Thursday, September 28, 2017


New Items

Family Advocacy – for All Administrators

Previous Items

EC5 ESL PL on October 4th – for EC5 Administrators
Math Resource and GVC Refinement Cadre Opportunity – for Elementary Principals and Assistant Principals
ELA GVC Refinement and Resources Cadre Opportunity – for K-5 Administrators
SIT Training – for Principals
Attendance Outreach and Interventions – for All Administrators
Anti-Bullying Awareness Week – October 2-7, 2017 – for Administrators
FREE TICKETS for an adaptation of Kite Runner – for Secondary Principals

New Items

Family Advocacy

From Rosie Rodriguez
It’s time to begin gathering your building needs for interpreter requests. To facilitate this process, please fill out the form below;

Previous Items

EC5 ESL PL on October 4th

From Kristen Scott
Just a reminder that we will have our EC5 ESL professional learning the afternoon of October 4th from 1:00 to 4:00 at Schlagle High School.

Math Resource and GVC Refinement Cadre Opportunity

From Matthew Andersen
Last spring a cadre of K-5 teachers, ICs, and administrators from across the district came together to review math curriculum resources for a possible adoption in 2018-2019. Based on our established criteria, it was determined that Eureka Math was the curriculum resource that best met our current math needs in KCKPS. Therefore, the Curriculum Department is currently seeking K-5 classroom and ESL/SPED collaborating teachers who will help determine ways to best refine the GVC as well as provide information on future professional development.
Flyer PDF

ELA GVC Refinement and Resources Cadre Opportunity

From Jasmine Shimerda
The Curriculum Department is seeking Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade classroom teachers and ESL/SPED collaborating teachers to participate in an ELA cadre. This cadre will refine the Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum (GVC) in order to articulate and support the vision for responsive whole group reading instruction (K-2) and phonics/word study instruction (K-1). As part of the process to inform the GVC refinement, this cadre will engage in study to deepen understanding of the ELA standards and responsive whole group literacy instruction, as well as work to implement new Fountas and Pinnell Classroom resources (Interactive Read Aloud, Shared Reading, and Phonics, Spelling and Word Study) into their classrooms. Cadre members will also inform the best ways to support teachers around utilizing the refined GVC and new resources that will be provided to all K-2 classroom teachers for the 2018-19 school year .

Please see flyer for additional information and share with teachers who might be interested in this opportunity.

Flyer PDF

SIT Training

From Ashley Washington

Our first Student Improvement Team (SIT) ???Brown Bag Special” Training is coming up on Friday, September 29th! “Brown Bag Specials” are for SIT team members/building staff, community partners, PTA members, parents, board members, school psychologists, social workers, nurses, members of school site councils and any other persons interested in being a part of the process. The topic of this training will be ???Student Improvement Team Framework/Expectation???. This will be an opportunity to learn all about the SIT process and a chance to collaborate with those who work with our students, as well as partner in promoting their achievement, building relationships, and celebrating their success. If you currently work with students in the SIT Process, are new to the SIT Process, or just want to join in on the work; we will be in room 133 at Central Office from 10:30-12:30.

The training will work in 30 minute intervals???.please do not worry about being late or needing to leave early. We will chat and chew, so feel free to bring your lunch and come to see what SIT is all about. Everyone is welcome!

I am so excited to share and collaborate with all who come, as we begin to foster a universal process that will support our students’ academic and social-emotional growth!

Have a great day,


Attendance Outreach and Interventions

From Rosie Rodriguez
We are close to the end of Attendance Awareness Month. Below is a resource for you to continue raising attendance throughout the year. Click on each link to find ideas and resources to monitor and increase attendance at your building.

Schools that have increased or have met our 95% goal of Average Daily Attendance will be recognized by our Superintendent at the end of the month.

Flyer PDF

Anti-Bullying Awareness Week – October 2-7, 2017

From Tina Richardson
Research shows that schools with a positive and welcoming school climate increases the likelihood that students succeed academically while protecting them from engaging in high risk behaviors like substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and violence. A positive school climate encourages behaviors with clear consequences for violating rules as well as rewards for meeting expectations. School climate can be understood as the frequency and quality of interactions among and between staff, students, parents, and the community throughout the entire school community.
In a positive school climate, the caring attitude of the school is clearly visible and is reflected by widespread participation in all areas of the school. According to the National School Safety Center (1990), a student???s perspective of the school climate is affected by the following:
Student involvement: The degree to which students are involved in and enjoy classes and extracurricular activities at school.
Student relationships: The level of comfort students feel in relating to one another and the ease with which they make new friends.
Teacher support: The amount of help and care that teachers direct toward students.
Physical environment: The extent to which the school building reflects the caring attitude of the school, the school buildings are clean, well cared for, supervised, and safe.
Conflict resolution: Whether students are clear about the rules and feel that conflicts are resolved fairly and rules are consistently enforced.
Participation in decision-making: The extent to which students, administrators, and teachers share in making decisions about school improvement.
Curriculum: The extent to which students feel that what is taught in classes meets their needs.
Counseling services: Whether students feel counselors are accessible and able to help with personal problems, job, and career information, and concerns about drugs, alcohol, and relationships.
Recreation alternatives: Whether students are satisfied with existing recreational activities and teachers??? support of these activities.
Personal stress: The amount of pressure students feel they are under and the resources they have to cope with it.

FREE TICKETS for an adaptation of Kite Runner

From Jodie Lin
Schools are responsible for substitutes and buses

10 a.m. Wednesday, October 11, 2017 | Yardley Hall Show length, 90 minutes l Suggested Ages: 14 and up
From the first novel about contemporary Afghanistan to be written in English, this performance dramatically portrays the relationship of two boys ??? Amir, a privileged Pashtun and Hassan, a Hazara servant. Amir takes us on a heartbreaking journey of friendship and betrayal in a society of severe class division. This Literature to Life award-winning adaptation mirrors the original short story written by the author. Using Afghani music as a backdrop, the performance features pre-show discussion, 50 minutes of verbatim performance from the first half of this best-selling contemporary novel, and 30 minutes post show audience dialogue.

Flyer PDF