Monday, November 11, 2019


New Items

Previous Items

Secondary ELA GVC Refinement and Resources Cadre – for All Principals
ESL Aide PL on November 12th – for Principals
2019-20 GARH Board Policy Update – Days to Hours – for All Administrators
BusinessPLUS Training – for All Administrators
ESL Coursework Toward Endorsement – for Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Secondary ELA GVC Refinement and Resources Cadre

from Kristi Chalk
The Curriculum and Instruction Department is seeking secondary teachers to participate in an ELA cadre to enhance support for standards-based planning and instruction. This cadre will explore and evaluate new curriculum resources, which will align to the rigor of integrated reading and writing instruction. This cadre will continue to refine the Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum (GVC), including alignment to any newly identified curriculum resources. Please share this information with teachers who might be interested in participating in this cadre work.

Secondary ELA GVC Refinement and Resources Cadre PDF

ESL Aide PL on November 12th

from Kristen Scott
As part of the Step Up grant, our ESL Aides receive their own professional learning. Their next session will be on Tuesday, November 12th from 9:00-3:00 here at the Central Office.
Aides have been informed to adjust their schedule with you the building principal to ensure they are here for their session.
If you have any questions please reach out to me. Thank you.

2019-20 GARH Board Policy Update – Days to Hours

from Amy Jo Troyer
Recently, the Board of Education approved changes to policy GARH ??? Attendance, Absences, Leaves, Vacations which will allow employees to enter absences in one hour increments rather than half/whole day increments. As of close of business on November 10, 2019, all District employees will have the ability to enter their absences in a minimum of one hour increments.

We have attached an interactive PDF which details key employee notes and we ask that you share this PDF flyer with your staff. In addition, we have listed several key talking points for supervisors regarding this change:

1) Employees will have the ability to enter absences for as little as one (1) hour or as much as a full duty day.
2) Employees are advised to contact Human Resources if they notice a discrepancy in their work schedule times and the work times schedule listed in Absence Management. Human Resources can correct this for them.
3) Employees are advised to update any future dated absences they have previously keyed in, as they will not automatically update to hours once the change in the system occurs.

As supervisors, this change will also impact you, so we have listed a few things you may want to consider when approving or denying leave requests:

1) Supervisors should consider requests for time off and review the daily absences at their site to determine classroom/duty coverage needs prior to approving or denying leave requests.
2) For substitute eligible positions, substitutes will be granted for absences of 3 or more consecutive hours. Any absence of 2 or fewer consecutive hours will require staff coverage arrangements to be made at the building level.
3) You should be receiving a daily absentee report from Frontline which lists the absences for that day in your building or department.
a. To view absences in real time, you may use the ???Daily Report??? function on the home screen of your Campus User account.
b. If you do not receive a daily absentee report, or would like additional training in Absence Management to better manage your daily absences, please contact Elizabeth Faircloth at 913-279-2262.

We welcome any questions you may have and look forward to supporting you and your staff during this transition! Our team can be reached by phone at 913-279-2262.

Leave Transition PDF

BusinessPLUS Training

from Wayne Correll
We are training the substitute treasurer???s on Friday, November 8th from 1:30 ??? 4:00 pm in the Computer Lab, Room 268.
We invite all new Administrators, Treasurer???s and those that are backing them up during an absence.

We have found with our new staff, we need to offer these more often. After the holiday???s we will be targeting our Wednesday Afternoon???s With Purchasing to either Business Plus or Visa trainings. Look for more on this in the coming weeks!

ESL Coursework Toward Endorsement

from Kristen Scott
Principals,Please pass this information along to your teachers. They can apply to be part of the last cohort of teachers to earn 15 graduate credit hours for free towards their ESL endorsement. Attached is a flyer that can be shared which also has the address of where they can apply if interested. We can accept up to 25 teachers for this last cohort!
If they have any questions they can email me. Thank you.