Friday, April 26, 2019


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Kansas State University Polytechnic Free Camp Opportunity – for All Principals and Teachers
REVISED Enrollment Guidelines for 2019/2020 – for All Administrators

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Kansas State University Polytechnic Free Camp Opportunity

from Shelly Beech

Kansas State University’s Polytechnic Campus is offering an immersive, one-week expenses paid UAS training program for Kansas high school teachers and principals June 10-14.?? See the link below.

Please share with staff and other administrators.

REVISED Enrollment Guidelines for 2019/2020

from Kristen Scott

Please see the following document with revisions in bold italics. If you have any questions please reach out to Lisa Garcia-Stewart or Kristen Scott.


All enrollment next year will take place at the schools for all students and families in their attendance area.?? Enrollment hours are from 8:30 to 11:30 for all schools regardless of start time.?? Early Childhood enrollment will continue by appointments.

There will still be Centralized Enrollment at Central Office on July 29th, 30th, 31st, August 1st and 2nd for new Middle and High School students.?? Elementary enrollment can start on July 29th at the building. All permits currently in place will role over to the 2019/2020 school year. For new enrollees and beginning next year all permits must be renewed every year.?? The permit window is open April 18 through August 16. Permits must be completed by the Department of Student Services before a student can enroll in a school that is not in their attendance area.

To assist buildings with the first days of school.?? All enrollment will pause on August 7th, 8th and 9th due to beginning of the year logistics.?? Enrollment will resume on August 12th with District Enrollment hours from 8:30-11:30 Kindergarten through 12th grade.

District enrollment for all students requires: proof of guardianship, birth certificate, proof of address, immunization records and including I-9???s or Foster Care Placement documentation.?? No other requirements or barriers should be placed on families to enroll in our schools.

ESL and Migrant students receive services through the age of 22; older students who will be identified as either ESL or Migrant cannot be denied enrollment, unless they have already received a diploma in their home country.?? Students with disabilities have the right to receive services through age 21 unless they have received a diploma from another school district.


Requirements after enrollment for students who speak a language other than English

  • Once the language tab is filled out and another language than English is selected on any question; a notification is sent to your building based ESL staff.
    • Within two weeks of this notification, the following should happen:
      • The student should be given the screener by a certified teacher.
      • The screener scores are sent to Chavonne Lloyd in the ESL Department; student is either identified as an EL student or not.
    • During the window in which the ESL building staff has to screen, the student should be placed in a tentative schedule upon enrollment; there should be no barriers to starting a student in a schedule.
    • If the student is then identified as an EL student once the screener scores are in the system, the following should take place:
      • The ESL team at the building should work with the counselor/secretary/administrator to place the student in the appropriate schedule based on language level.
      • An Individual Language Plan (ILP) is created.
    • NOTE: At the beginning of the year with large numbers enrolling, the window for all of this to take place is by September 20th.
    • During the enrollment process, if it is determined that the student is a Newcomer, in the United States for 12 months or less, a referral to an Intensive Language Center (ILC) can take place. The goal is to address Newcomers unique learning and acculturation needs in the ILC.?? Since the family will be right there, please call for an ESL IC, ESL Family Advocate, Bilingual Outreach Worker, or Migrant Advocate to assist with filling out the forms.?? Forms can be located at our department site, link below.?? If none of the previous mentioned are available, please utilize Proprio phone translation services.?? These forms then should be scanned and sent to Kristen Scott to determine if an ILC placement is appropriate.
    • As the building principal, you are to ensure that the above are happening by regularly checking in with your ESL staff as well as any office staff that handle enrollment.

All information regarding ESL and Migrant in our system is located on our department site, that address is:??


  • When a student is enrolled and the parent/guardian shares that the student has an IEP, the following will take place:
    • School secretary/registrar will notify the School Psychologist, Speech Language Pathologist, and Principal.
    • If the child is enrolling in a Secondary School, then the Special Education Teacher Leader will also be notified.
    • Upon receipt of the email, the School Psychologist will review the Student Services section under Person Documents in Infinite Campus to determine if the form indicates the student has an IEP.
    • The school secretary/registrar at the building will request special education records at the same time as the general education records are requested.
    • Upon determining that a child with an IEP has moved into the district, the School Psychologist will call the last school of attendance to obtain verbal confirmation of the special education and related services the student was receiving and the special education placement the child was in at the prior school.
    • The School Psychologist will email all service providers, Special Education Teacher Leader (secondary school only), and School Counselor (secondary school for scheduling) outlining the special education and related services that need to be provided and the placement in which those services are to be delivered.
    • Upon the child???s first day of attendance, the child will receive special education and related services in the placements as confirmed via the phone conversation.
    • Upon receipt of the IEP and supporting documents, Evaluation Summary Report, and any other records relating to the provision of special education and related services to the child, the School Psychologist will email copies of the IEP to all service providers responsible for the provision of special education and related services to the child.
    • The School Psychologist will complete and mail a Prior Written Notice for the services and placement outlining the comparable services in the IEP from the previous district.

As noted in several portions of this memo, as the building principal you are to ensure that enrollment at your building is happening as outlined for these diverse learners, as well as all families.?? Please work with your staff to establish a system for proper enrollment.?? All of our families should feel welcomed from the moment they enter your building.

Questions regarding enrollment can be addressed to:

General Enrollment Questions ??? Lisa Garcia Stewart or any member of Student Services

ESL Enrollment Questions ??? Kristen Scott

Special Education Enrollment Questions ??? Dr. Michelle Colvin or Tracy Smarr-Dolezal