Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


Official Elementary School Contest Rules


The Wyandotte County Public Health Department is keenly aware that students have been uniquely affected by COVID-19.  We know the interactions that are fundamental to a child’s social and emotional development have been severely restricted by efforts to manage this outbreak.

Students are encouraged to create a poster in any art medium depicting or related to the theme “#I Helped Conquer COVID!”.


All students, grades K- 12, here at KCKPS are eligible.  


Entries must be original artwork created in pencil, pen, Crayola, marker, paint, or other similar materials.  Computer generated artwork (including clipart) is prohibited.  Computer generated text is acceptable.

Entries will be accepted beginning now  until 9am on April 23rd, 2021.

Turn all entries into your school.

Entry Submission Deadline: April 23, 2021

What happens with entries?

After your school receives the entries for your school, you will be asked to pick the one you want to represent your school and potentially move on to the grand prize that is worth up to $500-$1000 for the student. $1,000 for the classroom teacher to use in their classroom.

Once you pick the winner we need you to roll up the entry and secure it in a safe way and send it thru intra-office mail courier  to District Office c/c Sharita Hutton. Entries need to be to District Office by April 30th at the very latest.

From there the district will handle the rest.

Thank you in advance for helping promote and run this amazing opportunity for our students.

Official Elementary Flyer Official High School Flyer Official Middle School Flyer

Lump Sum Info

Principals and Certified Administrators – Please share this information with your certified staff:

Complete the Online Lump Sum Request/Rescind form by April 30, 2021. Under KSA 74-4940(b) to receive your summer pay in the form of a “lump sum”.

Changes made to your W4/K4 should take place starting May 31 thru June 4, 2021 on Employee Online.


If you DO NOT wish to receive a Lump Sum salary payment this year, but received it last school year, you MUST request that the Lump Sum be RESCINDED, by indicating your choice when prompted.  If you DO NOT wish to receive a lump sum salary payment this year, and did not receive one last year, you do not need to do anything.

Lump Sum Change Form
2021 W-4 Instructions
K-4 Form

Enough is Enough 

Do you know what Enough is Enough is about? If not, learn more, join the cause, sign the pledge. Visit: Enough.kckps.org for more information.

Take the Pledge

Principals,  please share this pledge page with your staff – and ask them to share it with students and parents.

P3 App

Principals, please share with your families:

Did you know reporting a crime, suspicious activity, a runaway, and much more can be done with the click of a button? On all KCKPS websites, both on the main district page and your individual school sites, is a P3 reporting app button (the Enough is Enough Ribbon is the background image) that allows you to fill out the information, hit send, and it will get to the right people immediately. You will remain anonymous.

Curriculum & Instruction

Attn: K-5 Elementary Principals

Re: Amplify Science Material Delivery

New Amplify Science materials will be delivered to buildings beginning on April 21st. Buildings should be prepared to receive these pallets. This will be the first of two deliveries. Please refer to this document for information on how many pallets will be delivered to each building. Information on the second delivery will be provided and added to the document as soon as it is available. The second delivery will be considerably smaller than the first delivery. The materials may be stored for use for the 2021-2022 school year. They are grade level specific materials that are clearly labeled.They are not for individual classrooms, as they will be shared across the grade level. Teachers are welcome to unpack them for storing in a central location or wait until they return in the fall. 

In preparation for the new Amplify Science materials for the 2021-2022 school year which will be distributed starting April 26th, Curriculum and Instruction has created a support document. This document has been prepared to explain the process of Amplify Science implementation, material distribution, as well as what to do with previous science materials. Linked within the document is a timeline of distribution, GVC revisions, professional learning, and other responsibilities for teachers, coaches, and administrators. There is also a National Geographic keep/discard document by grade level to assist in the science material organization. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Beyer cheryl.beyer@kckps.org 

Attn: 6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re: Secondary Literacy Cadre for ELA Teachers (grades 6-10 in 2021-2022)

The Curriculum and Instruction Department is seeking Middle and High School ELA teachers to represent each building in developing strategies and routines for structured literacy practices that support student access to content learning through My Perspectives.   Cadre members will be part of a year-long PLC to vet and monitor student progress, in their own classrooms,  with the literacy strategies/routines developed through the summer cadre work.   There will be a limited number of educators selected to participate in this cadre. Specifically, one ELA teacher per each middle and high school will be selected. Middle school applicants must anticipate teaching 6th, 7th, and/or 8th grade ELA next school year.  High School applicants must anticipate teaching 9th or 10th grade ELA next school year.  Please forward this application to your ELA teachers.  The selection criteria for this cadre is detailed in the application.  Applications are due by Monday, May 3. 

Please contact Tracy Cooper (tracy.cooper@kckps.org) if you have any questions. 

Attn: 6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re:  KSDE and KCKPS Dyslexia Mandatory Training Module 3

The 3rd module, presented to 6-12 instructional coaches on March 26, is now provided in an asynchronous format for all required educators.  The video of the presentation and the related interactive Google Slides are provided through the Secondary Dyslexia Training Canvas Course at the link below.  Each teacher will be prompted to make their own copy of the Google Slide deck and it must be accessed through the district Google (m.) account.  As teachers watch the video they will engage in the learning as prompted through the slide deck.  All the guidance for the learning process is provided in the slides, including the required exit slip. The exit slip data will be provided to IDP reps for Frontline attendance submission.   For the purpose of state reporting, the exit slip and Frontline will be used to keep a record of those who complete the training.

Teachers need to use this URL( https://kckps.instructure.com/enroll/R9Y9EX) to enroll in and access for three modules for Secondary Dyslexia Training in Canvas. All required participants must have all three modules complete by the end of the day on April 28

All information and materials are provided. Teachers will NOT be submitting any work through Canvas.  Canvas is just providing all of the resources they need.

Please contact Tracy Cooper (tracy.cooper@kckps.org)  if you have any questions about the dyslexia training modules.  Contact Wendy Elkins (wendy.elkins@kckps.org) with questions or concerns regarding the Canvas course. 

Attn: 6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re: Building Level Purchase of Novels 

At the secondary level, we consistently consider the quality of grade level text that we provide for our students while also considering the themes (and student interest) within those texts.  We are continuously navigating the changing landscape of text and all that is available to teachers and to students. 

This year, we began a process around requests (and/or orders) of supplemental text–if teachers and PLCs–step “outside” the district approved (vetted) resource, myPerspectives.  Specifically, if buildings order additional novels for their building collections, we recommend that teachers and PLCs engage in completing the Text Complexity Placemat that was created by the state. 

What is essential about the completion of the Text Complexity Placemat is that it allows an opportunity for teachers to dialogue and explore questions and concerns related to an additional novel choice.  Within the document, teachers and PLCs are asked to consider quantitative measures, as well as qualitative measures, when requesting building purchases for novels to supplement building collections.  

The Text Complexity Placemat addresses specific considerations for reader and task.  One consideration being, “What are potential challenges this text poses?”  

Other questions teachers and PLCs should consider when requesting the purchase of additional novels for building collections: 

  • Where does this novel align with our current GVC?  
    • When looking at the units within the pacing guide, what essential question(s), big ideas, and standards does this novel address?  
  • Is the requested novel being used as a substitute for the text selections within myPerspectives, or is it being used to supplement the current resource?  
    • If the novel is being used to substitute text selections within myPerspectives, has the PLC determined the skills that the novel addresses within each chapter?  
      • Are there detailed lesson plans that address these concerns/questions? 
  • Have we cultivated a safe and open environment for all students to feel comfortable engaging with this novel? 
    • Most importantly, have teachers prepared parents by making them aware of the content with the novel, and have they provided an alternate read in case parents (and/or students) opt-out?  
    • The communication between ELA teachers and families must be transparent regarding novel selections. 
      • Regardless of the text, it is best practice for teachers to send a home connection letter to families, prior to the launch of a unit, which highlights the important aspects/components of an upcoming unit.  An example of a home connection letter from myPerspectives can be found here.  

This process of requesting additional novels for building collections was developed during recent cadre work.  All buildings had representation in this work.  If you have additional questions regarding this process, please feel free to reach out to Kristi Chalk (kristi.chalk@kckps.org). 

Attn: 6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re: myPerspectives Student Consumables 

As we approach the end of the school year, please be aware that student consumables will be replenished for the 2021-2022 school year.  Quantities for consumables will be replaced per site based on enrollment numbers in Infinite Campus. Any unused consumables from this school year should be inventoried by textbook liaisons. 

  • Consumables will be delivered for the 2021-2022 school year in July.  Delivery information will be shared with textbook liaisons.
  • Middle schools will receive one consumable per student.  
  • High schools (grades 9-10 only) will receive two consumables per student (Vol.1 and Vol. 2.)  

This year, students can (and are encouraged to) keep their consumables and take them home!  

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Kristi Chalk (kristi.chalk@kckps.org).


As we begin Spring Testing, please keep the following dates and reminders in mind:

    • As a reminder, all KELPA scoring and uploading (e.g. K-1 written materials) must be completed by 4/20, including those responses requiring a second rater.
    • KAP testing is from 4/19-5/7.
    • FastBridge Spring Window is 5/10-5/21.
    •  Please have your building review the Spring FastBridge Proctor Checklist prior to 5/10.
    • https://tinyurl.com/KCKPSFastSpring21
    •      HGSS data collection sheets are due (3rd, 6th, 9th grades only).  Data analysis will begin soon; please submit scores on your collection spreadsheets located in your m drives.

Federal Programs

AUDIENCE: Building & District Administration

SUBJECT: Regular Review of Title IX Supportive Measures

Please conduct ongoing reviews of the supportive measures put into place by you and your teams for students and/or staff involved in Title IX misconduct incidents. Campus teams should work together to ensure supportive measures continue to be appropriate for both complainants and respondents, that both parties are following their supportive measures as set forth, and documentation exists of your monitoring efforts and findings.

Supportive measures should be provided to ALL parties throughout the process and should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Non-disciplinary, non-punitive;
  • Individualized;
  • Restore or preserve equal access;
  • Without unreasonably burdening other party;
  • Protect safety of parties or environment, or deter sexual harassment;
  • If supportive measures are not provided, document why not.

District Departments (IIOs, SPED, Student Services, Federal Programs) can provide additional support to building teams by providing input on existing plans and additional adjustments and considerations which may be needed. Please refer to the new Title IX Reporting & Investigations page in the HR Admin Guide for a list of typical supportive measures.

AUDIENCE:  K-8 Title I Principals

Subject: NEXT WEEK – Spring District Title I Advisory Meeting

The District Title I Advisory Meetings are scheduled for:

  • Monday, April 26th – 4:30 – 5:30pm: All Middle Schools
  • Wednesday, April 28th – 4:30 – 5:30pm: Elementary Schools (Alpha order: Banneker- Lowell Brune)
  • Thursday, April 29th, 4:30 – 5:30pm: Elementary Schools (Alpha order: Mark Twain-Whittier)

Please confirm participation of your 1 certified staff and 1 parent representative and make sure you’ve forwarded the calendar invitation with the Zoom link to your stakeholders.

Extra duty must be pre-approved by BOE at the one remaining meeting scheduled for 4/27/21.

Human Resources

Elementary School Sponsor Supplemental Submissions – Due April 21, 2021

Below you will find the link to submit the names of all Sponsors for the May 31, 2021 Supplemental pay date. Your final, complete responses are due by April 21, 2021 at 4pm. Please note that if your response is not received prior to the due date your Sponsors will not be paid on May 31, 2021. Depending upon when a late response is received, the earliest that your Sponsors would be paid is June 15, 2021. Payment can be delayed further depending upon your submission dates. All Sponsor inquiries with regards to late payment will be redirected to the responsible Administrator. There are directions below for how to complete the survey.

The provided link below will take you to a Google form to complete. The survey is preprogrammed with the appropriate number of allocated Coaches/Sponsors per activity. If you feel that your building requires additional allocations or has received them in the past, you must email me to discuss any needed additions. All requests will be evaluated, and you will be notified of the decision made. To begin your submission, you will have to select your building. From there the survey will take you through each activity that is slated to be paid on May 31 and allow you to enter the name(s) and I.D. number(s) of all active Sponsors. If any Sponsors are returning for another season, re-type their names on the provided line.  If you did not fill every Sponsor position and/or your building didn’t participate in that activity this season type N/A in all fields where it may apply. Once all fields are complete, click the done button to submit your survey. If you do not click done your responses will not be recorded. If any changes need to be made to previously submitted information return to the site using the provided link below (preferably using the same computer) and resubmit a new survey. You will also need to notify me by email of any resubmissions so that we can update any modified information.


It is important to note that if you have any Sponsors that are sponsoring their activity for the first time, they must be cleared by HR PRIOR to beginning the activity. This is true for current Certified and Classified employees as well as new employees.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.



Classified Staff Evaluations

Message: This is a reminder that classified staff evaluations are due May 1, 2021.  If you need assistance with your TalentEd please email DeAndre Tuggle

HR Power Hour

Thank you for attending our HR Power Hour on April 8th.  We would encourage anyone who was able to attend to share with your colleagues that this is an available resource for them.  We will be having our next zoom session April 22, 2021 from 9:30am – 10:30am.  During this time any questions that Building Administrators or IIO’s may have they can ask our HR Staff.  Also, from an HR Standpoint, we will share any announcements or updates we may have.


Meeting ID: 846 5569 6927

Passcode: r90sj1

Professional Development

All Principals
Cooperating Teachers for the 2021-2022 School Year
We are already receiving requests to place student teachers for the 2021-2022 school year.

Please recommend teachers you feel would be amazing cooperating teachers for student teachers, practicum students, or college students requesting an observation in our district. By completing this Google Form now, we will be able to use your recommendations to make placements quickly (without a lot of additional emails to you.)  As you know, we receive great teacher candidates through the student teaching programs. Your help with providing the names of cooperating teachers will ensure that we continue to have future teachers choose our district. Just a reminder, all Cooperating Teachers must have completed at least 3 years of teaching experience.

Please complete the Cooperating Teacher Recommendation Google Form by Friday, April 23, 2021. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.

All Principals

Please read the document outlining required PD, as well as suggestions for PD topics, for the remainder of the school year.
Please note, there is a NEW link for the K-12 SPED and K-5 ESL- DYSLEXIA MODULES MAKE-UP DAY training scheduled for Wednesday, April 21. (The link for Secondary ESL Dyslexia Modules Make-up Day training is the same.)


Please let Lindsey Schneider know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Student Services

Universal Trauma Training
All school building staff (classified and certified) need to have completed the Trauma Sensitive and Resilient School’s Universal Training by May 1, 2021. This training is located on Frontline, and consists of:
  • 4 video modules (approx. 3 hours run time total)
  • 3 handouts
  • 1 Learning Check/Evaluation (which appears after each modules/handout has been “launched” and “completed”). 

Each school has their own Frontline Activity. If staff have already completed the training (either in-person or live-virtually) they should have a certificate. If anyone is experiencing issues with these trainings, or locating their certificate, please contact Brittany Talley: brittany.talley@kckps.org

Trauma Sensitive Tuesday

Our next TST (April 20 @Noon) features Amy Treadwell from Synergy Services to talk about self-compassion.

Register Here

Please complete the ProQOL Survey prior to attending next week and keep a copy of your scores. You can take a screenshot of the last page of the survey, OR put your email address in and I will send it to you.

ProQOL Survey

See you next week!

Tracie and Brittany