Thursday, May 5, 2016


New Items

Previous Items

Change in date for April, 2017 Content Wednesday – for All Instructional Administrators
Superintendent’s Honor Roll – for Administrators and Principals
Non Returning Staff Laptops and iPads – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Change in date for April, 2017 Content Wednesday

From Alan King
The date for the April 2017 Content Wednesday has been changed from the one originally published. It will be April 19. All of the dates for next year’s district wide professional learning can be viewed??here.

Superintendent’s Honor Roll

From Grace Elmore
The Superintendent’s Honor Roll is coming up on May 11! This event is open to all administrators, principals and teachers who want to come support their students. It will be at Wyandotte High School in the auditorium, starting at 6:30 p.m. There will be a reception to follow. If you have any questions, please email

Non Returning Staff Laptops and iPads

From Joe Fives
Any staff member who received a district laptop (including the charger and dongle) or a school issued iPad, MUST return the device(s), dongle and chargers to the building administrator before leaving the district.

If a device is not returned, the staff member may have his/her last paycheck held until device is returned.

Laptops and iPads of teachers not returning to the district will be picked up at each school by TIS the week of May 24th. If you have laptops and/or iPads at your site that have not been picked by Friday, May 27, please contact the Help Desk. (279-2330)

Laptop/iPad Turn-in PDF