Curriculum & Instruction
Elementary School Principals
Re: Dyslexia Initiative – Module 1
As part of the KSDE and KCKPS Dyslexia Implementation Plan, we are providing three mandatory training modules. Based on the KSDE guidelines, educators with the following licenses are required to receive this training: elementary education, special education, read/reading specialist, & early childhood unified. It is also a KCKPS expectation that all instructional staff, including principals, in each elementary school engage in this training for the purpose of being prepared to support all students as we progress through this initiative.
The first module, presented to EC-5 instructional coaches on October 16, is provided in an asynchronous format. All educators need to be in the district Google M account to access the first module through Canvas via this link – Canvas houses all directions and links for the resources needed for Module 1 training.
If you have additional questions, please contact Tracy Smith or Tracy Cooper
Elementary School Principals
Re: K-5 Science Pilot/GVC Refinement Cadre
The Curriculum Department is seeking classroom teachers to represent all grade levels in work around an Amplify Science Remote Unit pilot for the second quarter. A paid after school training will be provided to support teachers in launching this pilot. These teachers will then use their knowledge and experience to engage in revising the GVC during the third quarter to align the new resource (pending Board approval). If teachers meet the criteria in the application and are available and enthusiastic about engaging in this work, they may submit an application. Applications are due by November 6.
Please email Cheryl Beyer at if you have any questions.
ILP Updating: The window for completing ILP will close October 30th end by midnight. All students who receive ESOL services must have an ILP updated or initiated for the 2020-2021 school year. Steps to run the missing ILP Report in Infinite Campus:
Under Student Information > General 1. Click on the Classroom Sched G tab (same place where you enter classroom teacher’s schedule) 2. Click on the Reports button (at the bottom) 3. Under Report Type, select Teacher 4. Under Report Name, select Students Without ILP (Code 1,2,4), click Run Report 5. Click on the Print View (top right) to print (only works on chrome) 6. Click on the Export button (top left) to export to excel and save it to the desktop
ESOL: The ESOL Department will be sharing flipped professional development in a weekly newsletter. Topics to be covered will revolve around best practices for emergent bilingual students such as visuals in the classroom. Strategies shared will be focused on supporting teachers in a virtual setting and providing practical application.