Tuesday, April 13, 2021

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Official Elementary School Contest Rules


The Wyandotte County Public Health Department is keenly aware that students have been uniquely affected by COVID-19.  We know the interactions that are fundamental to a child’s social and emotional development have been severely restricted by efforts to manage this outbreak.

Students are encouraged to create a poster in any art medium depicting or related to the theme “#I Helped Conquer COVID!”.


All students, grades K- 12, here at KCKPS are eligible.  


Entries must be original artwork created in pencil, pen, Crayola, marker, paint, or other similar materials.  Computer generated artwork (including clipart) is prohibited.  Computer generated text is acceptable.

Entries will be accepted beginning now  until 9am on April 23rd, 2021.

Turn all entries into your school.

Entry Submission Deadline: April 23, 2021

What happens with entries?

After your school receives the entries for your school, you will be asked to pick the one you want to represent your school and potentially move on to the grand prize that is worth up to $500-$1000 for the student. $1,000 for the classroom teacher to use in their classroom.

Once you pick the winner we need you to roll up the entry and secure it in a safe way and send it thru intra-office mail courier  to District Office c/c Sharita Hutton. Entries need to be to District Office by April 30th at the very latest.

From there the district will handle the rest.

Thank you in advance for helping promote and run this amazing opportunity for our students.

Official Elementary Flyer Official High School Flyer Official Middle School Flyer

Lump Sum Info

Principals and Certified Administrators – Please share this information with your certified staff:

Complete the Online Lump Sum Request/Rescind form by April 30, 2021. Under KSA 74-4940(b) to receive your summer pay in the form of a “lump sum”.

Changes made to your W4/K4 should take place starting May 31 thru June 4, 2021 on Employee Online.


If you DO NOT wish to receive a Lump Sum salary payment this year, but received it last school year, you MUST request that the Lump Sum be RESCINDED, by indicating your choice when prompted.  If you DO NOT wish to receive a lump sum salary payment this year, and did not receive one last year, you do not need to do anything.

Lump Sum Change Form
2021 W-4 Instructions
K-4 Form

Enough is Enough Sign-Up

Principals,  please share this with your staff – and ask them to share it with students and parents.

Community Forum

Curriculum & Instruction

Attn: Elementary Administrators

RE: Amplify Reading K-5 Pilot

We are a little over halfway through our Amplify Reading K-5 Pilot and student usage is on the rise! Shout out to the Top 5 schools: Eugene Ware, New Stanley, Lindbergh, JFK, and McKinley!!! These schools have the highest percentage of student participation. Keep it up…at the end of the year the school with the highest number of active students will win Amplify teacher swag. If you’d like more information about the pilot, please click here. Feel free to email allison.rice@kckps.org with any questions.

Equity & Inclusion

What Hideki’s win at The Masters means for the people of Japan and the Asian Community

This past Sunday, another history making moment was made on the 18th hole at Augusta National Golf Club when Hideki Matsuyama became the first Japanese National to win the coveted “Green Jacket” additionally, the first Japanese person to win any major tournament. Not only was it Hideki who conquered Augusta’s treacherous green complexes and undulating hills, but also 17 year old Tsubasa Kajitani, also from Japan, who won a week ago at the Augusta National Women’s Amateur validating the rise of minorities in women’s sports, showing the world that women (of all ages and color) can amount to anything and do great things!

As an Asian American, I cannot tell you how profound Tsubasa’s and Hideki’s wins at Augusta mean to the Asian American community, especially at a time of great unrest. The feeling that ‘we’ have someone other than a white man in a green jacket is critical to not only the growth of the game of golf but to the acceptance of others who will come after Hideki.

As Sam Yip of The Guardian stated, “Some of us do ponder if Matsuyama’s win may actually encourage more animosity against Asians, specifically in the US. Much of golf’s American audience is white and conservative, from areas where there are few Asians. For some of them, seeing someone other than a white man in a green jacket may cause resentment – after all, it’s not like everyone was happy when Woods started his era of dominance among the country club set. But we should put those worries aside. The first generation of Asian Americans came to this country to give a better life for the following generations. In order for all Americans to live in a country of compassion and acceptance, we must push forwards more minority-driven narratives. At the end of the day, it really does not matter if Matsuyama was raised American or western culturally. What really matters is seeing people of color doing great things. We need to get to the point where it is natural to see lead characters in films, or dominant athletes, coming from all backgrounds.”

Here are some articles that capture the importance of what Hideki’s win means as well as the heartwarming and ‘chicken-skin’ sight of seeing Hideki’s caddy (Shota) bow in respect to the golf course after this monumental win.





Tuition Assistance info
Student Monitoring:
Students who scored proficient on the 2020 KELPA will need transitional paperwork filled out, signed, and submitted to Dasiel Suarez by April 15 end of day. Paperwork for current 6th and 9th graders will be completed at their current building not at the 2020 school of attendance.
Student ILP Updates: 
The window for updating ESOL Student ILP opens April 16th and will close May 17thend of day. Information regarding the ILP process and access to
Frontline training can be accessed through the ESOL Website.  The Frontline training will be available on April 16th for admin and staff to access.
There are changes in the ILP process as the forms have been embedded in Infinite Campus for spring 2021. Questions regarding Infinite Campus contact Michelle Gould. Questions regarding the ILP process contact Connie Thao or Dasiel Suarez.

ESOL Teacher Endorsement: 

Administrators we are continuing our partnership with KU to offer graduate courses towards ESOL endorsement. Share this opportunity with any interested teachers. Applications due May 31st. Three graduate courses, fall 2021 to summer 2022. KSU modified their five-course model to now include only three.

·         PRAXIS prep materials, reimbursed PRAXIS fee, and reimbursed KSDE license fee at the end

·         Coaching visits in-person or via Zoom each semester

·         Meet in-person first and last session of the semester

·         Primarily group work format

Federal Programs


Subject: Title IX Reporting Reminders

At the onset of receiving a report of ANY form of sexual misconduct (no matter how small) –

  • Send an email to titleix@kckps.org that ONLY says “Please Call.”
  • Please do not include ANY details about ANYTHING in the “Please Call” email.
  • If urgent, you can call Lisa or Curtis AFTER sending the “Please Call” email.
  • Please cc your supervisor and if applicable, IIO.
  • Nothing should be added to your Title IX spreadsheet unless you have FIRST sent the “Please Call” email.

Please refer to the new Title IX Reporting & Investigations page in the HR Admin Guide for all Title IX forms, as well as a detailed guide to each step of the Title IX process.  If you need additional assistance or have questions that cannot be answered via the HR Admin Guide, please don’t hesitate to contact Lisa Walker, District Title IX Coordinator or Curtis Nicholson, District Title IX Investigator.


Subject:  School Improvement Plans ASCD Article  – DO THIS, Not That!

Check out The Best Laid Plans CAN Succeed from ASCD around School Improvement Planning (SIP).  This quick read AFFIRMS the SIP work we’ve been doing in KCKPS over the past 2 years! LEARNING and LEADING!

KansaStar leverages the POWER to tell ALL PARTS of your BUILDING’S story in ONE place! A reminder to capture ALL Building Leadership/PLC Team notes in KansaStar, versus a separate Google Doc or Planning Sheet.  SHARE your KansaStar account credentials with trusted members of your building leadership team so they can enter in information as different PLCs plan and facilitate this important work.

Email Lisa.Walker@kckps.org and Kacie.Olson@swplains.org if you need 1:1 support for your KansaStar SIP!


SUBJECT: Calendar Invitations Sent for 3-5th Grades Student Survey Window

All elementary principals should have received a calendar invitation for the KCKPS annual 3rd-5th grade student survey  which will be conducted between 5/3/21 and 5/14/21.  Surveys will gather data on culture, climate, equity & inclusion, and instructional programs.  DATA will be used for KESA, District Strategic Plan, and in your School Improvement Plans. It’s important for all elementary schools to have strong participation rates in order for the responses to be a valid data source.

Please forward on survey links and work with your 3rd-5th grade teachers to make sure ALL 3rd – 5th grade students have an opportunity to participate in the survey.  The first page of the survey includes drop down menus where students will select a language in which to complete the survey and also their school.

English, Spanish, Hakka Chin, Hmong, Kiswahili, Nepali, Somali, Arabic, Burmese Survey Link:


Karen: https://kckps.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9HO1yaWRHEEnQ4S

Thanks for your help in collecting this important data! For questions, email or call Lisa Walker.

Human Resources

Elementary School Sponsor Supplemental Submissions – Due April 21, 2021

Below you will find the link to submit the names of all Sponsors for the May 31, 2021 Supplemental pay date. Your final, complete responses are due by April 21, 2021 at 4pm. Please note that if your response is not received prior to the due date your Sponsors will not be paid on May 31, 2021. Depending upon when a late response is received, the earliest that your Sponsors would be paid is June 15, 2021. Payment can be delayed further depending upon your submission dates. All Sponsor inquiries with regards to late payment will be redirected to the responsible Administrator. There are directions below for how to complete the survey.

The provided link below will take you to a Google form to complete. The survey is preprogrammed with the appropriate number of allocated Coaches/Sponsors per activity. If you feel that your building requires additional allocations or has received them in the past, you must email me to discuss any needed additions. All requests will be evaluated, and you will be notified of the decision made. To begin your submission, you will have to select your building. From there the survey will take you through each activity that is slated to be paid on May 31 and allow you to enter the name(s) and I.D. number(s) of all active Sponsors. If any Sponsors are returning for another season, re-type their names on the provided line.  If you did not fill every Sponsor position and/or your building didn’t participate in that activity this season type N/A in all fields where it may apply. Once all fields are complete, click the done button to submit your survey. If you do not click done your responses will not be recorded. If any changes need to be made to previously submitted information return to the site using the provided link below (preferably using the same computer) and resubmit a new survey. You will also need to notify me by email of any resubmissions so that we can update any modified information.


It is important to note that if you have any Sponsors that are sponsoring their activity for the first time, they must be cleared by HR PRIOR to beginning the activity. This is true for current Certified and Classified employees as well as new employees.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.



Professional Development

All Principals

The PD Planning Document has been updated for 4th Quarter. PD times for the remainder of the year will be 2-hours on Wednesdays, as if we were in a typical year with Early Release Wednesdays.
Please read the document outlining required PD, as well as suggestions for PD topics, for the remainder of the school year.
Please note, there are few corrections to the document: 
  • Art, Music, PE, and Theatre Teachers will have District Content PD day on April 21. (They will also have optional PLC time the following Wednesdays.)
  • Early Childhood will NOT have Home visits on April 21st. Early Childhood will have Home visits on May 12th. 

Please let Lindsey Schneider know if you have any questions. Thank you.