Thursday, July 28, 2016


New Items

REVISED Fine Arts Calendar??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

ESOL Professional Learning-August 11??- for All Administrators
Business Plus User Training??- for All Administrators
SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars??- for All Administrators

New Items

REVISED Fine Arts Calendar

From Jodie Lin
The calendar will be kept up to date via this link:??

Previous Items

ESOL Professional Learning-August 11

From Kristen Scott
Just a reminder that we will have our first professional learning session for ESOL staff on August 11th.
Secondary staff will report to the Central Office East Wing from 8:00 to 11:00.
EC5 staff will report to the Central Office East Wing from 1:00 to 4:00.

Business Plus User Training

From Robert Young
Class training on Business Plus software for Treasurer/Administrators will be available on Thursday, July 28th from 8:00 a.m. to noon and on Friday, July 29th from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office and Training Center, 2010 N. 59 Street, Kansas City, Kansas. Please contact Mindy Danberry or Wayne Correll for a reservation in the class. This is a participatory training, it is not a mandatory training.

SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars

From Valerie Anzicek

July 25 Elementary Secretaries 8:00 to Noon
New Principals


  • Enrollment Process
  • On-line discipline for New Principals
July 26 ??Middle School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
July 29 ??High School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
August 2 ??Elementary Counselors???? 8:00 to noon


  • SILK/Scheduling
August 2 ??Secondary Counselors/Registrars 1:00 to 3:00


  • SILK – Transcripts
  • Centralized Enrollment
  • Scheduling

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


New Items

ESOL Professional Learning-August 11??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

Business Plus User Training??- for All Administrators
SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars??- for All Administrators

New Items

ESOL Professional Learning-August 11

From Kristen Scott
Just a reminder that we will have our first professional learning session for ESOL staff on August 11th.
Secondary staff will report to the Central Office East Wing from 8:00 to 11:00.
EC5 staff will report to the Central Office East Wing from 1:00 to 4:00.

Previous Items

Business Plus User Training

From Robert Young
Class training on Business Plus software for Treasurer/Administrators will be available on Thursday, July 28th from 8:00 a.m. to noon and on Friday, July 29th from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office and Training Center, 2010 N. 59 Street, Kansas City, Kansas. Please contact Mindy Danberry or Wayne Correll for a reservation in the class. This is a participatory training, it is not a mandatory training.

SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars

From Valerie Anzicek

July 25 Elementary Secretaries 8:00 to Noon
New Principals


  • Enrollment Process
  • On-line discipline for New Principals
July 26 ??Middle School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
July 29 ??High School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
August 2 ??Elementary Counselors???? 8:00 to noon


  • SILK/Scheduling
August 2 ??Secondary Counselors/Registrars 1:00 to 3:00


  • SILK – Transcripts
  • Centralized Enrollment
  • Scheduling

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


New Items

Beginning Teacher/Mentor and Induction Program??- for All Pricipals
Morgan Hunter/Aesop Training??- for All Administrators
IDP Form??- for All Principals

Previous Items

Business Plus User Training??- for All Administrators
SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars??- for All Administrators

New Items

Beginning Teacher/Mentor and Induction Program

From Shelly Beech

We want to provide information to you regarding the Beginning Teacher/Mentor and Induction Program for this year. I have outlined the plan for this year below. You will notice that it is different from last year; however, we believe the changes will provide the necessary support for our beginning teachers and help them to move toward their professional license and be prepared to apply for that license at the end of the school year.


  • Beginning Teacher means any teacher who is teaching for the first time. This does not include teachers who are new to the district and have taught before.
  • Instructional coaches will serve as the mentors to the beginning teachers in each building. In the event that a building has a large number of beginning teachers, principals will work with their respective Executive Director to determine any additional support needed for their building.
  • Buildings will not be required to submit an Induction Plan to the district office; however the principal and the IC/Mentor should plan for how to support the teachers within the building
  • Beginning Teachers and Mentors will have five (5) required meetings this year. These meetings will be held at the Central office and the dates are listed below:


EC-5 September 8

October 13

November 3

February 9

April 6

4:30 ??? 6:30 p.m. Central Office & Training Center

Rms. 131/132/133

Secondary September 13

October 18

November 7

February 13

April 11

3:30-5:30 Central Office & Training Center

Rms. 131/132/133



  • IC/Mentors will be required to keep a log of their time spent with each beginning teacher(s) assigned to them. This time may include activities such as lesson planning, classroom observations, conferencing with the teacher, co-teaching/modeling, PLC meetings, professional development, etc. These logs are required by the state and submitted by the beginning teacher when applying for the professional license. The mentor is required to have 25 hours per semester (a total of 50 hours for the year) with each beginning teacher.
  • The Beginning Teacher is required to submit a performance assessment at the end of the first semester and again at the end of the year. The performance assessment will be a part of their Growth Plan that will be monitored by the principal. The requirements for this performance assessment will be discussed in detail with the beginning teacher and mentors at the first meeting. This information will also be shared with the principals. The performance due dates are listed below:


Performance Assessments 1st Semester Performance Assessment due 2nd Semester Performance Assessment Due Submitted To
EC-5 December 1, 2016 May 1, 2017 Taneka Brown
Secondary December 1, 2016 May 1, 2017 Taneka Brown


  • Mentors for elementary specials teachers, ESOL teachers, and special education teachers may need special considerations when assigned as a mentor. Principals will work with their respective Executive Director on this as well.
  • Principals will submit the name of the IC/Mentor who will be working with each beginning teacher in their building. These assignments will be due by August 12 and should be submitted to Shelly Beech???s office.
  • Instructional coaches will not receive payment for mentoring. This is an essential function in the instructional coach???s job description and encompassed in the $5,000 yearly stipend.
  • If there is a need to assign a teacher to be a mentor, the teacher will receive a $500.00 stipend per semester to be paid on December 15 and May 30. If a teacher is assigned to be a mentor this will be approved by the Executive Director of your building.
  • Beginning teachers and any teacher (not identified as an instructional coach) assigned to be a mentor will be paid to attend the Beginning Teacher Mentor meetings that are held after the regular work day. Instructional coaches will not be paid to attend these meetings. Timesheets will not be submitted by individual teachers. All hours will be submitted by the Professional Workforce Development Office to the Payroll office for payment. Sign in sheets will be used to determine attendance at these meetings. There will be no timesheets submitted this year.
  • There are a few teachers who are not beginning teachers but will need to be assigned a mentor due to the fact that they have not completed the full year of the mentoring program. We will work to get a list of those individuals to you. These individuals would include beginning teachers who may have started second semester last year. Also we will have some teachers who have been teaching on another type of license other than an initial license, may have moved to an initial license, and/or now need to complete a mentoring program. We will work with those individuals as well to help move them to their professional license.
  • Any questions regarding the New Teacher Mentoring and Induction Program should be directed to Shelly Beech, (279-2259) or Taneka Brown, (279-2414)

Morgan Hunter/Aesop Training

From Amy Jo Troyer
On July 26th, Morgan Hunter will be hosting the Secretary/Administrator training for Aesop. The session times are listed below and we strongly encourage you, or a member of your admin team, to attend. If you are unable to attend, please be in contact with your HR Advisor to schedule a make-up session.

Secretary/Administrator Training ??? July 26
Central Office Room 131
Session Options – 9:00 ??? 10:30, 10:45-12:15, 1:30-3:00

IDP Form

From Shelly Beech
Attached to this notice is a form to complete regarding the selection of the IDP representative for your building. Please fill out the form and return it to Tanya Selectman by Thursday, August 11, 2016.

The IDP representative from each building is paid $275.00 per semester.

If you have any questions, please contact my office at 279-2259 or 2414.

Thank you for your assistance in securing this information.


Previous Items

Business Plus User Training

From Robert Young
Class training on Business Plus software for Treasurer/Administrators will be available on Thursday, July 28th from 8:00 a.m. to noon and on Friday, July 29th from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office and Training Center, 2010 N. 59 Street, Kansas City, Kansas. Please contact Mindy Danberry or Wayne Correll for a reservation in the class. This is a participatory training, it is not a mandatory training.

SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars

From Valerie Anzicek

July 25 Elementary Secretaries 8:00 to Noon
New Principals


  • Enrollment Process
  • On-line discipline for New Principals
July 26 ??Middle School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
July 29 ??High School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
August 2 ??Elementary Counselors???? 8:00 to noon


  • SILK/Scheduling
August 2 ??Secondary Counselors/Registrars 1:00 to 3:00


  • SILK – Transcripts
  • Centralized Enrollment
  • Scheduling

Monday, July 25, 2016


New Items

Business Plus User Training??- for All Administrators

Previous Items

Fine Arts Calendar??- for All Administrators
Live Theater Opportunity – for Secondary Principals
SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars??- for All Administrators

New Items

Business Plus User Training

From Robert Young
Class training on Business Plus software for Treasurer/Administrators will be available on Thursday, July 28th from 8:00 a.m. to noon and on Friday, July 29th from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office and Training Center, 2010 N. 59 Street, Kansas City, Kansas. Please contact Mindy Danberry or Wayne Correll for a reservation in the class. This is a participatory training, it is not a mandatory training.

Business Plus User Training

From Robert Young

Previous Items

Fine Arts Calendar

From Jodie Lin
All schools are reminded we have historically not allowed school events to conflict with the May 1-2 evening elementary festival concerts. Please do not schedule your spring concerts or events on these dates. We are trying to accommodate our many families who have students at multiple grade levels.

Fine Arts Calendar PDF

Live Theater Opportunity

From Jodie Lin

One of the components of our Arts Partners program is a discretionary fund for secondary school theatre experiences. Teachers and principals may request tickets and transportation for matinee performances at the Coterie and the Kansas City Rep.
Other professional theatrical experiences will be considered on a case by case basis.

It is intended that the theatre experiences selected for students be natural extensions of the curriculum, whatever the subject area.

To request tickets and transportation, send an email to Jodie Lin ( with the proposed date, time, title of show, number of students and number adults. Additionally, send a description of the direct link to the curriculum.

Show offerings can be reviewed at the following sites:

SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars

From Valerie Anzicek

July 25 Elementary Secretaries 8:00 to Noon
New Principals


  • Enrollment Process
  • On-line discipline for New Principals
July 26 ??Middle School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
July 29 ??High School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
August 2 ??Elementary Counselors???? 8:00 to noon


  • SILK/Scheduling
August 2 ??Secondary Counselors/Registrars 1:00 to 3:00


  • SILK – Transcripts
  • Centralized Enrollment
  • Scheduling

Friday, July 22, 2016


New Items

Fine Arts Calendar??- for All Administrators
Live Theater Opportunity – for Secondary Principals

Previous Items

SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars??- for All Administrators

New Items

Fine Arts Calendar

From Jodie Lin
All schools are reminded we have historically not allowed school events to conflict with the May 1-2 evening elementary festival concerts. Please do not schedule your spring concerts or events on these dates. We are trying to accommodate our many families who have students at multiple grade levels.

Fine Arts Calendar PDF

Live Theater Opportunity

From Jodie Lin

One of the components of our Arts Partners program is a discretionary fund for secondary school theatre experiences. Teachers and principals may request tickets and transportation for matinee performances at the Coterie and the Kansas City Rep.
Other professional theatrical experiences will be considered on a case by case basis.

It is intended that the theatre experiences selected for students be natural extensions of the curriculum, whatever the subject area.

To request tickets and transportation, send an email to Jodie Lin ( with the proposed date, time, title of show, number of students and number adults. Additionally, send a description of the direct link to the curriculum.

Show offerings can be reviewed at the following sites:

Previous Items

SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars

From Valerie Anzicek

July 25 Elementary Secretaries 8:00 to Noon
New Principals


  • Enrollment Process
  • On-line discipline for New Principals
July 26 ??Middle School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
July 29 ??High School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
August 2 ??Elementary Counselors???? 8:00 to noon


  • SILK/Scheduling
August 2 ??Secondary Counselors/Registrars 1:00 to 3:00


  • SILK – Transcripts
  • Centralized Enrollment
  • Scheduling