New Items
Previous Items
Documents and Slides for the 2018 Beginning-of-Year Administrators’ Meeting – for All Administrators
Beginning Teacher Mentor and Induction Program – for All Principals
School Supply Lists, Highlights/Report Cards, and Uniform Policies – for All Principals
New Items
Previous Items
Documents and Slides for the 2018 Beginning-of-Year Administrators’ Meeting
From Mike Keener
- For administrators who would like a digital copy of forms and/or slide presentations from Tuesday’s Beginning-of-theYear meeting at the Central Office, there is a page in place on the Staff Intranet where these items will be housed. If you go to the intranet, it’s one of the top three blue buttons in the sidebar of the page. Here is a shortcut to the page.Not everything is posted yet (as I have not yet received everything from the departments that presented to you), but I will be adding items as I receive them. At the moment, the page has forms and presentation files from Communications department, the ESOL department, the Grants department, the Risk Assessment department, the TIS department, and the Transportation department.
- For administrators of departments that presented forms, brochures, handouts, and PowerPoint presentations: please send me digital copies of your items, and I will post them for you. I can be reached by either, or
Beginning Teacher Mentor and Induction Program
From Shelly Beech
Attached is information regarding the assignment of mentors to your first and second year teachers. Please read through the information carefully. All mentor assignments are due by August 10.
Principals – Beginning Teacher Memo (Word doc)
Beginning Teacher Induction Program Meetings (Word doc)
School Supply Lists, Highlights/Report Cards, and Uniform Policies
From Mike Keener
We need to post school supply lists for parents on the main district website.?? The following are the schools we have received lists for thus far:
Banneker Elementary School
Bertram Caruthers Elementary School
Bethel Elementary School
Claude Huyck Elementary School
Douglass Elementary School
Emerson Elementary School
Eugene Ware Elementary School
Frances Willard Elementary School
Frank Rushton Elementary School
Hazel Grove Elementary School
John Fiske Elementary School
JFK Elementary School
Lindbergh Elementary School
Mark Twain Elementary School
M. E. Pearson Elementary School
McKinley Elementary School
New Chelsea Elementary School
New Stanley Elementary School
Noble Prentis Elementary School
Parker Elementary School
Quindaro Elementary School
Stony Point North Elementary School
Stony Point South Elementary School
T. A. Edison Elementary School
Welborn Elementary School
Whittier Elementary School
Argentine Middle School
Arrowhead Middle School
Central Middle School
Coronado Middle School
Eisenhower Middle School
Northwest Middle School
Rosedale Middle School
West Middle School
Washington High School
We also need to post school highlights/report cards for the 2017-18 school year on the main district website.?? The following are the schools we have received lists for thus far:
Banneker Elementary
Bertram Caruthers Elementary
Bethel Elementary
Claude Huyck Elementary
Emerson Elementary
Eugene Ware Elementary
Frances Willard Elementary
Grant Elementary
John Fiske Elementary
JFK Elementary
Lindbergh Elementary
Mark Twain Elementary
Noble Prentis Elementary
Parker Elementary
Quindaro Elementary
Silver City Elementary
Stony Point South Elementary
T. A. Edison Elementary
Welborn Elementary
Whittier Elementary
William A. White Elementary
Arrowhead Middle
Central Middle
Coronado Middle
Eisenhower Middle
West Middle
Washington High
Wyandotte High
If you haven???t yet sent these items in, please send them via email to Mike Keener as soon as possible.
Additionally, if you have any changes to the posted uniform policies of your schools (if applicable), please send them to Mike Keener as well.