Wednesday, January 4, 2016


New Items

2016 W-2 Delivery Preference – for All Teachers and Administrators

Previous Items

New Items

2016 W-2 Delivery Preference

From Payroll Team

At the end of May 2016 we changed our Payroll software and now it is time to capture how you would like to receive you W-2 in January 2017.

You will make the selection by logging into Employee Online.

You will then click on the W-2 Delivery Preference link on the left side of the screen.

Once you click there then you will see the following:

Once you click on the box you will receive the following message below the box:

The Deadline for making the selection is by midnight of January 15, 2017.

Previous Items

Tuesday, January 3, 2016


New Items

Previous Items

Co-Teaching Training – for All Teachers and Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Co-Teaching Training

From Jennifer Martin
The final opportunity for co-teaching training this year has been scheduled! It will take place on January 31st from 8:00 – 3:00 at Central Office room 131. The training is appropriate for teams of teachers who have not been to a prior training. It’s designed for co-teaching pairs. If you have a team where one has been trained and the other has not, then one person can attend.

The training is designed as an overview of the four approaches to co-teaching with an emphasis on scheduling, role clarification, lesson planning, and other logistical issues.

Please email Danita Long if you would like to attend.

Monday, January 2, 2016


New Items

Previous Items

Co-Teaching Training – for All Teachers and Administrators
Kidzone Dates – for All Administrators
Truancy – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Co-Teaching Training

From Jennifer Martin
The final opportunity for co-teaching training this year has been scheduled! It will take place on January 31st from 8:00 – 3:00 at Central Office room 131. The training is appropriate for teams of teachers who have not been to a prior training. It’s designed for co-teaching pairs. If you have a team where one has been trained and the other has not, then one person can attend.

The training is designed as an overview of the four approaches to co-teaching with an emphasis on scheduling, role clarification, lesson planning, and other logistical issues.

Please email Danita Long if you would like to attend.

Kidzone Dates

From Matthia Kelsey
Kidzone sites will be open December 21st – 23rd from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm;
CLOSED the week of December 26-30
Open January 2nd and 3rd from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm and will resume normal before and after school hours on Wednesday, January 4th. For more information, please contact the Kidzone office at (913)627-4390.


From Matthia Kelsey
Give the Gift of Attendance this year!

All families want what is best for their children, but they don???t always realize how absences can add up to academic problems. Sometimes they allow children to miss school when it???s not absolutely necessary. This often happens before and after the winter holidays, as families try to squeeze a few more days out of the vacation season. Principals and teachers have an opportunity to reduce holiday absences by ensuring that parents and students understand the toll that absenteeism takes on achievement.

Encourage teachers to talk to students about the importance of showing up in the days before and after the holiday break.

Plan a special event for the first day after the holiday break. If possible, create a contest or find ways to recognize good attendance.

Give the gift of Attendance this year!


Attached is an updated PACT contract. The contract can be access via WebSilk. It will automatically generate it for you;
Printing Discipline letters (Instructions attached).

Must have an incident with a suspension selected.
Click Letters/Reports
You can select all letters that apply or History Report.
Click OK and all letters will pop-up as a single PDF.

You can follow student’s progress in your school’s google link at all times. Our last PACT class is on December 19th, and we will continue on January 9th. Please contact Program Specialist Rosie Rodriguez 279-2247 if you have any questions.

Friday, December 23, 2016


New Items

Previous Items

Co-Teaching Training – for All Teachers and Administrators
2nd Semester and Overdue Evaluations – for All Administrators
Pre-Enrollment – for All Administrators
Kidzone Dates – for All Administrators
Truancy – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Co-Teaching Training

From Jennifer Martin
The final opportunity for co-teaching training this year has been scheduled! It will take place on January 31st from 8:00 – 3:00 at Central Office room 131. The training is appropriate for teams of teachers who have not been to a prior training. It’s designed for co-teaching pairs. If you have a team where one has been trained and the other has not, then one person can attend.

The training is designed as an overview of the four approaches to co-teaching with an emphasis on scheduling, role clarification, lesson planning, and other logistical issues.

Please email Danita Long if you would like to attend.

2nd Semester and Overdue Evaluations

From Sherry Samples
The second semester evaluations are now visible in Talent Ed Perform. If you did not complete a required 1st semester evaluation this will need to be completed before moving on to semester two. The timelines for second semester will remain the same and will not change even if first semester is completed late.


From Lisa Garcia
All students will be asked to pre-enroll for the upcoming (2017-2018) school year. This process will allow the district to begin to gather in accurate count of how many students will be enrolled in the district next year, and which schools they will be attending. Parents will be asked to review the information electronically, make any necessary corrections, and submit the updated information.

It is the expectation key staff (Counselors, Registrars and Principal Secretary???s) are trained, informed and provided the necessary information to be prepared for re-enrollment. Please note the time and date for the training below:

Where: Computer Lab at Central Office And Training Center, 2010 N. 59th Street, Kansas City, KS 66104

Schlagle Cluster (k-12)
January 12 from 8:30a.m. until 11:30 p.m.

Washington Cluster (k-12)
January 12 from 12:00a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Harmon Cluster (k-12)
January 13 from 8:30a.m. unitl 11:30a.m.

Wyandotte Cluster (k-12)
January 13 from 12:00p.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Please confirm attendance

Kidzone Dates

From Matthia Kelsey
Kidzone sites will be open December 21st – 23rd from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm;
CLOSED the week of December 26-30
Open January 2nd and 3rd from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm and will resume normal before and after school hours on Wednesday, January 4th. For more information, please contact the Kidzone office at (913)627-4390.


From Matthia Kelsey
Give the Gift of Attendance this year!

All families want what is best for their children, but they don???t always realize how absences can add up to academic problems. Sometimes they allow children to miss school when it???s not absolutely necessary. This often happens before and after the winter holidays, as families try to squeeze a few more days out of the vacation season. Principals and teachers have an opportunity to reduce holiday absences by ensuring that parents and students understand the toll that absenteeism takes on achievement.

Encourage teachers to talk to students about the importance of showing up in the days before and after the holiday break.

Plan a special event for the first day after the holiday break. If possible, create a contest or find ways to recognize good attendance.

Give the gift of Attendance this year!


Attached is an updated PACT contract. The contract can be access via WebSilk. It will automatically generate it for you;
Printing Discipline letters (Instructions attached).

Must have an incident with a suspension selected.
Click Letters/Reports
You can select all letters that apply or History Report.
Click OK and all letters will pop-up as a single PDF.

You can follow student’s progress in your school’s google link at all times. Our last PACT class is on December 19th, and we will continue on January 9th. Please contact Program Specialist Rosie Rodriguez 279-2247 if you have any questions.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


New Items

Previous Items

Co-Teaching Training – for All Teachers and Administrators
2nd Semester and Overdue Evaluations – for All Administrators
Pre-Enrollment – for All Administrators
Kidzone Dates – for All Administrators
Truancy – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Co-Teaching Training

From Jennifer Martin
The final opportunity for co-teaching training this year has been scheduled! It will take place on January 31st from 8:00 – 3:00 at Central Office room 131. The training is appropriate for teams of teachers who have not been to a prior training. It’s designed for co-teaching pairs. If you have a team where one has been trained and the other has not, then one person can attend.

The training is designed as an overview of the four approaches to co-teaching with an emphasis on scheduling, role clarification, lesson planning, and other logistical issues.

Please email Danita Long if you would like to attend.

2nd Semester and Overdue Evaluations

From Sherry Samples
The second semester evaluations are now visible in Talent Ed Perform. If you did not complete a required 1st semester evaluation this will need to be completed before moving on to semester two. The timelines for second semester will remain the same and will not change even if first semester is completed late.


From Lisa Garcia
All students will be asked to pre-enroll for the upcoming (2017-2018) school year. This process will allow the district to begin to gather in accurate count of how many students will be enrolled in the district next year, and which schools they will be attending. Parents will be asked to review the information electronically, make any necessary corrections, and submit the updated information.

It is the expectation key staff (Counselors, Registrars and Principal Secretary???s) are trained, informed and provided the necessary information to be prepared for re-enrollment. Please note the time and date for the training below:

Where: Computer Lab at Central Office And Training Center, 2010 N. 59th Street, Kansas City, KS 66104

Schlagle Cluster (k-12)
January 12 from 8:30a.m. until 11:30 p.m.

Washington Cluster (k-12)
January 12 from 12:00a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Harmon Cluster (k-12)
January 13 from 8:30a.m. unitl 11:30a.m.

Wyandotte Cluster (k-12)
January 13 from 12:00p.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Please confirm attendance

Kidzone Dates

From Matthia Kelsey
Kidzone sites will be open December 21st – 23rd from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm;
CLOSED the week of December 26-30
Open January 2nd and 3rd from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm and will resume normal before and after school hours on Wednesday, January 4th. For more information, please contact the Kidzone office at (913)627-4390.


From Matthia Kelsey
Give the Gift of Attendance this year!

All families want what is best for their children, but they don???t always realize how absences can add up to academic problems. Sometimes they allow children to miss school when it???s not absolutely necessary. This often happens before and after the winter holidays, as families try to squeeze a few more days out of the vacation season. Principals and teachers have an opportunity to reduce holiday absences by ensuring that parents and students understand the toll that absenteeism takes on achievement.

Encourage teachers to talk to students about the importance of showing up in the days before and after the holiday break.

Plan a special event for the first day after the holiday break. If possible, create a contest or find ways to recognize good attendance.

Give the gift of Attendance this year!


Attached is an updated PACT contract. The contract can be access via WebSilk. It will automatically generate it for you;
Printing Discipline letters (Instructions attached).

Must have an incident with a suspension selected.
Click Letters/Reports
You can select all letters that apply or History Report.
Click OK and all letters will pop-up as a single PDF.

You can follow student’s progress in your school’s google link at all times. Our last PACT class is on December 19th, and we will continue on January 9th. Please contact Program Specialist Rosie Rodriguez 279-2247 if you have any questions.