Thursday, August 11, 2016


New Items

ESOL Information/Follow Up??- for All Administrators
Kids Voting??- for All Administrators
Media Request – Zoned Playgrounds??- for Elementary Principals

Previous Items

Business Plus Administrative Software??- for All Administrators
iPads and ChromeBooks Frequently Asked Questions??- for All Administrators
Releasing Special Education Records??- for Principals, Attendance Clerks, Registrars, Secretaries, Counselors, Special Education Staff
Special Education Kick-Off??- for Principals and Special Education Staff
Attendance Clerks Meetings??- for All Administrators

New Items

ESOL Information/Follow Up

From Kristen K. Scott
Please read the two attached documents. Any questions please feel free to email me.
Professional Learning PDF
ESOL Information PDF

Kids Voting

From Teri Fulton

It???s a Presidential Election Year!

Voting will take place on November 8, 2016

Again, USD500 is partnering with Kids Voting USA and using their online voting system for each student to cast his vote in the upcoming Presidential Election. To prepare our EC-12 students for this process, Kids Voting provides lesson plans and additional information that you can access, for free, after registering as an educator at

To register: go to the login link on the tab across the top of the page, scroll to the bottom to create an account, click ???remember me???, and login

To access resources: go to the Educator link on the tab across the top of the page, click on ???Resources???, go to the Curricula folder and select the grade level tab that is appropriate, choose from a variety of categories for lesson plans.

The actual voting code for each school will be sent in the next few weeks to your building Leadership Team in order for your school to register. After registering and voting, each site will be able to access their school???s results on voting day.

Secondary Sites: please contact Brenda Burney with the name of your building contact person for the Kids Voting process.

Early Childhood and Elementary Sites: please contact Teri Fulton with the name of your building contact person for the Kids Voting process.

Media Request – Zoned Playgrounds

From David Smith

Previous Items

Business Plus Administrative Software

From Robert Young
Every administrator using the Business Plus Financial software in some capacity needs to have a back-up administrator named that can perform administrative duties in your absence. These back-ups need to be identified to the TIS Department so that User IDs and passwords can be assigned. At this time, only thirteen administrators have named backups set up in the system. Should you be absent unexpectedly throughout the school year, actions such as expenditures and budget transfers will no longer be able to take place. Please send an email to to assign or verify your secondary approver for financial transactions. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

iPads and ChromeBooks Frequently Asked Questions

From Joe Fives
A list of frequently asked questions regarding the iPad and ChromeBook Deployment.

Releasing Special Education Records

From Michelle Colvin
The Special Education Cooperative is required by state reporting requirements to provide documentation when students with exceptionalities move or leave the district. This includes early childhood special education, gifted, and speech only students. Please forward a copy of all requests for records for students with exceptionalities to Jennifer Prock ( in the Special Education Department. The fax number is 913-627-5688.

Schools should not release special education records.

The special education department maintains students??? ???official??? records. The records used by building-based special education staff are working files and do not necessarily include all required documents. The Special Education Department is required to authenticate all releases and requests for special education records and maintain a record of such requests.

Do not assume that if a request is placed in the 304 record that it will be forwarded to the Special Education. Department.

If you are contacted by a Special Education staff member regarding the disposition of student records, please make every effort to assist. In addition, be sure the leave code in SILK accurately states the school district and/or city and state to which the student has moved.

Please follow these guidelines throughout the school year.

If you have any questions about special education records or the process for releasing records, contact Jennifer Prock in the Special Education Records Department at 627-5674.

Special Education Kick-Off

From Michelle Colvin
On Thursday, August 11, Special Education will host professional learning for all Special Education Staff in Rooms 131, 132, and 133 at Central Office according to the following schedule:

8:00 to 11:30 – Related Service Providers (APE, MTs, OTs, PTs, School Psychologists, Social Workers, SLPs) and Paraprofessionals

12:30 to 4:00 – All Special Education Teachers

Please email Michelle Colvin should you have any questions.

Attendance Clerks Meetings

From Rosie Rodriguez

August 17 Secondary Attendance Clerks 1:30-3:30

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations
August 24 Elementary Attendance Clerks 2:00-4:00pm

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


New Items

Business Plus Administrative Software??- for All Administrators
iPads and ChromeBooks Frequently Asked Questions??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

Releasing Special Education Records??- for Principals, Attendance Clerks, Registrars, Secretaries, Counselors, Special Education Staff
Special Education Kick-Off??- for Principals and Special Education Staff

Attendance Clerks Meetings??- for All Administrators

New Items

Business Plus Administrative Software

From Robert Young
Every administrator using the Business Plus Financial software in some capacity needs to have a back-up administrator named that can perform administrative duties in your absence. These back-ups need to be identified to the TIS Department so that User IDs and passwords can be assigned. At this time, only thirteen administrators have named backups set up in the system. Should you be absent unexpectedly throughout the school year, actions such as expenditures and budget transfers will no longer be able to take place. Please send an email to to assign or verify your secondary approver for financial transactions. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

iPads and ChromeBooks Frequently Asked Questions

From Joe Fives
A list of frequently asked questions regarding the iPad and ChromeBook Deployment.

Previous Items

Releasing Special Education Records

From Michelle Colvin
The Special Education Cooperative is required by state reporting requirements to provide documentation when students with exceptionalities move or leave the district. This includes early childhood special education, gifted, and speech only students. Please forward a copy of all requests for records for students with exceptionalities to Jennifer Prock ( in the Special Education Department. The fax number is 913-627-5688.

Schools should not release special education records.

The special education department maintains students??? ???official??? records. The records used by building-based special education staff are working files and do not necessarily include all required documents. The Special Education Department is required to authenticate all releases and requests for special education records and maintain a record of such requests.

Do not assume that if a request is placed in the 304 record that it will be forwarded to the Special Education. Department.

If you are contacted by a Special Education staff member regarding the disposition of student records, please make every effort to assist. In addition, be sure the leave code in SILK accurately states the school district and/or city and state to which the student has moved.

Please follow these guidelines throughout the school year.

If you have any questions about special education records or the process for releasing records, contact Jennifer Prock in the Special Education Records Department at 627-5674.

Special Education Kick-Off

From Michelle Colvin
On Thursday, August 11, Special Education will host professional learning for all Special Education Staff in Rooms 131, 132, and 133 at Central Office according to the following schedule:

8:00 to 11:30 – Related Service Providers (APE, MTs, OTs, PTs, School Psychologists, Social Workers, SLPs) and Paraprofessionals

12:30 to 4:00 – All Special Education Teachers

Please email Michelle Colvin should you have any questions.

Attendance Clerks Meetings

From Rosie Rodriguez

August 17 Secondary Attendance Clerks 1:30-3:30

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations
August 24 Elementary Attendance Clerks 2:00-4:00pm

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


New Items

Releasing Special Education Records??- for Principals, Attendance Clerks, Registrars, Secretaries, Counselors, Special Education Staff
Special Education Kick-Off??- for Principals and Special Education Staff
Fall 2016 KCK Literacy Festival (formerly Battle of the Books) Information??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

iObservation Updates??- for All Administrators
Grade Reporting Periods??- for All Administrators
Attendance Clerks Meetings??- for All Administrators

New Items

Releasing Special Education Records

From Michelle Colvin
The Special Education Cooperative is required by state reporting requirements to provide documentation when students with exceptionalities move or leave the district. This includes early childhood special education, gifted, and speech only students. Please forward a copy of all requests for records for students with exceptionalities to Jennifer Prock ( in the Special Education Department. The fax number is 913-627-5688.

Schools should not release special education records.

The special education department maintains students??? ???official??? records. The records used by building-based special education staff are working files and do not necessarily include all required documents. The Special Education Department is required to authenticate all releases and requests for special education records and maintain a record of such requests.

Do not assume that if a request is placed in the 304 record that it will be forwarded to the Special Education. Department.

If you are contacted by a Special Education staff member regarding the disposition of student records, please make every effort to assist. In addition, be sure the leave code in SILK accurately states the school district and/or city and state to which the student has moved.

Please follow these guidelines throughout the school year.

If you have any questions about special education records or the process for releasing records, contact Jennifer Prock in the Special Education Records Department at 627-5674.

Special Education Kick-Off

From Michelle Colvin
On Thursday, August 11, Special Education will host professional learning for all Special Education Staff in Rooms 131, 132, and 133 at Central Office according to the following schedule:

8:00 to 11:30 – Related Service Providers (APE, MTs, OTs, PTs, School Psychologists, Social Workers, SLPs) and Paraprofessionals

12:30 to 4:00 – All Special Education Teachers

Please email Michelle Colvin should you have any questions.

Fall 2016 KCK Literacy Festival (formerly Battle of the Books) Information

From Suzie Legg
Please see the included flyer for more details, including book titles and coach/team sign-up, for the KCK Literacy Festival (formerly Battle of the Books) scheduled for November 12, 2016.

Some schools have already signed up, please see this link ( to confirm that your site has completed submission.

Flyer PDF

Previous Items

iObservation Updates

From Shelly Beech
We have received the updated system for iObservation and are currently updating the system with new hires information. We plan to have all updates completed by Wednesday, August 10. All new certified staff will receive an email from with their log in information for iObservation. All certified staff will complete a new growth plan for the year. This will be an integral part of their formal evaluation (if evaluated). If they are not evaluated this school year, a growth plan should still be completed in iObservation.

By Wednesday, you staff should be able to log in to iObservation and begin their growth plan process.

If you have any questions, please contact Taneka Brown at (279-2414)

Grade Reporting Periods

From Valerie Anzicek

1st Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? September 12
End of Quarter October 13
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? October 17
2nd Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? November 14
End of Quarter December 20
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? January 9
3rd Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? February 6
End of Quarter March 9
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? March 20
4th Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? April 17
End of Quarter May 24
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? June 5

Attendance Clerks Meetings

From Rosie Rodriguez

August 17 Secondary Attendance Clerks 1:30-3:30

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations
August 24 Elementary Attendance Clerks 2:00-4:00pm

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations

Monday, August 8, 2016


New Items

iObservation Updates??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

Grade Reporting Periods??- for All Administrators
Attendance Clerks Meetings??- for All Administrators

New Items

iObservation Updates

From Shelly Beech
We have received the updated system for iObservation and are currently updating the system with new hires information. We plan to have all updates completed by Wednesday, August 10. All new certified staff will receive an email from with their log in information for iObservation. All certified staff will complete a new growth plan for the year. This will be an integral part of their formal evaluation (if evaluated). If they are not evaluated this school year, a growth plan should still be completed in iObservation.

By Wednesday, you staff should be able to log in to iObservation and begin their growth plan process.

If you have any questions, please contact Taneka Brown at (279-2414)

Previous Items

Grade Reporting Periods

From Valerie Anzicek

1st Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? September 12
End of Quarter October 13
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? October 17
2nd Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? November 14
End of Quarter December 20
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? January 9
3rd Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? February 6
End of Quarter March 9
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? March 20
4th Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? April 17
End of Quarter May 24
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? June 5

Attendance Clerks Meetings

From Rosie Rodriguez

August 17 Secondary Attendance Clerks 1:30-3:30

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations
August 24 Elementary Attendance Clerks 2:00-4:00pm

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations

Friday, August 5, 2016


New Items

Attendance Clerks Meetings??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

Grade Reporting Periods??- for All Administrators
Telemarketing Solicitations??- for All Administrators

New Items

Attendance Clerks Meetings

From Rosie Rodriguez


August 17 Secondary Attendance Clerks 1:30-3:30

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations
August 24 Elementary Attendance Clerks 2:00-4:00pm

  • Truancy Reporting
  • Silk/Websilk Reports
  • Meeting Diploma + expectations

Previous Items

Grade Reporting Periods

From Valerie Anzicek

1st Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? September 12
End of Quarter October 13
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? October 17
2nd Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? November 14
End of Quarter December 20
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? January 9
3rd Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? February 6
End of Quarter March 9
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? March 20
4th Quarter
Progress Reports Distribute the week of??? April 17
End of Quarter May 24
Grade Report Distribute the week of??? June 5

Telemarketing Solicitations

From Robert Young
Be advised that once again telemarketing companies are contacting many of our schools attempting to sell or ship products that are extremely overpriced and of suspect quality. Their hope is to contact someone unfamiliar with the District???s contracts or ordering procedures. They will often come very close to representing themselves as companies currently holding District contracts or price agreements. They may even know what types of equipment are you have in your building. Do not consent to order or allow shipment from these companies. They will usually identify themselves as fakers if you ask one of the following questions:

1) Can you provide me with the contract number, as I would like to check it with the purchasing department?
2) Can I get the name of your company and phone number so I can get back with you?

Typically, this is where the caller will excuse him or herself from the conversation or hang up. Companies that have legitimate contracts with the District will not call your building attempting to ship you unsolicited product.

We have been alerted that some of the schools have been receiving phone calls from someone wanting to sell toner or office supply products to the schools/buildings because the ???price was going up and they had a special promotion???. These people might pass themselves off as your current supplier and ask for information about the new copiers. The USD 500 does not buy toner separately under the current and new agreement with Unisource. Unisource will never call your office soliciting you to buy supplies on the office copiers.

Remember that Unisource does not call your building for supply sales. The only time a Unisource employee would be calling you would be for a service issue or meter read on your copier. If you have any questions as to the legitimacy of a phone call, be safe and ask for their name and number and tell them you will call them back. These people can be very persistent and eventually rude when they don???t get the answers they want.

Please make sure you secretarial staff and treasurers are aware of this information. Thank you for your attention to this matter and make sure the appropriate people at your office know to be on the lookout for these type phone solicitations.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at or call at 913-279-2244.