Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


Lump Sum Info

Principals and Certified Administrators – Please share this information with your certified staff:

Complete the Online Lump Sum Request/Rescind form by April 30, 2021. Under KSA 74-4940(b) to receive your summer pay in the form of a “lump sum”.

Changes made to your W4/K4 should take place starting May 31 thru June 4, 2021 on Employee Online.


If you DO NOT wish to receive a Lump Sum salary payment this year, but received it last school year, you MUST request that the Lump Sum be RESCINDED, by indicating your choice when prompted.  If you DO NOT wish to receive a lump sum salary payment this year, and did not receive one last year, you do not need to do anything.

Lump Sum Change Form
2021 W-4 Instructions
K-4 Form

Enough is Enough Sign-Up

Principals,  please share this pledge page with your staff – and ask them to share it with students and parents.

Curriculum & Instruction

Mid-quarter Progress Reports for 4th Quarter (DUE THIS WEEK)
To: All Building Administrators

Per Board Policy IHA, report cards for all students shall be sent home and posted in the online grade book four times a year at the end of the quarter (please see district calendar for the end of quarter dates). In addition, progress reports for all students shall be issued at the midpoint of each quarter. 

The following week will be dedicated to sending home Quarter 4 Midpoint Progress Reports:

Quarter 4- Week of April 26-30, 2021

6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re:  KSDE and KCKPS Dyslexia Mandatory Training Modules 

All three mandatory dyslexia modules are available in Canvas. Teachers need to use this URL( https://kckps.instructure.com/enroll/R9Y9EX) to enroll and gain access to any modules in the Secondary Dyslexia Training course. All required participants must have all three modules complete by the end of the day on April 28.  

Required participants at the secondary level include: 

  • ELA teachers 
  • ESL teachers 
  • Special education teachers 
  • Reading Specialists/Interventionist

Participation is recorded through the exit slip within the participant slides for each training.  Once the exit slip is completed, the building IDP rep will record attendance in Frontline. 

Please contact Tracy Cooper if you have any questions about the dyslexia training modules.  Contact Wendy Elkins with questions or concerns regarding the Canvas course. 

See Below (Community Math Week)

Attn: K-5 Principals

Re: Community Math Week (Remake Learning Days)

KCKPS is taking part in Remake Learning Days! As part of this exciting event, KCKPS will host community Math Week. From May 3-7, we will celebrate learning inside and outside of the classroom. Our goal is to reach 2,000,000 minutes of math learning, as we partner with districts across the metro. Minutes will be tracked on the website by families and teachers. Let’s lead the way as we Remake Learning through Community Math week. Please forward the attached flyer and videos to teachers. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Renee Freers- Diploma + Coordinator (renee.freers@kckps.org) or Marica Rhone- Math Curriculum Instructional Coach (marica.rhone@kckps.org)

Teacher Flyer 

Family Flyer

Community Flyer (English & Spanish)


Video (English)

Video (Spanish)

Flyer examples

Human Resources

Classified Staff Evaluations

Message: This is a reminder that classified staff evaluations are due May 1, 2021.  If you need assistance with your TalentEd please email DeAndre Tuggle

HR Power Hour

Message: Thank you for attending our HR Power Hour on April 22nd.  We would encourage anyone who was able to attend to share with your colleagues that this is an available resource for them.  We will be having our next zoom session May 6, 2021 from 9:30am – 10:30am.  During this time any questions that Building Administrators or IIO’s may have they can ask our HR Staff.  Also, from an HR Standpoint, we will share any announcements or updates we may have.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 834 3223 8376

Passcode: mdA63N

Board Policy Review 

Below is the link to the progress report for the March Board Policy Review. As a reminder the deadline to complete the training was moved to April 30th.

Attachments: March Board Policy Review Report 

IARC (Fine Arts)

All Administrators

KCKPS launched our first digital art show – Art Uploaded.  Please see the postcard for the link.  This link was shared on the district’s social media.  Additionally, art teachers shared with their students.  Please take time to view the show and share on your respective school platforms.

Instructional Technology

KCKPS Mobile Minutehttps://sites.google.com/m.kckps.org/kckps21/kckps-mobile-minute

Canvas updates, Subs and Canvas, Seesaw and Canvas, and so much more!

Professional Development

Please read the document outlining required PD, as well as suggestions for PD topics, for the remainder of the school year.

Please communicate information and required trainings with your staff for Wednesday, April 28:

  • All School Librarians
  • All Secondary CTE Teachers
  • Secondary ELA, SPED, and ESL – Asynchronous training (Required for All Teachers Needing Dyslexia Training who have not completed the training.
  • Trauma Sensitive Resilient Schools Training must be completed by May 1 – Asynchronous trainingCompleted Training List

Please let Lindsey Schneider know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Student Services

  1. A2A Attendance Support: 

All attendance clerks should have received a link to the tracking google doc from the building nurse. In addition, Ms Elizabeth Morris shared the Student Absence Tracking form for additional information regarding absence tracking and attendance flags for COVID related cases. Please note that for those students who are authorized to do temporary remote learning by the nurse, the TIS will be creating a ‘Temporary Remote Group’ on IC. This will allow teachers to know when a student is authorized to join remote and can take attendance accordingly. We thank the TIS team for taking this on to provide additional support to buildings.

We continue to host our bi-weeklly attendance meetings to share updates and provide support. Please see information below and know that anyone is welcome to join.

Attendance Clerk Meetings

April 28th / May 12 and 26

Secondary: 10:00 am/ Elementary : 11:00 am 

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/95386364224?pwd=U3dkb2M4TGdESmd3SVJQMWZnNzZLUT09

Meeting ID: 953 8636 4224


  1. PACT Program Referral 

o    PACT referrals are open. When submitting a PACT referral, please include  the PACT Contract. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Naomi Tolentino (naomi.tolentino@kckps.org/913-568-0147).

o    Link to 2020-21 PACT Referrals