Thursday, July 21, 2016


New Items

SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars??- for All Administrators
15-16 Evaluation Audit – for All Administrators and Supervisors

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New Items

SILK Training for Secretaries, Counselors and Registrars

From Valerie Anzicek

July 25 Elementary Secretaries 8:00 to Noon
New Principals


  • Enrollment Process
  • On-line discipline for New Principals
July 26 ??Middle School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
July 29 ??High School Secretaries/Preschool secretaries 8:00 to Noon


  • Enrollment Process
August 2 ??Elementary Counselors???? 8:00 to noon


  • SILK/Scheduling
August 2 ??Secondary Counselors/Registrars 1:00 to 3:00


  • SILK – Transcripts
  • Centralized Enrollment
  • Scheduling

15-16 Evaluation Audit

From Sherry L. Samples

We are in the process of trying to wrap up an evaluation audit for the 15-16 school year and are reporting a large number of incomplete evaluations. Your input is vital to ensuring that our reports are accurate. If I have not already personally contacted you, please review all of the employees assigned to you for 15-16 in Talent Ed Perform and make sure that each of them has a green check mark to the left of their name under the evaluation tab by August 1. On August 1 I will run an updated report and it is important that your site accurately reflect completed evaluations. If there is not a green checkmark to the left of the name, this means that the entire evaluation process was not completed. Please complete all of the required steps which are marked with a red asterisk and then check the box on the lower right corner labeled, ???Mark Process Complete.??? The missing step could be as simple as not attaching a copy or missing a signature. Some visuals are attached for your reference. If the only thing needed to complete the evaluation is the employee signature, please contact the employee and ask that they sign the evaluation. As a reminder, a signature does not mean agreement, simply that they have had a chance to review the evaluation. In the event that you are not able to complete the evaluation for the employee, please send me the name and the reason for our records, if you have not already done so.

Your evaluation list for 16-17 in most instances will not be available until August 15. At that time I will send you more details.

How to Complete an Evaluation Cycle in Talent ED Perform

How to Complete and Attach the Signed Goal Status

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016


New Items

2016-17 Opening of School Activities??Calendar??- for All Administrators
White Paper – for All Administrators

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New Items

2016-17 Opening of School Activities Calendar

From David A. Smith


Click Here for a printable calendar.

White Paper

From David A. Smith
Attached please find the White Paper we discussed at the Administrators’ meeting yesterday. It is extremely important that all staff understand our work to reach Diploma+, so please set aside time to allow your staff to read this document, and make meaning of it with regard to their work. Thank you…


Diploma+ White Paper

Previous Items

Monday, July 18, 2016


New Items

School Supply Lists and School Highlights – for All Principals
Department Page Updates – for All Department Administrators

Previous Items

New Items

School Supply Lists and School Highlights

From Mike Keener
We are still missing some school supply lists. Here are the??school supply lists we still need:

Elemetary Schools
Bertram Caruthers Elementary
John F. Kennedy Elementary
Quindaro Elementary

Middle Schools
Argentine Middle
Arrowhead Middle

Additionally, we are still missing a number of school highlights, which are required for the site. Here are the schools highlight lists we still need:

Elementary Schools
Bethel Elementary
Bertram Caruthers Elementary
Emerson Elementary
Frances Willard Elementary
John Fiske Elementary
John F. Kennedy Elementary
McKinley Elementary
Parker Elementary
Stony Point North Elementary
Stony Point South Elementary
White Church Elementary
W. A. White Elementary

Middle Schools
Argentine Middle
Arrowhead Middle
Central Middle

High Schools
F. L. Schlagle High
J. C. Harmon High
Washington High

Please send them via email to Mike Keener as soon as possible.

Department Page Updates

From Mike Keener
We still need updates to several department pages on the staff intranet. If you have not yet done so, please visit your department’s page on the staff intranet and contact Mike Keener to update your page’s information, forms, and contact information, as well as to add or remove any information.

Previous Items

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


New Items

SubFinder Change – for All Administrators

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New Items

SubFinder Change

From Amy Jo Troyer
The Office of Human Resources would like to make you aware that we will be ending our use of the Subfinder system to report employee absences, and transitioning to a new system, Aesop, following their acquisition of SubFinder. The SubFinder system will operate through the close of business on July 14th and the Aesop system will go live on July 15th. We recognize that this transition will be quick; please know that the HR team has been working diligently to ensure that all data from SubFinder has been captured and is reflected in Aesop (to include everything from our user information to all future scheduled absences). We believe this system will greatly streamline and simplify the process of recording and managing absences and finding substitutes. The Aesop service will be available to you and your staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be accessed via internet and phone. Notice to all staff regarding the transition and access to the system will be sent out next week. However, we wanted to make you aware now, before the staff notice is sent, so you have some knowledge of the transition before you may begin to receive questions about Aesop.

HR will hold informational sessions for Administrators only on July 7th, in the Central Office and Training Center, Room 333. Sessions will be about 15 minutes in length, will cover general information about the system from the perspective of a supervisor and will be offered at 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00 and 3:30. If you are unable to attend one of these sessions, or if you don???t report back until July 18th, that???s OK! Please know that the same information will also be presented during the HR portion of our annual All Administrators meeting later this month.

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