Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


My name is Kay Sharp.  I serve at the Community Engagement Lead for the Wyandotte County Health Department COVID response.  I’m coming to you this morning to announce an initiative to involve your students in the Wyandotte County COVID response effort.

We, at the health department, are keenly aware of the emotional toll COVID has taken on our young residents. We appreciate the fact that children have been without the simple interactions and activities that underpin their social development, and that their lives have been in constant flux for the past year.  We believe there is a need to provide a space to empower children to assume an active role in eliminating the virus and returning our community to normal life.

Toward that end, we are offering a county-wide school poster contest and we are hoping you will partner with us in this effort.  The theme of the contest initiative is ‘I Helped Conquer COVID’.  As a practical matter, the will be conducted as three separate contests, one for elementary schools, one for middle schools, and a separate for high schools.  The contest will have a preliminary round, and a final round.  First, second, and third place prizes will be given in the preliminary round.  One county-wide winner will be selected for each of the grade divisions, for a total of three grand prize contest winners.  The elementary school grand prize winner will receive a $500 Visa gift card.  The grand prize winners at the middle school and high school levels will each receive a $1,000 gift card.  In addition, the classroom or homeroom of each of the three winners will receive a $1,000 gift card to be used in any activity benefitting the entire class.  In addition, we will feature all three winning posters in future health department and Unified Government marketing and promotional materials surrounding the COVID response effort.

The health department will provide any art supplies students need to submit a contest entry as well as informational posters for use in your schools.  We anticipate the contest running from April 8 – 19, with judging to follow.

We hope this is an initiative that you, your staff, and your students will find exciting.  More info will be provided on Wednesday, March 31 to provide specific details and contest rules.


  • Spring Screening for FastBridge will take place from May 10-21, as listed on the assessment calendar draft.  The assessments for spring screening will be the same as in remote learning; if you have already certified previously, you will not need to re-certify for the spring screening window.
  • As a reminder, HGSS assessment data collection sheets are also coming due to DERA.  Deadline for submission of these sheets is the same as all regular gradebook and end-of-quarter grading deadlines as well.  Please check your m drive if you still need your data collection sheets.


Budget update for Department Leaders
The district will be utilizing the Allovue system for budgeting this year.  We will be conducting training for Department Leaders on March 30th at 10:00.  The training will be recorded for anyone who cannot attend.  You are welcome to include your assistants if they help in the budgeting process and/or will assist in entering the budget into Allovue.  Budget meetings with Brad, Tracy, and Dennis will begin the following week.  The Zoom link for the training is:  https://allovue.zoom.us/j/92777842890
Budget update for Principals/Treasurers
The district will be utilizing the Allovue system for budgeting this year.  Training has been rescheduled for Principals and Treasurers to April 8 at 1:00.  The training will be recorded for anyone who cannot attend.  We strongly encourage you to bring your Treasurer or have your Treasurer watch the training recording to assist in entering the budget into Allovue.  Budget meetings with Brad, Tracy, and Dennis will begin the following week.  The Zoom link for the training is:  https://allovue.zoom.us/j/98576891291

Human Resources

Board Policy Review Update 

Below is the link to the progress report for the March Board Policy Review. As a reminder, the deadline to complete the training has been moved to April 30th.

Attachments: March Board Policy Review Report

Submitted by: Ana Perez-Sievert

Professional Workforce Development

Here are the links for the district professional development on Friday, April 2nd from 8:00 am to 11:00 am.  This can also be found on the District Website under Staff Links at the bottom of the page.


THE DEADLINE FOR ENCUMBERING FUNDS FOR FY 2020-21 SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 2021 This means all funds to be spent from the current year budgets (including grants, fees, etc.) must be ENCUMBERED in BusinessPLUS and submitted to Workflow on or before 11:59pm on April 10, 2021. Please note the following:

  1. All requisitions to cover expenses that will occur during the months of April and May must be entered as a “B” type (Blanket) requisition. You are to estimate what will be spent for those months and enter a requisition for each vendor from which you anticipate making a purchase.You must do this not only for supplies, but also for any services, equipment, or furniture purchases. Remember, the goods or services that you purchase must match the purpose of the budget line. You must buy supplies with a supplies object code (56100). You cannot buy equipment (57300) or furniture (57330) with a supply (56100) object code.

2. All funds encumbered under PO’s that are not PAID on or before June 15, 2021 will be disencumbered, and funds will return to the District to use for districtwide projects.

a.“Paid” means that a check has been printed and mailed by Accounts Payable, receiving a PO in BusinessPLUS (POUPRC) DOES NOT pay an invoice. Please review the status of all open POs in your budget regularly to ensure invoices are received so payment can be made no later than the last board meeting in May.
If invoices are not received, it is the responsibility of the school/department to contact the vendor to get the invoice to AP before the June 15 deadline.

b.In past years, several schools/departments waited to order items from POs until close to the PO cancelation date. As a result, items were shipped late, items were backordered, or invoices were not received timely to meet the payment deadline. It is the responsibility of the school/department to ensure items are ordered timely to meet the deadline. Invoices coming after June 15, will need to be paid from the school/department 2021-22 budget.

3. Any expenditures to be made between April 10 and the end of the school year MUST be encumbered before April 1st. This includes travel, transportation, services, mileage, etc.

4. Storeroom and Print Shop orders must be placed by April 10, if you wish to use current year funds.

5.Estimates of salary costs (other than staff regular pay) to be paid between the deadline and the end of the school year MUST be estimated on or before the deadline. While salary costs cannot be encumbered via PO, you MUST email Brad Isnard with details of the name of the person, the date the work will be performed, the estimated cost and the account number the costs are to be charged to. Email must be received in Brad’s office on or before the deadline.

a.Once the work is performed, timesheets must be submitted within one pay period of the work was performed, but no later than on or before June 15, 2021.
b.Please recall that for the timesheets to be paid, the work MUST be submitted to HR for approval through Board. This information will need to be sent to HR on or before the deadline also.
c.Any salary costs not meeting these requirements will be charged to the school/department 2021-22 budget.

6.Professional Development subs, please email Melissa Shields the information to encumber funds for subs.

a.The name of the teacher requiring a sub
b.The date the sub is used
c. What budget is to be used

7.Visa Usage

a.VISA purchases in June will come from next years’ funds. Enter a requisition by April 1 for as much as your budget allows for spending on VISA in your supply funds for April-May spend needs. Please code to the appropriate budgets as best you know today.
b.All reconciliations (Envelopes) must be turned in by June 15c.June spending will be coming out of your FY 2021-22 budget

8.Closing Purchase Orders

a.All December issued PO’s will close April 13
b.All January issued PO’s will close May 3
c.All February issued PO’s will close June 2
d.All PO’s issued after March 1 will stay open for invoices paid on the June 22nd Board

9.Planning deliveries

a.All delivery of product must happen in time for you to also have invoices created on the schedule above. Plan accordingly.
b.Staples will create backorders for items not in stock. This could delay the invoicing of your shipment. As you follow your orders, if you find an item is not delivering, contact Staples for an update. If delayed, we suggest you cancel that item/s so the rest of the shipment can bill. You can always place another order after July 1.
c.Staples bills for weekly deliveries over the weekend. To hit our timeline, you should place your last orders with Staples by May 28th (at the latest), to deliver and bill in time.

Student Services


The Foster Grandparents of WYCO are eager and ready to return to the classrooms and support our KCKPS Staff!  We will be able to return on Tuesday, April 6, 2021.  All Foster Grandparents have received a physical and COVID-19 vaccine.    Please reach out to Shelia Freeman, Project Director, Foster Grandparent of Catholic Charities at 913-906-8920 or via email at sfreeman@catholiccharitiesks.org if you would like to continue to have a Foster Grandparent at your school to support student achievement.  If you do not currently collaborate and would like the support from our Foster Grandparents,  please call Shelia and let her know your interest.

We are dedicated and so excited to return to school and provide the love and support our students need.

Welcome back KCKPS Staff!

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month – all staff

It is a month to highlight & make an extra effort to create awareness about the importance of strengthening families & preventing child abuse & neglect. Please check out the following links & use the resources at your convenience to help spread the word in your community about prevention. During these stressful times, it’s more important than ever to promote safe, stable, and nurturing environments for kids. On Friday, April 9th KCKPS will be wearing BLUE to make a visible commitment to preventing child abuse. Please share the graphic below in your school communities and with your families. https://www.kcsl.org/cap_month.aspx




First Call Info Session for Principals and Deans

Please join us for an optional information session hosted by First Call on Thursday, April 15th at 9:30am or 3:30pm. During this session, you will learn about the substance use and alcohol prevention programs and services available for free to all KCKPS schools. We look forward to seeing you there! https://zoom.us/j/91726007809?pwd=TGdRMC9ObmNGUTRyME9GbnB3QU94QT09, Meeting ID: 917 2600 7809, Passcode: LL3YBp