Friday, February 18, 2022

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Action Items

For All Administrators

State Wide Tornado Drill Exercise 10AM Tuesday March 8th.


Severe Weather Preparedness Week is March 7 to 11. The State wide tornado drill will be held at 10 AM on Tuesday March 8. There will not be a backup date or time. This year’s KS SWPW packet can be found here as educational material.

This year’s drill will differ from years past in one critical way. The NWS will NOT be sending out a live tornado warning over NOAA Weather Radio and EAS, rather we will send out a routine weekly test on NOAA Weather Radio containing tornado drill information. This was done because sending out the live warning has been extraordinarily problematic and confusing to the general public for years, and resulted in testing EAS in a manner inconsistent with its design. Wyandotte County will be sounding the normal tornado sirens throughout the County.

We are requesting that all schools and district buildings conduct a tornado drill at 10 AM on March 8, and we encourage you to participate by sounding your sirens or utilizing test verbiage in any other emergency communications protocols you utilize. The NWS will also be sending out graphics for the drill on Facebook and Twitter at 10 AM to encourage the general public to practice sheltering.

For Title IX Building & Department Coordinators

Review Title IX Supportive Measures

from Federal Programs

Please conduct ongoing reviews of the supportive measures put into place by you and your teams for students and/or staff involved in Title IX misconduct incidents. Campus teams should work together to ensure supportive measures continue to be appropriate for both complainants and respondents, that both parties are following their supportive measures as set forth, and documentation exists of your monitoring efforts and findings.

Supportive measures should be provided to ALL parties throughout the process and should adhere to the following guidelines:
· Non-disciplinary, non-punitive;
· Individualized;
· Restore or preserve equal access;
· Without unreasonably burdening other party;
· Protect safety of parties or environment, or deter sexual harassment;
· If supportive measures are not provided, document why not.

District Departments (IIOs, SPED, Student Services, Federal Programs) can provide additional support to building teams by providing input on existing plans and additional adjustments and considerations which may be needed. Please refer to the Title IX Reporting & Investigations page in the HR Admin Guide and KCK Principal Handbook for a list of typical supportive measures.

Informational Items

For Elementary Principals

IARC Calendar Dates

from IARC

Please reserve the following calendar dates. As in the past, we ask that no other events be scheduled on these dates due to the large number of students involved.

May 6th – Are You Faster Than a 5th Grader?
May 10th and May 12th – KS Kids Fitness Day

Strings Festival

from IARC

Due to COVID guidelines with KCKCC, our annual strings festival will take on a new look. Our orchestra teachers will have cluster concerts to give our strings students an orchestral performance experience this spring. Teachers will work with each of their elementary buildings to schedule a concert in conjunction with other schools on their teaching load.

What does this mean for your building? Your strings teacher will handle the details and will communicate with you. We hope you can attend the concert and support the students.

For Middle School Principals

Middle School Band, Orchestra and Choir Festivals

from IARC
Please mark your calendars for our annual KCKPS music festivals.
*February 22nd – band at Washington HS
*March 3rd – orchestra at Washington HS
*March 30th – choir at Rosedale MS

Teachers have all the details for entering for subs and for logistics. Many of them do not have professional leave as an option in AESOP. Please help them get this leave entered. IARC will pay for the subs and for the buses.


Family Surveys for KESA, Title I, School Improvement Plans, District Strategic Plan

from Federal Programs

We’re PUSHING OUT our annual family survey between 2/1/22 and 2/28/22 to gather data on YOUR SCHOOL’s culture, climate, equity & inclusion, and instructional programs. Surveys are for ALL SCHOOLS. DATA will be used for KESA, Title I, School Improvement Plans, and the District Strategic Plan. It’s important for all schools to have strong participation rates in order for the responses to be a valid data source.

Surveys will be made available through the following measures:
-Principals should provide structured opportunities/computer stations at Family Advocacy conferences so parents can
complete surveys on site.
-Principals should send out survey links in their School Newsletters, encouraging parents to provide important feedback
about their schools.
-Classroom or department teachers should send out survey links in their weekly/daily posts for parents.
-Survey links will be posted on the district website.
-The Communications Department will send out the survey link to all families through Flyer Connect and Bright Arrow

Please note there is ONE link for 8 languages and a SEPARATE LINK for the Karen translation.

A PDF that includes a short message (9 different translations) inviting families to complete the survey, followed by the survey link, is located in the Federal Programs shared drive. A copy of the Survey is also in the folder.

New Staff Intranet Launching Soon/Review of District Forms and Departmental Pages

from Communications

Due to new and ongoing issues with the old intranet system, we are launching a temporary (but more user-friendly and accessible) staff intranet for everyone’s use.  The new, temporary intranet will also have a section titled “Administrators’ Corner,” with links to this newsletter’s homepage, admin-only form links, and more.

Before we launch this temporary intranet, however, we need a lot of old data updated or even removed.  To start, there is a page that housed a number of all-purpose forms and manuals; if your department handles any of these forms (or used to), please visit this link and send any changes needed to forms or links directly to Mike Keener as soon as you can, as it will help speed along the live launch of this new intranet page. Additionally, let him know about any other content on either the live site (or old intranet) that needs to be edited for inclusion on the new site.

KSDE Data Quality Certification Training (Required)

from DERA

Trainers from KSDE KIDS are excited to join you all in a day full of learning, discussion and resources that will help our district achieve data success! This training is required for KESA. Please share this information with everyone on your team who works with KSDE Data Applications. (See list below.)

  • Tuesday, February 22, 2022, from 9am-4pm at Central Office (Rm 131-133)


  • Thursday, February 24, 2022, from 9am-4pm at Central Office (Rm 131-133).

This training is designed to help our school and district staff develop a better understanding of how KIDS (and other data systems/applications work together), and how it impacts our school and/or district.

DQC District Certification Training Topics:

  • Why Data Quality is important to YOU

  • Policy Discussions

  • Data Privacy and Ethics

  • Whose Role is it Anyway

  • Communicating Effectively

  • Data Teams for Accreditation

  • Reports for Success

  • Resources

This training is intended to help our district effectively communicate, ensure deadlines are being met, and spark crucial conversations about district and building policy, processes, and procedures. This time will allow everyone who has a hand in our data collection and reporting to come together to ensure our district is solid in our data reporting.

All administrators and staff attending the training MUST register in TWO locations; register once with the state and once with the district in Frontline.

KSDE Registration Steps:

  1. Log In to the KSDE Training Portal: (If you do not already have an account, you will need to make one to enroll on the course.)

  2. Once you get logged in, you will click on “Site Home” along the left-hand side of the screen. This will take you to the list of courses available; Select “Data Quality Certification Program”

  3. Next, you will click on the “DQC District Accreditation Sessions Sign-Up” and choose the date in which you will be attending. (Either Tuesday, Feb 22 or Thursday, Feb 24)

  4. If time allows, there are a few short videos you are welcome to watch on the “Getting Started” tab.

    1. There is a great video by KSDE Commissioner Watson, one that speaks on FERPA (which we cover in our class)

    2. Also a great tutorial about Data Central

    3. Please also feel free to complete the “pre-training questionnaire” if you would like.

  • If you encounter any issues when attempting to register for the course or with your training portal account in general, please reach out to Melanie Scott at

  • All other questions regarding this training can be directed to Sarah Palubinski,

KCKPS Registration in Frontline:


Not sure if you or someone on your team registered…? Check the KCKPS Frontline list – updated Feb 17 at 9:45

Please share this information with everyone on your team who works with KSDE Data Applications:

  • AMOSS – Academic Measures of Student Success

  • Annual Statistical Report (18E)

  • Auditor File Exchange

  • Categorical Aid Personnel System

  • Designation of School Attendance Officers

  • Direct Certification

  • Directory Updates

  • Driver Education Reimbursement

  • Dropout/Graduation Summary Report

  • Early Childhood Foundations For School Success

  • EDCS


  • Form 16 – Accreditation Licensure Waiver

  • Foster Care Application

  • IHE Portals

  • Interlocal Agreements (D0600’s only)

  • Juvenile Detention Center – Final

  • K-PAC Report

  • Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA)

  • Kansas Grants Management System (KGMS)

  • Kansas Grants Reporting System (KGRS)

  • Kansas Integrated Accountability System (KIAS)

  • Kansas Teacher of the Year

  • KCC Management System

  • KEEP2

  • KIDS Assignment System

  • KIDS Collection

  • KLAS – Use only for Forms 2, 3a, 8, or 20


  • LCP System

  • Lea Forms

  • License Application – Use for all other license applications

  • Mentor Programs

  • Migrant Web

  • Neglected or Delinquent

  • Outcomes Part B

  • Outcomes Post School

  • Pathways

  • Principal’s Building Report (PBR)

  • School Safety Hotline

  • Special Education MIS Collection System

  • SPEDPro

  • Star Recognition

  • State Forms

  • Student Record Exchange

  • Superintendent’s Organization Report (SO66)

  • Virtual School and Programs

New District Letterhead

from Communications

Please use this letterhead template for district communications.

IMPORTANT REMINDERS FOR Title IX Reporting Procedures

from Federal Programs

Important questions and reminders for Title IX Building/Department Coordinators!

What did you know?
When did you know?
What did you do?

#1 -As soon as you are notified and can confirm basic information around ANY KIND of sexual misconduct incident, send the ‘Please Call’ email to and CC your principal and IIO.

#2 – No investigation or discipline can occur with students or staff until AFTER you’ve sent the ‘Please Call’ email AND the District Title IX Coordinator’s office has talked with you. A pause must occur per regulations to make a determination on whether or not you will proceed via a Title IX investigation or via a student/employee code of conduct or investigation.

This process must be followed each time, regardless of the level of seriousness of the misconduct and regardless of whether or not the misconduct is tracked on the Title IX spreadsheet or through a Title Incident Report and Title IX Complaint Form.

Detailed Title IX information can be found on the Title IX Reporting and Investigations pages in the HR Admin Guide and the KCK Principal Handbook. Please contact Lisa Walker, District Title IX Coordinator, with any questions.

Extended Learning Summer Program Coming Soon

From Communications

As we get ready to gear up for this year’s summer school program, items to help you spread the word are on their way to your buildings.

You may soon be receiving or already received the postcards with the QR code. Those are for your families. You can hand them out during the upcoming  FA days or pass them out to students you know would benefit from the summer program.

In addition, you will receive posters for your front doors.

For Early Childhood enrollment won’t start right away. When that window opens, items will be headed your way.

High School- same for you.

Lastly, all of you should be receiving postcards like the one attached.

Please only place this item where teachers/staff will see them. Mailboxes, break rooms… they are for internal use only at this time.

As always if you have questions, let Sharita Hutton know. Also, if you need more postcards, we can get more printed.

Greenbush Virtual Academy – Spring Enrollment will close Tuesday, February 22

from Student Services

Please share with your counselors, school administrators, social workers, and coordinators

The spring enrollment window for the Greenbush Virtual Academy, for K-12 students, will close on Tuesday, February 22. Please contact Octavio Estrella, Assistant Director of Student Services, at (913) 627-4370 or by email if you have questions or need to discuss specific extenuating circumstances related to health and safety.

NEA-KCK Professional Development

from NEA-KCK

Due to attendance, we have rescheduled the De-Escalation (Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Behavior). The new date and time will be: March 1, 2022 at 6:00-7:30 p.m. This is will be ZOOM session, the link will be provided after registration is completed. Registration ends: February 24, 2022 at 4 p.m. Door prize will be awarded. Must be present to win.

Register at this link.
Questions can be sent to Dom DeRosa.

Spending Cutoff – April 1st

from Purchasing

Click here to view information via PDF about the April 1 spending cutoff.

Strikeout COVID Vaccine Events Coming Soon

from Communications and Marketing

Administrators, please share this info with staff and students:

Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools is partnering with the Wyandotte County Health Department and the Kansas City Royals to Strikeout Covid for those ages 5 to 11 for upcoming vaccine events.

Disqualifiers for getting the vaccine:

  • Sick now with any new fever, cough, chills, body aches, sore throat, fatigue, congestion, headache, shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of taste or smell
  • Positive covid-19 test in the past 10 days
  • Living with anyone who is positive currently.
GLORIA WILLIS Middle School – WEDNEsday, February 23, 2022

A COVID-19 vaccine event will be held at Gloria Willis Middle School on Thursday, February 10, 2022. The event runs from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Central Middle School – Thursday, March 3, 2022

A COVID-19 vaccine event will be held at Central Middle School on Thursday, March 3, 2022. The event runs from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Strikeout COVID graphic

Spanish COVID graphic

Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents

From Communications & Marketing

Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.

Student injury forms have now been included to the list.

To find the reporting form for students go to this link:

To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.

Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.

To do so, please use the following link:

The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.

This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.

The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident,  there is a fight,  or even to report property damage.

An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.

There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.

If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.

Here is a link to the Incident Report form:

Parent Canvas Sign Up

from Curriculum & Instruction

This two page document will help parents sign up to be observers of their students in Canvas. If you have any questions regarding the document, please reach out to Wendy Elkins or Julie Leach.

Mental Wellness Opportunity – 6th and 7th Grade

from IARC

Please share with your 6th and 7th grade teachers and with your school counselors.

The Coterie and the UMKC School of Social Work are partnering together with Project Daylight. This FREE presentation is for 6th and 7th grade students to support mental wellness.

Pairing a trained actor/facilitator with graduate student in social work, this session addresses the mental health issues we’re seeing on a fast rise in our schools.

This innovative, interactive theatre work introduces middle school students to mental wellness concepts—with the goals of de-stigmatizing asking for help, opening dialogue and providing resiliency tools.

Dramatic format captures student attention; based on real stories of Kansas City teens dealing with anxiety and depression.
Students will learn self-management skills to regulate emotions and to monitor/achieve behaviors related to school and life success. The hope of Project Daylight is to create early intervention and, as a result, prevent serious mental health crisis in later years.

Audience Limit: Classroom-sized group. Multiple presentations welcome
In-Person Classes: Students must be in-person to participate, allowing access to the school’s counselor
Length: 45-50 minutes
Cost: Free of charge.

Direct any questions to Kaitlin Nelke.

More information can be found here.

To sign up for a session, use this link.