Thursday, February 16, 2017


New Items

Previous Items

Warning Status and Non-Renewals for CERTIFIED Staff – for Administrators of Certified Staff
Truancy Training – for All Administrators
CIS Goes Live – for All Administrators
Information About Ordering Materials for 2017-18 School Year – for Elementary Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Warning Status and Non-Renewals for CERTIFIED Staff

From Amy Jo Troyer
As a follow-up confirmation, two separate email messages were sent from your HR Advisor on Tuesday the 14th to outline both the Warning Status and Non-Renewal processes, respectively, and provide next steps for your action. If you did not receive one or both of the messages, please reach out to your HR Advisor so we can ensure that you have the information.

Truancy Training

From Rosie Rodriguez
Elementary Attendance Clerks: Wednesday, February 22nd from 2-4 in room 268.
Secondary Attendance Clerks: Wednesday, March 1st from 1:30-3:30 in room 268.

CIS Goes Live

From Jody.Mitchell
As a reminder, the district went live on CIS Monday, February 13, 2017. Below are some helpful hints for success:

  • Effective 2/13/2017, time sheet employees should no longer submit time sheets through the Employee Portal for work performed in their primary position
  • If an employee works ???extra duty??? (work outside their primary position), they must clock out of CIS and complete an extra duty time sheet
  • Please remind your employees to digitally sign their hours at the end of their work week
  • All Principals/Administrators should approve their employee???s time weekly
  • Overtime hours worked will be paid unless the employee selects the comp time bank when digitally signing at the end of the week
  • As of June 30th any unused comp time will be paid to the employee

Information About Ordering Materials for 2017-18 School Year

From Suzie Legg
Please use the link below to access information regarding the ordering of student and teacher materials for the 2017-18 school year. This includes information for consumable student materials ordered each year as well as information for the addition of any grade level classrooms to your site.

I know we seem to ask for this information earlier each year, but I would ask that you provide the best information you have at this point. It is especially important to get requests in early so that we can get needed materials purchased and to your sites in a timely fashion.

Responses regarding consumable student materials are needed no later than Friday, February 17th. Classroom additions can be communicated at a later date if needed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Suzie Legg
Curriculum Coordinator

Link to Materials Ordering Information-
(you must be logged into your account in order to access this document and associated forms)

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


New Items

Warning Status and Non-Renewals for CERTIFIED Staff – for Administrators of Certified Staff
Truancy Training – for All Administrators

Previous Items

ESL Aide PL on February 15 – for All Administrators
CIS Goes Live – for All Administrators
February 15 Due Date for Evaluations – for All Administrators
Information About Ordering Materials for 2017-18 School Year – for Elementary Administrators

New Items

Warning Status and Non-Renewals for CERTIFIED Staff

From Amy Jo Troyer
As a follow-up confirmation, two separate email messages were sent from your HR Advisor on Tuesday the 14th to outline both the Warning Status and Non-Renewal processes, respectively, and provide next steps for your action. If you did not receive one or both of the messages, please reach out to your HR Advisor so we can ensure that you have the information.

Truancy Training

From Rosie Rodriguez
Elementary Attendance Clerks: Wednesday, February 22nd from 2-4 in room 268.
Secondary Attendance Clerks: Wednesday, March 1st from 1:30-3:30 in room 268.

Previous Items

ESL Aide PL on February 15

From Kristen Scott
Just a reminder that we are pulling all ESL Instructional Aides for PL Wednesday, February 15th from 2:00 to 4:00 at Northwest Middle.
We ask that if your ESL instructional aides’ scheduled working day does not allow for this, please flex their time so they can attend for the full session. If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you.

CIS Goes Live

From Jody.Mitchell
As a reminder, the district went live on CIS Monday, February 13, 2017. Below are some helpful hints for success:

  • Effective 2/13/2017, time sheet employees should no longer submit time sheets through the Employee Portal for work performed in their primary position
  • If an employee works ???extra duty??? (work outside their primary position), they must clock out of CIS and complete an extra duty time sheet
  • Please remind your employees to digitally sign their hours at the end of their work week
  • All Principals/Administrators should approve their employee???s time weekly
  • Overtime hours worked will be paid unless the employee selects the comp time bank when digitally signing at the end of the week
  • As of June 30th any unused comp time will be paid to the employee

February 15 Due Date for Evaluations

From Sherry Samples
As a reminder, please review your Talent Ed Evaluation list for those employees who have an evaluation due on February 15 as it is quickly approaching. An evaluation is only considered complete and having met the state established due date if you have met with the employee, the employee has signed the evaluation, and you have marked the process complete with the button in the lower right corner of the page. This last step is often overlooked.

If any employees have access issues they may contact the TIS help desk via email or by calling 279-2330.

Information About Ordering Materials for 2017-18 School Year

From Suzie Legg
Please use the link below to access information regarding the ordering of student and teacher materials for the 2017-18 school year. This includes information for consumable student materials ordered each year as well as information for the addition of any grade level classrooms to your site.

I know we seem to ask for this information earlier each year, but I would ask that you provide the best information you have at this point. It is especially important to get requests in early so that we can get needed materials purchased and to your sites in a timely fashion.

Responses regarding consumable student materials are needed no later than Friday, February 17th. Classroom additions can be communicated at a later date if needed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Suzie Legg
Curriculum Coordinator

Link to Materials Ordering Information-
(you must be logged into your account in order to access this document and associated forms)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


New Items

ESL Aide PL on February 15 – for All Administrators

Previous Items

CIS Goes Live – for All Administrators
February 15 Due Date for Evaluations – for All Administrators
Information About Ordering Materials for 2017-18 School Year – for Elementary Administrators

New Items

ESL Aide PL on February 15

From Kristen Scott
Just a reminder that we are pulling all ESL Instructional Aides for PL Wednesday, February 15th from 2:00 to 4:00 at Northwest Middle.
We ask that if your ESL instructional aides’ scheduled working day does not allow for this, please flex their time so they can attend for the full session. If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you.

Previous Items

CIS Goes Live

From Jody.Mitchell
As a reminder, the district went live on CIS Monday, February 13, 2017. Below are some helpful hints for success:

  • Effective 2/13/2017, time sheet employees should no longer submit time sheets through the Employee Portal for work performed in their primary position
  • If an employee works ???extra duty??? (work outside their primary position), they must clock out of CIS and complete an extra duty time sheet
  • Please remind your employees to digitally sign their hours at the end of their work week
  • All Principals/Administrators should approve their employee???s time weekly
  • Overtime hours worked will be paid unless the employee selects the comp time bank when digitally signing at the end of the week
  • As of June 30th any unused comp time will be paid to the employee

February 15 Due Date for Evaluations

From Sherry Samples
As a reminder, please review your Talent Ed Evaluation list for those employees who have an evaluation due on February 15 as it is quickly approaching. An evaluation is only considered complete and having met the state established due date if you have met with the employee, the employee has signed the evaluation, and you have marked the process complete with the button in the lower right corner of the page. This last step is often overlooked.

If any employees have access issues they may contact the TIS help desk via email or by calling 279-2330.

Information About Ordering Materials for 2017-18 School Year

From Suzie Legg
Please use the link below to access information regarding the ordering of student and teacher materials for the 2017-18 school year. This includes information for consumable student materials ordered each year as well as information for the addition of any grade level classrooms to your site.

I know we seem to ask for this information earlier each year, but I would ask that you provide the best information you have at this point. It is especially important to get requests in early so that we can get needed materials purchased and to your sites in a timely fashion.

Responses regarding consumable student materials are needed no later than Friday, February 17th. Classroom additions can be communicated at a later date if needed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Suzie Legg
Curriculum Coordinator

Link to Materials Ordering Information-
(you must be logged into your account in order to access this document and associated forms)

Monday, February 13, 2017


New Items

CIS Goes Live – for All Administrators

Previous Items

February 15 Due Date for Evaluations – for All Administrators
Information About Ordering Materials for 2017-18 School Year – for Elementary Administrators
Food Truck Design Competition – for All Administrators
Change in EC-5 Beginning Teacher Date – for All Administrators
Family Advocacy/Conferences – for All Administrators

New Items

CIS Goes Live

From Jody.Mitchell
As a reminder, the district went live on CIS Monday, February 13, 2017. Below are some helpful hints for success:

  • Effective 2/13/2017, time sheet employees should no longer submit time sheets through the Employee Portal for work performed in their primary position
  • If an employee works ???extra duty??? (work outside their primary position), they must clock out of CIS and complete an extra duty time sheet
  • Please remind your employees to digitally sign their hours at the end of their work week
  • All Principals/Administrators should approve their employee???s time weekly
  • Overtime hours worked will be paid unless the employee selects the comp time bank when digitally signing at the end of the week
  • As of June 30th any unused comp time will be paid to the employee

Previous Items

February 15 Due Date for Evaluations

From Sherry Samples
As a reminder, please review your Talent Ed Evaluation list for those employees who have an evaluation due on February 15 as it is quickly approaching. An evaluation is only considered complete and having met the state established due date if you have met with the employee, the employee has signed the evaluation, and you have marked the process complete with the button in the lower right corner of the page. This last step is often overlooked.

If any employees have access issues they may contact the TIS help desk via email or by calling 279-2330.

Information About Ordering Materials for 2017-18 School Year

From Suzie Legg
Please use the link below to access information regarding the ordering of student and teacher materials for the 2017-18 school year. This includes information for consumable student materials ordered each year as well as information for the addition of any grade level classrooms to your site.

I know we seem to ask for this information earlier each year, but I would ask that you provide the best information you have at this point. It is especially important to get requests in early so that we can get needed materials purchased and to your sites in a timely fashion.

Responses regarding consumable student materials are needed no later than Friday, February 17th. Classroom additions can be communicated at a later date if needed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Suzie Legg
Curriculum Coordinator

Link to Materials Ordering Information-
(you must be logged into your account in order to access this document and associated forms)

Food Truck Design Competition

From Josh Mathiasmeier
Nutritional Services has partnered with the Wyandotte County Health Department to present the Food Truck Design Competition. This competition will be for students to design the wrap for our new food truck, set to debut summer 2017. Please submit entries by March 1, 2017 and contact Nutritional Services with questions!

Flyer PDF

Change in EC-5 Beginning Teacher Date

From Shelly Beech
The EC-5 Beginning Teachers meeting originally scheduled for February 9 has been re-scheduled for Monday, February 27 due to the Family Advocacy days scheduled this week. The meeting is scheduled for 4:30-6:30 here at the Central office.

The format for this meeting will be different in that EC-5 Beginning Teachers have been sent a google form to sign up for the session they wish to attend on February 27. Please remind your beginning teachers do sign up for their session as these sessions are required.

Thank you.

Family Advocacy/Conferences

From Lisa Garcia
Family Advocacy/conferences is one indication for building strong relationships that focuses on supporting the conditions for learning and creating a caring and safe school environment

Below is the link to the FA logs to track student/parent conferences. Please share with all teachers or staff that will be conducting a Family Advocacy conference. Staff will complete all the fields in the Google document. This Google document does not have editing rights and only the teacher or staff member will be able to input their information.

Please have all information completed by Friday, February 17.

Friday, February 10, 2017


New Items

February 15 Due Date for Evaluations – for All Administrators
Information About Ordering Materials for 2017-18 School Year – for Elementary Administrators

Previous Items

Food Truck Design Competition – for All Administrators
Change in EC-5 Beginning Teacher Date – for All Administrators
Family Advocacy/Conferences – for All Administrators

New Items

February 15 Due Date for Evaluations

From Sherry Samples
As a reminder, please review your Talent Ed Evaluation list for those employees who have an evaluation due on February 15 as it is quickly approaching. An evaluation is only considered complete and having met the state established due date if you have met with the employee, the employee has signed the evaluation, and you have marked the process complete with the button in the lower right corner of the page. This last step is often overlooked.

If any employees have access issues they may contact the TIS help desk via email or by calling 279-2330.

Information About Ordering Materials for 2017-18 School Year

From Suzie Legg
Please use the link below to access information regarding the ordering of student and teacher materials for the 2017-18 school year. This includes information for consumable student materials ordered each year as well as information for the addition of any grade level classrooms to your site.

I know we seem to ask for this information earlier each year, but I would ask that you provide the best information you have at this point. It is especially important to get requests in early so that we can get needed materials purchased and to your sites in a timely fashion.

Responses regarding consumable student materials are needed no later than Friday, February 17th. Classroom additions can be communicated at a later date if needed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Suzie Legg
Curriculum Coordinator

Link to Materials Ordering Information-
(you must be logged into your account in order to access this document and associated forms)

Previous Items

Food Truck Design Competition

From Josh Mathiasmeier
Nutritional Services has partnered with the Wyandotte County Health Department to present the Food Truck Design Competition. This competition will be for students to design the wrap for our new food truck, set to debut summer 2017. Please submit entries by March 1, 2017 and contact Nutritional Services with questions!

Flyer PDF

Change in EC-5 Beginning Teacher Date

From Shelly Beech
The EC-5 Beginning Teachers meeting originally scheduled for February 9 has been re-scheduled for Monday, February 27 due to the Family Advocacy days scheduled this week. The meeting is scheduled for 4:30-6:30 here at the Central office.

The format for this meeting will be different in that EC-5 Beginning Teachers have been sent a google form to sign up for the session they wish to attend on February 27. Please remind your beginning teachers do sign up for their session as these sessions are required.

Thank you.

Family Advocacy/Conferences

From Lisa Garcia
Family Advocacy/conferences is one indication for building strong relationships that focuses on supporting the conditions for learning and creating a caring and safe school environment

Below is the link to the FA logs to track student/parent conferences. Please share with all teachers or staff that will be conducting a Family Advocacy conference. Staff will complete all the fields in the Google document. This Google document does not have editing rights and only the teacher or staff member will be able to input their information.

Please have all information completed by Friday, February 17.