Wednesday, January 11, 2017


New Items

K-ELPA Information – for All Administrators

Previous Items

2017 STAR Teacher Nominations – for All Administrators
Co-Teaching Training – for All Administrators
Re-Enrollment Training – for All Administrators

New Items

K-ELPA Information

From Kristen Scott
Please read the attached documents. Your ESL staff have received them in an email as well.

K-ELPA Information (Word document)

K-ELPA Examiners Manual PDF

Accessing KITE Demos Instructions PDF

Previous Items

2017 STAR Teacher Nominations

From Amy Jo Troyer
The Star Teacher nomination process is a wonderful opportunity to recognize KCKPS teachers who ???Inspire Excellence: Every Grownup, Every Child, Everyday!??? As principals, we are asking that you solicit feedback from your staff on who they feel best exemplifies the traits of a STAR Teacher and then engage your building leadership team to establish a nomination and selection process. Once your leadership team has elected a representative as the nominee for your building, please submit your nominee???s name via email to, no later than Thursday, January 19th at 4.00 PM.

Similar to the criteria for the Kansas Teacher of the Year, your selection should represent the teacher who best exemplifies excellence in student learning and your school community. Specifically, your nominee should be:

??? An educator with strong pedagogy
??? An educator who is innovative, creative and has a growth mindset
??? An educator who is a positive influence on students and staff
??? An educator who is engaged in the community and professional affiliations

Co-Teaching Training

From Jennifer Martin
The final opportunity for co-teaching training this year has been scheduled! It will take place on January 31st from 8:00 ??? 3:00 at Central Office room 131. The training is appropriate for teams of teachers who have not been to a prior training. It???s designed for co-teaching pairs. If you have a team where one has been trained and the other has not, then one person can attend.

The training is designed as an overview of the four approaches to co-teaching with an emphasis on scheduling, role clarification, lesson planning, and other logistical issues.

Please register using the following link:

Email Danita Long if you would like more information about the training.

Re-Enrollment Training

From Lisa Garcia
All students will be asked to pre-enroll for the upcoming (2017-2018) school year. This process will allow the district to begin to gather in accurate count of how many students will be enrolled in the district next year, and which schools they will be attending. Parents will be asked to review the information electronically, make any necessary corrections, and submit the updated information.

It is the expectation key staff (Counselors, Registrars and Principal Secretary???s) are trained, informed and provided the necessary information to be prepared for re-enrollment. Please note the time and date for the training below:

Schlagle Cluster (k-12)
January 12 from 8:30a.m. until 11:30 p.m.

Washington Cluster (k-12)
January12 from 12:00a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Harmon Cluster (k-12)
January13 from 8:30a.m. unitl 11:30a.m.

Wyandotte Cluster (k-12)
January13 from 12:00p.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Please confirm attendance

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


New Items

2017 STAR Teacher Nominations – for All Administrators
Evaluation Deadline Approaching – for All Administrators
Co-Teaching Training – for All Administrators

Previous Items

Re-Enrollment Training – for All Administrators

New Items

2017 STAR Teacher Nominations

From Amy Jo Troyer
The Star Teacher nomination process is a wonderful opportunity to recognize KCKPS teachers who ???Inspire Excellence: Every Grownup, Every Child, Everyday!??? As principals, we are asking that you solicit feedback from your staff on who they feel best exemplifies the traits of a STAR Teacher and then engage your building leadership team to establish a nomination and selection process. Once your leadership team has elected a representative as the nominee for your building, please submit your nominee???s name via email to, no later than Thursday, January 19th at 4.00 PM.

Similar to the criteria for the Kansas Teacher of the Year, your selection should represent the teacher who best exemplifies excellence in student learning and your school community. Specifically, your nominee should be:

??? An educator with strong pedagogy
??? An educator who is innovative, creative and has a growth mindset
??? An educator who is a positive influence on students and staff
??? An educator who is engaged in the community and professional affiliations

Evaluation Deadline Approaching

From Sherry Samples
All third year and beyond teachers and administrators on schedule for evaluation this year are to have an evaluation completed by February 15. The names are in Talent Ed Perform.

An evaluation is only considered complete by the deadline if all documents are complete or attached, you have met with the employee, the employee has signed off on the evaluation, and you have marked the process complete in Talent Ed Perform.

If there is someone whose evaluation you cannot complete on time, I need to know ahead of time the name and the reason so that it can be submitted along with the incomplete evaluations list.

Co-Teaching Training

From Jennifer Martin
The final opportunity for co-teaching training this year has been scheduled! It will take place on January 31st from 8:00 ??? 3:00 at Central Office room 131. The training is appropriate for teams of teachers who have not been to a prior training. It???s designed for co-teaching pairs. If you have a team where one has been trained and the other has not, then one person can attend.

The training is designed as an overview of the four approaches to co-teaching with an emphasis on scheduling, role clarification, lesson planning, and other logistical issues.

Please register using the following link:

Email Danita Long if you would like more information about the training.

Previous Items

Re-Enrollment Training

From Lisa Garcia
All students will be asked to pre-enroll for the upcoming (2017-2018) school year. This process will allow the district to begin to gather in accurate count of how many students will be enrolled in the district next year, and which schools they will be attending. Parents will be asked to review the information electronically, make any necessary corrections, and submit the updated information.

It is the expectation key staff (Counselors, Registrars and Principal Secretary???s) are trained, informed and provided the necessary information to be prepared for re-enrollment. Please note the time and date for the training below:

Schlagle Cluster (k-12)
January 12 from 8:30a.m. until 11:30 p.m.

Washington Cluster (k-12)
January12 from 12:00a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Harmon Cluster (k-12)
January13 from 8:30a.m. unitl 11:30a.m.

Wyandotte Cluster (k-12)
January13 from 12:00p.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Please confirm attendance

Monday, January 9, 2017


New Items

Previous Items

Re-Enrollment Training – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Re-Enrollment Training

From Lisa Garcia
All students will be asked to pre-enroll for the upcoming (2017-2018) school year. This process will allow the district to begin to gather in accurate count of how many students will be enrolled in the district next year, and which schools they will be attending. Parents will be asked to review the information electronically, make any necessary corrections, and submit the updated information.

It is the expectation key staff (Counselors, Registrars and Principal Secretary???s) are trained, informed and provided the necessary information to be prepared for re-enrollment. Please note the time and date for the training below:

Schlagle Cluster (k-12)
January 12 from 8:30a.m. until 11:30 p.m.

Washington Cluster (k-12)
January12 from 12:00a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Harmon Cluster (k-12)
January13 from 8:30a.m. unitl 11:30a.m.

Wyandotte Cluster (k-12)
January13 from 12:00p.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Please confirm attendance

Friday, January 6, 2016


New Items

School Gardens – for Building Staff
Re-Enrollment Training – for All Administrators

Previous Items

New Items

School Gardens

From Josh Mathiasmeier and Jessica Sechrest
School gardens are a great way to educate our students of where food comes from. If you have a school garden and are interested in bringing any produce from that garden into the cafeteria this semester, please contact Jessica Sechrest to arrange for that to happen. She can be reached at (913) 627-3915 or We look forward to working with you and your school garden!

Re-Enrollment Training

From Lisa Garcia
All students will be asked to pre-enroll for the upcoming (2017-2018) school year. This process will allow the district to begin to gather in accurate count of how many students will be enrolled in the district next year, and which schools they will be attending. Parents will be asked to review the information electronically, make any necessary corrections, and submit the updated information.

It is the expectation key staff (Counselors, Registrars and Principal Secretary???s) are trained, informed and provided the necessary information to be prepared for re-enrollment. Please note the time and date for the training below:

Schlagle Cluster (k-12)
January 12 from 8:30a.m. until 11:30 p.m.

Washington Cluster (k-12)
January12 from 12:00a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Harmon Cluster (k-12)
January13 from 8:30a.m. unitl 11:30a.m.

Wyandotte Cluster (k-12)
January13 from 12:00p.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Please confirm attendance

Previous Items