Friday, October 9, 2020

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Curriculum & Instruction

Middle and High School Principals

Re:  6-12 ELA (myPerspectives) Administrator Support

Savvas offers many resources that can assist you and your teachers when implementing myPerspectives.  Check out this guide that can help you prepare for implementation and how to best support teachers with instruction when utilizing myPerspectives. 

Planning for Success

If you are looking for additional information about the types of assessments available within myPerspectives, this digital path to assessments will help you navigate what is available to assess student learning and to inform teacher instruction.  

Assessments in myPerspectives

Finally, here is a quick one-page document that will support parents and guardians by providing distance learning tips.  

If you would like a brief overview of the program and/or an opportunity to dialogue about supporting the implementation of myPerspectives, please do not hesitate to reach out to

***The next phase of secondary ELA cadre work will begin soon.  Your teachers will receive more information concerning cadre work along with an application form.  Upcoming cadre work involves the continuation of GVC development for ELA electives and a focus on novels/trade books in the secondary ELA classroom. 

Elementary Principals

Re: Eureka Math Digital Suite

The Eureka Math Digital Suite offers many resources that can assist teachers in planning for effective instruction and self-guided professional development. Accessible anytime and anywhere, the Eureka Digital Suite consists of two online resources, the Eureka Navigator and Teach Eureka Video Series, that put the entire Eureka Math curriculum and hours of PD videos at your fingertips. 

Eureka Navigator (Digital Suite)–  The Digital Suite provides access to the interactive digital curriculum. Embedded PD videos demonstrating key instructional practices and an interactive map of the modules are also within the Navigator. The digital suite allows teachers to easily determine the foundational and subsequent standards using the coherence links.

Teach Eureka Video Series– The Teach Eureka Series provides on-demand PD videos. Teachers have access to professional development sessions organized sequentially by module. The GVC Table of Contents for each grade level also contains a link to a breakdown by module and lesson of the Teach Eureka Video Series. 

All classroom teachers received an invitation to activate their accounts in August. Over 80% of classroom teachers have activated their accounts. However, usage is only at about 55%. If support is needed for account activation, please have teachers check their spam for the invitation then reach out to for assistance. Instructional support staff should access the Digital Suite by using the school account. 

Elementary IC Professional Learning for the remainder of the semester is as follows:

K-5 ICs EC ICs
9/4/20 Virtual Professional Learning (Asynchronous)
9/11 Optional Session/Unconference Style
9/18 Student Centered Coaching
9/25 EC ELA GVC – 2 hours

Zoom link

SIOP – 1 hour
10/2 ELA — 2.5 hrs Shared Reading – 2.5 hrs
Reflecting on the Launch of Student-Centered Coaching – 30 min



Student-Centered Coaching — 1hr
ELA–1.5 hrs SR, FPC SR materials – 2 hrs
FastBridge Check In – 30 min
10/16 Dyslexia Training: Module 1 — 1.5 hours?

Student-Centered Coaching?

FastBridge Check In?

10/23 Student-Centered Coaching –2 hours

SIOP – 1hour

10/30 Dyslexia Training: Module 2
11/6 No PD

½ day inservice/ ½ day record prep

11/13 Fastbridge Reports 1-2:30pm Universal Instructional Practices for Early Childhood (TASN  EC MTSS)


2:30-4pm FPC Shared Reading Materials

11/20 Productive Discourse in Math & Science Big Questions for Little Minds, promoting discussion in math and literacy
SIOP – 1 hour
12/4 Dyslexia Training: Module 3
12/11 Mathematical Practice Standards EC Approaches to Learning Standards/K-12 Mathematical Practice Standards


EC Math Routines

12/18 SIOP – 1 hour

Recap of the Semester/Celebration


Student Services

We are happy to announce that we will be resuming the Foster Grandparents Program for the 2020-21 school year. I know a lot of schools are interested and this year we plan on working together to recruit foster grandparents so that every school can have one.  I understand how short handed we are in our buildings and our Foster Grandparents can be a helping hand in a classroom with academic needs, behavior needs, or as a mentor throughout your building.  If you already have a Foster Grandparent from last year, rest assured that we will do our best to continue those assignments into this year.  Virtual options are available to continue collaboration with Foster Grandparents. In person placements for Foster Grandparents will be determined in the future on a case-by-case basis.

Foster Grandparents Program and Student Services is working on how to incorporate Foster Grandparents during this pandemic. Please if you are interested in obtaining a Foster Grandparent at your building, fill out the form below and we will work diligently to get one assigned to your building.


Bullying Prevention and Awareness

Please share the following with your staff: 

On October 21st, we will be recognizing Unity Day by having an Orange Out! Encourage your community to wear orange on October 21st. KCKPS graphics, promotional materials, and Unity Day Guide can be found here.

If you have activities planned for bullying prevention month, please email any materials to Tracie Chauvin  so that Student Services can recognize and promote all the amazing activities happening in our school communities. If you promote on your social media please tag @SELKCKPS.

Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays (bi-weekly) 

Please share the following with your staff: 

The next Trauma Sensitive Tuesday will be Tuesday, October 13th at 12pm. We will be focusing on Restorative Practices and have an amazing panel of speakers from across the district sharing their knowledge. Staff can register via Crowdcast and it can be found on Frontline. All sessions are recorded for staff to view on-demand as well. If staff need help navigating Frontline, here is a great tutorial on how to find Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays, accessing the Crowdcast from Frontline, and completing the program evaluation form.

SIT Building Coordinator Information 

An email and meeting invite went out last week to all SIT Building Coordinators. If your building’s SIT Coordinator did not receive an email and/or meeting invite, please have them contact Tracie Chauvin.


Friday, October 2, 2020

principals' office logo

Curriculum & Instruction

All Principals

Re: Social Studies State Assessments

This year 3rd, 6th, and 9th grade students will participate in a required pilot of the Social Studies State Assessment. This will be a classroom embedded assessment within instructional units and will not require any additional time. It will be administered and reported during the third quarter. Stay tuned for more information. For questions, contact Brenda Burney at or Cheryl Beyer at

All Principals

Re: Fastbridge/Assessment Literacy overview slides

Please refer to these slides for a refresher of the assessment literacy and assessment calendar professional learning opportunity provided on October 1. Feel free to share this information with your staff.

All Elementary & Middle School Principals

Re: Wyandotte County Spelling Bee

The 2021 Wyandotte County Spelling Bee will be hosted by KCKPS on Saturday, February 6 at 9:30. Building spelling bee sponsors will organize a process at the building level (elementary & middle schools, grades 3-8) to determine a student to represent each building at the county spelling bee. Chosen sponsors in each building must complete the form linked below no later than Monday, October 5.  Each building/sponsor will be registered with Scripps to support preparation for the building and county bees. This includes support for possible an on-line bee format.

We will also schedule a district on-line meeting for sponsors in late October or early November.   One building sponsor per building will be compensated for 10 extra duty hours. 

Please complete the form even if your building chooses not to participate.

All Elementary Principals

Re: FastBridge Follow-up

Thank you for joining us October 1st to learn more about FastBridge. To view our slides, complete with links to all the sites and newly added links to “How To” videos, please go to 

Helpful Info:

  • Link to original slides from Darcy & Ben (Slide 1 Notes)
  • Link to our Padlet Parking Lot (Slide 1 Notes)
  • Link to Elementary Assessments Spreadsheet (Slide 7 Notes)
  • Training Site Info (Slide 17 Notes)
  • Log In Info & 4 minute Video (Slide 18 Notes)
  • Certification Info & 12 minute Video (Slide 20 Notes)
  • Certifications Checklist (Slide 21 Notes)

All EC-5 Grade Principals

Re:  ELA (F&P Accounts)

F&P will be changing their platform in the near future, so they are not going to make any changes to our building accounts. They have advised that all buildings use a shared account, which will carry over to the new platform (whenever that may arrive). This shared account can be distributed to any teacher, SPED teacher, ESL teacher, intervention teacher, etc. It has ALL district provided products linked (including Pre-K IRA & SR).  Any F&P products purchased with building funds (IR/LLI) will still need to be accessed via your building account.


Password:  welcome.kckps

All Elementary Principals

Re: ELA Professional Learning Invitation

Building principals are invited to attend ELA professional learning with instructional coaches today October 2nd from 1:30-4:00 and next Friday, October 9th from 2:00 to 3:30. The October 2nd session will focus on reading research, the reading brain, and orthographic mapping. The October 9th session will focus on phonological awareness and phonics instruction and intervention. If you are interested in attending, please email Alli Rice for the Zoom Link at or use Meeting ID: 812 6887 6527. Hope you can join!


Beginning Monday October 5th, the Individual Language Plan (ILP) window will be open. Teachers and ESL support staff that are responsible for the ILP will need to participate in the Frontline training available Monday. The link for the training will be sent to ESL staff on Monday morning in an email indicating that the ILP window has been open. Due to the fact that we do not have KELPA scores teachers will be monitoring and updating ILPs in Infinite Campus. This means that students language proficiency score will be these same as the 2019-20 school year. Newly identified ESOL students will have an ILP initiated with their pre-screener language proficiency levels. The purpose of the ILP is to be directly connected to instruction. The ILP should guide a teacher with their Tier 1 instruction and the students should engage with their language proficiency goals. The ILP form will close on October 30th end of day.  Should questions arise please reach out to an ESL Instructional Coach or Jacqueline Rodriguez, Director of ESOL & Migrant Programs.

Federal Programs

Important Information for Title I Funded Buildings (ALL Elementary & Middle Schools)

  1. A reminder from the August 5, 2020 Principals’ Office – All Title I funded buildings, principals are required to provide (mail or post) several documents to parents at the start of each school year.  These documents include School-Home Compact, Family Engagement PlanSchoolwide Planning Team, Parents-Right-To-Know ESSA letters, and Standard Complaint Resolution Process. All templates and documents stored in the Federal Programs Elementary/Middle Schools Title I subfolder meet the 2021SY compliance guidelines regarding annual notification to parents related to highly qualified staff and other funding mandates.
  2. Title I (Elementary/Middle) Schools will receive an email from Indistar/KansaStar notifying you when your Title I Schoolwide Supplemental Form has been reviewed and accepted in the KansaStar system by KSDE. You will need to submit your form when you receive the following message and directions:
    1. Your Name Here Elementary School (SW)  —   Title I Schoolwide Supplemental Form Accepted –> Please Submit
      1. Your form has been reviewed and accepted.
      2. You may now submit the form on the Submissions tab at the bottom of your Indistar HOME page.
  • Please login to your dashboard and go to Complete Forms tab to find your reviewed form and review may comments or suggestion, prior to submitting via the Submissions tab.
  1. Title I Building Budgets WILL CHANGE now that we have submitted the KCKPS 2020-21 Local Consolidated Plan (LCP). As a reminder, because we closed and added schools this year, we were required to use the 2020-21 student enrollment and free/reduced counts.  This means your budget will increase OR decrease based on your total student enrollment, the number of verified free/reduced lunch forms in Infinite Campus AND how the changes at your campus compare to the changes at ALL other elementary and middle schools.  It’s important to remember that building allocations are proportional to, and influenced by, the total group.  Budgets adjustments will begin soon.  Please contact Lisa Walker or Bridgette DeSmet if you have any questions as adjustments occur.

Student Services

Bullying Prevention and Awareness from KSDE–  This year’s theme is “Choose Peace.”

This year the week starts on Oct 5th. However, if that date doesn’t work for schools they are encouraged to recognize the need to address bullying when it would work for them as well as follow-up throughout the school year. Resources, including remote learning lessons, activities, and COVID 19 specific information, can be foundhere

On October 21st, we will be recognizing Unity Day by having an Orange Out! Encourage your community to wear orange on October 21st. Graphics, promotional materials, and Unity Day Guide can be found here.

If you have activities planned, please email any materials to Tracie Chauvin  so that Student Services can recognize and promote all the amazing activities happening in our school communities. If you promote on your social media please tag @SELKCKPS.

Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays (bi-weekly)

The next Trauma Sensitive Tuesday will be Tuesday, October 13th at 12pm. We will be focusing on Restorative Practices and have an amazing panel of speakers from across the district sharing their knowledge. Staff can register via Crowdcastand it can be found on Frontline. All sessions are recorded for staff to view on-demand as well. If staff need help navigating Frontline, here is a great tutorial on how to find Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays, accessing the Crowdcast from Frontline, and completing the program evaluation form.

SIT Building Coordinator Information 

An email and meeting invite went out this week to all the building level SIT Coordinators that had emails listed in the SIT Building Coordinator information listed in the spreadsheet sent out to principals in weeks prior. If you have added a SIT Building Coordinator after October 1st to the spreadsheet, please email Tracie Chauvin their name and information so that she can send them the meeting invite information.


Friday, September 25, 2020

principals' office logo

Curriculum & Instruction

All K-12 Administrators

FastBridge is Coming!

FastBridge is a suite of universal screeners and progress monitoring tools in reading, math and behavior designed to help teachers screen, monitor student progress, and analyze skills in grades K-12.

FastBridge has multiple benefits, such as:

  • universal screeners to determine students’ strengths and deficits
  • progress monitoring to frequently assess student skills
  • adaptive, computer-based measures
  • teacher-administered assessments
  • behavior assessments with numeric value and ranges
  • reports for staff and parents
  • Intervention connections for tiered supports

FastBridge screeners are administered three times a year for all students in grades K-12—fall, winter, and spring—because student performance can change drastically across the school year. A student may need support in the fall, but no longer require the added resources in the winter. Likewise, a student may score well in the fall, but struggle later in the year. FastBridge helps teachers make informed decisions about intervention throughout the entire year at the school, class, and individual student level. More specifics about how KCKPS will administer these assessments in remote learning are coming soon.

All EC-12 Administrators

Student-Centered Coaching Update ~ free electronic resource
Beginning in the Fall of 2020, Student-Centered Coaching was named as the model of coaching for KCKPS by Matt Andersen, Interim Assistant Superintendent. Author and creator of the student-centered coaching model, Diane Sweeney, has developed a free electronic resource for districts that are providing instruction in a remote setting. This resource includes guidance on the model itself, as well as adaptations for remote learning.

The student-centered coaching model centers on these principles:

  • Keeps a focus on student learning and mastery rather than on teacher performance
  • Aligns coaching cycles and coaching conversations to standards outlined in the GVC
  • Gauges progress through measurement embedded in the student outcomes and visible evidence of student mastery

Federal Programs

Title I Principals (ALL Elementary and Middle Schools)

ALL Title I Principals must sign and submit their school’s Title I Schoolwide Supplemental Form by close of business on Monday, 9/28/20. The report has already been written for you and all assurance boxes have been selected (you’re welcome J).  You will need to sign, date, and click Save and Send for Review in order for your plan to be submitted to KSDE.  To locate the form, use the following steps:

  • Log in to KansaStar and go to your homepage.
  • On the bottom left-hand side of homepage, click the triangle to the right of Complete Forms to open the drop-down menu.
  • On the left-hand side under Forms, click the Title I Schoolwide Supplemental Form.
  • Open the form, scroll to the bottom of the page.
  • Sign, date, and click Save and Send for Review.

Principals, Department Managers, Title IX Coordinators/Investigators

Curtis Nicholson, former Deputy Chief with our KCKPS Police Department, has transitioned to the Federal Programs Team as the new District Title IX Investigator.  We’re excited for Curtis to join the team and believe his previous experience with the KCK and KCKPS Police Departments enables him to bring a deep expertise to the Title IX district framework.  Stay tuned for more information regarding his contact information and how the Title IX procedures will be adjusted to include our newest team member!

Important REMINDERS from Title IX Coordinator/Investigator Trainings

  1. Immediate Reporting of Alleged Title IX Misconduct to District Title IX Coordinator is required. Any alleged misconduct that is sexual in nature must be screened through the Title IX grievance process.  As a reminder from our district Title IX Coordinator/Investigator training, please contact Lisa Walker immediately upon receiving any report that falls into this category (See #1, #2, and #3 on the KCKPS Title IX Reporting & Investigation Procedures). This immediate consultation enables us to tighten alignment across departments and involve Human Resources regarding any potential leave that might need to occur, as well as other departments that might need to provide immediate support for student-on-student issues.
  2. Please be thorough in completing the Incident Report form and checking for missed entries prior to submitting. Your report should tell the complete story of the initial inquiry and provide all information, for any individual who knows nothing about the situation, to understand what the initial problem was and what steps were taken to accurately assess the initial problem and ensure supportive measures were put into place.
  3. Incident Report and Complaint Forms should be emailed to and copied to your supervisor and IIO, if applicable.
  4. There should be nothing entered on the form after the PAUSE for Preliminary Assessment section. Entries in this section occur AFTER the Building/Department Title IX Coordinator submits to the District Title IX Coordinator, who will make the decision on how the investigation will proceed.

Fine Arts (IARC)

Elementary and Middle School Principals



Please share the attached information with all teachers in your building.  In the past, IARC paid for homeroom/core teachers to attend a local arts-integration symposium.  The workshop is now going virtual and will be free.  The first session is October 7th or 8th. See the attachment.

An arts-integration learning experience points out and explores natural and relevant connections between a subject of focus (math, ELA, science, social studies, etc.) and an art discipline.  It moves beyond arts-enhanced learning to engage participants in rigorous artistic practice that helps participants gain insight into and understanding of the connected subject and, ideally, gain deeper insight into and understanding of the art form through the connected subject.

In addition to the October session, there will be virtual sessions in November, January and March.

Please forward this flyer to all of your teachers.



IARC will be working with the communications team to put out a message via Bright Arrow and other platforms regarding our PE curriculum and the need to collect parent signatures for consent.  We attempted to collect signatures when we deployed materials at all of our building sites, but the results were poor.

IARC now has clearance to collect an electronic signature from parents to opt in or opt out of the following curriculum topics

  • puberty (5th grade) information
  • Reducing the Risk (8th-9th grade)
  • Making a Difference (9th grade)
These curriculum topics are included in our PE classes each year.  With remote learning, we have to ensure the parents are informed.
Please know the message will soon go out to the 5th grade families and the families of students who are enrolled in 8th and 9th grade PE.  Our PE teachers will then have the electronic form available via their remote classroom materials.

Print Shop

If you are not aware, the print shop can make directional wall/floor signs for your sites if you would like to support preparing your buildings for staff/students.

We are getting many inquiries through the Shop/Storeroom; you can order directly through the Print Shop as they would normally order a print job.

Student Services

Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays (bi-weekly)

The next Trauma Sensitive Tuesday will be Tuesday, September 29th at 12pm. We will be focusing on wellness/self care and have some great presenters!  Staff can register via Crowdcast and it can be found on Frontline. All sessions are recorded for staff to view on-demand as well.  

SIT Building Coordinator Information 

As we have moved into the 20-21 school year, thank you to those who have updated their SIT Building Coordinator information in the spreadsheet sent out. An email went out this week with SIT Building Coordinator role/responsibility information and building coordinators will get an email next week with our first meeting date included. If you did not receive an email and feel you should have, please contact Tracie Chauvin at


KCTC login information to view prior year’s data was sent out this week to all secondary building principals. This is great data and information to utilize within your building leadership and behavioral health teams. If you did not receive this email please contact Tracie Chauvin

Family Advocacy

Family Advocacy is rapidly approaching and we are pleased to announce that we will continue to provide interpreter support during Family Advocacy scheduled for Friday, October 9th. However, due to  COVID-19, we will unable to provide schools with student volunteers and/or on-site interpreters.  We will be providing interpretation services via over-the-phone and the ESOL/Migrant Department will also be available to help facilitate video/zoom calls as needed.

Please share the attached instructions to utilize Propio over-the-phone services to your building staff.  For all video/zoom call requests be sure to fill out this Interpreter Request Form. It is imperative that interpreters are provided with the zoom information, Link and password prior to the meeting. Please make sure all interpreter requests are submitted by Monday, October 5th.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.  Feel free to contact Naomi Tolentino if you have any questions.

OPI Instructions PDF

Attend to Achieve (A2A)

The A2A Team and TIS have been working on a solution for fixing the attendance for students who were marked absent in Infinite Campus even though Daily Meaningful Contact was made by a teacher.  We are scheduling a mandatory training for all secretaries on the next steps for making those necessary changes. That meeting will be held on Monday, September 28th, 2020 at 2:00pm.  Principals are invited to attend. The meeting will be recorded for later viewing.

If a parent/guardian has received a Truancy notification, please contact Naomi Tolentino ( immediately.


Friday, September 18, 2020

principals' office logo

College & Career Readiness

Click here to read the Diploma+ Newsletter.

Curriculum & Instruction

Elementary School Principals

Re: CKLA Resource (4th and 5th):
All building principals and assistant principals can access CKLA resources by clicking the orange Amplify tile in your Clever Account. If you do not see this tile, please email You can also go directly to the CKLA website at and click “Log in” under 2nd Edition Resources. You will use the Shared Access Username: MJXZR and Password: soft-loon9. More detailed information can be found here.

Re: F&P Building Accounts:
All building accounts are created and functional for EC, Elementary, Bridges & KVC. At the Elementary level, your IC knows your username and password. If you need your account information, please email These accounts can be shared with your entire building and allow for concurrent use, meaning more than one person can be signed in on more than one device at a time. Most buildings have the full suite of products connected. If your building is missing a product or two or more, I am working to get this issue resolved as quickly as possible. When F&P turned on the ability for concurrent use, they turned off the ability for each building to add their own products. Elementary buildings that also have an EC center, you will also be receiving Pre-K Shared Reading and IRA products on your accounts.

Print Shop

If you are not aware, the print shop can make directional wall/floor signs for your sites if you would like to support preparing your buildings for staff/students.

We are getting many inquiries through the Shop/Storeroom; you can order directly through the Print Shop as they would normally order a print job.

Student Services

Bullying Prevention and Awareness from KSDE- This year’s theme is “Choose Peace.”

By joint resolution, the Kansas State Senate and the Kansas State Board of Education, have declared the first full week in October as “Anti-Bullying Awareness Week.” This year the week would start on Oct 5th. However, if that date doesn’t work for schools they are encouraged to recognize the need to address bullying when it would work for them as well as follow-up throughout the school year.

KSDE Bullying Page will have great resources added regularly, so you and your school team should check back for ideas, resources, and information. Other resources shared by KSDE can be found here.

Recognizing Anti-Bullying Awareness Week and Bullying Prevention Month via activities, resource share outs to staff, and communication with the community are GREAT to add to your Bullying Prevention Site Action Plans, which are due by October 31st. Please complete your site action plan in the google doc labeled for your building.

Systemic SEL On-Demand Webinar

“Integrating SEL to Connect, Heal and Recover: Lessons Learned from District Leaders”
Learn from district leaders about the systems of supports for SEL they put in place to support educators, to re-engage and connect with students and parents, and to create a foundation for learning regardless of their environment.

Friday, September 11, 2020

principals' office logo

Curriculum & Instruction

Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate our attendance taking processes and procedures. Please ensure that you refer your attendance clerks and teachers to pages 12-18 of the updated Remote Learning Plan to understand all of the KSDE and KCKPS expectations for attendance.  Our goal as a district is to ensure the majority of our students can engage in the live online learning sessions with our teachers. It is the best way for our teachers to teach and our students to learn.

We know that you are working diligently with families to determine who will need to complete learning logs. To alleviate the issue of collecting such a large number of logs, please see p.18 of the RLP regarding working with families on a case-by-case basis to complete the learning log. Finally, we will continue to update the Attendance and Daily Learning Log FAQ document when questions arise.

Please use this link to access the FAQ document.

Also, please remind your staff that this first week is for the district and buildings to collect baseline data on how many students can participate in online learning where we can take attendance using Infinite Campus. Although a student may be counted absent in Infinite Campus because they could not attend a live online session, they will not be penalized for not participating in online learning sessions this week. We are waiving the completion of the daily learning logs for the first week as well.

Starting next week (September 14), students who are unable to attend live online sessions (all or part of them) will need to complete a daily learning log. Those daily learning log folders have been shared with each principal’s @m account. Please make sure you have access to that folder through your ‘Shared with me’ folder. If you do not, please contact Brandi Mendenhall for assistance. You will also want to share that folder with your attendance clerks so they can cross-reference Infinite Campus with the daily learning log spreadsheet. We have recently obtained a Spanish translation for the electronic Remote Daily Learning Log, which can be found in your school’s Remote Daily Learning Log Folder. Other languages will be available shortly. We are waiting for the translations to come back. If you need a specific language, please email Brandi Mendenhall and let her know which ones.

KCKPS Leadership Mobile Minute

Click here to read the Mobile Minute.

Elementary School Principals

Re: K-5 Social Studies Cadre

The Curriculum Department is seeking a variety of classroom, SPED, and ESL teachers to represent K-5 grade levels in work around the KS HGSS (History, Government, and Social Studies) standards. We will engage in a cadre that will come together to examine the revisions in the HGSS standards and learn about the C3 framework. This knowledge will then be applied to analyzing and using resources to develop and revise inquiry units to add to the GVC and build assessment tasks. Please see the application for more information and forward to teachers who might be interested. 

Applications are due by September 17.

For questions or more information please email me at

Middle School Principals

Re: Caregiver Supports for Amplify Science

Hello Principals! Building ICs and classroom teachers know this already but I wanted to make you aware that Amplify has created some resources to support, parents, guardians, and other caregivers in the transition to Amplify. They cannot offer support to students directly but I am excited that they have resources for the adults that are supporting students at home. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. My email is

Caregiver’s Support For Amplify Science

  1. What is Amplify Science?
  2. Getting started
  3. Materials overview
  4. A powerful partnership
  5. Explore grade-level resources.
  6. Where to go for help
    1. Contact Support via telephone at (833) 97-Care-8 (833-972-2738) or
    2. Our support hours are Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. EDT, and Saturday – Sunday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. EDT.

Federal Programs

Principals, Department Managers, Title IX Coordinators/Investigators

Immediate Reporting of Alleged Title IX Misconduct to District Title IX Coordinator

Any alleged misconduct that is sexual in nature must be screened through the Title IX grievance process.  As a reminder from our district Title IX Coordinator/Investigator training, please contact Lisa Walker immediately upon receiving any report that falls into this category (See #1, #2, and #3 on the KCKPS Title IX Reporting & Investigation Procedures).  This immediate consultation enables us to tighten alignment across departments and involve Human Resources regarding any potential leave that might need to occur, as well as other departments that might need to provide immediate support for student-on-student issues.


 Update School Improvement Plan (SIP) Indicator Selections by 9:00 AM, Monday, 9/21/2020

The Federal Programs team must submit a required report to KSDE by 9/30/2020.  As discussed during our 2019-20 School Improvement Planning Process professional development, all Kansas schools are required to have their School Improvement Plans located in the KansaStar system by the start of the 2020-21 school year.  Additionally in 2020-21, KCKPS will be required to submit a secondary report for EACH school that will include identifying the Indicators your leadership teams have decided to work on as a part of your 2020-21 SIPs. All plans must be updated in KansaStar with final selections on the 3-5 indicators you plan to focus on for the coming year by Monday, 9/21/2020. 

Human Resources


Here is the list of trainings for Principals and Assistant Principals provided by LSI during this month.  Your participation is required.  Please see the Attendees column for details about which sessions you need to attend.

You only have to attend one of the sessions focused on effective feedback.  Use the link below to enroll in the How to Make Your Feedback More Effective session.  Zoom links and resources will be provided closer to the training dates.

Date/Time Attendees Content Notes
September 15

8:30am – 11:30am

All new  Principals and APs Focus Teacher Evaluation Model Part 3 Continuation from sessions in July
September 17

12:30pm – 3:30pm

All new  Principals and APs Focus Teacher Evaluation Model Part 4 Continuation from sessions in July
September 22

8:30am – 11:30am

ALL Principals and APs How to Make Your Feedback More Effective Choose 1 session

September 22

12:30pm – 3:30pm


September 24

8:30am – 11:30am

Student Services


Please update your SIT Coordinators for the year in this spreadsheet- SIT Building Coordinator Contact Sheet. As you conduct SIT meetings and create plans, please continue to document in Infinite Campus. If you need a refresher, this is a great resource.

This brief provides considerations and suggestions for adapting Check-in Check-out (CICO), an evidence-based Tier 2 school intervention, for situations where students are learning from home.

Bullying Prevention Site Action Plans

Bullying prevention is a priority in KCKPS and as part of that initiative each building submits a Bullying Prevention Site Action Plan to the Office of Student Services by October 31st. Within the Bullying Prevention Site Action Plan Folder, you will find your respective building’s template that we are asking be completed by October 31st, 2020. Please also include any supporting documentation, which can be added to the folder (please label with building name and item title) or emailed to

Did you know that Teaching Tolerance has a Learning Plan Builder that you can utilize to support SEL and bullying prevention implementation? It allows you to select meaningful student texts, choose how you’ll teach them and how you’ll assess student learning. Read about the Learning Plan Builder here.

Prepped and Ready

Children’s Mercy is offering Prepped and Ready remotely. Prepped and Ready is a presentation to help equip parents for the transition into parenting teenagers. Feel free to add the following into your parent newsletters:

We understand this transition is a time of tremendous change for teens and it can be overwhelming as a parent to know how to help. Prepped and Ready aims to help you learn what steps you can take before a crisis develops with your teenager. We seek to empower you to address the hard topics that can be very uncomfortable and we talk about changes each one of us can make within our own homes to make them safer. To see upcoming dates and register go to: