Tuesday, September 6, 2016


New Items

Instructional Logs??- for All Principals

Previous Items

iObservation Training Opportunities??- for All Administrators

New Items

Instructional Logs

From Bridgette DeSmet
Please remember the completed Instructional Logs are due to me by the 5th of each month. The logs were sent out several weeks ago. We are using the State’s calculator this year which is different than what we have used the past. If there are questions or concerns, please encourage your staff to call me (279-2232). Thank you.

Previous Items

iObservation Training Opportunities for All Administrators

From Shelly Beech
Based on expressed interest from the Administrators, the Professional Workforce Development Office will be hosting an iObservation (www.effectiveeducators.com) training. This training will include an overview of iObservation, support for navigating the program and support for conducting formal and informal observations, including walk through observations. Please be advised, this training is NOT mandatory, but if you are needing support around the system, this would be a great opportunity to gain knowledge on the functionality of the system. Select the date/time you would like to attend in this link
below and submit the form.

If you have any questions, please contact Taneka Brown.