Thursday, August 18, 2016


New Items

2016-17 Kidzone Program Information??- for All Administrators
Volunteer Training??- for All Administrators
Alternative Services Referral Process??- for Secondary Administrators
KCK Literacy Festival-Book Battle??- for All Administrators
Meal Applications??- for All Building Staff

Previous Items

Grant Procedures Reminder??- for All Administrators
5th Grade Math in Careers Experience??- for Elementary Administrators

New Items

2016-17 Kidzone Program Information

From Valerie Anzicek
Below you will find a list of schools that will host a Kidzone program for the 2016-2017 school year. Please review the list carefully.

Our goal is to provide childcare services, academic enrichment, and youth development to all families in USD 500 – Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools. Please see the chart below for the Kidzone site that will service your school. If you have questions, please contact: Daryel Garrison, Kidzone Project Manager at (913)449-7492, cell; Mechelle Wortham, Assistant Kidzone Program Specialist at (913)627-4356; or Kidzone Secretary at (913)627-4390.

2016-2017 School Year

Kidzone Sites open in the Morning

Kidzone Sites open in the Afternoon

School Start Date End Date School Start Date End Date
Emerson 8/15/16 5/19/17 Banneker 8/15/16 5/19/17
Stony Point North 8/15/16 5/19/17 Emerson 8/15/16 5/19/17
Welborn 8/15/16 5/19/17 Frank Rushton 8/15/16 5/19/17
??Whittier 8/15/16 5/19/17 New Chelsea 8/15/16 5/19/17
Silver City 8/15/16 5/19/17
Stony Point North 8/15/16 5/19/17
Welborn 8/15/16 5/19/17
Whittier 8/15/16 5/19/17
M. E. Pearson 8/15/16 5/19/17
New Stanley 8/15/16 5/19/17

Kidzone services available to the elementary schools:

School Name

AM Kidzone site

PM Kidzone site

Banneker Whittier Banneker
Bethel Stony Point North Stony Point North
Claude Huyck Stony Point North Stony Point North
Douglass Whittier Whittier
Emerson Emerson Emerson
Eugene Ware Welborn Welborn
Frances Willard Whittier Whittier
Frank Rushton Emerson Frank Rushton
Grant Whittier Banneker
Bertram Caruthers Whittier Banneker
Hazel Grove Stony Point North Stony Point North
John Fiske Whittier Whittier
John F. Kennedy Stony Point North Stony Point North
Lindbergh Welborn Welborn
Mark Twain Whittier Whittier
McKinley Whittier Whittier
**M. E. Pearson Whittier M. E. Pearson
**New Chelsea Welborn New Chelsea
**New Stanley Emerson New Stanley
Noble Prentis Emerson Silver City
Parker Welborn Welborn
Quindaro Welborn Welborn
**Silver City Emerson Silver City
Stony Point North Stony Point North Stony Point North
Stony Point South Stony Point North Stony Point North
T. A. Edison Emerson Frank Rushton
Welborn Welborn Welborn
White Church Stony Point North Stony Point North
William Allen White Welborn Welborn
Whittier Whittier Whittier


Students enrolled in the Kidzone program at a school that is not their home school will be transported to their home school from Kidzone each morning at the conclusion of the morning Kidzone program. In the afternoon, students enrolled in the Kidzone program at a school that is not their home school will be transported from their home school to the Kidzone School where the student is enrolled. The parent is responsible for completing the transportation request form to the child???s home school office. The school will process the transportation request through the Transportation Department.

There will be a charge for all students who attend the Before and After School Program Monday through Friday. Limited Kidzone Scholarships may be available for the 2016-2017 School year.

Kidzone fees for the 2016-2017 school year are as follows:
(All Kidzone fees must be paid in advance.)

AM Session Only $20.00 per child, per week
PM Session Only $30.00 per child, per week
AM and PM Sessions $40.00 per child, per week
Wednesdays Only $15.00 per child, per week

**M.E. Pearson, New Chelsea, New Stanley (see note), and Silver City will provide Extended Day Academic Enrichment programs for ???their students only.??? Families with students who do not attend the listed schools during the school day must select a different Kidzone site.

Volunteer Training

From Valerie Anzicek
KCK Volunteers ??? Do you have what it takes? Are you willing to make a difference?

Kansas City Kansas Public Schools is seeking individuals who are committed to and enjoy working with children.
Volunteers can tutor, mentor, or simply make a difference in the lives of a young person.

Do the Right Thing and Volunteer and be a part of the V.I.P.Team:

V ??? Volunteers with
I – Integrity that are
P – Partners/Pals with our students

Come Inspire Excellence, Every Grown up, Every Child, Every day!

Alternative Services Referral Process

From Valerie Anzicek
Please use the link below to make referrals for students who may benefit from an alternative educational setting to recover credits for diploma completion:

A 6 slide power point is also attached that provides information regarding alternative educational settings available through the district.

Please contact Donna Devine (, 913-279-2091) for more information.

KCK Literacy Festival-Book Battle

From Suzie Legg
Please see the included flyer for information on signing up your school team for the annual Book Battle. Please forward to your school Book Battle Coach to sign up your team.
Flyer PDF

Meal Applications

From Josh Mathiasmeier
Please assist Nutritional Services and the district in having each student turn in a meal application. In order for us to be able to continue offer free meals to our community, we must be able to collect this information each year. Cafeteria staff and Nutritional Services staff are able to run reports on who has and hasn’t turn in a meal application. If you have questions, please contact your cafeteria manager or the Nutritional Services office at 627-3900. Thanks for your support to ensure that free meals continue for years to come!

Previous Items

Grant Procedures Reminder

From Amanda Chavez
As we start a new school year, I wanted to remind Administrators and Staff about the information listed under the Grants Department Page on the Staff Intranet. On this page you will find approval forms for new grant applications along with donation and online fundraising procedures. New this year, I have listed current grant opportunities for teachers. Opportunities will be listed as they become available. Please remember that all teachers, staff, and departments should submit the appropriate Grants Approval Form when applying for a new grant opportunity or when partnering with a community organization on a grant opportunity. The grant approval forms allow us to successfully build a database to track the proposals and requests for donations that are submitted by our school district. Your help and cooperation with this is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to call me or e-mail me with any questions, or 279-2237.

5th Grade Math in Careers Experience

From Matthew Andersen

Elementary curriculum is exploring an opportunity for 5th grade students to experience mathematics in a real-life career setting. We are looking for 5th grade teachers that would like to help us explore this idea of providing elementary students with opportunities to engage in academic content through authentic experiences and real-life careers as a foundation prior to middle school. Please share this link with your 5th grade teachers.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


New Items

Grant Procedures Reminder??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

5th Grade Math in Careers Experience??- for Elementary Administrators
ESOL Information/Follow Up??- for All Administrators

New Items

Grant Procedures Reminder

From Amanda Chavez
As we start a new school year, I wanted to remind Administrators and Staff about the information listed under the Grants Department Page on the Staff Intranet. On this page you will find approval forms for new grant applications along with donation and online fundraising procedures. New this year, I have listed current grant opportunities for teachers. Opportunities will be listed as they become available. Please remember that all teachers, staff, and departments should submit the appropriate Grants Approval Form when applying for a new grant opportunity or when partnering with a community organization on a grant opportunity. The grant approval forms allow us to successfully build a database to track the proposals and requests for donations that are submitted by our school district. Your help and cooperation with this is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to call me or e-mail me with any questions, or 279-2237.

Previous Items

5th Grade Math in Careers Experience

From Matthew Andersen

Elementary curriculum is exploring an opportunity for 5th grade students to experience mathematics in a real-life career setting. We are looking for 5th grade teachers that would like to help us explore this idea of providing elementary students with opportunities to engage in academic content through authentic experiences and real-life careers as a foundation prior to middle school. Please share this link with your 5th grade teachers.

ESOL Information/Follow Up

From Kristen K. Scott
Please read the two attached documents. Any questions please feel free to email me.
Professional Learning PDF
ESOL Information PDF

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


New Items

5th Grade Math in Careers Experience??- for Elementary Administrators

Previous Items

ESOL Information/Follow Up??- for All Administrators
Business Plus Administrative Software??- for All Administrators
iPads and ChromeBooks Frequently Asked Questions??- for All Administrators

New Items

5th Grade Math in Careers Experience

From Matthew Andersen

Elementary curriculum is exploring an opportunity for 5th grade students to experience mathematics in a real-life career setting. We are looking for 5th grade teachers that would like to help us explore this idea of providing elementary students with opportunities to engage in academic content through authentic experiences and real-life careers as a foundation prior to middle school. Please share this link with your 5th grade teachers.

Previous Items

ESOL Information/Follow Up

From Kristen K. Scott
Please read the two attached documents. Any questions please feel free to email me.
Professional Learning PDF
ESOL Information PDF

Business Plus Administrative Software

From Robert Young
Every administrator using the Business Plus Financial software in some capacity needs to have a back-up administrator named that can perform administrative duties in your absence. These back-ups need to be identified to the TIS Department so that User IDs and passwords can be assigned. At this time, only thirteen administrators have named backups set up in the system. Should you be absent unexpectedly throughout the school year, actions such as expenditures and budget transfers will no longer be able to take place. Please send an email to to assign or verify your secondary approver for financial transactions. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

iPads and ChromeBooks Frequently Asked Questions

From Joe Fives
A list of frequently asked questions regarding the iPad and ChromeBook Deployment.

Monday, August 15, 2016


New Items

Previous Items

FMLA Leave Approvals and Return-to-Work??- for All Administrators
ESOL Information/Follow Up??- for All Administrators
Business Plus Administrative Software??- for All Administrators
iPads and ChromeBooks Frequently Asked Questions??- for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

FMLA Leave Approvals and Return-to-Work

From Sherry Samples
I would like you to be aware of what the approval notice looks like for FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) Leave that has been approved. Attached is a copy I will send out for the employee with a copy coming to you. The section that is circled will show you the dates the employee is tentatively scheduled to be out, but subject to change. The employee will need to provide clearance from the leave approver prior to their return. If the employee shows up to work after being out on leave and they have restrictions, please contact the person who approved the leave to determine if they are really cleared or not. If I have approved an employee for FMLA and he/she must have restrictions upon return, I will always discuss this with you to determine if it is safe and practical before allowing them to return.

For employees who have been out on other types of leave approved through HR or Worker’s Compensation, the clearance will be coming from them.


ESOL Information/Follow Up

From Kristen K. Scott
Please read the two attached documents. Any questions please feel free to email me.
Professional Learning PDF
ESOL Information PDF

Business Plus Administrative Software

From Robert Young
Every administrator using the Business Plus Financial software in some capacity needs to have a back-up administrator named that can perform administrative duties in your absence. These back-ups need to be identified to the TIS Department so that User IDs and passwords can be assigned. At this time, only thirteen administrators have named backups set up in the system. Should you be absent unexpectedly throughout the school year, actions such as expenditures and budget transfers will no longer be able to take place. Please send an email to to assign or verify your secondary approver for financial transactions. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

iPads and ChromeBooks Frequently Asked Questions

From Joe Fives
A list of frequently asked questions regarding the iPad and ChromeBook Deployment.

Friday, August 12, 2016


New Items

FMLA Leave Approvals and Return-to-Work??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

ESOL Information/Follow Up??- for All Administrators
Business Plus Administrative Software??- for All Administrators
iPads and ChromeBooks Frequently Asked Questions??- for All Administrators
Releasing Special Education Records??- for Principals, Attendance Clerks, Registrars, Secretaries, Counselors, Special Education Staff
Special Education Kick-Off??- for Principals and Special Education Staff

New Items

FMLA Leave Approvals and Return-to-Work

From Sherry Samples
I would like you to be aware of what the approval notice looks like for FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) Leave that has been approved. Attached is a copy I will send out for the employee with a copy coming to you. The section that is circled will show you the dates the employee is tentatively scheduled to be out, but subject to change. The employee will need to provide clearance from the leave approver prior to their return. If the employee shows up to work after being out on leave and they have restrictions, please contact the person who approved the leave to determine if they are really cleared or not. If I have approved an employee for FMLA and he/she must have restrictions upon return, I will always discuss this with you to determine if it is safe and practical before allowing them to return.

For employees who have been out on other types of leave approved through HR or Worker’s Compensation, the clearance will be coming from them.


Previous Items

ESOL Information/Follow Up

From Kristen K. Scott
Please read the two attached documents. Any questions please feel free to email me.
Professional Learning PDF
ESOL Information PDF

Business Plus Administrative Software

From Robert Young
Every administrator using the Business Plus Financial software in some capacity needs to have a back-up administrator named that can perform administrative duties in your absence. These back-ups need to be identified to the TIS Department so that User IDs and passwords can be assigned. At this time, only thirteen administrators have named backups set up in the system. Should you be absent unexpectedly throughout the school year, actions such as expenditures and budget transfers will no longer be able to take place. Please send an email to to assign or verify your secondary approver for financial transactions. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

iPads and ChromeBooks Frequently Asked Questions

From Joe Fives
A list of frequently asked questions regarding the iPad and ChromeBook Deployment.

Releasing Special Education Records

From Michelle Colvin
The Special Education Cooperative is required by state reporting requirements to provide documentation when students with exceptionalities move or leave the district. This includes early childhood special education, gifted, and speech only students. Please forward a copy of all requests for records for students with exceptionalities to Jennifer Prock ( in the Special Education Department. The fax number is 913-627-5688.

Schools should not release special education records.

The special education department maintains students??? ???official??? records. The records used by building-based special education staff are working files and do not necessarily include all required documents. The Special Education Department is required to authenticate all releases and requests for special education records and maintain a record of such requests.

Do not assume that if a request is placed in the 304 record that it will be forwarded to the Special Education. Department.

If you are contacted by a Special Education staff member regarding the disposition of student records, please make every effort to assist. In addition, be sure the leave code in SILK accurately states the school district and/or city and state to which the student has moved.

Please follow these guidelines throughout the school year.

If you have any questions about special education records or the process for releasing records, contact Jennifer Prock in the Special Education Records Department at 627-5674.

Special Education Kick-Off

From Michelle Colvin
On Thursday, August 11, Special Education will host professional learning for all Special Education Staff in Rooms 131, 132, and 133 at Central Office according to the following schedule:

8:00 to 11:30 – Related Service Providers (APE, MTs, OTs, PTs, School Psychologists, Social Workers, SLPs) and Paraprofessionals

12:30 to 4:00 – All Special Education Teachers

Please email Michelle Colvin should you have any questions.

Attendance Clerks Meetings

From Rosie Rodriguez

August 17 Secondary Attendance Clerks 1:30-3:30

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations
August 24 Elementary Attendance Clerks 2:00-4:00pm

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations