Tuesday, August 30, 2016


New Items

ESI & De-escalation??- for Principals
Physics of Flight – FREE program??- for Middle School Principals

Previous Items

ELPA Update??- for Principals
Social Work Services??- for All Administrators

New Items

ESI & De-escalation

From Michelle Colvin
Make sure all staff in your building receive training on De-escalation and ESI; also make sure staff know where to access the ESI forms and how to complete them.
De-escalation Techniques PowerPoint: http://ksdetasn.org/resources/892
ESI Webinar is available on KSDE website: http://ksdetasn.org/resources/411
ESI PowerPoint without voiceover: http://ksdetasn.org/resources/410
Once all staff (including secretaries, custodians, etc.) have seen both the De-escalation & Emergency Safety Interventions webinar, please email or send the blue sheet to Michelle Colvin.

Physics of Flight – FREE program

From Jodie Lin
Physics of Flight – free for 7 teachers.

NASA grant award in collaboration with the Cosmosphere Space Museum

The grant will pay the district substitute pay for the day. All materials supplied.

OCTOBER 6,??10:00-2:00 at JCCC new collaboration center.

Your building is responsible for the bus if you take advantage of the opportunity.

To reserve your spot, contact Angel Mercier: Angel Mercier [amercier@jccc.edu]

Previous Items

ELPA Update

From Kristen Scott
We have learned from KSDE that the ELPA results will not be available to us until October. We have communicated to your ESL staff that they are to continue with current ILPs, and create ILPs on new students.
Also, the K-ELPA window for this year will be February 1-March 10. It is the same assessment as last year, delivered online, but it will be administered through KITE this year. There will also be two sections, speaking and writing, that will have to be human scored. As soon as KSDE provides us with information on training for scoring we will communicate with you and your ESL staff.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me.

Social Work Services

From Michelle Colvin
This year there will be some changes to counseling services and social work duties and services. The changes outlined will be in place for students in early childhood settings through middle school. The changes will not affect high school through age twenty-one.

Counseling Services will be delivered by the special education teacher except for students receiving counseling services in center-based classrooms. Center-based classrooms include lifeskills, intensive support, STEPS, and ED.

We will begin identifying students as being eligible for social work services, rather than counseling services. Some students may continue to have counseling services on their IEP, but those students??? counseling services will be provided by the special education teacher.

Social workers will be using an eligibility procedure based on multi-tiered systems of support.

Social workers will be begin consulting with special education teachers immediately to assist teachers in planning and implementing counseling services. Social workers will be in contact with special education teachers this week to set a time to discuss students with counseling services.

The attached FAQ document should help clarify the social workers??? role with counseling services and their continued role in identification.

Thank you for your support as we align the provision of social work services with evidence-based practices.

Social Work Services FAQ (Word Document)