Tuesday, August 2, 2016


New Items

Telemarketing Solicitations??- for All Administrators
DCIP??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

ESOL Professional Learning-August 11??- for All Administrators

New Items

Telemarketing Solicitations

From Robert Young
Be advised that once again telemarketing companies are contacting many of our schools attempting to sell or ship products that are extremely overpriced and of suspect quality. Their hope is to contact someone unfamiliar with the District???s contracts or ordering procedures. They will often come very close to representing themselves as companies currently holding District contracts or price agreements. They may even know what types of equipment are you have in your building. Do not consent to order or allow shipment from these companies. They will usually identify themselves as fakers if you ask one of the following questions:

1) Can you provide me with the contract number, as I would like to check it with the purchasing department?
2) Can I get the name of your company and phone number so I can get back with you?

Typically, this is where the caller will excuse him or herself from the conversation or hang up. Companies that have legitimate contracts with the District will not call your building attempting to ship you unsolicited product.

We have been alerted that some of the schools have been receiving phone calls from someone wanting to sell toner or office supply products to the schools/buildings because the ???price was going up and they had a special promotion???. These people might pass themselves off as your current supplier and ask for information about the new copiers. The USD 500 does not buy toner separately under the current and new agreement with Unisource. Unisource will never call your office soliciting you to buy supplies on the office copiers.

Remember that Unisource does not call your building for supply sales. The only time a Unisource employee would be calling you would be for a service issue or meter read on your copier. If you have any questions as to the legitimacy of a phone call, be safe and ask for their name and number and tell them you will call them back. These people can be very persistent and eventually rude when they don???t get the answers they want.

Please make sure you secretarial staff and treasurers are aware of this information. Thank you for your attention to this matter and make sure the appropriate people at your office know to be on the lookout for these type phone solicitations.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at bob.young@kckps.org or call at 913-279-2244.


From David A. Smith
A number of administrators have asked about sharing the revised DCIP with their staff. You will remember that we have been making revisions to the DCIP, based on your feedback. While we are still finishing the process of finalizing changes and formatting the document, I know that some of you would like to begin working with your staff, using the document. Attached you will find a version of the DCIP with all revisions that have been completed to date. (The only section missing is the section on Non-Negotiable Goals for Achievement, which is in the process of being finalized and formatted.) The final DCIP will be forwarded as soon as it is complete.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Provisional DCIP PDF Form

Previous Items

ESOL Professional Learning-August 11

From Kristen Scott
Just a reminder that we will have our first professional learning session for ESOL staff on August 11th.
Secondary staff will report to the Central Office East Wing from 8:00 to 11:00.
EC5 staff will report to the Central Office East Wing from 1:00 to 4:00.