Friday, December 18, 2020

The Principals’ Office newsletter has a new name:

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Curriculum & Instruction

All Principals

Re: Student-Centered Coaching Professional Learning

Session 4: Goal-setting and Using Learning Targets is set for January 14 from 8:30 – 10:00. Instructional coaches are required; principals are invited to attend.


 Passcode: kckps

Session 4: Goal-setting and Using Learning Targets

  • Learn how to set goals and develop success criteria for coaching cycles
  • Understand how to use student evidence to drive coaching conversations

Homework for coaches: 

**Student-Centered Coaching info can be found in Canvas. 

Elementary Principals

Re: 3rd Quarter Curriculum Resources

In an effort to support teachers as they continue to provide high-quality instruction in the remote environment, the C&I department has compiled suggestions and materials needed for 3rd quarter instruction. For schools that choose to offer another material pick-up day, the material lists should help streamline the process. The suggestions and materials listed below are resources for students that will assist in continued progress as we continue to inspire excellence.

ELA- Fourth Grade teachers will need to send home CKLA Student Workbooks for Unit 5 (if not sent with Q2 materials), Unit 6, & Unit 7. Fifth Grade teachers will need to send home CKLA Student Workbooks for Unit 5 (if not sent with Q2 materials), Unit 6, & Unit 8. Please note, 5th grade Unit 7 has been relocated to the end of 4th Quarter due to remote learning. This unit is best suited for in-person learning. Both grade levels should refrain from sending home hard copy Student Readers, as they are not consumable. All Readers for Q3 Units are available digitally on the CKLA Student Hub. 

Q2 Note: The 5th Grade Unit 4 Reader: Don Quixote is not in the CKLA Student Hub due to copyright issues. However, teachers can download the reader from the 2nd edition site and upload it to a shared access platform like Canvas, Google Classroom, Seesaw, etc.

Math- The Math Materials for 3rd Quarter document provides suggestions for materials teachers may choose to send home for math instruction for quarter three. These supplies are based on standards for the 3rd quarter within the GVC and the Learn Anywhere Plans within Eureka Math in Sync.  Eureka Math in Sync is an available resource for remote learning that mirrors the primary resources while providing adaptations for remote learning.

Science- The Science Materials for 3rd Quarter document provides suggestions for materials teachers may choose to send home for Mystery Science units for the third quarter. These supplies are based on suggestions for adjusting for remote instruction in the  Distance Learning Guides from Mystery Science.  Mystery Science is available this school year as a supplemental resource for remote learning, however, materials for the units have not been purchased.  Teachers may use/modify supplies based on what is available in the schools’ science supply closets.  

If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact the C & I team (– ELA,– Math, and– Science/Soc. Studies) for additional support.

High School Principals

Re: Second Semester – Distribution of ELA Consumables for myPerspectives

High schools (grade 9-10 only) received two consumables per student (Vol.1 and Vol. 2.).   

  • High school building leadership teams will have to determine how to distribute Vol. 2 to grades 9-10.  
  • Many PLCs and teachers have indicated they are relying quite heavily on the use of the consumable during remote learning. 
    • If your building chose not to distribute consumables for the first semester, mid-year would be an ideal time to consider whether or not to send consumables home with students for the next quarter.
      • Please note that if the entire consumable is distributed, and we return to in-person learning, then students must be responsible for the book.  No replacements will be ordered by the Curriculum and Instruction Department.  
  • Consider reviewing this initial Q&A document that includes topics your team might be experiencing with the new resource.  This document is also housed in the GVC in the Table of Contents for each grade level. 

Please reach out to Kristi Chalk ( with any questions.


Diploma+ Newsletter – 12/15/20– PDF Link


The great Connector race is on and Quindaro is in the lead. You will remember that our goal is to have 25% of our elementary teachers using the Connector in a live session BY Jan. 22nd. The Connector is that awesome tool the Board of Education approved that connects our students to industry professionals. The building which reaches 25% first will be receiving a special treat for each of their teachers.

The current percentages for the leaders are:

Quindaro             21%

Lindbergh            14%

Silver City            13%

Noble Prentis      12%

Quindaro has a strong lead but these other three schools can quickly take over. The prizes this contest offers are so good I can’t even share it with you yet. Encourage your teachers, counselors and librarians to host a live session for students and you may be the hard working recipient of the treats.


In person pre-screening testing will pause for ESL students until January 11th, 2021. An updated list of students that are still in need of pre-screening testing will be sent out in the following weeks. Buildings will need to continue to monitor newly enrolled students that need pre-screened and make accommodations for testing to follow the state requirements of testing two weeks after enrollment. More information to come regarding testing in January.

KELPA Testing: The KELPA testing window begins February 16th through March 31st. The KELPA must be administered in a face to face setting and we are still seeking guidance from the state regarding protocols for the 2020-21 testing. We are also still waiting to receive test scores from the State for the 2019-20 school year but will plan to have training sessions in January and continue to provide updates as we have more information.

Federal Programs

District KESA Accreditation Cycle Year 3 Outside Visitation Team (OVT) Presentation Video – ALL Building and Department Administrators

Our KCKPS KESA District Leadership Team (DLT) facilitated the KESA OVT Year 3 presentation on Friday, 12/4/20.  The KESA DLT facilitated an overview of the progress occurring on the district’s Relationships and Relevance goals during 2019-20, followed by updates regarding strategic work occurring in each of the outcome areas in 2019-20.  Champions for each outcome area supported the KESA Outcome Leaders by presenting evidence of the work happening at individual campuses, followed by updates from district staff pertaining to noncompliance and foundational structures in our KCKPS organizational framework.

KCKPS KESA DLT Members and Presenters:

  • Matt Andersen and Lisa Walker, KESA Co-Leaders
  • Kimberly Shaw, Kindergarten Readiness Outcome Leader
    • Lori Cooper and Dr. Tom Sowers, Kindergarten Readiness Champions
  • Troy Pitsch, High School Graduation Outcome Leader
    • Terrence Sanders and Lynnae Knipp, High School Graduation Champions
  • Sean Demaree and Tracie Chauvin, Social-Emotional Learning Outcome Leaders
    • Bobbi Henderson and Dr. Sharon Walker, Social-Emotional Learning Champions
  • Lindsey Schneider, Individual Plan of Study Outcome Leader
    • Cindi Thomas and Kelley James, Individual Plan of Study Champions
  • LaShonda Bilbo-Ervin, Postsecondary Success Outcome Leader
    • Mary Stewart and Edward Franco, Postsecondary Success Champions
  • JaKyta Lawrie, KESA Noncompliance Areas
  • Lisa Garcia-Stewart, KESA Foundational Structures

Our District KESA Year 3 Report will be submitted to KSDE through the Authenticated Applications by 12/18/20 and our OVT Chair will send the draft Year 3 OVT report to our team for review and feedback by the first week in January, 2021.  Once both reports are reviewed and finalized, an update will be given to the Board, tentatively scheduled for 1/26/21.  Monthly meetings with the KESA District Leadership Team will continue to plan, implement, support, and monitor the systems-level work identified in our district’s KESA Accreditation framework.

THANKS to ALL who contributed to the success of this work and event! We appreciate YOU!

The KESA Year 3 Presentation video is located in the Federal Programs Shared Drive/KESA subfolder.

Fine Arts (IARC)

 Elementary Principals
Please share with the music, art and PE teachers:
Our music, art and PE teachers will complete the first module of the dyslexia training.  Have the team complete the online module on or before January 31st.  Instead of the encore team completing the second and third modules, they will receive customized training in February.
Notification will be sent to the teachers from IARC.  You can help support by also sharing the information at your respective sites.
The information below was sent to your art teacher.  This is simply a reminder of the pending deliveries and the process.  These materials are for second semester.  Please work with your art teacher to bag up the items in the provided 2.5-gallon bags and distribute to the families.
  • develop a strategy to quickly count and sort the items
  • get back with Teresa Kloiber ASAP with any shipping errors or with completion of the order, so IARC can complete the payments
  • coming your way (1 each unless noted)

    • Nasco—pencils (5 per student) and pencil sharpeners
    • School Specialty—glue bottles
    • Staples—glue sticks (3 per student), oil pastels and construction paper
    • Webstaurant—foam plates for grades 3-5 (3 per student)
    • JoAnn’s—yarn for grades 3-5 (14 ft. per student – must be cut to length)
    • Store Room—sketchbooks
    • Wal-Mart—2.5-gallon storage bags
  • some schools are waiting on the watercolors—they are due at the end of this month