Monday, May 2, 2016


New Items

Previous Items

Back To School Fair – School Supplies – for All Principals(Pre-K-12)

New Items

Previous Items

Back To School Fair – School Supplies

From Lisa Garcia
We are gearing up for the 2016 Back To School Fair. It is essential to provide our students the supplies necessary to be prepared for the first day of school. The BTSF committee works diligently to secure backpacks and school supplies. The BTSF committee needs a comprehensive list of school supplies pre-k through 12th grade. Please send your school supply list to by Tuesday, May 3.

Thanks in advance,

Friday, April 29, 2016


New Items

Previous Items

Back To School Fair – School Supplies – for All Principals(Pre-K-12)
Google Cardboard Pilot Opportunity! – for Elementary Principals and Assistant Principals

New Items

Previous Items

Back To School Fair – School Supplies

From Lisa Garcia
We are gearing up for the 2016 Back To School Fair. It is essential to provide our students the supplies necessary to be prepared for the first day of school. The BTSF committee works diligently to secure backpacks and school supplies. The BTSF committee needs a comprehensive list of school supplies pre-k through 12th grade. Please send your school supply list to by Tuesday, May 3.

Thanks in advance,

Google Cardboard Pilot Opportunity!

From Amanda Kain
Good Morning,

We have an exciting opportunity to share with you regarding a pilot program! Using Google Cardboard and Kindle Fires, students will have the opportunity to experience virtual field trips and learning that would otherwise not be possible. The selected school will receive 35 Kindle Fires and Google Cardboard virtual reality sets; with these resources, one school will have the ability to have three virtual reality sets that teachers can check out for use in their classroom.

Using the cardboard, students can engage in a variety of learning experiences to support their understanding of STEM content. For example, using the Titans of Space app, students can take a virtual tour of the solar system, supporting 1st and 2nd graders as they explore Earth???s place in the universe. 3rd graders might use Polar Sea??360, The Wild Within, or Discovery VR to explore the world as they learn about ecosystem interactions, energy, and dynamics. As our elementary students learn about engineering and solve engineering problems, they will have the ability to virtually explore structures, buildings, and cities. As new virtual reality apps are being developed all the time, our students will have increased opportunities to explore the world. Watch this quick clip for more information about Google Cardboard:

If this sounds like something your school would be interested in doing, please apply using the link below by the end of the day on Friday, April 29th:

The selected school will be notified next week, with arrangements for training and ongoing support for classroom instruction integration being made at that time.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


New Items

Back To School Fair – School Supplies – for All Principals(Pre-K-12)
Timesheet Deadlines – for All Staff
Google Cardboard Pilot Opportunity! – for Elementary Principals and Assistant Principals

Previous Items

New Items

Back To School Fair – School Supplies

From Lisa Garcia
We are gearing up for the 2016 Back To School Fair. It is essential to provide our students the supplies necessary to be prepared for the first day of school. The BTSF committee works diligently to secure backpacks and school supplies. The BTSF committee needs a comprehensive list of school supplies pre-k through 12th grade. Please send your school supply list to by Tuesday, May 3.

Thanks in advance,

Timesheet Deadlines

From Kristen Woodbury
Due to the District HR / Payroll software conversion we are currently running payroll in two systems. So from now on and going forward, we need to adhere to the timesheet deadlines outlined below.
Starting with the May 13, 2016 payroll, the following deadlines will be enforced and manual checks will no longer be cut between payrolls for late timesheets.

Timesheets- MUST be entered by the employee on time and approved by supervisor on time in order to be paid on the next payday. Please follow these guidelines:
??? Staff ??? Input your time by the close of business on payday. If you work the 1st through the 15th, input your timesheet at close of business on the 15th, in order to be paid on the end of month payroll. Similarly, if you work the 16th through the end of month, input your timesheet at close of business on the last day of the month, in order to be paid on the 15th.
o Also be aware it is your responsibility to make sure your supervisors and budget managers approve your timesheet, you are able to follow the approval process in the timesheet system.
??? Supervisors ??? Approve timesheets by one day after payroll. Timesheets input by your staff on the 15th or last day of the month (per above) should be approved by you no later than close of business on the 16th or the 1st.
??? Budget Managers ??? Approve timesheets by two days after payroll (ie. the 2nd and the 17th)
All timesheets not input and approved by the above dates are subject to delay in payment to employee. Employees who have payments delayed due to late approval by a supervisor or budget manager will be referred back to supervisor or budget manager for explanation.

??? ALL timesheets MUST have an account number attached to them before they reach payroll or they will be returned. If you are approving timesheets as the budget manager (ie. the person paying the costs) please be sure the account number is present and accurate on the timesheet before approval. If you are a supervisor, but not a budget manager (ie. someone else is paying for the cost), be sure to route the timesheet to the budget manager when you approve the timesheet.
??? ALL timesheet payments MUST be approved by the Board PRIOR to the work occurring. Contact your Human Resource Director to process the approval.

Thank you,
Dr. Kelli Mather, Chief Operating Officer and Connie Brand & Kristen Woodbury, Directors of Finance

Google Cardboard Pilot Opportunity!

From Amanda Kain
Good Morning,

We have an exciting opportunity to share with you regarding a pilot program! Using Google Cardboard and Kindle Fires, students will have the opportunity to experience virtual field trips and learning that would otherwise not be possible. The selected school will receive 35 Kindle Fires and Google Cardboard virtual reality sets; with these resources, one school will have the ability to have three virtual reality sets that teachers can check out for use in their classroom.

Using the cardboard, students can engage in a variety of learning experiences to support their understanding of STEM content. For example, using the Titans of Space app, students can take a virtual tour of the solar system, supporting 1st and 2nd graders as they explore Earth???s place in the universe. 3rd graders might use Polar Sea??360, The Wild Within, or Discovery VR to explore the world as they learn about ecosystem interactions, energy, and dynamics. As our elementary students learn about engineering and solve engineering problems, they will have the ability to virtually explore structures, buildings, and cities. As new virtual reality apps are being developed all the time, our students will have increased opportunities to explore the world. Watch this quick clip for more information about Google Cardboard:

If this sounds like something your school would be interested in doing, please apply using the link below by the end of the day on Friday, April 29th:

The selected school will be notified next week, with arrangements for training and ongoing support for classroom instruction integration being made at that time.

Previous Items

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


New Items

Previous Items

Purchase Order Closing – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Purchase Order Closing

From Robert Young
Attn: Budget Administrator???s & Treasurer???s

2015-16 Purchase Order Closing ??? Purchasing Office

The Business Office has previously advised that the Board meeting on May 24th will be your last opportunity to have bills paid from this years??? budget.

PLEASE DO NOT WAIT until that date to bring invoices to Purchasing ??? due to the heavy volume of invoices coming through our office at this time of the year. Please continue scanning your invoices to Purchasing weekly. We need a clean Open PO report for this year end process to go smoothly. It is our goal to have all invoices that have been sent to us entered into B+ before checkout. For those last minute invoices, we need to have them in our hands no later than WEDNESDAY, MAY 18th by Noon.


As you know, we are now holding PO???s open only 90 days. In order to help you get prepared for check out this year, following are some helpful steps that you should be addressing now:

?? Run your KCPO5001 Open PO Report in Business Plus. This is a list of all PO???s in PP (partial paid) or PO (not used) status.

?? On each of those PO???s listed, you can drill down into the PO number and see your PO3001 Purchase Order Status Inquiry. Look under the ???Open Hold Activity??? section to see all the payments made on this PO.

?? If you find this is all correct, this PO can now be closed by sending a list to John or Mindy.

?? If you find you have an invoice/s that are NOT listed, please scan those over as soon as possible.

Note: By following this process every month, it will eliminate a big push at the end of the year; it will free up $$???s earlier for you to spend before the end of the year; it will help you find missing invoices earlier keeping our vendors happy, and it will eliminate searching old items when there is a change in the Treasurer???s position.


*** It???s been brought to my attention that some users are finding these emails are going to spam. Please check and ???white list??? emails from WF Prod. ***

It is your responsibility to address all the error emails you are getting from B+. These message are in reference to invoices that have been entered to pay, but cannot be paid because of an issue with receiving, quantity, amount etc???. The email states you may need to call Chelle or Griselda to clear up those errors. Any invoices remaining unpaid because of errors after the May 24th Board will be sent back to you for a new PO out of your 2016-2017 budget.


You should be able to turn in your May statement at check out (and any older ones, too) to be paid from this years??? budget. The May billing cycle will end May 18, 2016. Please contact Wayne Correll by email to request your statement, if necessary. Charges that appear on your June Visa statement will need to be paid from FY2016-2017 funds.


You should be able to turn in your April mileage (and any older ones, too) to be paid from this years??? budget. May mileage will need to be paid in July with next year funds.


We have asked Transportation to make sure their billing is up to date. Please contact Debra Myers @ if you find you are missing invoices prior to the May 18th invoice cut-off. We understand they bill monthly so you should be able to pay your April invoices by the May 18th cut-off. You should plan to pay May fees in July since the billing may not be done in time.


You should check to make sure you don???t have any invoices with Nutritional Services that are unpaid. If you find you are missing an invoice, please contact


You should check to make sure you don???t have any invoices with our maintenance Shop that are unpaid. If you find you are missing an invoice, please contact


Please check in Business Plus under Create Warehouse Orders (SIOEUB) to verify all your Print Shop orders all show in ???FL??? status. If not, please contact to get your orders pushed through.

All of this said, our Purchasing team will work with you to make sure all invoices are posted in B+ prior to our meeting this year. YOU can help with this now by turning in your invoices timely. John and Mindy plan to sit with each school and go over the Open PO Report in detail until all issues are resolved and agreed upon; Chelle will be available for A/P research; Wayne will be available for VISA help. We may even request that you and your administrator sign off as we have in the past. Any invoices that come in after the May 18th should be expect to be paid from 2016-17 budget and will be sent back to you.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


New Items

Reporting and Ending Dates REVISED – for All Administrators
Sack Lunch Requests – for All Building Administrators

Previous Items

Purchase Order Closing – for All Administrators

New Items

Reporting and Ending Dates REVISED

From Gail Taylor
Based on the 2015-2016 Furlough Days, listed below are the Last Work Dates for staff.
Administrators, please advise your respective staff of the changes.

Work Year Report Date Last Work Date
186 Days August 04, 2015 May 20, 2016
189* July 30, 2015 May 20, 2016
196# July 27, 2015 May 27, 2016
206 July 13, 2015 May 27, 2016
211 July 13, 2015 June 03, 2016 May 31, 2016
216 July 13, 2015 June 10, 2016 June 7, 2016
221 July 13, 2015 June 17, 2016 June 14, 2016
226 July 13, 2015 June 24, 2016 June 21, 2016

October 23, 2015 and April 22, 2016, are non-duty days for all less than 12-month staff.

May 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2016 are Make Up Days (if necessary).

*New teachers
#Campus Officer
(NOTE ??? Staff working extra day contracts must consult with their Administrator for start and end dates)

Sack Lunch Requests

From Josh Mathiasmeier
It is field trip season again in KCK. Please ensure that your nutritional needs are met for the field trips by using the Nutritional Services Request Form on the intranet. Sack Lunch requests should be turned in at least 2 weeks ahead of time to ensure we have the product in house.

Previous Items

Purchase Order Closing

From Robert Young
Attn: Budget Administrator???s & Treasurer???s

2015-16 Purchase Order Closing ??? Purchasing Office

The Business Office has previously advised that the Board meeting on May 24th will be your last opportunity to have bills paid from this years??? budget.

PLEASE DO NOT WAIT until that date to bring invoices to Purchasing ??? due to the heavy volume of invoices coming through our office at this time of the year. Please continue scanning your invoices to Purchasing weekly. We need a clean Open PO report for this year end process to go smoothly. It is our goal to have all invoices that have been sent to us entered into B+ before checkout. For those last minute invoices, we need to have them in our hands no later than WEDNESDAY, MAY 18th by Noon.


As you know, we are now holding PO???s open only 90 days. In order to help you get prepared for check out this year, following are some helpful steps that you should be addressing now:

?? Run your KCPO5001 Open PO Report in Business Plus. This is a list of all PO???s in PP (partial paid) or PO (not used) status.

?? On each of those PO???s listed, you can drill down into the PO number and see your PO3001 Purchase Order Status Inquiry. Look under the ???Open Hold Activity??? section to see all the payments made on this PO.

?? If you find this is all correct, this PO can now be closed by sending a list to John or Mindy.

?? If you find you have an invoice/s that are NOT listed, please scan those over as soon as possible.

Note: By following this process every month, it will eliminate a big push at the end of the year; it will free up $$???s earlier for you to spend before the end of the year; it will help you find missing invoices earlier keeping our vendors happy, and it will eliminate searching old items when there is a change in the Treasurer???s position.


*** It???s been brought to my attention that some users are finding these emails are going to spam. Please check and ???white list??? emails from WF Prod. ***

It is your responsibility to address all the error emails you are getting from B+. These message are in reference to invoices that have been entered to pay, but cannot be paid because of an issue with receiving, quantity, amount etc???. The email states you may need to call Chelle or Griselda to clear up those errors. Any invoices remaining unpaid because of errors after the May 24th Board will be sent back to you for a new PO out of your 2016-2017 budget.


You should be able to turn in your May statement at check out (and any older ones, too) to be paid from this years??? budget. The May billing cycle will end May 18, 2016. Please contact Wayne Correll by email to request your statement, if necessary. Charges that appear on your June Visa statement will need to be paid from FY2016-2017 funds.


You should be able to turn in your April mileage (and any older ones, too) to be paid from this years??? budget. May mileage will need to be paid in July with next year funds.


We have asked Transportation to make sure their billing is up to date. Please contact Debra Myers @ if you find you are missing invoices prior to the May 18th invoice cut-off. We understand they bill monthly so you should be able to pay your April invoices by the May 18th cut-off. You should plan to pay May fees in July since the billing may not be done in time.


You should check to make sure you don???t have any invoices with Nutritional Services that are unpaid. If you find you are missing an invoice, please contact


You should check to make sure you don???t have any invoices with our maintenance Shop that are unpaid. If you find you are missing an invoice, please contact


Please check in Business Plus under Create Warehouse Orders (SIOEUB) to verify all your Print Shop orders all show in ???FL??? status. If not, please contact to get your orders pushed through.

All of this said, our Purchasing team will work with you to make sure all invoices are posted in B+ prior to our meeting this year. YOU can help with this now by turning in your invoices timely. John and Mindy plan to sit with each school and go over the Open PO Report in detail until all issues are resolved and agreed upon; Chelle will be available for A/P research; Wayne will be available for VISA help. We may even request that you and your administrator sign off as we have in the past. Any invoices that come in after the May 18th should be expect to be paid from 2016-17 budget and will be sent back to you.