Wednesday, September 6, 2017


New Items

Counting Kids Workshop – for All Administrators

Previous Items

It’s Attendance Awareness Month! – for All Administrators
EC-5 Reading Curriculum Refinement and Resource Refresh – for EC-5 Administrators
Information for Monthly PL and C&I Webpage Information – for Principals and Instructional Coaches
Guidelines for Dropping ‘No Shows’ and Students Due to Non-Attendance – for All Administrators
Breaks for Paraprofessionals – for Principals

New Items

Counting Kids Workshop

From Bridgette DeSmet
The 2017/2018 Counting Kids Workshop is scheduled for:

8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Central Office – Rooms 131-132-133

This workshop is mandatory for Principals. We encourage you to bring your staff who work with you on student counts.

Previous Items

It’s Attendance Awareness Month!

From Rosie Rodriguez

Access our newsletter. Create a link to access the newsletter and find ideas and resources to promote attendance at your school.

Truancy Newsletter PDF

EC-5 Reading Curriculum Refinement and Resource Refresh

From Suzie Legg
The Curriculum Department is excited to share with you that additional resources are coming soon to support literacy instruction!

As projected last Spring, over the course of the next three school years, the Curriculum Department is planning to refine reading curriculum and refresh reading resources. This refinement will support the continued understanding and implementation of the Model of Instruction through EC-5 Literacy. Currently we are able to share more specifics related to the approximate timeline for this work and the resources that will be provided*. The resources that have been identified to support reading are from the Fountas and Pinnell ClassroomTM components and include support for teacher planning. For this school year, Benchmark Assessment Systems (including Expanded Literacy Continuums) for grades EC-5 have already been distributed; resources to support Small Group Reading instruction for grades K-2 will be distributed by the end of the 1st Quarter to provide more resources in support of the ongoing small group instruction/guided reading that is already in place; resources to support Phonics and Word Study instruction for grades K-1 will be distributed during the 4th Quarter for initial implementation of a refined GVC during the 2018-19 school year; resources to support Whole Group Reading instruction for grades K-2 will be distributed during the 4th Quarter for initial implementation of a refined GVC during the 2018-19 school year. Please note the year of implementation*. More guidance will be forthcoming regarding professional development and implementation. While the emphasis is on primary grade levels this school year, intermediate grade levels will be impacted in a similar fashion over the course of the next two school years.

Teacher Cadres will be formed to refine the GVC for whole group reading and phonics/word study instruction. Please look for opportunities for EC-2nd grade teachers to be engaged in various aspects of the curriculum refinement work at different times across this school year. In subsequent years, 3rd-5th grade teachers will have similar Teacher Cadre opportunities. There will also be professional learning opportunities for instructional coaches, administrators, and teachers as it relates to the GVC refinement and accompanying resources. Additional details will continue to be provided.

*For a more detailed look at this approximate timeline for this work and the resources that will be provided, please visit this document.

As always, if you have questions please feel free to contact the Curriculum Department.

Information for Monthly PL and C&I Webpage Information

From Alan King
We are changing how we are sharing information for locations for monthly professional learning (both Content Wednesdays and Quarter District Inservice Days). In the past, we sent emails to every teacher in the district with this information. We had difficulty with accessing everyone???s email and getting the correct information to everyone who needed it.

We are moving the responsibility for accessing the information to the user who can access it when they are ready for it. The information will be stored on the Curriculum and Instruction webpage on the Staff Intranet. We will update the information each month after the previous month???s professional learning has finished.

Click on the attached document to view guidance for accessing the location of monthly PL document and guidance for navigating the document as well as highlights of the Curriculum and Instruction webpage.

We will email this information to teachers today. From this point forward, teachers can access the monthly locations by accessing the correct page on the Staff Intranet.

Access to Professional Learning Information PDF

Guidelines for Dropping ‘No Shows’ and Students Due to Non-Attendance

From David Rand
Please read and forward to all applicable staff the attached guidelines for dropping ‘no shows’ and students due to non-attendance for the 2017-2018 school year.

Guidelines PDF

After you have reviewed the document, we ask that you please complete a short (4-5 question) survey to help us determine potential training needs for the system (links below).

If you have any questions regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much!!!!

Administrator Survey –

Survey for SILK Users –

Breaks for Paraprofessionals

From Michelle Colvin
Rest periods of short duration, usually of 15 minutes, promote the efficiency of paraprofessionals and every effort should be made to provide rest periods of 15 minutes or less twice each school day. The breaks are NOT mandatory and should not come at the expense of services to students with disabilities. The paraprofessionals break period shall be established at a time determined by the building principal, supervisor, or lead teacher.