Monday, November 9, 2015


Star Teacher Nominations – for All Administrators

Star Teacher Nominations

From Gail Taylor

Hi All!

We are starting the process to determine who the District would like to nominate as:

Elementary ??? Kansas Teacher of the Year and
Secondary ??? Kansas Teacher of the Year

We will use the STAR teacher process and the timeline listed below:

STAR Teacher Timeline for announcements and events coming up:

November 10th ??? Email sent to principals soliciting names of nominees and suggesting a voting process
December 10th ??? Deadline for principals to submit the name of their selected building nominee
December 14th ??? Notification email will be sent to the selected nominees to provide the application materials and timeline
January 4th ??? Email reminder sent to nominees reminding them of the Nomination Packet submission deadline
January 14th ??? Completed Nomination packet due by 4:00 p.m.
January 21st ??? Selection Committee Meeting
Mid to Late January ??? Photo schedule email will be sent out to candidates once arranged with Tammy/David in Communications
March 30 ??? STAR Teacher Award Ceremony