Friday, December 21, 2018


New Items

Previous Items

December Impact 360 – for All Principals and Building IDP Reps
Welcome Center Hours of Operation– for All Administrators
January 7 Half Day – for All Principals
Change in Field Trip Correspondence – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

December Impact 360

from Sean DeMaree
New to the December edition, Impact 360 will highlight two Impact Leaders. These leaders were
nominated for their work towards building social-emotional skills with their students, co-workers or
community. If you have a teacher or counselor who you believe to be an Impact Leader, send their name and a short description of their work to Sean DeMaree,, and they could be selected as the Impact Leader in the next edition of Impact 360.
Impact 360 Newsletter PDF

Welcome Center Hours of Operation

from Kristen Scott
The Welcome Center will be closed from December 18th through January 7th. Hours of operation when we re-open will be from 8:30-11:30 Monday through Friday.

January 7 Half Day

from Alan King
January 7 is a half day for any staff that is not on a 261 day calendar from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. The intention of this day is provide schools with the opportunity to prepare for the second semester and be ready for students as they enter their second semester on January 8. Appropriate activities on this day include PLC meetings, work within individual classrooms, meeting within content or across contents to prepare integrated units, etc. The intention is not for a full half day of building-wide professional learning or staff meeting. Please check with your executive directors if you have any questions.

Change in Field Trip Correspondence

from Shameka Brown
After the beginning of the year, Debbie Baker, which is one of our Assistant Directors at Transportation, will be retiring. Mrs. Baker handled the assignments of scheduling field trips for schools and different departments within the district.

With her departing, we would like for all correspondence, in regards to field trips, to go to the email, Sherri Tubbs and Shameka Brown will be the main contacts for any field trip concerns. The schools/departments will still do their normal routine and submit their request through their Field Trip System, we???re just asking for any, changes, inquiries, cancelations, etc, if it can be submitted to

If this information can be communicated with those that submit deal will field trip inquiries within your building.

Shameka Brown and Sherri Tubbs, can be reached at 913-627-3100.