Tuesday, September 20, 2016


New Items

OFFICIAL Student Count??- for All Principals
Resources for Bond Referendum??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

Resources for Bond Referendum??- for All Administrators

New Items

OFFICIAL Student Count

From Bridgette DeSmet
The final and official student count is 09/20/16 (Tuesday). Please be sure to turn in your count before the end of the day on 09/20/16.
This count is mandatory.

Resources for Bond Referendum

From David A. Smith
Attached are message points to support talking to parents and community members about the Bond Referendum. Also, please remember that the “Please Vote” yard signs need to be placed on school district property, not on the city’s right of way.

Message Points PDF

Previous Items

Resources for Bond Referendum

From David A. Smith

We are making a number of resources available for you to use in talking with your staff and the community about the upcoming bond referendum. Dr. Cynthia Lane, superintendent, has created a video which provides a general explanation of the bond referendum. You can access the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1MZIptmPjs

Please make sure that your staff have an opportunity to view the video during Wednesday afternoon early release. We also would appreciate your setting up the video on a laptop connected to a screen or monitor, to run on a loop during Family Advocacy. There is additional information available about the bond on the bond referendum page: kckps.org/pleasevote, including the Powerpoint used during the Administrators’ Meeting.

The district will also be sending out two posters for each school, which provide detailed information about the bond, for you to post in a visible place in your building. Thank you in advance for putting them up. You will also be receiving several additional items over the next several weeks, including buttons for each staff member to wear, and backpack fliers in English/Spanish to send home with students and post on SchoolLoop. We will let you know when these additional materials are available.

Thanks for your support.

David A. Smith
Chief of Communications and Governmental Relations