Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Administrators' Desk logo


Non-Renewal Timeline – Update

from Human Resources
Please review the Certified Contract NonRenewals Timeline for the 2021-2022 school year. The timeline will also be posted on the Administrators Guide. Feel free to reach out to Ana Perez-Matthews if you have any questions.

Important Information about Grades in Canvas

from Curriculum & Instruction

The following information about grades in Canvas needs to be shared with your staff:

1. Official grades are found in Infinite Campus. Grades within Canvas are grades of individual assignments. This information should be shared with teachers, students, and parents. This is what is in the grading policy document – “**Please note, final grades will always be in Infinite Campus. Students and families can monitor assignments in Canvas, but grades should be checked in Infinite Campus.”

2. If a teacher has a year-long course, grades in Canvas will NOT reset at the end of the semester. If a teacher, student, or family member looks at a total grade within Canvas, it will not match infinite campus.
a. Teachers can turn off/hide totals in student grade summary within their Canvas courses. Here is a link to step-sheets demonstrating the process.
An announcement will be shared on Thursday 3/9/22 in Canvas and included in the most recent mobile minutes.

Celebrate National Social Work Month

from Student Services

March is National Social Work Month!
Social Workers are essential in helping students through behavioral health issues that may impact learning. Social Workers at KCKPS play a unique and valuable role in crisis intervention, assessing and treating mental health symptoms, providing suicide assessments, linking families with needed resources and serving as a liaison between the school, home and community agencies.
This month, please take a moment to write a note of thanks, celebrate your social worker(s) at a PD, or leave a small token of appreciation on their desk. KCKPS is seen as a leader in the state for providing mental health supports in schools, and I am so thankful to have these incredible professionals in each building supporting our students.

Thank you!
Angela Dunn, LSCSW
Behavioral Health Coordinator
Kansas City Kansas Public Schools
(913)954-0219NEW Parents-Right-To-Know Letters for LAPSED CERTIFICATION Classroom Teacher Letters

Important Information for Employee Appreciation Week

from Human Resources

The district is hosting an appreciation week for all staff Monday, March 21st – Friday, March 25th. Your assistance is needed to make necessary arrangements for your building/department to make this a week special for your staff.


When: Monday, March 21st – Friday, March 25th

Overall Theme: KCKPS Spirit (District Spirit and/or School Spirit). All staff are encouraged to wear their school colors/district swag and jeans all throughout the week.

Daily Themes:
Monday – Re-new your buildings with school/district spirit
Tuesday – Re-fresh yourself by focusing on your wellness
Wednesday – Re-lax it’s national chips and salsa day.
Thursday – Re-decorate – Each School/Department will submit a photo showing their best pride
Friday – Re-veal (Building/Department’s activity choice) – Building Administration will plan their own day of celebration for staff
Additional Information on this event:
District BINGO will run Monday, March 21st – Friday, March 25th
Thursday’s Re-decorate contact winner will have Pizza delivered on Friday
Random drawings for each department – all active employees are eligible
Snacks will be delivered to buildings for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
The Communications Department will be sending out multiple emails during Employee Appreciation Week
**Additional details, updates and staff communication will be distributed this week**


DETAIL – Daily staff snacks will be delivered to each building during the week of Spring Break – Monday, 3/21 (granola bars), Tuesday, 3/22 (fresh fruit), and Wednesday, 3/23 (TBD chips/salsa and/or chips/cheese dip). We are working with Physical properties to ensure this delivery from our Nutritional Services staff is received by the staff working over Spring Break (more information to come on these details).

ADMINISTRATION ACTION NEEDED – before leaving for Spring Break – Plan how you will distribute these snacks to your staff on Monday, 3/21 (granola bars), Tuesday, 3/22 (fresh fruit), and Wednesday, 3/23 (TBD chips/salsa and/or chips/cheese dip).

DETAIL – On Monday, March 21st, staff will be invited to make posters, decorations, etc. (get creative!) and begin to decorate your buildings. This can be done on a break, plan time, etc. and not made to interfere with instructional time. Please use the supplies that you have in your locations, this is meant to be a no cost activity.

ADMINISTRATION ACTION NEEDED – before leaving for Spring Break – locate the creative space in your building and collect the art supplies that may be used.

ACTION NEEDED ON MONDAY, MARCH 21st – Monday’s all staff communication will state that each building administrator will announce where to find their supplies. Also, you will need to provide instructions to your staff on where to hang their creations and what to hang things with. Plan to provide this communication to your staff on Monday, March 21st.

DETAIL – A building/department winner will be chosen on Thursday, March 24th for the photo showing the most creative spirit using the art from Monday, staff in building/district spirit and any other spirit decorations the building places in the photo. This photo will be due by Noon on Thursday, March 24th. Details will be provided in a later email regarding how to send your photo.

ACTION NEEDED ON THURSDAY, MARCH 24th – submit your spirit photo (details coming).

DETAIL – On Friday, March 25th the activity and/or celebration is up to you! The Central Office is not providing funds for this day, but I know some buildings/departments have a small budget for this. There are many ways to celebrate staff without spending money. If you need assistance in planning, please reach out to Jody Mitchell no later than Thursday, March 10th.

ACTION NEEDED FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 25th – Communicate the activity to your staff in advance and celebrate accordingly.

Please note, there are details that may change, and you will be made aware of any adjustments before leaving for Spring Break. Please email Jody Mitchell or Jared Alexander with any questions or comments.

Instructional Technology Support

from Curriculum & Instruction
In an effort to be available to support staff on the use of the Canvas and other instructional technologies, Wendy Elkins is hosting open, drop-in office hours (via zoom) in March. These times occur on most Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can find the exact times and the zoom links on the mobile minutes. If you or your staff needs more personal assistance, they can schedule a time with Wendy Elkins using this Calendly Link. Please share this information with your staff.

NonRenewals Timeline

from Human Resources
Please review the Certified Contract NonRenewals Timeline for the 2021-2022 school year. The timeline will also be posted on the Administrators Guide. Feel free to reach out to Ana Perez-Matthews if you have any questions.

New Staff Intranet Launching Soon/Review of District Forms and Departmental Pages

from Communications

Due to new and ongoing issues with the old intranet system, we are launching a temporary (but more user-friendly and accessible) staff intranet for everyone’s use.  The new, temporary intranet will also have a section titled “Administrators’ Corner,” with links to this newsletter’s homepage, admin-only form links, and more.

Before we launch this temporary intranet, however, we need a lot of old data updated or even removed.  To start, there is a page that housed a number of all-purpose forms and manuals; if your department handles any of these forms (or used to), please visit this link and send any changes needed to forms or links directly to Mike Keener as soon as you can, as it will help speed along the live launch of this new intranet page. Additionally, let him know about any other content on either the live site (or old intranet) that needs to be edited for inclusion on the new site.

New District Letterhead

from Communications

Please use this letterhead template for district communications.

Spending Cutoff – April 1st

from Purchasing

Click here to view information via PDF about the April 1 spending cutoff.

Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents

From Communications & Marketing

Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.

Student injury forms have now been included to the list.

To find the reporting form for students go to this link: https://form.jotform.com/212366215525047

To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.

Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.

To do so, please use the following link: https://form.jotform.com/212304621025035

The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.

This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.

The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident,  there is a fight,  or even to report property damage.

An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.

There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.

If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.

Here is a link to the Incident Report form:  https://kckps.org/incident-report/

Friday, March 11, 2022

Administrators' Desk logo

Action Items

For Secondary Principals

Important Information about Grades in Canvas

from Curriculum & Instruction

The following information about grades in Canvas needs to be shared with your staff:

1. Official grades are found in Infinite Campus. Grades within Canvas are grades of individual assignments. This information should be shared with teachers, students, and parents. This is what is in the grading policy document – “**Please note, final grades will always be in Infinite Campus. Students and families can monitor assignments in Canvas, but grades should be checked in Infinite Campus.”

2. If a teacher has a year-long course, grades in Canvas will NOT reset at the end of the semester. If a teacher, student, or family member looks at a total grade within Canvas, it will not match infinite campus.
a. Teachers can turn off/hide totals in student grade summary within their Canvas courses. Here is a link to step-sheets demonstrating the process.
An announcement will be shared on Thursday 3/9/22 in Canvas and included in the most recent mobile minutes.

Informational Items

For All Administrators

Participate in Brief Survey, Win $50 Amazon Gift Card

from Communications

Please share with your staff:

You are invited to complete a survey of education professionals working in Kansas City Metro Area public schools, including Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools (KCKPS).

You may access the survey at: https://bit.ly/kcstaffsurvey

As a thank you for your time, when you complete the survey, you can enter a raffle for one of 50 $50 gift cards from Amazon.com.

Your input is important! Answering the survey is an opportunity for KCKPS staff to give district leaders feedback related to factors affecting turnover and working conditions. The results will inform how the district supports you, your colleagues, your community, and ultimately students. Please take a few minutes to share important information about what matters most to you in your job.

Currently, we have received responses from about 10% of KCKPS staff. Our goal is to achieve a 50% response rate. You can see the approximate response rate for the survey by school below.

School Responses # 2021-22 FTE* Approx Response Rate %
Argentine Middle School 13 47 28%
Arrowhead Middle School 0 36 0%
Banneker Elementary School 6 24 25%
Bertram Caruthers Elementary School 4 17 24%
Bridges Wyandotte Academy 0 14 0%
Carl B. Bruce Middle School 1 56 2%
Central Middle School 4 47 9%
Claude Huyck Elementary School 4 19 21%
Douglass Elementary School 2 15 13%
Earl Watson, Jr. Early Childhood Center 0 Unknown Unknown
Eisenhower Middle School 4 45 9%
Emerson Elementary School 0 15 0%
Eugene Ware Elementary School 0 23 0%
F. L. Schlagle High School 4 62 6%
Fairfax Learning Center 0 12 0%
Frances Willard Elementary School 5 29 17%
Frank Rushton Elementary School 0 24 0%
Gloria Willis Middle School 4 41 10%
Grant Elementary School 2 27 7%
Hazel Grove Elementary School 5 35 14%
J. C. Harmon High School 16 83 19%
John F. Kennedy Elementary School 0 34 0%
John Fiske Elementary School 0 23 0%
Juvenile Services Center 0 Unknown Unknown
KCK Early Childhood Center 5 Unknown Unknown
KVC Academy 0 Unknown Unknown
Lindbergh Elementary School 0 18 0%
Lowell Brune Elementary School 3 32 9%
M. E. Pearson Elementary School 3 46 6%
Mark Twain Elementary School 3 19 15%
McKinley Elementary School 5 22 23%
Morse Early Childhood Center 0 Unknown Unknown
New Chelsea Elementary School 2 Unknown Unknown
New Stanley Elementary School 2 27 7%
Noble Prentis Elementary School 0 14 0%
North Central Office Early Childhood Center 0 Unknown Unknown
Quindaro Elementary School 1 24 4%
Rosedale Middle School 4 39 10%
Silver City Elementary School 3 19 16%
Stony Point North Elementary School 2 30 7%
Stony Point South Elementary School 3 22 14%
Sumner Academy of Arts & Science 2 58 3%
T. A. Edison Elementary School 1 23 4%
Washington High School 4 76 5%
Welborn Elementary School 3 37 8%
West Park Elementary School 4 29 14%
Whittier Elementary School 2 42 5%
Wyandotte High School 6 99 6%
Total 134 1,405 10%

*FTE was pulled from the publicly available Common Core of Data. FTE may not reflect current number of staff in a particular school.

The survey is funded by the Hall Family Foundation, and is being conducted by Bellwether Education Partners, a national non-profit. Completing this survey is voluntary. Responses to this survey will be confidential and will be analyzed in aggregate at the district or school level. No potentially personally identifiable information or individual survey responses will be shared with district administration.

If you have any questions about the survey, you can contact Bonnie O’Keefe at bonnie.okeefe@bellwethereducation.org.

ESOL Course Recommendations

from ESOL
In maintaining a commitment to equity, excellence, and alignment, the Department of ESOL is once again providing course placements aligned to the course offerings that support emergent bilingual students. The ESOL Department has sent recommendations to ESOL teachers based on student’s language proficiency scores to buildings; any changes to the lists are due by March 23, 2022.

Non-Renewal Timeline – Update

from Human ResourcesPlease review the Certified Contract NonRenewals Timeline for the 2021-2022 school year. The timeline will also be posted on the Administrators Guide. Feel free to reach out to Ana Perez-Matthews if you have any questions.


Two-Factor Authentication for Email

from TIS

Please share this with your staff:

All district staff are encouraged to enroll in two factor authentication (2FA) for their district email account. This ensures the security of their district email account and prevents any unauthorized access. The directions for enrolling in the 2FA can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ARv3y25eWkq7ZUeOz_21CJp-Kmqbl6LW9dtVnlYiH6Q/edit

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact the help desk. Thank you.

Celebrate National Social Work Month

from Student Services

March is National Social Work Month!
Social Workers are essential in helping students through behavioral health issues that may impact learning. Social Workers at KCKPS play a unique and valuable role in crisis intervention, assessing and treating mental health symptoms, providing suicide assessments, linking families with needed resources and serving as a liaison between the school, home and community agencies.
This month, please take a moment to write a note of thanks, celebrate your social worker(s) at a PD, or leave a small token of appreciation on their desk. KCKPS is seen as a leader in the state for providing mental health supports in schools, and I am so thankful to have these incredible professionals in each building supporting our students.

Thank you!
Angela Dunn, LSCSW
Behavioral Health Coordinator
Kansas City Kansas Public Schools
(913)954-0219NEW Parents-Right-To-Know Letters for LAPSED CERTIFICATION Classroom Teacher Letters

Title I LAPSED Certification

from Federal Programs

A reminder that Federal Program guidelines require buildings receiving Title I funds to notify parents any time their child receives instruction for four weeks or more without a highly qualified teacher in the classroom. This includes situations where a classroom teacher’s CERTIFICATION HAS LAPSED.

A template (English) for these individual classroom situations is located in the Elementary/Middle Title I Schools – Required Documents 21-22 folder in the Federal Programs shared drive or on the KCK Principal Handbook Title I resource page. (The Spanish version will be coming ASAP.)

Any time you are notified of a classroom teacher with an expired or invalid Kansas teaching certificate, you will need to provide a letter to your families. Please provide Bridgette DeSmet with a signed copy on your school letterhead to retain for the 2122 SY compliance report.

As these situations occur during the remainder of 2122 SY, please use these Parents-Right-To-Know templates to inform families of long-term substitutes OR lapsed certifications and provide a signed copy to Bridgette DeSmet. Thanks for your help and let us know if there are questions.

Title I Lapsed Certification Letter PDF

Important Information for Employee Appreciation Week

from Human Resources

The district is hosting an appreciation week for all staff Monday, March 21st – Friday, March 25th. Your assistance is needed to make necessary arrangements for your building/department to make this a week special for your staff.


When: Monday, March 21st – Friday, March 25th

Overall Theme: KCKPS Spirit (District Spirit and/or School Spirit). All staff are encouraged to wear their school colors/district swag and jeans all throughout the week.

Daily Themes:
Monday – Re-new your buildings with school/district spirit
Tuesday – Re-fresh yourself by focusing on your wellness
Wednesday – Re-lax it’s national chips and salsa day.
Thursday – Re-decorate – Each School/Department will submit a photo showing their best pride
Friday – Re-veal (Building/Department’s activity choice) – Building Administration will plan their own day of celebration for staff
Additional Information on this event:
District BINGO will run Monday, March 21st – Friday, March 25th
Thursday’s Re-decorate contact winner will have Pizza delivered on Friday
Random drawings for each department – all active employees are eligible
Snacks will be delivered to buildings for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
The Communications Department will be sending out multiple emails during Employee Appreciation Week
**Additional details, updates and staff communication will be distributed this week**


DETAIL – Daily staff snacks will be delivered to each building during the week of Spring Break – Monday, 3/21 (granola bars), Tuesday, 3/22 (fresh fruit), and Wednesday, 3/23 (TBD chips/salsa and/or chips/cheese dip). We are working with Physical properties to ensure this delivery from our Nutritional Services staff is received by the staff working over Spring Break (more information to come on these details).

ADMINISTRATION ACTION NEEDED – before leaving for Spring Break – Plan how you will distribute these snacks to your staff on Monday, 3/21 (granola bars), Tuesday, 3/22 (fresh fruit), and Wednesday, 3/23 (TBD chips/salsa and/or chips/cheese dip).

DETAIL – On Monday, March 21st, staff will be invited to make posters, decorations, etc. (get creative!) and begin to decorate your buildings. This can be done on a break, plan time, etc. and not made to interfere with instructional time. Please use the supplies that you have in your locations, this is meant to be a no cost activity.

ADMINISTRATION ACTION NEEDED – before leaving for Spring Break – locate the creative space in your building and collect the art supplies that may be used.

ACTION NEEDED ON MONDAY, MARCH 21st – Monday’s all staff communication will state that each building administrator will announce where to find their supplies. Also, you will need to provide instructions to your staff on where to hang their creations and what to hang things with. Plan to provide this communication to your staff on Monday, March 21st.

DETAIL – A building/department winner will be chosen on Thursday, March 24th for the photo showing the most creative spirit using the art from Monday, staff in building/district spirit and any other spirit decorations the building places in the photo. This photo will be due by Noon on Thursday, March 24th. Details will be provided in a later email regarding how to send your photo.

ACTION NEEDED ON THURSDAY, MARCH 24th – submit your spirit photo (details coming).

DETAIL – On Friday, March 25th the activity and/or celebration is up to you! The Central Office is not providing funds for this day, but I know some buildings/departments have a small budget for this. There are many ways to celebrate staff without spending money. If you need assistance in planning, please reach out to Jody Mitchell no later than Thursday, March 10th.

ACTION NEEDED FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 25th – Communicate the activity to your staff in advance and celebrate accordingly.

Please note, there are details that may change, and you will be made aware of any adjustments before leaving for Spring Break. Please email Jody Mitchell or Jared Alexander with any questions or comments.

Sack Lunch Requests

from Nutritional ServicesAs we approach sack lunch and field day season, please direct staff to use the Nutritional Services request form here to order sack lunches or reserve grills. Requests should be submitted 2 weeks in advance to give kitchen staff time to order and prepare the sack lunches. Please make sure student counts for the sack lunches are accurate. Any last minute changes to the student count for the sack lunch should be communicated with the cafeteria manager as soon as possible. Any sack lunches that were ordered but not picked up will be charged to the school building. If you have questions, please see your cafeteria manager or call the Nutritional Services main phone line at (913) 627-3900.

Instructional Technology Support

from Curriculum & Instruction
In an effort to be available to support staff on the use of the Canvas and other instructional technologies, Wendy Elkins is hosting open, drop-in office hours (via zoom) in March. These times occur on most Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can find the exact times and the zoom links on the mobile minutes. If you or your staff needs more personal assistance, they can schedule a time with Wendy Elkins using this Calendly Link. Please share this information with your staff.

NonRenewals Timeline

from Human Resources
Please review the Certified Contract NonRenewals Timeline for the 2021-2022 school year. The timeline will also be posted on the Administrators Guide. Feel free to reach out to Ana Perez-Matthews if you have any questions.

New Staff Intranet Launching Soon/Review of District Forms and Departmental Pages

from Communications

Due to new and ongoing issues with the old intranet system, we are launching a temporary (but more user-friendly and accessible) staff intranet for everyone’s use.  The new, temporary intranet will also have a section titled “Administrators’ Corner,” with links to this newsletter’s homepage, admin-only form links, and more.

Before we launch this temporary intranet, however, we need a lot of old data updated or even removed.  To start, there is a page that housed a number of all-purpose forms and manuals; if your department handles any of these forms (or used to), please visit this link and send any changes needed to forms or links directly to Mike Keener as soon as you can, as it will help speed along the live launch of this new intranet page. Additionally, let him know about any other content on either the live site (or old intranet) that needs to be edited for inclusion on the new site.

New District Letterhead

from Communications

Please use this letterhead template for district communications.

Spending Cutoff – April 1st

from Purchasing

Click here to view information via PDF about the April 1 spending cutoff.

Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents

From Communications & Marketing

Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.

Student injury forms have now been included to the list.

To find the reporting form for students go to this link: https://form.jotform.com/212366215525047

To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.

Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.

To do so, please use the following link: https://form.jotform.com/212304621025035

The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.

This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.

The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident,  there is a fight,  or even to report property damage.

An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.

There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.

If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.

Here is a link to the Incident Report form:  https://kckps.org/incident-report/

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Administrators' Desk logo

Action Items

For All Administrators

Two-Factor Authentication for Email

from TIS

Please share this with your staff:

All district staff are encouraged to enroll in two factor authentication (2FA) for their district email account. This ensures the security of their district email account and prevents any unauthorized access. The directions for enrolling in the 2FA can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ARv3y25eWkq7ZUeOz_21CJp-Kmqbl6LW9dtVnlYiH6Q/edit

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact the help desk. Thank you.

Important Information for Employee Appreciation Week

from Human Resources

The district is hosting an appreciation week for all staff Monday, March 21st – Friday, March 25th. Your assistance is needed to make necessary arrangements for your building/department to make this a week special for your staff.


When: Monday, March 21st – Friday, March 25th

Overall Theme: KCKPS Spirit (District Spirit and/or School Spirit). All staff are encouraged to wear their school colors/district swag and jeans all throughout the week.

Daily Themes:
Monday – Re-new your buildings with school/district spirit
Tuesday – Re-fresh yourself by focusing on your wellness
Wednesday – Re-lax it’s national chips and salsa day.
Thursday – Re-decorate – Each School/Department will submit a photo showing their best pride
Friday – Re-veal (Building/Department’s activity choice) – Building Administration will plan their own day of celebration for staff
Additional Information on this event:
District BINGO will run Monday, March 21st – Friday, March 25th
Thursday’s Re-decorate contact winner will have Pizza delivered on Friday
Random drawings for each department – all active employees are eligible
Snacks will be delivered to buildings for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
The Communications Department will be sending out multiple emails during Employee Appreciation Week
**Additional details, updates and staff communication will be distributed this week**


DETAIL – Daily staff snacks will be delivered to each building during the week of Spring Break – Monday, 3/21 (granola bars), Tuesday, 3/22 (fresh fruit), and Wednesday, 3/23 (TBD chips/salsa and/or chips/cheese dip). We are working with Physical properties to ensure this delivery from our Nutritional Services staff is received by the staff working over Spring Break (more information to come on these details).

ADMINISTRATION ACTION NEEDED – before leaving for Spring Break – Plan how you will distribute these snacks to your staff on Monday, 3/21 (granola bars), Tuesday, 3/22 (fresh fruit), and Wednesday, 3/23 (TBD chips/salsa and/or chips/cheese dip).

DETAIL – On Monday, March 21st, staff will be invited to make posters, decorations, etc. (get creative!) and begin to decorate your buildings. This can be done on a break, plan time, etc. and not made to interfere with instructional time. Please use the supplies that you have in your locations, this is meant to be a no cost activity.

ADMINISTRATION ACTION NEEDED – before leaving for Spring Break – locate the creative space in your building and collect the art supplies that may be used.

ACTION NEEDED ON MONDAY, MARCH 21st – Monday’s all staff communication will state that each building administrator will announce where to find their supplies. Also, you will need to provide instructions to your staff on where to hang their creations and what to hang things with. Plan to provide this communication to your staff on Monday, March 21st.

DETAIL – A building/department winner will be chosen on Thursday, March 24th for the photo showing the most creative spirit using the art from Monday, staff in building/district spirit and any other spirit decorations the building places in the photo. This photo will be due by Noon on Thursday, March 24th. Details will be provided in a later email regarding how to send your photo.

ACTION NEEDED ON THURSDAY, MARCH 24th – submit your spirit photo (details coming).

DETAIL – On Friday, March 25th the activity and/or celebration is up to you! The Central Office is not providing funds for this day, but I know some buildings/departments have a small budget for this. There are many ways to celebrate staff without spending money. If you need assistance in planning, please reach out to Jody Mitchell no later than Thursday, March 10th.

ACTION NEEDED FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 25th – Communicate the activity to your staff in advance and celebrate accordingly.

Please note, there are details that may change, and you will be made aware of any adjustments before leaving for Spring Break. Please email Jody Mitchell or Jared Alexander with any questions or comments.

For Title I Principals

NEW Parents-Right-To-Know Letters for LAPSED CERTIFICATION Classroom Teacher Letters

from Federal Programs

A reminder that Federal Program guidelines require buildings receiving Title I funds to notify parents any time their child receives instruction for four weeks or more without a highly qualified teacher in the classroom. This includes situations where a classroom teacher’s CERTIFICATION HAS LAPSED.

A template (English) for these individual classroom situations is located in the Elementary/Middle Title I Schools – Required Documents 21-22 folder in the Federal Programs shared drive or on the KCK Principal Handbook Title I resource page. (The Spanish version will be coming ASAP.)

Any time you are notified of a classroom teacher with an expired or invalid Kansas teaching certificate, you will need to provide a letter to your families. Please provide Bridgette DeSmet with a signed copy on your school letterhead to retain for the 2122 SY compliance report.

As these situations occur during the remainder of 2122 SY, please use these Parents-Right-To-Know templates to inform families of long-term substitutes OR lapsed certifications and provide a signed copy to Bridgette DeSmet. Thanks for your help and let us know if there are questions.

Title I Lapsed Certification Letter PDF

For Principals

Overwriting Forms for Parents who need Assistance

from Student Services – Summer School Invites

Please review the various help forms on our internal Infinite Campus site for managing Summer School invitations. Our goal is for parents to complete summer school invitations via their parent portal. Many building staff – including teachers – can support the management of the Invitations. New this week are directions for overwriting forms for instances where parents require staff to complete forms for them. You may also need to overwrite and upload a new form if students have moved since February 16th, causing their summer school location to change.

BrightArrow & BrightChat Whole-Building Access

from Communications – BrightArrow and BrightChat

As posted here on January 21, 2022, we will be limiting the number of staff who send building-wide messages through the BrightArrow and BrightChat systems. This cleanup will be completed by March 15th.

If you have not already done so, please visit this form and let us know who your other staff members are.

Early Childhood & Elementary – Building Principal + 2 additional staff members

Middle Schools – Building Principal + 3 additional staff members

High Schools – Building Principal + 4 additional staff members

You must be the principal & be logged into your m.account to complete the form. If you do not complete this form by March 11th you will be the only person with building wide access when we return from Spring Break.

Managing Summer School Invitations & Responses

from Student Services – Summer School Invites

Please refer to the help files on our internal Infinite Campus Support site for how to manage Summer School Invitations. K-8 Invitations were pushed out to parents on 2/16/2022. High school and students entering into Kindergarten next year are done on an individual basis from the building. Please discuss with your staff who may be helping you with this task. The support site is viewable by all employees logged into their m.kckps.org account.

Celebrate National Social Work Month

from Student Services

March is National Social Work Month!
Social Workers are essential in helping students through behavioral health issues that may impact learning. Social Workers at KCKPS play a unique and valuable role in crisis intervention, assessing and treating mental health symptoms, providing suicide assessments, linking families with needed resources and serving as a liaison between the school, home and community agencies.
This month, please take a moment to write a note of thanks, celebrate your social worker(s) at a PD, or leave a small token of appreciation on their desk. KCKPS is seen as a leader in the state for providing mental health supports in schools, and I am so thankful to have these incredible professionals in each building supporting our students.

Thank you!
Angela Dunn, LSCSW
Behavioral Health Coordinator
Kansas City Kansas Public Schools

Informational Items

For All Administrators

HR Power Hour

from Human Resources

We would like to host an HR Power Hour Thursday, March 10th from 9am – 10pm. During this time HR will share updates and announcements. This is also a time for building administrators to ask HR questions they may have. We look forward to seeing you!!

Click here for the Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 850 1203 6919
Passcode: eXU4jW


Sack Lunch Requests

from Nutritional Services
As we approach sack lunch and field day season, please direct staff to use the Nutritional Services request form here to order sack lunches or reserve grills. Requests should be submitted 2 weeks in advance to give kitchen staff time to order and prepare the sack lunches. Please make sure student counts for the sack lunches are accurate. Any last minute changes to the student count for the sack lunch should be communicated with the cafeteria manager as soon as possible. Any sack lunches that were ordered but not picked up will be charged to the school building. If you have questions, please see your cafeteria manager or call the Nutritional Services main phone line at (913) 627-3900.

Instructional Technology Support

from Curriculum & Instruction
In an effort to be available to support staff on the use of the Canvas and other instructional technologies, Wendy Elkins is hosting open, drop-in office hours (via zoom) in March. These times occur on most Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can find the exact times and the zoom links on the mobile minutes. If you or your staff needs more personal assistance, they can schedule a time with Wendy Elkins using this Calendly Link. Please share this information with your staff.

C & I Materials (workbooks) Ordering Information for 2022-23

from Curriculum & Instruction

Consumable Workbooks (CKLA & Eureka Math) and Science Materials
Please see this document (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fH822opC1UJf-mqo-9Tca3l05K83hFRPA5MZipmoNHc/edit?usp=sharing) for instructions to order workbooks for the 2022-23 school year. Information regarding budget lines for science kit refills is also included.

Adding/Closing Classrooms
If you are planning to add or close any classrooms for the 2022-23 school year, please let Suzie Legg, Curriculum Coordinator of Academics, know via email as soon as possible so we can determine the next steps that make sense for your site. For reference, this document indicates the number of classrooms the C & I Department shows that you have materials for at your site.

Thank you for attending to this task as soon as possible. Please have this information completed by the end of the day Wednesday, March 9, 2022.

Please contact Suzie Legg with any questions.

Application Process for Certified Staff

from Human Resources

Kansas City Kansas Public Schools certified employees interested in applying for positions within the school district for the 2022-2023 academic year may do so through the following steps for which they meet the current qualifications, endorsements, or license.

  1. Certified staff may apply for positions for the 2022-2023 school year as they become available through the Talent Ed application system located at kckps.org/careers. All applications will be subject to the qualifications set forth in the job postings and represent no guarantee for interviews or future hires.
  2. Certified staff can apply for positions until the Kansas state approved resignation date has been completed. June 3, 2022 is the official state approved date for certified staff to submit their resignation to the school district. Liquidated fees under the separation of services section of the current NEA-Kansas City, Kansas agreement, will be in effect at 12:00 a.m. on June 4, 2022.
  3. If the certified staff has not received an offer for a KCKPS job, then the employee will remain in their current position and location for the 2022-2023 school year.

Grades 6-8 Second Step Usage

from Student Services

Middle School and Sumner Principals, on the March 9th DCIP Day there is time built into the schedule to review grades 6-8 Second Step usage reports for your building, celebrating success, and brainstorming how to support those FA teachers that may be struggling to use this MTSS Tier 1 resource for teaching social emotional skills to set our students up for success.

Linked here is a folder that has each of your respective reports. On the reports, you will see some color coding. The color coding is based off the FA Pacing Calendar.

Shout out to Gloria Willis for having the most FA teachers in the green!

Green= has completed 8+ lessons and is a champion for SEL in your building.Yellow= has completed 4-7 lessons and is on track for SEL success.Red = has completed less than 4 lessons and needs support.

Middle School Second Step Usage Reports by Building

SEL Day 2022

from Student Services

SEL Day 2022 is coming up! On Friday, March 11th 2022 KCKPS will be celebrating SEL Day. To sign your building up visit the SEL Day website. Need ideas for how to celebrate SEL Day 2022? Here is a great google doc with ideas or you can email Tracie Chauvin to brainstorm! Email Tracie with any SEL Day plans that your school has as well to be highlighted and recognized.

Cell Phone Upgrade Information

from TIS

T-Mobile will be in the East Wing Conservatory of Central Office on Wednesday, March 9th from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm to upgrade district issued cell phones. This will be the last day they will be here for upgrades. To make the upgrade process smooth please follow the directions on the two attached documents provided by T-Mobile. Thank you.

Deployment Preparation (Word Document)

Porting Day (Word Document)

NonRenewals Timeline

from Human Resources
Please review the Certified Contract NonRenewals Timeline for the 2021-2022 school year. The timeline will also be posted on the Administrators Guide. Feel free to reach out to Ana Perez-Matthews if you have any questions.

State Wide Tornado Drill Exercise 10AM Tuesday March 8th.


Severe Weather Preparedness Week is March 7 to 11. The State wide tornado drill will be held at 10 AM on Tuesday March 8. There will not be a backup date or time. This year’s KS SWPW packet can be found here as educational material.

This year’s drill will differ from years past in one critical way. The NWS will NOT be sending out a live tornado warning over NOAA Weather Radio and EAS, rather we will send out a routine weekly test on NOAA Weather Radio containing tornado drill information. This was done because sending out the live warning has been extraordinarily problematic and confusing to the general public for years, and resulted in testing EAS in a manner inconsistent with its design. Wyandotte County will be sounding the normal tornado sirens throughout the County.

We are requesting that all schools and district buildings conduct a tornado drill at 10 AM on March 8, and we encourage you to participate by sounding your sirens or utilizing test verbiage in any other emergency communications protocols you utilize. The NWS will also be sending out graphics for the drill on Facebook and Twitter at 10 AM to encourage the general public to practice sheltering.

New Staff Intranet Launching Soon/Review of District Forms and Departmental Pages

from Communications

Due to new and ongoing issues with the old intranet system, we are launching a temporary (but more user-friendly and accessible) staff intranet for everyone’s use.  The new, temporary intranet will also have a section titled “Administrators’ Corner,” with links to this newsletter’s homepage, admin-only form links, and more.

Before we launch this temporary intranet, however, we need a lot of old data updated or even removed.  To start, there is a page that housed a number of all-purpose forms and manuals; if your department handles any of these forms (or used to), please visit this link and send any changes needed to forms or links directly to Mike Keener as soon as you can, as it will help speed along the live launch of this new intranet page. Additionally, let him know about any other content on either the live site (or old intranet) that needs to be edited for inclusion on the new site.

New District Letterhead

from Communications

Please use this letterhead template for district communications.

Spending Cutoff – April 1st

from Purchasing

Click here to view information via PDF about the April 1 spending cutoff.

Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents

From Communications & Marketing

Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.

Student injury forms have now been included to the list.

To find the reporting form for students go to this link: https://form.jotform.com/212366215525047

To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.

Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.

To do so, please use the following link: https://form.jotform.com/212304621025035

The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.

This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.

The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident,  there is a fight,  or even to report property damage.

An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.

There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.

If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.

Here is a link to the Incident Report form:  https://kckps.org/incident-report/

Friday, March 4, 2022

Administrators' Desk logo

Action Items

All Administrators

digiCoach Access

from Leadership and Learning

If there are administrators in your building or department that need access to digiCoach who do not currently have access, please add their information to the Google Doc. Please complete by March 11, 2022.

Mileage Reimbursement Rate Remains at $0.56 per Mile

from Purchasing

The mileage reimbursement rate for privately owned vehicles is determined by the Kansas Department of Administration, and is currently $0.56 per mile. Please confirm the current rate with your staff, and ask those who submit mileage reimbursement requests not to self calculate at the recently changed federal rate. Mileage reimbursement forms received in Accounts Payable will be processed for payment at the rate of $0.56 per mile.

The Kansas Department of Administration, through the Kansas Department of Education, will notify the District if/when the mileage reimbursement rate changes, and all administrators will be notified of any such change by the Purchasing Department.

All Principals

School Website Content Needs

From Communications


Please share this with your school’s website editors and only them. PLEASE NOTE: the graphics here are confidential until we get closer to the live launch of the site, and are presented here solely for website editing context; only share these graphics with personnel directly working on your school sites.

To clarify the school websites’ status:

When the district’s new website launches in the summer, new websites for each school will also launch at the same time, meaning that the current school sites as you have come to know them will cease to exist by the middle of July.

We are currently working with FinalSite on the final layout of the school sites, but the end result will be very similar to the new layout for the main district site (with appropriate mascots and colors for each school, of course!), which you can see below:

new site screenshot

In terms of updating the current school sites: many requests that have come in re: website updates are in regards to the physical design of the websites themselves. At the moment, the need for up-to-date content on the school sites is paramount and takes precedence over any cosmetic change requests to the sites (which, again, will no longer exist in approximately four months).

The information that is on the sites will need to be ported over to the new sites by the Communications Department no later than the last week of March, so we need to make sure all of the information that is on the school sites are as up-to-date as possible. This means faculty & staff information (even if it changes over for the next school year), any permanent information on activities and/or clubs, any social media accounts that need to be linked that are not currently listed, as well as any important messaging that you would want us to load for parents, students, or the community for when these sites go live in July.  Additionally, the site information should be up-to-date now for the use of your parents and students in real time.

Time is short, so it is imperative that either website editors update any out-of-date pages or, if need be, the district website editor can take and update this information if there are technical issues keeping anyone from posting. Also, contact Mike Keener if there are any pages that need to be removed for your school’s new site.

Anything that needs to be updated in between the launch of the sites and the onboarding of website editors at the beginning of the school year will be handled directly by Communications.

When the next school year starts, website editors will need training on the new system, which is available in the form of user-friendly video training (which is available 24/7 from FinalSite as needed). The new system is much easier to use than the current one, and will only require your district email address and password to access.

Reminder: The Kansas City Metro Area Staffing Survey Invites Your Feedback

from Communications 

Dear KCKPS Staff,

You were recently invited to participate in a survey examining factors affecting retention of staff and educators in Kansas City Metro Area schools this year. Your feedback is critical to accurately assess the perspectives of those working in Kansas City schools.

You may access the:

In acknowledgement of your time, at the end of the survey you will be directed to a separate link to enter a raffle for a $50 gift card from Amazon.com.

Completing this survey is voluntary. Responses to this survey will be confidential and will be analyzed in aggregate at the district or school level. No potentially personally identifiable information or individual survey responses will be shared with district administration.

PLEASE NOTE: The survey will close on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 before midnight Central time.

Thank you very much for your assistance. If you have any questions about the survey, you can contact Bonnie O’Keefe at bonnie.okeefe@bellwethereducation.org.

Informational Items

All Administrators

Instructional Technology Support

from Curriculum & Instruction
In an effort to be available to support staff on the use of the Canvas and other instructional technologies, Wendy Elkins is hosting open, drop-in office hours (via zoom) in March. These times occur on most Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can find the exact times and the zoom links on the mobile minutes. If you or your staff needs more personal assistance, they can schedule a time with Wendy Elkins using this Calendly Link. Please share this information with your staff.

For All Principals

Extended Summer Learning Signups

from IC Support/Student Services

Please check out our local IC support website page for Summer Learning Sign Up supports. Each file will help you with managing student sign up forms. New this week are directions for running an Ad Hoc report that shows Accept or Decline responses.

KAP Summative Building Checklist

from DERA
The following KAP Summative Checklist was shared with your building’s KAP Coordinator on 3/2/22 1:58PM.

Google Docs Presentation

KAP Summative Checklist PDF

Sack Lunch Requests

from Nutritional Services
As we approach sack lunch and field day season, please direct staff to use the Nutritional Services request form here to order sack lunches or reserve grills. Requests should be submitted 2 weeks in advance to give kitchen staff time to order and prepare the sack lunches. Please make sure student counts for the sack lunches are accurate. Any last minute changes to the student count for the sack lunch should be communicated with the cafeteria manager as soon as possible. Any sack lunches that were ordered but not picked up will be charged to the school building. If you have questions, please see your cafeteria manager or call the Nutritional Services main phone line at (913) 627-3900.

For Elementary Principals

Connector Reminders

from Diploma+

Connector is a great way to host a Career Fair during the pandemic. Due to the demand for speakers, there are deadlines to ensure we have all of the speakers requested. The last day to commit to a career fair with Dr. Freers is March 10. The last day to submit your requested speakers for your Career Fair with the Connector is March 25.

With this beautiful weather, we are reminded that spring is right around the corner. The goal is for all classroom teachers and all counselors to host a Live Connector session before the end of school. The last day to request a live session is April 29th. It will be here before we know it.

March 7 is another Diploma+ Career FA day. Teachers may choose a career video from the Connector website or select one from the play list they received.


C & I Materials (workbooks) Ordering Information for 2022-23

from Curriculum & Instruction

Consumable Workbooks (CKLA & Eureka Math) and Science Materials
Please see this document (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fH822opC1UJf-mqo-9Tca3l05K83hFRPA5MZipmoNHc/edit?usp=sharing) for instructions to order workbooks for the 2022-23 school year. Information regarding budget lines for science kit refills is also included.

Adding/Closing Classrooms
If you are planning to add or close any classrooms for the 2022-23 school year, please let Suzie Legg, Curriculum Coordinator of Academics, know via email as soon as possible so we can determine the next steps that make sense for your site. For reference, this document indicates the number of classrooms the C & I Department shows that you have materials for at your site.

Thank you for attending to this task as soon as possible. Please have this information completed by the end of the day Wednesday, March 9, 2022.

Please contact Suzie Legg with any questions.

Digi Coach Refresher Training

from Professional Workforce Development


Brandon Mawhorter, Director of Innovation for Digi Coach, will be providing some refresher training options for administrators in March. Please use the link below to access the signup form. You will receive a calendar invite for one of the 30-minute sessions.

Refresher Training Options (30-Minute Duration):

Thursday, March 3 at 4:00 PM CST
Tuesday, March 8 at 10:00 AM CST
Friday, March 11 at 2:00 PM CST

The Signup Form is here.

New & Beginning Teacher Mandatory Dyslexia Training – Round 2

from Curriculum & Instruction

Each year, beginning 2021-2022, all of the following new and beginning KCKPS teachers* must complete the KSDE mandatory dyslexia training (3 modules):

All teachers endorsed English Language Arts
All teachers endorsed special education, teaching grades EC – 12.
All teachers endorsed as reading specialists.
All teachers endorsed ESOL, teaching grades EC- 12

*New or Beginning teachers who completed training in another Kansas school district should email Tracy Cooper to verify completion.

This Google link provides a step-by-step checklist with all of the links needed for completing this asynchronous mandatory training. It is mandatory, but each new and beginning KCKPS teacher who completes all of the training and required exit slips will be compensated with a 5-hour stipend at $20.72/hour for their time.
All timesheets must be submitted between March 28 and April 1, 2022.

FINAL NOTE: The names of new and beginning teachers who have not completed this training were provided by building instructional coaches at a recent IC professional learning event. These names have been submitted to the Board of Education for approval in anticipation of each teacher completing the process and submitting a timesheet by April 1. This information and link need to be forwarded to those teachers as soon as possible. The links for the guide and an information video will also be forwarded to instructional coaches by March 1, 2022.

New & Beginning Teacher Mandatory Dyslexia Training – Round 2

from Curriculum & Instruction

Each year, beginning 2021-2022, all of the following new and beginning KCKPS teachers* must complete the KSDE mandatory dyslexia training (4 modules):

All teachers endorsed elementary education.
All teachers endorsed early childhood unified.
All teachers endorsed special education, teaching grades EC – 12.
All teachers endorsed as reading specialists.
All teachers endorsed ESOL, teaching grades EC- 5

*New and Beginning teachers who completed training in another Kansas school district should contact Tracy Cooper via email  to verify completion.

This linked Google Doc provides a step-by-step checklist with all of the links teachers need for completing this asynchronous mandatory training. It is mandatory, but each new and beginning KCKPS teacher who completes all of the training and required exit slips will be compensated with a 5-hour stipend at $20.72/hour for their time.

All timesheets must be submitted between March 28 and April 1, 2022.

NOTE: The names of new and beginning teachers who have not completed this training were provided by building instructional coaches at a recent IC professional learning meeting. These names have been submitted to the Board of Education for approval in anticipation of each teacher completing the process and submitting a timesheet by April 1.

This information and the Google link need to be forwarded to those teachers as soon as possible. Links for the training guide and an informational video will also be forwarded to instructional coaches by March 2, 2022.

Please contact Tracy Cooper with questions.

Monitoring LETRS Asynchronous Learning

from Professional Workforce Development

Please monitor the progress of your staffs’ LETRS Asynchronous Learning. It is very important that all staff do their best to maintain an appropriate pace throughout the LETRS training.

In order to support you, Alli Rice has created this document with screenshots and written explanations of the different functions you can use to monitor your building’s progress. Alternatively, she has created this six minute video for those who find a video explanation more useful. Please log into your district m. account to access both files.

For additional information on the appropriate pace for the LETRS study, please see the LETRS-Estimated-Time-by-Unit document. At this point (3/1/22), all schools should be around Unit 2, Session 3; some slight fluctuations are to be expected as staff are all working at their own pace.

Plan to have conversations with staff who may need to pick up the pace or slow it down. Also, consider offering words of celebration for those who are invested in the learning! Be sure to keep your IDP rep updated when staff complete the asynchronous learning for Units 1 and 2; they must have this information from you in order to document the PD points in Frontline.

Finally, as you are monitoring staff in your LETRS account, if you notice a staff member connected to your building who is no longer part of your team, please email Allison Rice so she can update the district’s LETRS database.

Infinite Campus Data Days Training

from Infinite Campus Support/TIS

Data Days is live, online training available March 1-3 through your Infinite Campus Account. Sessions are also recorded and accessible through the end of the school year. There are multiple trainings about Ad Hoc and Pivot Designer you may find useful. Visit the KCKPS IC Support Website for more info and directions to sign up.

There are additional sessions around Master Scheduling tasks, please contact Karlean Kramer if you are considering one of these before signing up.

Limited English Proficiency Policy Adoption

from ESOL

The KCKPS board has adopted a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Policy at the February 22, 2022 board meeting. This policy is to support the community and ensure that we are removing language barriers. Within the policy, there are many things that buildings are already doing but as a reminder, you will need to verify that you have:

* Posted language signage provided by Student Services
* Share with building staff procedures of requesting language support such as contacting language.support@kckps.org, Propio and Propio One, internal and external translation services
* Chromebook located in a location easily accessible to staff and families for Propio One usage

Further information and training will be provided within the upcoming weeks. If you have questions contact Jacqueline Rodriguez, Director of ESOL.

Application Process for Certified Staff

from Human Resources

Kansas City Kansas Public Schools certified employees interested in applying for positions within the school district for the 2022-2023 academic year may do so through the following steps for which they meet the current qualifications, endorsements, or license.

  1. Certified staff may apply for positions for the 2022-2023 school year as they become available through the Talent Ed application system located at kckps.org/careers. All applications will be subject to the qualifications set forth in the job postings and represent no guarantee for interviews or future hires.
  2. Certified staff can apply for positions until the Kansas state approved resignation date has been completed. June 3, 2022 is the official state approved date for certified staff to submit their resignation to the school district. Liquidated fees under the separation of services section of the current NEA-Kansas City, Kansas agreement, will be in effect at 12:00 a.m. on June 4, 2022.
  3. If the certified staff has not received an offer for a KCKPS job, then the employee will remain in their current position and location for the 2022-2023 school year.

Grades 6-8 Second Step Usage

from Student Services

Middle School and Sumner Principals, on the March 9th DCIP Day there is time built into the schedule to review grades 6-8 Second Step usage reports for your building, celebrating success, and brainstorming how to support those FA teachers that may be struggling to use this MTSS Tier 1 resource for teaching social emotional skills to set our students up for success.

Linked here is a folder that has each of your respective reports. On the reports, you will see some color coding. The color coding is based off the FA Pacing Calendar.

Shout out to Gloria Willis for having the most FA teachers in the green!

Green= has completed 8+ lessons and is a champion for SEL in your building.Yellow= has completed 4-7 lessons and is on track for SEL success.Red = has completed less than 4 lessons and needs support.

Middle School Second Step Usage Reports by Building

SEL Day 2022

from Student Services

SEL Day 2022 is coming up! On Friday, March 11th 2022 KCKPS will be celebrating SEL Day. To sign your building up visit the SEL Day website. Need ideas for how to celebrate SEL Day 2022? Here is a great google doc with ideas or you can email Tracie Chauvin to brainstorm! Email Tracie with any SEL Day plans that your school has as well to be highlighted and recognized.

Cell Phone Upgrade Information

from TIS

T-Mobile will be in the East Wing Conservatory of Central Office on Wednesday, March 9th from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm to upgrade district issued cell phones. This will be the last day they will be here for upgrades. To make the upgrade process smooth please follow the directions on the two attached documents provided by T-Mobile. Thank you.

Deployment Preparation (Word Document)

Porting Day (Word Document)

NonRenewals Timeline

from Human Resources
Please review the Certified Contract NonRenewals Timeline for the 2021-2022 school year. The timeline will also be posted on the Administrators Guide. Feel free to reach out to Ana Perez-Matthews if you have any questions.

State Wide Tornado Drill Exercise 10AM Tuesday March 8th.


Severe Weather Preparedness Week is March 7 to 11. The State wide tornado drill will be held at 10 AM on Tuesday March 8. There will not be a backup date or time. This year’s KS SWPW packet can be found here as educational material.

This year’s drill will differ from years past in one critical way. The NWS will NOT be sending out a live tornado warning over NOAA Weather Radio and EAS, rather we will send out a routine weekly test on NOAA Weather Radio containing tornado drill information. This was done because sending out the live warning has been extraordinarily problematic and confusing to the general public for years, and resulted in testing EAS in a manner inconsistent with its design. Wyandotte County will be sounding the normal tornado sirens throughout the County.

We are requesting that all schools and district buildings conduct a tornado drill at 10 AM on March 8, and we encourage you to participate by sounding your sirens or utilizing test verbiage in any other emergency communications protocols you utilize. The NWS will also be sending out graphics for the drill on Facebook and Twitter at 10 AM to encourage the general public to practice sheltering.

New Staff Intranet Launching Soon/Review of District Forms and Departmental Pages

from Communications

Due to new and ongoing issues with the old intranet system, we are launching a temporary (but more user-friendly and accessible) staff intranet for everyone’s use.  The new, temporary intranet will also have a section titled “Administrators’ Corner,” with links to this newsletter’s homepage, admin-only form links, and more.

Before we launch this temporary intranet, however, we need a lot of old data updated or even removed.  To start, there is a page that housed a number of all-purpose forms and manuals; if your department handles any of these forms (or used to), please visit this link and send any changes needed to forms or links directly to Mike Keener as soon as you can, as it will help speed along the live launch of this new intranet page. Additionally, let him know about any other content on either the live site (or old intranet) that needs to be edited for inclusion on the new site.

New District Letterhead

from Communications

Please use this letterhead template for district communications.

Spending Cutoff – April 1st

from Purchasing

Click here to view information via PDF about the April 1 spending cutoff.

Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents

From Communications & Marketing

Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.

Student injury forms have now been included to the list.

To find the reporting form for students go to this link: https://form.jotform.com/212366215525047

To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.

Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.

To do so, please use the following link: https://form.jotform.com/212304621025035

The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.

This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.

The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident,  there is a fight,  or even to report property damage.

An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.

There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.

If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.

Here is a link to the Incident Report form:  https://kckps.org/incident-report/

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Administrators' Desk logo

Action Items

For All Administrators

digiCoach Access

from Leadership and Learning

If there are administrators in your building or department that need access to digiCoach who do not currently have access, please add their information to the Google Doc. Please complete by March 11, 2022.

For Elementary Administrators

Monitoring LETRS Asynchronous Learning

from Professional Workforce Development

Please monitor the progress of your staffs’ LETRS Asynchronous Learning. It is very important that all staff do their best to maintain an appropriate pace throughout the LETRS training.

In order to support you, Alli Rice has created this document with screenshots and written explanations of the different functions you can use to monitor your building’s progress. Alternatively, she has created this six minute video for those who find a video explanation more useful. Please log into your district m. account to access both files.

For additional information on the appropriate pace for the LETRS study, please see the LETRS-Estimated-Time-by-Unit document. At this point (3/1/22), all schools should be around Unit 2, Session 3; some slight fluctuations are to be expected as staff are all working at their own pace.

Plan to have conversations with staff who may need to pick up the pace or slow it down. Also, consider offering words of celebration for those who are invested in the learning! Be sure to keep your IDP rep updated when staff complete the asynchronous learning for Units 1 and 2; they must have this information from you in order to document the PD points in Frontline.

Finally, as you are monitoring staff in your LETRS account, if you notice a staff member connected to your building who is no longer part of your team, please email Allison Rice so she can update the district’s LETRS database.

New & Beginning Teacher Mandatory Dyslexia Training – Round 2

from Curriculum & Instruction

Each year, beginning 2021-2022, all of the following new and beginning KCKPS teachers* must complete the KSDE mandatory dyslexia training (4 modules):

All teachers endorsed elementary education.
All teachers endorsed early childhood unified.
All teachers endorsed special education, teaching grades EC – 12.
All teachers endorsed as reading specialists.
All teachers endorsed ESOL, teaching grades EC- 5

*New and Beginning teachers who completed training in another Kansas school district should contact Tracy Cooper via email  to verify completion.

This linked Google Doc provides a step-by-step checklist with all of the links teachers need for completing this asynchronous mandatory training. It is mandatory, but each new and beginning KCKPS teacher who completes all of the training and required exit slips will be compensated with a 5-hour stipend at $20.72/hour for their time.

All timesheets must be submitted between March 28 and April 1, 2022.

NOTE: The names of new and beginning teachers who have not completed this training were provided by building instructional coaches at a recent IC professional learning meeting. These names have been submitted to the Board of Education for approval in anticipation of each teacher completing the process and submitting a timesheet by April 1.

This information and the Google link need to be forwarded to those teachers as soon as possible. Links for the training guide and an informational video will also be forwarded to instructional coaches by March 2, 2022.

Please contact Tracy Cooper with questions.

C & I Materials (workbooks) Ordering Information for 2022-23

from Curriculum & Instruction

Consumable Workbooks (CKLA & Eureka Math) and Science Materials
Please see this document for instructions to order workbooks for the 2022-23 school year. Information regarding budget lines for science kit refills is also included.

Adding/Closing Classrooms
If you are planning to add or close any classrooms for the 2022-23 school year, please let Suzie Legg, Curriculum Coordinator of Academics, know via email as soon as possible so we can determine the next steps that make sense for your site. For reference, this document indicates the number of classrooms the C & I Department shows that you have materials for at your site.

Thank you for attending to this task as soon as possible. Please have this information completed by the end of the day Wednesday, March 9, 2022.

Please contact Suzie Legg with any questions.

For Secondary Administrators

New & Beginning Teacher Mandatory Dyslexia Training – Round 2

from Curriculum & Instruction

Each year, beginning 2021-2022, all of the following new and beginning KCKPS teachers* must complete the KSDE mandatory dyslexia training (3 modules):

All teachers endorsed English Language Arts
All teachers endorsed special education, teaching grades EC – 12.
All teachers endorsed as reading specialists.
All teachers endorsed ESOL, teaching grades EC- 12

*New or Beginning teachers who completed training in another Kansas school district should email Tracy Cooper to verify completion.

This Google link provides a step-by-step checklist with all of the links needed for completing this asynchronous mandatory training. It is mandatory, but each new and beginning KCKPS teacher who completes all of the training and required exit slips will be compensated with a 5-hour stipend at $20.72/hour for their time.
All timesheets must be submitted between March 28 and April 1, 2022.

FINAL NOTE: The names of new and beginning teachers who have not completed this training were provided by building instructional coaches at a recent IC professional learning event. These names have been submitted to the Board of Education for approval in anticipation of each teacher completing the process and submitting a timesheet by April 1. This information and link need to be forwarded to those teachers as soon as possible. The links for the guide and an information video will also be forwarded to instructional coaches by March 1, 2022.

Informational Items

For All Administrators

March is Women’s History Month

from Communications

Administrators, please share this information with your staff:

Celebrate the intersectionality of gender, race and the LGBTQIA+ community for Women’s History Month by entering our contest. Correctly name the women who said these famous lines:

1. “It is revolutionary for any trans person to choose to be seen and visible in a world that tells us we should not exist.”

2. “The single best thing about coming out of the closet is that nobody can insult you by telling you what you’ve just told them.”

3. Regarding Stonewall: “It was a rebellion, it was an uprising, it was a civil rights disobedience— it wasn’t no damn riot.”

4. “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”

Email your answers to Barbara Williams. A prize will be awarded to the first person who gets all four correct.

Our first LGBTQIA+ recreational kickball team will be kicking off their Spring Season March 20th, and continue through the end of May. Feel free to come out to Gilham Park in Westport, KCMO,  on Sunday afternoons and support our team, The Plan Time Subs! For more information regarding LGBTQIA+ recreational sport events, including schedules, check out Stonewall Sports or email Nicole Pizzato for information regarding our district team.

Also, Save the Date for roller skating! Saturday March 26th from 12 to 2 join us for a family-friendly free-skate event at  Skate City, Wyandotte.  Admission is $6/person, and $2 for skate-rentals, or bring your own.

Thank you to those who played Bingo with us on Wednesday!

Digi Coach Refresher Training

from Professional Workforce Development


Brandon Mawhorter, Director of Innovation for Digi Coach, will be providing some refresher training options for administrators in March. Please use the link below to access the signup form. You will receive a calendar invite for one of the 30-minute sessions.

Refresher Training Options (30-Minute Duration):

Thursday, March 3 at 4:00 PM CST
Tuesday, March 8 at 10:00 AM CST
Friday, March 11 at 2:00 PM CST

The Signup Form is here.

For Elementary Administrators

Makeup LETRS Synchronous Zoom Sessions

from Professional Workforce Development

Elementary IDP reps have been asked to complete the following form for all staff at your school who have missed any of the following LETRS Synchronous Zoom sessions:

  • January 12th (8:30 Schools) Session 1.1

  • January 26th (8:30 Schools) Session 1.2

  • February 9th (9:00 Schools) Session 1.1

  • February 23rd (8:30 Schools) Session 1.3

  • March 2nd (9:00 Schools) Session 1.2

Makeup sessions will be held via Zoom on Friday, March 11th from 9:00-11:00am.

IDP Reps will complete the form based on their attendance records in Frontline during the LETRS Synchronous Sessions. Participants listed on the form will be sent an email with a Zoom link for the Makeup LETRS Synchronous PD Training they need to attend on Friday, March 11 from 9:00-11:00.

**IDP Reps need to complete this form by Wednesday, March 2.**

Link to Form: LETRS Synchronous Zoom Makeup Sessions

Teachers who have attended all the LETRS Synchronous Zoom PD sessions will continue to engage in the LETRS Asynchronous Study for Unit 2 on March 11 from 9:00-11:00. For additional information, please see: 21-22 District Content PD – Locations/Links – Elementary Curriculum tab.



Infinite Campus Data Days Training

from Infinite Campus Support/TIS

Data Days is live, online training available March 1-3 through your Infinite Campus Account. Sessions are also recorded and accessible through the end of the school year. There are multiple trainings about Ad Hoc and Pivot Designer you may find useful. Visit the KCKPS IC Support Website for more info and directions to sign up.

There are additional sessions around Master Scheduling tasks, please contact Karlean Kramer if you are considering one of these before signing up.

Limited English Proficiency Policy Adoption

from ESOL

The KCKPS board has adopted a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Policy at the February 22, 2022 board meeting. This policy is to support the community and ensure that we are removing language barriers. Within the policy, there are many things that buildings are already doing but as a reminder, you will need to verify that you have:

* Posted language signage provided by Student Services
* Share with building staff procedures of requesting language support such as contacting language.support@kckps.org, Propio and Propio One, internal and external translation services
* Chromebook located in a location easily accessible to staff and families for Propio One usage

Further information and training will be provided within the upcoming weeks. If you have questions contact Jacqueline Rodriguez, Director of ESOL.

Application Process for Certified Staff

from Human Resources

Kansas City Kansas Public Schools certified employees interested in applying for positions within the school district for the 2022-2023 academic year may do so through the following steps for which they meet the current qualifications, endorsements, or license.

  1. Certified staff may apply for positions for the 2022-2023 school year as they become available through the Talent Ed application system located at kckps.org/careers. All applications will be subject to the qualifications set forth in the job postings and represent no guarantee for interviews or future hires.
  2. Certified staff can apply for positions until the Kansas state approved resignation date has been completed. June 3, 2022 is the official state approved date for certified staff to submit their resignation to the school district. Liquidated fees under the separation of services section of the current NEA-Kansas City, Kansas agreement, will be in effect at 12:00 a.m. on June 4, 2022.
  3. If the certified staff has not received an offer for a KCKPS job, then the employee will remain in their current position and location for the 2022-2023 school year.

Grades 6-8 Second Step Usage

from Student Services

Middle School and Sumner Principals, on the March 9th DCIP Day there is time built into the schedule to review grades 6-8 Second Step usage reports for your building, celebrating success, and brainstorming how to support those FA teachers that may be struggling to use this MTSS Tier 1 resource for teaching social emotional skills to set our students up for success.

Linked here is a folder that has each of your respective reports. On the reports, you will see some color coding. The color coding is based off the FA Pacing Calendar.

Shout out to Gloria Willis for having the most FA teachers in the green!

Green= has completed 8+ lessons and is a champion for SEL in your building.Yellow= has completed 4-7 lessons and is on track for SEL success.Red = has completed less than 4 lessons and needs support.

Middle School Second Step Usage Reports by Building

KCKPS Mobile Minute

from Curriculum & Instruction

Here is the most recent edition of the KCKPS Mobile Minute. Today’s edition includes an iPad App Survey for Early Childhood and Elementary Teachers, how to make books using technology, Canvas information, and much more!

SEL Day 2022

from Student Services

SEL Day 2022 is coming up! On Friday, March 11th 2022 KCKPS will be celebrating SEL Day. To sign your building up visit the SEL Day website. Need ideas for how to celebrate SEL Day 2022? Here is a great google doc with ideas or you can email Tracie Chauvin to brainstorm! Email Tracie with any SEL Day plans that your school has as well to be highlighted and recognized.

Middle School Online Master Schedule Training

from Scheduling and Student Services
Online trainings for Master Scheduling tasks have been emailed to all middle school counselors. Please collaborate with your counselor to provide the most distraction free time and space for these online events. While these are targeted to tools and skills counselors need you are welcome to join. Ask your counselor for the list of exact times we are attending. Additional subject trainings can be viewed by logging into your Infinite Campus account, choosing Community from the top right menu, and then Campus Passport from that top right menu.

Cell Phone Upgrade Information

from TIS

T-Mobile will be in the East Wing Conservatory of Central Office on Wednesday, March 9th from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm to upgrade district issued cell phones. This will be the last day they will be here for upgrades. To make the upgrade process smooth please follow the directions on the two attached documents provided by T-Mobile. Thank you.

Deployment Preparation (Word Document)

Porting Day (Word Document)

NonRenewals Timeline

from Human Resources
Please review the Certified Contract NonRenewals Timeline for the 2021-2022 school year. The timeline will also be posted on the Administrators Guide. Feel free to reach out to Ana Perez-Matthews if you have any questions.

State Wide Tornado Drill Exercise 10AM Tuesday March 8th.


Severe Weather Preparedness Week is March 7 to 11. The State wide tornado drill will be held at 10 AM on Tuesday March 8. There will not be a backup date or time. This year’s KS SWPW packet can be found here as educational material.

This year’s drill will differ from years past in one critical way. The NWS will NOT be sending out a live tornado warning over NOAA Weather Radio and EAS, rather we will send out a routine weekly test on NOAA Weather Radio containing tornado drill information. This was done because sending out the live warning has been extraordinarily problematic and confusing to the general public for years, and resulted in testing EAS in a manner inconsistent with its design. Wyandotte County will be sounding the normal tornado sirens throughout the County.

We are requesting that all schools and district buildings conduct a tornado drill at 10 AM on March 8, and we encourage you to participate by sounding your sirens or utilizing test verbiage in any other emergency communications protocols you utilize. The NWS will also be sending out graphics for the drill on Facebook and Twitter at 10 AM to encourage the general public to practice sheltering.

New Staff Intranet Launching Soon/Review of District Forms and Departmental Pages

from Communications

Due to new and ongoing issues with the old intranet system, we are launching a temporary (but more user-friendly and accessible) staff intranet for everyone’s use.  The new, temporary intranet will also have a section titled “Administrators’ Corner,” with links to this newsletter’s homepage, admin-only form links, and more.

Before we launch this temporary intranet, however, we need a lot of old data updated or even removed.  To start, there is a page that housed a number of all-purpose forms and manuals; if your department handles any of these forms (or used to), please visit this link and send any changes needed to forms or links directly to Mike Keener as soon as you can, as it will help speed along the live launch of this new intranet page. Additionally, let him know about any other content on either the live site (or old intranet) that needs to be edited for inclusion on the new site.

New District Letterhead

from Communications

Please use this letterhead template for district communications.

NEA-KCK Professional Development

from NEA-KCK

Due to attendance, we have rescheduled the De-Escalation (Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Behavior). The new date and time will be: March 1, 2022 at 6:00-7:30 p.m. This is will be ZOOM session, the link will be provided after registration is completed. Registration ends: February 24, 2022 at 4 p.m. Door prize will be awarded. Must be present to win.

Register at this link.
Questions can be sent to Dom DeRosa.

Spending Cutoff – April 1st

from Purchasing

Click here to view information via PDF about the April 1 spending cutoff.

Strikeout COVID Vaccine Event Coming Soon

from Communications and Marketing

Administrators, please share this info with staff and students:

Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools is partnering with the Wyandotte County Health Department and the Kansas City Royals to Strikeout Covid for those ages 5 to 11 for an upcoming vaccine event.

Disqualifiers for getting the vaccine:

  • Sick now with any new fever, cough, chills, body aches, sore throat, fatigue, congestion, headache, shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of taste or smell
  • Positive covid-19 test in the past 10 days
  • Living with anyone who is positive currently.
Central Middle School – Thursday, March 3, 2022

A COVID-19 vaccine event will be held at Central Middle School on Thursday, March 3, 2022. The event runs from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Strikeout COVID graphic

Spanish COVID graphic

Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents

From Communications & Marketing

Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.

Student injury forms have now been included to the list.

To find the reporting form for students go to this link: https://form.jotform.com/212366215525047

To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.

Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.

To do so, please use the following link: https://form.jotform.com/212304621025035

The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.

This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.

The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident,  there is a fight,  or even to report property damage.

An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.

There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.

If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.

Here is a link to the Incident Report form:  https://kckps.org/incident-report/