New Items
Benefits Enrollment??- for All Administrators
Previous Items
STS Entry of Kindergarten Letter ID and Sentence Dictation??- for Elementary Administrators & ICs
Special Education Special Day??- for Administrators & Special Education Staff
New Items
Benefits Enrollment
From Ja’Nice Mitchell
Please communicate the following information about Insurance Enrollment to your staff:
The 2017 Benefits information is now available at
Mark your calendars!!! Open Enrollment will be held October 24th through November 11th.
Enrollment assistance will be available by appointment only the week of November 7th through November 11th.
Make your appointment by calling the Benefits Office at 913-279-2274/2200.
Benefits Enrollment Flyer PDF
Product Choice Flyer PDF
Previous Items
STS Entry of Kindergarten Letter ID and Sentence Dictation
From David Rand
his is a friendly reminder that the Kindergarten Letter ID and Sentence Dictation scores are to be entered into STS each quarter within 5 days of the end of the grading period. Please make sure your Kindergarten teachers are aware that 1st quarter scores are due this Friday, October 21st. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much!!!!
Special Education Special Day
From Michelle Colvin
As a reminder, Special Education Special Day is Wednesday, October 19. All special education staff will participate in professional learning provided by Special Education Administrators and Special Education Teacher Leaders on that day.
High School Special Education Teachers, OTs, PTs, MTs, Adaptive PE Teachers, Teachers of the Visually Impaired, and the Audiologist will attend PL at South Branch Library at 3104 Strong Avenue from 1:00 to 3:00.
Middle School Special Education Teachers, Bridges, New Directions, and KVC Teachers, Secondary SLPs, Secondary School Psychs, and Secondary Teachers of the Gifted will attend PL in Rooms 132 and 133 at Central Office from 1:30 to 3:30.
Special Education Teachers at Early Elementary Schools, Elementary School Psychologists, Elementary Gifted Teachers, and Elementary SLPs will attend PL in the East Wing on 3rd floor of Central Office from 2:00 to 4:00.
Special Education Teachers at Late Elementary Schools will attend PL in Room 131 at Central Office from 2:30 to 4:30.
Early Childhood Teachers will attend PL at KCK ECC from 1:30 to 3:30.
All Special Education Paras will receive PL at Harmon Gym during their regular two-hour PL time (some time between 1:00 and 4:30 depending upon the para???s schedule).
Please contact Michelle Colvin at or 627-2614 if you have any questions.