Curriculum and Instruction
All Principals
Diane Sweeney and Leanna Harris are coming to KCKPS (virtually) to provide professional learning on Student-Centered Coaching. The goal is to maximize our time with these ladies to enhance our instructional coaching framework to ensure positive coaching results in buildings.
Click here for the training schedule. Mark your calendars! Zoom links and Frontline links will be added soon.
Due to students not receiving in-person instruction and other challenges, the ESOL department is currently out of compliance with the state for prescreening students for services. While the ESL staff has worked diligently to screen as many students as possible virtually we still have a large number of students we need to be prescreened.
Beginning the week of November 16th the district will begin prescreening potential EL students using the KELPA-p or Prelas. This will require ESOL staff to return to buildings on their designated testing days. Testing days are organized by cluster to reduce the burden on parents with students in multiple buildings and to allow transportation in hardship. ESL staff may need to coordinate with other buildings in cluster to accommodate families with multiple children. The ESL staff may need to assess multiple grade levels in one testing appointment, i.e. family has students at both elementary and middle school so they would assess at one building during testing time. The testing schedule will be as follows: Mondays (Schlagle), Tuesdays (Harmon), Wednesdays (Washington), Thursdays (Wyandotte), and Fridays will be used for buildings with large number of students to test. The testing rotation will continue until we have screened all students needing to complete the KELPA-p. Administrators will work with staff to adjust teaching schedule or provide coverage for on testing dates.
Please remember that all in person services are subject to change as directed by the health department. The ESL testing plans is a working document and will be revised as we move forward with testing to ensure safety. The testing protocol can be found here.