All Administrators
Standard Response Protocol – for Building Administrators
Saturday Academy Information – for All Administrators
Groundbreaking Ceremonies for Thursday – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Professional Development Plans and Consultants

From Shelly Beech
This is a reminder that any Professional Development Contract and/or consultant contract is to be sent to the Professional Workforce Development office to my attention for approval. Also as a reminder your Executive Director or supervisor should also be aware of this contract.

Consultant Contracts

From Bridgette DeSmet
Please remember that ALL contracts must be approved by Dr. Mather before consultant services can be scheduled.

I know many schools are working to schedule/contract consultant services for next school year. Be sure to send your contracts for Dr. Mather’s review and approval.

This is crucial as some contracts may require Board approval.

Important State Assessment Information

From David Rand

The district state assessment window opens on March 19 and runs through April 27. Detailed information can be found on the DERA webpage for the state assessment at Please review the following checklist and ensure that your school has completed all of the important steps below in order to be prepared for testing. We will provide a list of DLM students (exempt from KAP if enrolled and completed DLM) and ELL students in the country less than a year (exempt from ELA and SS) when we send your test tickets later this week.

  1. Train all test administration staff on test security and test administration procedures; ensure all have signed the ‘Agreement to Abide by Testing Procedures’ document.
  2. Provide a list of students that need read-aloud or magnification accommodations to Samantha Bradshaw by March 9th.
  3. Ensure that enrollments are cleaned up prior to testing and that the district protocol for doing due diligence and dropping students is followed (document attached). Students still actively enrolled once the testing window opens will count against your official participation if they are not tested, regardless of whether they have a schedule or are truly attending.
  4. Notify David Rand how you would like your tickets sorted. Elementary will default to being printed by grade level and teacher and middle school will default to being printed by the core content class that matches the subject area of the test. There is no default for high school, you will need to notify David Rand how to organize tickets for printing.
  5. Plan for the scoring of the multi-disciplinary performance task that is part of the Social Studies test (grades 6, 8 and 11). While schools have the flexibility to determine how they will conduct scoring, we strongly recommend that all staff are involved with scoring and the burden does not fall solely on the SS teacher. All scoring must be completed by May 11 and details will be available on the DERA state assessment webpage.
  6. Check technology to be used for testing to ensure they have the latest updates and are able to launch KITE successfully. If you are planning to test a large amount of students at one time, we strongly recommend doing a test run with the demo test to make sure the network can handle a large number of devices hitting at the same time.
  7. Test Coordinators make sure they can access the KITE admin portal; all identified coordinators have been entered/updated with the appropriate access.

If you have any questions regarding the state assessment or need support around any of the required tasks, please do not hesitate to reach out to the DERA Staff by e-mail or phone (Dr. Doug Hager – 913-832-6707, Ms. Samantha Bradshaw – 913-575-3261, Mr. David Rand – 913-279-2298). Thank you very much!!!!!

Guidelines for Dropping Students from Enrollment PDF

Learning Environment Grant for Teachers & Schools

From Amanda Chavez
The Kansas City Chapter of the Association for Learning Environments is proud to support
efforts in education innovation by funding the work of teachers, administrators and schools to
bring new ideas and opportunities to learners in our area. Four $1,500 Innovation in Learning
Environments Grants will be awarded annually. Application Deadline is April 2. Please see attachment for more details.

Learning Environment Grant PDF

The Board of Education Presents Listening Tours

From Melissa Bedford Fears

Dear Principals and Administrators,

Please share the following information with your audiences by placing this content on your School Loop, social media and various other communication sites to make parents, students and the community aware of these opportunities to engage with the board about what is important for the school district.

The Board of Education is presenting ???Listening Tours??? for the school district???s parents, students and the community to share what???s important to them and their families regarding the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools (KCKPS).

The Listening Tours will give the KCK Board of Education a chance to hear first-hand about these important opportunities which could help inform future board priorities. It will also give parents, students and the community a chance to meet the new KCK Board.

The following are the Listening Tours in Kansas City, Kansas:

  • Saturday, March 10: 1 to 3 p.m. at the South Branch of the Kansas City, Kansas Public Library, 3104 Strong Ave.
  • Monday, March 19: 6 to 8 p.m. at Wyandotte High School, 2501 Minnesota Ave.
  • Saturday, March 31: 1 to 3 p.m. at Washington High School, 7340 Leavenworth Road
  • Tuesday, April 3: 10 a.m. to Noon at the Central Office & Training Center, 2010 N. 59thSt.

Those unable to attend in person, can engage with the board by sharing their comments and/or questions during a YouTube Live event on the school district???s page:??

For more information, contact the Superintendent???s Office at 816.279.2235.

Click here for a printable PDF copy of the flyer in English.

Click here for a printable PDF copy of the flyer in Spanish.

Standard Response Protocol

From David A. Smith
As we reflect upon the recent tragic events that took place in Parkland, Florida last month, it is important that we remember the importance of our own safety protocols. As you know, in the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools we use the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) to determine our response to ANY emergency situation. We do this to ensure that we are all following a consistent, appropriate response to any emergency situation.

Will Durant once said: ?????????we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act but a habit.??? To ensure that we have a consistent response to emergencies, it is important that we take the time, at every building, to regularly practice our emergency response protocols. We are required by law to have a monthly fire drill (Evacuation) in each of our schools, and we have asked building leaders to conduct at least quarterly Lockdown drills in their buildings. Please ensure that your building practice is consistent with district expectations.

If you are a new administrator, and feel the need for more detailed information about the SRP and its implementation, please reach out to Chief Henry Horn, who can provide you support. In addition, supporting information about the SRP is available on our website, here:

As you know, each classroom and office space should be equipped with an SRP bucket, filled with supplies that might be needed in case of an emergency. If you need either additional buckets or supplies for those buckets, please contact Raquel Ayala in the Superintendent???s Office at (913) 279 2218 or

Thank you for all you do to keep our students and staff safe.

Saturday Academy Information

From Kristen Scott
This is just an FYI. Within the next couple of days we will be delivering the attached information, but in multiple languages, to a designated ESL staff member in your building. We have asked them to coordinate with you and your office staff regarding dissemination and collection. If you have any questions please reach out to me. Thank you.

Activity Consent Form Word Document

Saturday Academy Flyer Word Document

Groundbreaking Ceremonies for Thursday

From Melissa Bedford Fears