Monday, September 28, 2015


Submitting Student Samples of Performance Tasks – for Elementary Administrators and Teacher Leaders

Submitting Student Samples of Performance Tasks

From Alan King
We wanted to provide more information about submitting copies of student samples from the Performance Tasks for this year. The purpose of this collection is to provide annotated exemplars for teacher use. The annotations highlight specific criteria established within the scoring key. The exemplars represent a point in time, showing varieties of authentic student thinking in response to content specific prompts.

Like last year, after each Performance Task (not including Letter ID & Modified Sentence Dictations), classroom teachers will submit copies of two student samples along with a cover page (linked in the Pacing Guides). Selected samples must Meet the Expectations of the Performance Task in the Content column, as well as in at least two of the other three columns.

This year, schools will need to determine their own process for collecting and submitting student samples. Hard copies of these student samples should be sent to the Curriculum Department (Math: Attn-Amanda Kain, SS/ELA and Science: Attn-Teri Fulton. As an alternative this year, samples can be submitted electronically instead of hard copy. Links to submit the samples electronically are included on the cover page (linked in the Pacing Guides).

For your convenience, the link below provides an overview of the Performance Tasks for Administrators and Teacher Leaders. The intention of this document is to provide those outside the day-to-day instruction and planning with the same information teachers are seeing embedded in their Pacing Guides. Teachers will continue to access the same information via the GVC-Pacing Guides so that Performance Tasks remain in the context of the units of study.
Link to Performance Task Doc –

Please let us know if you have any questions.
Elementary Curriculum Team (Suzie, Jen, Teri, Amanda, Julie)