Friday, November 6, 2020

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Curriculum and Instruction

All Principals

RE:  Priority Standards

The Curriculum Coaches in the Curriculum and Instruction Department are currently working on documents for the GVC that will more clearly identify priority standards for grade levels and contents. Priority standards are a carefully selected subset of the total list of the grade-level specific and course-specific standards within each content area that students must know and be able to do by the end of each school year in order to be prepared for the standards at the next level. These priority standards are meant to help focus the time and energy of teachers, specifically in remote and hybrid learning, with the understanding that we are still responsible for other grade-level standards. In many cases, the other grade-level standards are necessary foundational learning that contribute to the overall understanding of priority standards.  Priority standards provide the power of focus for the time and intensity of instruction, may help focus feedback and grading, and provide a manageable way to plan for asynchronous and synchronous instruction. 

All Principals

RE:  KCKPS Instructional Coaching Framework – Professional Learning

Diane Sweeney and Leanna Harris will be presenting a 6-part training series in KCKPS on  Student-Centered Coaching. Two trainings will be hosted for both principals and coaches to attend together. The other 4 trainings will be for coaches, though principals are invited should schedules allow.  The first session will occur as part of the Principals’ Networking meeting on November 19 from 8:30 – 10:00. The Zoom link for the training, as well as the Frontline link, will be shared next week.

Elementary School Principals

RE: Phonics Resource Survey

The C&I Department is seeking feedback from staff who work with K-3 students in reading regarding the current phonics resource, FPC Phonics, Spelling, & Word Study. A survey was shared with instructional coaches this week to share with applicable staff. Administrator feedback is also welcomed. The deadline is Thursday, November 12th. If you have any questions, please contact Here is the link to the survey:

Human Resources

Hello Administrators! Human Resources would like to share with you the updated Formal Complaint Form for concerns brought to you regarding district staff members. While the district prefers that complaints or concerns be resolved informally at the lowest administrative level, there are times when a thorough investigation is required to resolve allegations of misconduct. As such, you may provide the Formal Complaint Form to a complainant if the issue is unable to be resolved informally or if the alleged misconduct is so severe that it warrants an investigation. This form should be used for complaints unrelated to Title IX.

BOE Policy KN – Updated 9.2020

KCKPS Formal Complaint Form 20-21SY