Tuesday, November 3, 2020

principals' office logo

Curriculum and Instruction

Canvas Update

  • Canvas is available for all teachers with rosters in Infinite Campus. To access the district Canvas accounts, either login to Clever and click the Canvas tile or go to kckps.instructure.com and sign in using the Clever username and password.
  • Canvas accounts for Admin, ICs and support staff without rosters in Infinite Campus are not available. We are working through some glitches and will have them ready soon.
  • We have created a Preparing for Canvas course to help teachers prepare for using Canvas with students.
  • Timeline for Implementation:
    • Now – Thanksgiving 2020
      • Staff Learning, Planning and Preparation in Canvas
    • Thanksgiving – Christmas Break
      • Begin to Introduce students and families to Canvas. Resources will be provided to support staff with the introduction.
      • Staff can begin to utilize modules to organize and deliver learning to students.
      • Assignments within learning modules can be Canvas assignments, links to Google Classroom assignments or Seesaw Assignments.
    • January 2021-May 2021
      • All staff will utilize Canvas to organize and deliver learning to students through learning modules.
      • Assignments within learning modules can be Canvas assignments, links to Google Classroom assignments or Seesaw Assignments.
      • Continue to help families become familiar with Canvas.
    • 2021-2022 School Year – Full implementation of Canvas LMS
  • For more information regarding Canvas, please see the Mobile Minute

Department of Evaluation, Research, and Assessment (DERA)

Assessment Updates – from Team CIA

The optional fall FastBridge testing window has been extended through November 13.  The Frequently Asked Questions document in the FastBridge PD Google Folder has also been updated, and will continue to be updated regularly.

The KAP Interim Window is also open as of today.  If you are choosing to participate in this optional assessment, that testing window has been extended by KSDE through November 18.

Please note that both these assessments (FastBridge, KAP Interim) continue to be optional during this time of remote learning.  The primary purpose of these assessments is to gain familiarity with each kind of testing platform.  A secondary purpose is to provide additional data points, which might aid in establishing further context regarding data gathered from formative assessments.  Please also consider these purposes when deciding whether to opt-in or opt-out.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

IARC (Fine Arts)

Elementary and Middle School Principals



Please share the attached information with all teachers in your building.  In the past, IARC paid for homeroom/core teachers to attend a local arts-integration symposium.  The workshop is now going virtual and will be free.  The next session is November 17th or 19th. See the attachment.

An arts-integration learning experience points out and explores natural and relevant connections between a subject of focus (math, ELA, science, social studies, etc.) and an art discipline.  It moves beyond arts-enhanced learning to engage participants in rigorous artistic practice that helps participants gain insight into and understanding of the connected subject and, ideally, gain deeper insight into and understanding of the art form through the connected subject.

In addition to the November session, there will be virtual sessions in January and March.

Please forward this flyer to all of your teachers.




Friday, October 30, 2020

principals' office logo

Curriculum & Instruction

All Principals 
Designating Days for PD, Planning/Prep, & Student Feedback 
As buildings determine how to best provide time for professional development, planning/prepping, and providing students with meaningful feedback, we must ensure that we continue to provide students with instruction for the required 360 minutes per day as required by KSDE.
Therefore, we are not releasing students early or shortening the student day, we are simply adjusting the amount of time students are engaged in synchronous versus asynchronous learning.  As a result, all daily school schedules should continue to reflect 360 minutes per day of instruction.
The amount of synchronous time we are providing will be limited to allow time for teachers to receive professional learning, planning/prep time, and time to give students meaningful feedback.
Location for November 6th District Inservices
Please find following the link for the November 6th District Inservice locations.  We have included two different forms.  Principals, please make sure to share with your staff.
November 6th – District Inservice (Word)
November 6th – District Inservice (Excel)

Elementary School Principals

Re: Dyslexia Initiative – Module 1 

As part of the KSDE and KCKPS Dyslexia Implementation Plan, we are providing three mandatory training modules.  Based on the KSDE guidelines, educators with the following licenses are required to receive this training:  elementary education, special education, read/reading specialist, & early childhood unified.  It is also a KCKPS expectation that all instructional staff, including principals, in each elementary school engage in this training for the purpose of being prepared to support all students as we progress through this initiative.

The first module, presented to EC-5  instructional coaches on October 16, is provided in an asynchronous format.  All educators need to be in the district Google M account to access the first module through Canvas via this link – https://kckps.instructure.com/courses/283.  Canvas houses all directions and links for the resources needed for Module 1 training.  

If you have additional questions, please contact Tracy Smith tracy.smith@kckps.org  or Tracy Cooper tracy.cooper@kckps.org.

Elementary School Principals

Re: K-5 Science Pilot/GVC Refinement Cadre

The Curriculum Department is seeking classroom teachers to represent all grade levels in work around an Amplify Science Remote Unit pilot for the second quarter.  A paid after school training will be provided to support teachers in launching this pilot. These teachers will then use their knowledge and experience to engage in revising the GVC during the third quarter to align the new resource (pending Board approval). If teachers meet the criteria in the application and are available and enthusiastic about engaging in this work, they may submit an application.  Applications are due by November 6.


Please email Cheryl Beyer at cheryl.beyer@kckps.org if you have any questions.


ILP Updating: The window for completing ILP will close October 30th end by midnight. All students who receive ESOL services must have an ILP updated or initiated for the 2020-2021 school year. Steps to run the missing ILP Report in Infinite Campus:

Under Student Information > General 1. Click on the Classroom Sched G tab (same place where you enter classroom teacher’s schedule) 2. Click on the Reports button (at the bottom) 3. Under Report Type, select Teacher 4. Under Report Name, select Students Without ILP (Code 1,2,4), click Run Report 5. Click on the Print View (top right) to print (only works on chrome) 6. Click on the Export button (top left) to export to excel and save it to the desktop

ESOL: The ESOL Department will be sharing flipped professional development in a weekly newsletter. Topics to be covered will revolve around best practices for emergent bilingual students such as visuals in the classroom. Strategies shared will be focused on supporting teachers in a virtual setting and providing practical application.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

principals' office logo

IARC (Fine Arts)

Elementary Principals



As a part of our formal art partners programming, we are partnering with Jay and Leslie—as we have done in the past.  The program is targeted to 3rd, 4th and 5th grade.  IARC has contracted for 250 kids to view the materials.  If more slots are needed to allow all of your 3-5 kids to have access, let me know.

I am working with KC Young Audiences for a potential 15-minute follow up with Jay and Leslie attending a Zoom class.  This part is in the works.

Next steps:  Jenny Ruark will contact your school to schedule with your 3-5 grade teachers.

The program overview:

This VIRTUAL performance is available ASYNCHRONOUS (prerecorded). Your school will have access to view the videos as many times as you desire for two weeks.

In Election Special, Jay and Leslie use visual aids and humor to explain important election topics in two separate videos. One video explains how the Electoral College works and shows the difference between the popular vote and the electoral vote. The other video examines Gerrymandering, the creation of weird shaped legislative districts for political gain. Jay and Leslie’s thorough research and deft touch make learning about these tricky topics easy and fun.


As a part of our formal art partners programming, we are partnering with the Coterie Theatre for a reader’s theatre immersion for our second grade classrooms.

The program overview:

  • traditional folktales from around the world come to life in the classroom
  • students and classroom teachers will work with a professional teaching artists to rehearse and perform a short script with each young actor having a speaking role
  • each unique script is adapted specifically for this immersion workshop with alignment to our SEL targets
  • script options include Anasi and Five; The Deer People; The Chanchasa Bird; The Cheetah and the Lazy Hunter; and Why the Sun and Moon Live in the Sky
  • the classroom teacher will be given a menu of scripts from which to choose
Next steps:
  • The Coterie will reach out to your second grade teachers to schedule.  The goal is to schedule the immersions for second quarter.
  • IARC will provide the funding and handle the billing.
  • IARC might need you to help nudge the teachers to get this on their calendars.


Friday, October 23, 2020

principals' office logo


KCKPS is excited to announce the upcoming launch of Canvas! Please click this link for more information, including the launch date, login information and more!

Curriculum & Instruction

All Principals

Re: November 6th District Professional Learning

The Curriculum and Instruction team will be offering professional learning sessions for teachers in a variety of areas including resource implementation, priority standards and instructional practices, and engagement and remote learning from 8AM-11AM on November 6th.  Session descriptions and links will be available in next week’s Principals’ Office.

All Principals

RE: District-adopted Resources

As teachers plan for the next nine weeks of remote learning, a reminder that they should be using the district-adopted resources for core instruction. If teachers need support with implementing a new resource or platform, please reach out to the appropriate curriculum coach for support. 

All Principals

Re:  How will we know if our students are learning?

Our goal for 2nd quarter is to determine what students are learning in relation to the priority standards. There are a variety of options for assessing what students know. Daily formative assessment provides teachers a brief snapshot of student learning and drives instructional decisions moving forward. It can be something as simple as a thumbs up or thumbs down, exit ticket, fist to five, or a fun Kahoot. The use of common assessments ensure equity and access to the same essential knowledge and skills which, in turn, provides a continual focus on higher levels of achievement for all students. A variety of options for assessing student learning are available to staff.

*Common evidences/assessments aligned to grade-level standards are identified in the GVCs.

*District-approved resources and platforms have embedded assessments that measure grade-level standards.

*PLCs may create their own common formative assessments aligned to content and standards.

**Principals, please identify the best methods for your building to determine what students are learning and at what levels.

All Principals

Re:  Fastbridge Update

Good news!  The optional fall Fastbridge window is being extended until November 5. Please note that there are many benefits to opting into Fastbridge this fall. Teachers and students will experience the testing platform and learn what Fastbridge is all about. Buildings will receive data in a variety of reports that highlight students skills and potential challenges in the areas of reading and math. Also, the extended testing window allows teachers more time to certify in the Fastbridge assessments. This assessment can also provide another data point in addition to formative assessment data available.  Please contact Nathan Harris in DERA if you would like to opt into testing or have questions about the platform.  During this optional window, we also appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with you, and to problem-solve any issues that might arise.

All Principals

Re:  KAP Interim Update

In light of recent information from the state level surrounding potential technology complications, these Interim tests are now optional, though they are accessible in a remote environment.  The newly extended, optional assessment window is from November 2 – November 18.  Please see considerations below before deciding to opt-in.  

KAP and KSDE report that Interim tests will not work correctly on IPADS.  Additionally, they are working on a “fix” for MacBooks, currently impacting testing as well.  KAP Interim tests will work on Chromebooks.  

If you opt-in, please keep in mind that these interims mainly serve as one “checkpoint” to see whether or not selected standards have been taught.  A secondary goal might be to gain a very broad prediction of future score range, assuming that teaching and learning conditions remain the same relative to standards assessed.         

If you determine that KAP Interim testing is viable for your building, and that any data you gather through this testing would be valuable to you, your staff, and your students in light of these main goals, please also consider the following advice from the state to ensure test security and integrity.  

-Zoom sessions with no more than 10 students are currently advised.  Cameras should be on.  Please do not allow screen sharing.  Students should not be allowed to communicate with each other.  Muting all students is advised; if students have questions, they can non-verbally communicate to you by raising their hand, etc….     

-A second proctor is also advised in testing sessions.  When students have questions, one proctor can stay with the main testing group while the other proctor answers questions from students in a breakout room.

-For administration on a Chromebook, it is recommended to open Zoom first before KITE, then set to “kiosk” mode.

High School Principals

Re: Pre-ACT Spring Administration

Latest information from ACT and KSDE indicates that an additional Pre-ACT spring testing window from February 1 – March 5 will be available for current 9th graders.  More information is forthcoming.     

EC-5 Principals

Re:  KSDE and KCKPS Dyslexia Implementation Plan Update

As part of the KSDE and KCKPS Dyslexia Implementation Plan, we are providing three mandatory training modules across this school year.  Based on the KSDE guidelines, educators with the following licensures are required to receive this training:  elementary education, special education, read/reading specialist, & early childhood unified. 

The first module, presented to EC-5  instructional coaches on October 16, is provided in an asynchronous format for all required educators.  The video of the original presentation and the related interactive Google Slides are provided through Canvas at the link below.  Each teacher will be prompted to make their own copy of the Google Slide deck.  As teachers watch the video they will engage in the learning as prompted through the slide deck.  All the guidance for the learning process is provided in the slides, including the exit slip and the frontline link.   For the purpose of state reporting, the exit slip and Frontline will be used to keep a record of those who complete the training.

All teachers need to do is go to this URL (https://kckps.instructure.com/courses/283) and the information is provided within Canvas.  They will NOT be submitting any work through Canvas.  Canvas is just providing all of the resources they need.

Please let us know if you have any questions,

Tracy Cooper
Alli Rice
Olivia Riscovallez
Ruth Sinon
Tracy Smith

Elementary Principals

Re: 2nd Quarter Curriculum Resources

In an effort to support teachers as they continue to provide high-quality instruction in the remote environment, the C&I department has compiled suggestions and materials needed for 2nd quarter instruction. For schools that choose to offer another material pick-up day, the material lists should help streamline the process. The suggestions and materials listed below are resources for students that will assist in continued progress as we continue to inspire excellence.

ELA- Fourth Grade teachers will need to send home CKLA Student Workbooks for Unit 2 (Part 2), Unit 3, & Unit 5. Please note, Unit 4 has been relocated to the 4th Quarter due to remote learning. This unit is best suited for in-person learning. Fifth Grade teachers will need to send home CKLA Student Workbooks for Unit 3, Unit 4, & Unit 5. Both grade levels should refrain from sending home hard copy Student Readers. All Readers are available digitally on the CKLA Student Hub.

Math- The Math Materials for 2nd Quarter document provides suggestions for materials teachers may choose to send home for math instruction for quarter two. These supplies are based on standards for the 2nd quarter within the GVC and the Learn Anywhere Plans within Eureka Math in Sync.  Eureka Math in Sync is an available resource for remote learning that mirrors the primary resources while providing adaptations for remote learning.

Science- The Science Materials for 2nd Quarter document provides suggestions for materials teachers may choose to send home for Mystery Science units for quarter two. These supplies are based on suggestions for adjusting for remote instruction in the  Distance Learning Guides from Mystery Science.  Mystery Science is available this school year as a supplemental resource for remote learning, however, materials for the units have not been purchased.  Teachers may use/modify supplies based on what is available in the schools’ science supply closets.  

If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact the C & I team (allison.rice@kckps.org– ELA, marica.rhone@kckps.org– Math, and cheryl.beyer@kckps.org– Science/Soc. Studies) for additional support.

Elementary Principals

Re: Pacing Calendars

Pacing calendars for the 2020-2021 school year have been deactivated due to the challenges associated with the late start and remote learning.  Teachers should adjust pacing based on their student needs, but also be cognizant of the standards for the current quarter in the GVC.  While the day to day lessons may look different, the standards for each quarter still need to be taught and assessed.  Teachers can also refer to the at-a-glance to know which standards they’ll be able to address/reinforce again throughout the year.  

If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact the C & I team (allison.rice@kckps.org– ELA, marica.rhone@kckps.org– Math, and cheryl.beyer@kckps.org– Science/Soc. Studies) for additional support.

Elementary Principals

Re: Elementary Grade Card Information

Teachers should continue to place a grade of “I” (Not Progressing) in the Infinite Campus grade book for students who are not submitting work/assignments.  It will be crucial that the teachers add a comment/note to the quarterly report card explaining why their child is not making adequate progress due to those missing assignments.

Federal Programs

Building Principals and Assistant Principals

Coming Your Way – General & Title IX Investigations Training

The Human Resources, District Title IX and Legal Teams have planned an investigations training for ALL administrators (principals and ALL assistant principals) for 2nd quarter.  This training will focus on issue spotting, organizing and documenting investigations, and real-world scenarios to practice processing all types of student and staff employee misconduct. Additionally, updated and new Title IX forms will be reviewed.  Please click on the link below to sign up for your training session and to get the Zoom link to place on your calendar for your upcoming training session.  Please be sure to note the date/time of trainings on the bottom of each sheet, to ensure you sign up for the correct training!

Tuesday, 11/17/20, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – High School Admin Teams

Wednesday, 11/18/20, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. – Washington/Wyandotte Cluster Elementary Admin Teams

Wednesday, 11/18/20, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Middle School Admin Teams

Thursday, 11/19/20, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. – Harmon/Schlagle Cluster Elementary Admin Teams

Building and District Administration Teams

Review Bullying/Harassment Reporting Structures with Staff and Students

Please put on your quarterly meeting agendas to review the bullying and harassment policies and reporting requirements with ALL staff and students.  Refer back to the mandatory training talking points for guidelines and be sure to include the following:

  1. Identify who the Title IX Building/Department Coordinator/Investigator is for your building/department.
  2. Remind staff/students that by policy, they are required to report any Sexual Harassment or Race Discrimination incidents they experience, witness, hear about, or receive a report on from a colleague or student.
  3. Remind staff/students the required process is to report incidents of any staff or student misconduct to Building Principal/Department Manager or the Building/Department Title IX Coordinator/Investigator.
    1. If the staff member/student doesn’t feel comfortable reporting to the building, they can contact Human Resources or any of the District Compliance Officers that were listed in the final video.
    2. Staff/students can also use the Bullying/Harassment Report button on the website/student devices to make a report. Reports go directly to central office leaders.
    3. Staff/students can also use the district phone line which is 913-627-2550.
  4. Remind staff/students that Board of Education Policies for Sexual Harassment (GAAC/JGEC/AH/KN), Race and Disability Discrimination (GAACA/JGECA; GAAB/JCE), Acceptable Use and Communication Policies (IIBF/GAT), Staff-Student Relationships (GAF) are posted in the school (identify where) for their review.
  5. Remind staff/students of IIBF, which is the Acceptable Use Policy for district technology devices and internet; GAT, which is Staff Use of Communication Devices; and GAF, Staff-Student Relationships.
    1. All communication should be school or instructional related and should never violate student-staff relationship or supervisor-staff relationship policies.
    2. At NO TIME, should a staff member EVER TEXT or MESSAGE an INDIVIDUAL STUDENT for ANY reason, even school related.
    3. Individual messages between supervisors and individual staff members should remain professional, related to school/work and support the development of a positive school or work climate. Supervisors should maintain a professional standard for all communications, at all times.

Student Services

Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays (bi-weekly) 

Please share the following with your staff: 

Our next Trauma Sensitive Tuesday will be on OCtober 27th from 12-1pm. We will be hosting Hayley Stotlzle from Turning Point, who will be speaking on self-compassion and telling us about resources available to us from Turning Point.

If you want to attend the next session on 10/27/2020 LIVE, then you can register here.

If you want to watch a recording, register for the Frontline activity. A link to view the recording will be added after the event!

Bullying Prevention Plans:

Thank you to all of the buildings who have completed their Bullying Prevention Site Action Plan. As the plans are completed, the best practice considerations will be referenced, which are located at the top of the plan, to provide feedback via google comments. Building leaders will be tagged in the comments for for review and any potential follow up.

Bullying Prevention Site Action Plans are due to the Office of Student Services by October 31st.  Within the Bullying Prevention Site Action Plan Folder, you will find your respective building’s template that we are asking be completed by October 31st, 2020. Please take out the blue examples and enter your building’s specific information in each section. When completing your action plan, think what protective factors do we have in place to reduce bullying? How do we include all members of our community in this?

Please also include any supporting documentation, which can be linked in your document, added to the folder (please label with building name and item title) or emailed to Tracie Chauvin.

Friday, October 16, 2020

principals' office logo

Curriculum & Instruction

Elementary Principals

The C&I Department is seeking participants to engage in a cadre that will reevaluate our current phonics resource. More information and the application can be found here: https://forms.gle/U5eFcB5ZFnwAqTgRA  Please contact allison.rice@kckps.org with any questions you may have.

Secondary Principals

Part of Friday IC PL over the next four weeks, Instructional Coaches will be involved in content-based PLCs addressing the overarching question of How do we become an assessment-literate district? The purpose of this PLC work is to create understanding around how all the different assessments in our system work together and can be leveraged to support different areas of student need, particularly in terms of helping teachers recognize where student evidence occurs and leveraging that evidence when determining next steps in instruction and learning.

We will also be focused on the following coaching strategies to increase our understanding and actions as we become Student Centered Coaches:

October 16 :
Unpacking our understanding of the  Noticing and Naming coaching technique that can be used during co-teaching and assigned observations

October 23:
Noticing and Naming practice and feedback triads

October 30:
Using teacher friendly data in your coaching cycles.  Supporting Student Centered Coaching Core Practice #2: Coaching involves regular analysis of student work and #3: Coaching is driven by evidence of student learning

As always, administrators are welcome to join us in any of our IC PL sessions.  Please contact jennifer.kramer@kckps.org or tiffany.judkins@kckps.org for more information.

FastBridge Information

Please remember that the FastBridge Universal Screener is OPTIONAL for the fall testing window.  As we find our plate quite full with remote learning, consider what is best for your students and staff right now. If you choose to opt into Fastbridge, please contact the DERA team with questions regarding the administration of the assessment. 

Who are my Fastbridge contacts? 

User Access: Nathan Harris & Sam Bradshaw

Connectivity: TIS Help Desk

ESOL/Migrant Services

ILP: The Individual Language Plan (ILP) window is open and will close on October 30th. The Frontline training is available through this linkor by the title ESOL – ILP Updating Webinar. Teachers and ESL support staff that are completing the ILP will need to participate in the Frontline training. Due to the fact that we do not have KELPA scores teachers will be monitoring and updating ILPs in Infinite Campus. This means that students’ language proficiency score will be the same as the 2019-20 school year. Newly identified ESOL students will have an ILP initiated with their pre-screener language proficiency levels. The purpose of the ILP is to be directly connected to instruction. The ILP should guide a teacher with their Tier 1 instruction and the students should engage with their language proficiency goals. The ILP form will close on October 30th end of day.  Should questions arise please reach out to an ESL Instructional Coach or Jacqueline Rodriguez, Director of ESOL & Migrant Programs.

On Track Videos: The Bilingual Advocates and Outreach workers have started a weekly video series highlighting important information. These videos are recorded in Spanish, Burmese, Nepali, Karen, Swahili, and Kinyarwanda. The On Track videos are shared every Monday through social media covering important topics such as Parent Assurance documents. The Advocates and Outreach Workers are also spreading awareness of these videos to families they connect with daily. These videos are available to share with families weekly and we encourage buildings to share these with our multilingual families.

KCKPS Police Department

At each school the principal and their designated secretary will have the ability to enroll new users.  Designated building administrators will be issued a password.  The first time principal and their design­­­­ated secretary login you should go to the user’s tab on the left, find your name in the search bar, and scroll down and change your password.  When enrolling staff members, the username should be the same as the first part of your district email account.  (i.e. Nancy.Smith) When enrolling a staff member, you should first search the name in the search bar at the upper right corner.  If the user doesn’t appear you can scroll down to the + add user button at the bottom. This is covered in the videos and PDF reference sheet.

There is a video and PDF file on Frontline for the principal and their designated secretary to understand how to enroll staff and enter new users.  A quick reference PDF can be printed for principal and designated secretary to use as a reference guide.  If there is not a computer within eyesight of the “Training Only of Enrolling Station” device it is best to take a laptop so the principal and designated secretary can watch the enrollee place their finger.  Once enrolled the staff member will be able to activate the system at any device in the building they are assigned.

  1. NOTE: Frontline training presentation will be open for the time frame of October 13th through October 23rd for completion.
    1. Open Frontline
    2. Learning Plan
    3. Manage; SAFEDEFEND™ Admin Training
    4. Launch activity:
      1. Print Enrollment Procedures and Best Practices PDF for reference
      2. Webinar SAFEDEFEND™ Enrollment Training

SAFEDEFEND™ team and police staff are available to assist if you have questions or concerns the week of October 26th – 30th.  If you would like to set up an appointment to have a someone video conference or assist on site with the initial set up please contact policesupport@kckps.org or doug@safedefend.com. We are scheduled for system go live Monday, November 2, 2020. 


The SAFEDEFEND™ system has been installed across the district.  The system is designed to be used in the event of a hostile intruder on campus.  Upon activation the system will alert KCKPS Police of the school and hallway where a threat has been identified.  At the same time siren/strobes in the hallways alert occupants/students/staff to initiate the emergency action plan and to lockdown.  Also, text and emails alerts go out to all staff in that building so they have more information about the threat. Building administrators across the district will also receive a text so they can secure their own school until the situation is resolved and the all clear is issued by the district.

The system has two (2) primary components that staff will interact with for operation.

  1. In the event of an emergency the activation station (white/orange boxes located throughout buildings) can be used to activate the alarm by placing your fingerprint on a module in the hallway (DO NOT USE the hallway device except in a actual emergency).  The biometrics allow only pre-enrolled staff to activate the system.  This eliminates malicious or unintentional activation by students or visitors.
  2. In every building there is a “Training Only Enrolling Station”.  Generally, these are located in the work rooms, teacher’s lounges or front office area.  They are clearly marked with yellow tape.  Staff will interact with these devices to enroll and periodically test their own fingerprints.  You may place your finger on this reader as many times as you like until you are satisfied how to activate the system.  A display above the reader will show the name, phone number, and email of the user.  If the information is inaccurate or needs updating please contact the school principal/secretary so they can correctthe information. Note: The “Training Only Enrolling Station” devices will never initiate an emergency condition.
  3. All staff shall watch the Frontline training videos regarding the SAFEDEFEND™ system and activation.  These videos include information on how to activate the system, what to do in an emergency and the police response to a threat on campus.
    1. We will send out information on this SAFEDEFEND™ training activity when it becomes available.

SafeDefend Enrollment Guide PDF

Nutritional Services

You are being asked to take part in a research study that has been reviewed and approved by your school district. This study is being conducted at UMKC. The researcher in charge of this study is Dr. Matthew Chrisman. While the study will be run by him other qualified persons who work with him may act for him. The study is titled “MENU-KC COVID-19 School Response Survey.” The study team is asking you to take part in this research study because you are a staff member at USD500. This study will ask about how COVID-19 affected your school, and your school’s plans for this upcoming year

If you consent to participating, you will be one of approximately 92 subjects in the study at UMKC. Those who complete the online survey will have the option to receive a $20 gift card to Target for participating. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. To protect against a potential breach of confidentiality of the information you provide, the research team will only present data from this study in the aggregate so that individuals cannot be identified. Your name and email will not be linked to survey responses. Data collected from this study will be stored in a locked and secure location with access limited to only the researchers. If you decide to withdraw from the study, any data collected will not be used in later research procedures. The researchers will not provide any of your information to a third party. You can access the electronic survey at the link below: 


You should contact the Office of UMKC’s Institutional Review Board at 816-235-5927 if you have any questions, concerns or complaints about your rights as a research subject. You may call the researcher Matthew Chrisman at 816-235-5709 if you have any questions about this study. You may also email him (chrismanms@umkc.edu) if any problems come up.


We are aware there has been confusion around how to properly record timesheets for teachers teaching additional sections or covering for absences/vacancies. IIOs, HR, and Finance leadership have met to discuss, and we would like to provide the following guidance. We hope this helps to clarify, but please fee free to reach out to your IIO or HR/Finance with any questions.


  • Teachers who are teaching extra sections should submit only the hours they are teaching that course. If a section is 90 minutes long, they would submit their timesheet for 1.5 hours only for days that class meets. Timesheets should continue to be submitted for the 1st-15th and 16th-end of the month.


  • If a teacher is covering for a partial day due to an absence, they should submit only the portion of the day they were responsible for those students. Do not include planning time in the hours claimed. If they are covering <65% of a class, they will be paid at half their regular hourly rate. If they are covering >65%, they will be paid their full regular hourly rate. The teacher must select either < or > 65% for each day when submitting their timesheet.
  • If a teacher is covering a second class group for an entire day, or multiple days, they should submit sub timesheets for the entire contract day, minus planning time of 225 minutes per week (45 minutes per day). In this example, we would expect to see no more than 7.25 hours submitted per day. If they are covering <65% of a class, they will be paid at half their regular hourly rate. If they are covering >65%, they will be paid their full regular hourly rate. The teacher must select either < or > 65% for each day when submitting their timesheet.

We understand vacancies at select campuses have increased the need for this sub coverage duty, and we are happy to support you. Our goal is to be fair and consistent will all teachers across the system. Your IIO will be following up with you on plans to address vacancies in the coming days. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Special Education

October is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) awareness month.  It is a time to raise awareness around augmentative and alternative communicaion used by people with complex communication needs.  Our district has more than 200 students who are using some form of AAC.  We have one Assistive Technology Specialist in the cooperative, Emily Rose Patrick, and 47 other Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) that are also very knowledgeable about AAC usage, support and training for students and staff.

Here are a couple quick resources that can be shared with staff either in the principals email or in other district sites.

AAC Google Slide Facts


Types of AAC


Student Services

Bullying Prevention Plan REMINDER:

Bullying Prevention Site Action Plans are due to the Office of Student Services by October 31st.  Within the Bullying Prevention Site Action Plan Folder, you will find your respective building’s template that we are asking be completed by October 31st, 2020. Please take out the blue examples and enter your building’s specific information in each section. When completing your action plan, think what protective factors do we have in place to reduce bullying? How do we include all members of our community in this?

Please also include any supporting documentation, which can be linked in your document, added to the folder (please label with building name and item title) or emailed to Tracie Chauvin.

Bullying Prevention Month:  

We received the videos linked below to use during our October Bullying Prevention Month activities! Each video features a different Sporting KC player speaking on the Red Card KC partnership, how COVID has impacted bullying, and 6 tips for preventing bullying. Please share with your counselors, social workers, and BHT for their use during prevention activities.

Red Card Call it – Amadou Dia

Red Card Call It – Daniel Salloi

Red Card Call it–  Illie Sanchez

Unity Day- October 21st 

On October 21st, we will be recognizing Unity Day by having an Orange Out! Encourage your community to wear orange on October 21st. KCKPS graphics, promotional materials, and Unity Day Guide can be found here.