Thursday, March 30, 2017


New Items

March Madness Challenge – for Secondary Building Staff

Previous Items

Board Resolution – for All Administrators
HR Update: Certified Staff Last Day to Resign – 6/2/17 – for All Administrators

New Items

March Madness Challenge

From Josh Mathiasmeier
With the Final Four upon us, Nutritional Services will be having its own “March Madness Challenge” on Thursday March 30th in the cafeteria during lunch. Students will participate in “Dunk Madness” in which 4 dipping sauces will compete to see which is the most popular. With every order of chicken nuggets, participants will have the opportunity to taste all 4 of our gourmet sauces: Sriracha Honey Mustard, Honey Lime Buffalo, Smokey BBQ and Cool Ranch. Participants can then text to vote their favorite sauce and the winner will be crowned. Please encourage the students and staff at the middle and high schools to participate. Happy March Madness!

Previous Items

Board Resolution

From David A. Smith
The Kansas City, Kansas Board of Education has passed a resolution in support of immigrant students and families. The resolution is attached, and available on the district website. Supervisors, please review the resolution with all staff, and make sure they understand the implications of the resolution for their interactions with law enforcement. Pay special attention to the section below:

???BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: In order to provide a free public education to every child, regardless of that child’s or family’s immigration status, absent any applicable federal, state, local law or regulation or local ordinance or court decision, the District shall abide by the following conduct:

  1. District personnel shall not inquire about a student’s immigration status, including requiring documentation of a student’s legal status, such as asking for a green card or citizenship papers, at initial registration or at any other time and, pursuant to FERPA, shall not disclose, without parental consent, the immigration status of any student.
  2. District personnel shall not make unreasonable inquiries from a student or his/her parents for the purpose of exposing the immigration status of the child or his/her family.
  3. If parents or students have questions about their immigration status, school personnel shall refer them to community-based and legal organizations that provide resources for immigrant families and families facing deportation.
  4. The District will continue to implement all provisions of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and shall not disclose, without parental consent or court order, the personal information for any student.
  5. To the extent allowed by law, the District will continue to implement its policies regarding the release of students during the school day and interrogation and investigations relating to students as set forth in Board Policies JBH and JCAC.
  6. All requests made of the District or its schools by ICE officials to access school information or school grounds shall be processed through the Office of the Superintendent who will consult with legal counsel to ensure compliance with the law.???

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

HR Update: Certified Staff Last Day to Resign – 6/2/17

From Amy Jo Troyer
The last day for teachers, or any staff on a teaching contract, to resign without penalty will be June 2, 2017. As you may know, Kansas statute indicates that the last day for teachers to resign without penalty will be 14 calendar days following the third Friday in May. Resignations submitted after that date will be considered a breach of contract and will be subject to liquidated damages.