New Items
Attendance Awareness Month – for All Administrators
Previous Items
Alternative Pathways for High School Students Update – for School Administrators & High School Counselors
Student Injury Instructions – for Principals, Nurses and Coaches
District Grill Requests – for School Staff
CPI Calendar and Sign Up Link – for All Administrators
Kansas Horizon Award Nominations Open! – for All Administrators
Emergency Safety Interventions – Required Training Resources – for All Administrators
4th Annual “Neewollah” Project – for All Administrators
Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse Training – for All Administrators
All School Access for Teachers in Infinite Campus – for All Administrators
District Guidelines for Withdrawal of ‘No Shows’
Infinite Campus Messenger Training – for All Administrators
New Items
Attendance Awareness Month
From Rosie Rodriguez
September is Attendance Awareness Month! Let’s raise awareness about the importance of attendance in all of our buildings. Involve OUR students, parents and staff in making your building a place a student wants to come to everyday!
Previous Items
Alternative Pathways for High School Students Update
From Donna Devine
Gateway to College 1st semester has started and enrollment is now closed. Contact Gateway to College at 913 621-8715 for 2nd semester enrollment information.
Fairfax Learning Center enrollment is at full capacity. No referrals to Fairfax Learning Center are being taken at this time. Students may be considered for enrollment, pending openings, at the next Centralized Alternative High School Enrollment scheduled for October 23. Please have parents/students call Student Services at 913 279-2091 beginning October 9 to schedule their participation at the Centralized Alternative High School Enrollment event.
500 Reach Virtual School enrollment remains open for enrollment to both high school age and adult students. High school age students/parents may call Student Services at 913 279-2247 to reserve a seat at the next 500 Reach enrollment event on Wednesday, September 5 at the Central Office. The event begins at 9 am and ends around 11:30 am. Reservations are required. This event includes a reading assessment, academic advisement, orientation to Edgenuity, and a meeting with the student’s 500 Reach teacher. Adult students, 19 years and older, or whose high school class has graduated, may contact 500 Reach directly at 913 287-1718.
Please see the attachment regarding a summary of eligibility requirements and services available through KCKPS Alternative High School Pathways.
Students who have met with their school counselor and decide to pursue a GED through a community resource such as KCKCC, YouthBuild or Job Corps may bring the completed “Compulsory School Attendance Disclaimer” to the Central Office M-F 8 am to 5 pm. (This is the form the school administrator or counselor completes with the student and parent, prior to sending the student to the Central Office).
To assure Student Services staff are available to meet with the student and parent to sign the second form “Compulsory Attendance Exemption Form” and to provide the final counseling session, appointments should be made by calling 913 279-2247. Both parent and student must attend.
Kansas State Department of Education provides an online list of Kansas Public Virtual Schools that may be of help to students who who are not eligible for KCKPS Alternative High School Pathways, such as students suspended without services or students of a younger age. Please see:
The Alternative Services Coordinator is available to consult with school administrators, counselors and staff regarding resources for students considering alternative high school pathways. Please contact Donna Devine at 913 279-2091 or
Comparison of Alternative Services – Excel Spreadsheet
Compulsory School Attendance Disclaimer PDF
Student Injury Instructions
From Raquel Ayala
As a reminder for new & returning staff, please see attached student and non-employee injury reporting instructions. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 279.2218. Thank you.
Student Injury/Accident Reporting Instructions PDF
District Grill Requests
From Josh Mathiasmeier
Please remember to submit your requests for grills as soon as possible due to the high volume during the spring time. Requests should be submitted to Nutritional Services using this web address: If you have questions, please call Chef Gene Loiseau at 627-3908.
CPI Calendar and Sign Up Link
From Melanie French
Attached in the CPI – Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training Calendar
Please register yourself and your staff at the link below. The link is also located on the bottom right of the attached calendar.
Specialized program staff (ED, LifeSkills, STEPS) will be provided during district PD.
Kansas Horizon Award Nominations Open!
From Amy Jo Troyer
The Kansas Horizon Award program offers Kansas school districts an excellent opportunity to honor exemplary first-year teachers.
The program, sponsored by the Kansas State Department of Education, recognizes and rewards teachers who have served as outstanding representatives of excellent teaching in the elementary and secondary classrooms of the state during their first year of teaching.
Horizon Award winners receive special recognition during the KEEN State Education Conference, which takes place each February in Topeka.
Nominated teachers must have completed their first-year of teaching and be starting their second year.
Please provide your nominee with the attached application packet. Once their application is complete, please submit the paper copy and all required attachments to Amy Jo in HR no later than September 28th at 5:00 p.m.
One EC-5 and one secondary nominee will be chosen by a selection committee to move forward at the state level and represent the district; their applications will be checked for accuracy and submitted/postmarked by the deadline by the HR team. HR will notify the selected nominees and their administrator in early October!
Emergency Safety Interventions – Required Training Resources
From Melanie French
Below is the link to the google folder containing the resources and PD plan for your required ESI training.
Please remember to facilitate and document this learning by the end of September.
Additional de-escalation modules can be used to extend your staffs knowledge throughout the school year.?? These resources are found at under training materials at the following link.
4th Annual “Neewollah” Project
From Theresa Williams
The Rotary Club is dedicated to community service. KCK Rotary Club invites your school to participate in the Fourth Annual ???Neewollah??? community beautification project. Plant a bright idea in the Fall… you???ll see it bloom next Spring! (Neewollah is Halloween spelled backwards)
The KCK Rotary Club distributes daffodil bulbs annually, for students to plant on school premises during the months of October-November. Daffodils are inexpensive perennial plants that offer Spring beauty and are pest-resistant, compared to other bulbs. There are a wide variety of self-propagating daffodils, which offer colorful floral displays.
Next Steps:
1. The KCK Rotary Club will furnish each school up to 10 bags of mixed daffodil bulbs and volunteers, if needed to assist with planting. Each bag contains ten bulbs, which will be available in mid-October.
2. Identify a school coordinator and student teams to participate in the planting project, on or around Halloween.
3. Planting instructions and list of necessary supplies are as follows:
- Choose a visible location on school grounds, where the flower bulbs can be planted in the fall and will not be mowed during the next year.
- Plant bulbs about 2 to 4 weeks before the ground freezes (November 15th in Kansas City.
- Plant bulbs 1-1/2 to 5 times their own depth, or about six to eight inches deep.
- Make sure there is at least 3 inches of soil covering the bulb.
- Daffodils will tolerate some crowding but prefer to be spaced 3 to 6 inches apart.
- Use a small hand shovel or small garden spade to prepare the soil before planting.
- Refer to attached informational article.
4. Contact Ken Davis, KCK Rotary to request your bags of Daffodils and coordinate delivery:
913-669-7095 or e-mail
Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse Training
From Walt Thompson
Please review the following page on the staff intranet with your staff regarding mandated reporting of child abuse. It is a permanent link, and can be referred to throughout the year. There is both a PowerPoint presentation and a Training Video attached to the page:
Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse Training Webpage
All School Access for Teachers in Infinite Campus
From David Rand
It has come to our attention that some staff members will need access to search all students at your school in Infinite Campus because of their role as a coach, sponsor, etc.. Please e-mail me ( a list of staff members at your school that will need to be able to access all students so that we can update their permissions. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much!!!
District Guidelines for Withdrawal of ‘No Shows’
From David Rand
Please find attached the updated guidelines for doing due diligence and dropping students in Infinite Campus due to being a ‘no show’ or due to non-attendance. The guidelines are the same as last year, the only update is how to enter the information in Infinite Campus. Please forward this information to your staff responsible for maintaining enrollment in Infinite Campus. If you have any questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much.
Guidelines for Dropping Students from Enrollment PDF
Infinite Campus Messenger Training
From David Rand
There will be a WebEx training for the Infinite Campus Messenger on Wednesday, August 29th from 2:00-4:00 for administrators that were not able to attend previous sessions. Please see a link to the sign-up below; it is important that you register so that I can send you the link for the WebEx. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you very much!!!