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Spending Cutoff April 1, 2019 – for All Administrators
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Annual Inventory Audit Reminder – for All Administrators
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Spending Cutoff April 1, 2019
from Wayne Correll
This means all monies to be spent from the current year budgets (including grants, fees, etc.) must be ENCUMBERED and submitted to workflow on or before 11:59pm on April 1, 2019. Please note the following:
- All requisitions to cover expenses that will occur during the months of April and May must be entered as a ???B??? type (Blanket) requisitions. You are to estimate what will be spent for those months, and enter a requisition for each vendor from which you anticipate making a purchase.
You must do this not only for supplies, but also for any services, equipment or furniture purchases. Remember, the goods or services that you purchase must match the purpose of the budget line. You have to buy supplies with a supplies object code (56100). You cannot buy equipment (57300) or furniture (57330) with a supplies (56100) object code.
- All monies encumbered under PO???s that are not PAID on or before May 31, 2019 will be canceled, and monies will return to the District to use for districtwide projects.a. ???Paid??? means that a check has been printed and mailed by Accounts Payable, receiving a PO is not sufficient. Please review the status of all open POs in your budget regularly to insure invoices are received so payment can be made no later than the last board meeting in May. The last day to submit invoices to AP for payment will be May 22, 2019. If invoices are not received, it is the school/department responsibility to contact the vendor to get the invoice to AP.
b. In past years, several schools/departments waited to order items from POs until close to the PO cancelation date. As a result, items were shipped late, items were back ordered, or invoices were not received timely to meet the payment deadline. It is the school/department responsibility to insure items are ordered timely to meet the deadline. Invoices coming after May, will need to be paid from the school/department 2019-20 budget. - ??Any expenditures to be made between the deadline and the end of the school year MUST be encumbered by the deadline. This includes travel, transportation, services, mileage, etc.
- Storeroom and print shop orders must be placed by this deadline if you wish to use current year monies.
- Estimates of salary costs (other than staff regular pay) to be paid between the deadline and the end of the school year MUST be estimated on or before the deadline. While salary costs cannot be encumbered via PO, you MUST email Kristen Woodbury with details of the name of the person, the date the work will be performed, the estimated cost and the account number the costs are to be charged to. Email must be received in Kristen???s office on or before the deadline.a. Once the work is performed, timesheets must be submitted within one pay period of the work was performed, but no later than on or before June 15, 2019.
b. Please recall that in order for the timesheets to be paid, the work MUST be submitted to HR for approval through Board. This information will need to be sent to HR on or before the deadline also.
c. Any salary costs not meeting these requirements will be charged to the school/department 2019-20 budget. - Professional Development subs, please email Melissa Shields the information to encumber funds for subs.a. The name of the teacher requiring a sub
b. The date the sub is used
c. What budget is being used
Click here for a printable PDF of this information.
Previous Items
Annual Inventory Audit Reminder
from Beth Porter
This is a friendly reminder to be working on completing the inventory of your buildings so that you can have everything compiled into one report and submitted to Beth Porter by April 30th. Please see ???Completing the Building Inventory List??? for further clarification regarding this task. Contact Beth Porter or JaNia Motley with any questions you may have. Thank you!