Friday, April 23, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


Official Elementary School Contest Rules


The Wyandotte County Public Health Department is keenly aware that students have been uniquely affected by COVID-19.  We know the interactions that are fundamental to a child’s social and emotional development have been severely restricted by efforts to manage this outbreak.

Students are encouraged to create a poster in any art medium depicting or related to the theme “#I Helped Conquer COVID!”.


All students, grades K- 12, here at KCKPS are eligible.  


Entries must be original artwork created in pencil, pen, Crayola, marker, paint, or other similar materials.  Computer generated artwork (including clipart) is prohibited.  Computer generated text is acceptable.

Entries will be accepted beginning now  until 9am on April 23rd, 2021.

Turn all entries into your school.

SCHOOLS – Please send your entries to the Central Office (c/o Sharita Hutton).

Entry Submission Deadline: April 23, 2021

What happens with entries?

After your school receives the entries for your school, you will be asked to pick the one you want to represent your school and potentially move on to the grand prize that is worth up to $500-$1000 for the student. $1,000 for the classroom teacher to use in their classroom.

Once you pick the winner we need you to roll up the entry and secure it in a safe way and send it thru intra-office mail courier  to District Office c/c Sharita Hutton. Entries need to be to District Office by April 30th at the very latest.

From there the district will handle the rest.

Thank you in advance for helping promote and run this amazing opportunity for our students.

Official Elementary Flyer Official High School Flyer Official Middle School Flyer

Lump Sum Info

Principals and Certified Administrators – Please share this information with your certified staff:

Complete the Online Lump Sum Request/Rescind form by April 30, 2021. Under KSA 74-4940(b) to receive your summer pay in the form of a “lump sum”.

Changes made to your W4/K4 should take place starting May 31 thru June 4, 2021 on Employee Online.


If you DO NOT wish to receive a Lump Sum salary payment this year, but received it last school year, you MUST request that the Lump Sum be RESCINDED, by indicating your choice when prompted.  If you DO NOT wish to receive a lump sum salary payment this year, and did not receive one last year, you do not need to do anything.

Lump Sum Change Form
2021 W-4 Instructions
K-4 Form

Enough is Enough Sign-Up

Principals,  please share this pledge page with your staff – and ask them to share it with students and parents.

Curriculum & Instruction

6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re:  KSDE and KCKPS Dyslexia Mandatory Training Modules 

All three mandatory dyslexia modules are available in Canvas. Teachers need to use this URL( to enroll and gain access to any modules in the Secondary Dyslexia Training course. All required participants must have all three modules complete by the end of the day on April 28.  

Required participants at the secondary level include: 

  • ELA teachers 
  • ESL teachers 
  • Special education teachers 
  • Reading Specialists/Interventionist

Participation is recorded through the exit slip within the participant slides for each training.  Once the exit slip is completed, the building IDP rep will record attendance in Frontline.  

Please contact Tracy Cooper if you have any questions about the dyslexia training modules.  Contact Wendy Elkins with questions or concerns regarding the Canvas course. 

Elementary Principals

Re: Amplify Reading K-5 Pilot Usage Contest

Our pilot with Reading K-5 is well underway! There is a friendly competition to see which building is using Reading K-5 the most. The winning building will receive Amplify teacher swag for all. In addition, the grade level team with the most usage will get a special prize. The competition closes May 14th so buildings have three more weeks to participate! Please email with any questions.

Here are this week’s rankings based on percentage of active students:

  1. Lindbergh Elementary (70%)
  2. Eugene Ware (53%)
  3. McKinely (49%)


The KAP Testing window is open now, and runs through May 7.

o   As a reminder, the opt-out form is for remote learners only, and is intended to be used as a last resort.  Families can either complete it, or you can complete it on their behalf after having had contact with them.   Please see the notice from Friday, April 16 for links in both English and Spanish (translated via google translate).

The FastBridge spring screening window will open on May 10.

Human Resources

Mandatory Training Bundles 1 & 2 – Report

Message: Following many questions on when the next report will be run to see if your department/buildings is complete for the Mandatory training, we offer this information. A Mandatory Training report will be run at the end of this month regarding the completion of bundles 1 and 2 found on Frontline Professional Growth. If you have questions about these trainings, please contact your department/buildings IDP Representative.

Professional Development

All Principals

Please read the document outlining required PD, as well as suggestions for PD topics, for the remainder of the school year.
Please note, there is a NEW link for the K-12 SPED and K-5 ESL- DYSLEXIA MODULES MAKE-UP DAY training scheduled for Wednesday, April 21. (The link for Secondary ESL Dyslexia Modules Make-up Day training is the same.)

Please let Lindsey Schneider know if you have any questions. Thank you.

All Principals
Cooperating Teachers for the 2021-2022 School Year
Thank you to those that have already completed the Cooperating Teachers Recommendation form.
If you have not had a chance to complete the form, please do so by the end of the day today. Cooperating Teacher Recommendation Google Form is due today, Friday, April 23. Thank you for your assistance.

Student Services

Universal Trauma Training
All school building staff (classified and certified) need to have completed the Trauma Sensitive and Resilient School’s Universal Training by May 1, 2021. This training is located on Frontline, and consists of:
  • 4 video modules (approx. 3 hours run time total)
  • 3 handouts
  • 1 Learning Check/Evaluation (which appears after each modules/handout has been “launched” and “completed”). 

Each school has their own Frontline Activity. If staff have already completed the training (either in-person or live-virtually) they should have a certificate. If anyone is experiencing issues with these trainings, or locating their certificate, please contact Brittany Talley:

Trauma Sensitive Tuesday: May 4th, 2021

Register Here!

As this is our last meeting, we would love to hear from you about your favorite TST moments. If you are up to it, please record a short (5-10 second) video telling us what you love about Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays. All videos must be submitted by Friday, April 30.

Send completed videos to

First Call 

Thank you so much to each of you who attended the First Call information sessions to learn about the substance use and alcohol use prevention services, parent education opportunities, and other resources  that they are offering us for FREE.  Flyers and handouts are linked here: First Call Information Folder. Please reach out to Naomi Tolentino or Tracie Chauvin if we can support you in accessing these great resources.