Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


Important School Website Information – for All Principals

Principals – please inform your school website editors of this information:

  1. COVID-19 information has been added to each school website, at the top of each of your homepages. Do not remove this info until further notice.
  2. Due to conflicting issues with the current school server setup, standard security updates that were installed yesterday across the school sites caused the site’s visual theme’s homepages to no longer be visible. To circumvent this issue, the front page of each site is now the normal “Home” page, not “Landing Page.” If you need to make any homepage edits, go there to do so. Apologies for this inconvenience, as the page change may have affected your own formatting.

COVID Guidelines for Gatherings

Hello Everyone,

As we prepare to close out the school year, we know that some of you are planning activities at your school campuses for your students and their families. Many of you may have questions about what are the most updated restrictions and guidelines for planning events.

We have provided a list of guidelines that will need to be followed to help ensure that we mitigate the spread of COVID-19 during these gatherings as much as possible.

Indoor Activities/Events

  • Limited to students only
  • Masks required
  • Social Distancing Required
  • Soloists only for choir and woodwind performances
  • Can be held during or After school hours

Outdoor Activities/Events

  • Can be held during or after school hours
  • May include family spectators (Limit 2 per student)
  • Masks Required
  • Social Distancing Required
  • Band and Choir may perform with social distancing

If you have any questions, please contact your Instructional Improvement Officer.

State Treasurer’s Office Recognizing Teacher Appreciation Week, May 3-7, with $10,000 Giveaway

Ten Kansas teachers have the opportunity to receive $1,000 each in celebration of National Teacher Appreciation Week, which is May 3-7, Kansas State Treasurer Lynn Rogers announced.

People are invited to nominate a Kansas teacher for the $1,000 award by using this online form. Nominations will be accepted until noon Friday, April 30. The State Treasurer’s Office will announce two winners each day beginning Monday, May 3. Winners will be selected at random. Entries are limited to one per person. Duplicate entries will be deleted. No taxpayer dollars are contributing to this award fund, the State Treasurer’s Office said.

The awards will be paid through the State Treasurer’s Office’s partnership with Learning Quest 529 Savings Plans. Winners will have a choice to receive a scholarship or a contribution to a new or existing 529 Savings Plan.

Enough is Enough Sign-Up

Principals,  please share this pledge page with your staff – and ask them to share it with students and parents.

Curriculum & Instruction

EC & Elementary Principals

RE: Science of Reading PD Opportunity

Administrators are invited to join instructional coaches on Friday, May 7th at 1:00pm to engage in professional learning around the Science of Reading. Participants will select from a variety of webinars, articles, and podcasts and be given one hour for self-directed learning. Then, they will engage in 40 minutes of small group discussions to share their learning with colleagues who selected professional learning on a similar Science of Reading topic. Please reach out to allison.rice@kckps.org with any questions. 


Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9904575555


Elementary Principals

RE: K-3 ELA Pilot

The curriculum department is looking for buildings that would be willing to participate in piloting K-3 ELA resources during the first quarter of the 2021-2022 school year. The resources being piloted are CKLA and Open Court Reading


Participation would require the following:

  • Ability for pilot teachers to participate in beginning of year training with the vendor. 
  • Ability for pilot teachers to possibly participate in Wednesday training half-way through the quarter.
  • Support of the building instructional coach
  • “Open door” policy with curriculum for in the moment training, observation, and modeling
  • Commitment to the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy

If you are interested in having the K-3 ELA pilot be part of your building’s first quarter, please complete this short Google Form. If you have questions, please email allison.rice@kckps.org. Expressing interest for your building does not guarantee teachers from your building will be selected, but it does mean they will be given the opportunity to apply. Please note, this form is for building principals to complete by Friday, May 7th.


Please ensure all KAP testing is completed by 5/7.  As a reminder, it is the expectation that all students are tested.  All opt-out forms for remote learners whose families refused on-site testing are due 5/10.  All SC codes are also due to Samantha by 5/10 as well.       

FastBridge Spring Universal Screening

5/10/21 – 5/21/21

Refer to https://tinyurl.com/kckpsFastBridgeGuide for all details.  Please also remember that remote learners can test remotely during this screening window, however, any student applying for Sumner Academy admissions will need to test in-person.

Diversity & Inclusion

Cinco De Mayo- Facts vs. Myths

Mexican Cinco De Mayo celebrations are more or less limited to the city of Puebla where the victory over the French army took place on May 5, 1862.

“…Yes, it commemorates a major Mexican military victory at the Battle of Puebla. No, it isn’t Mexican Independence Day. Yes, it’s been exploited by marketing agencies and brands in an attempt to capitalize on Latino buying power. No, it isn’t widely celebrated in Mexico, except in certain places….”

You can read more about May 5, 1862 and you can find respectful ways to celebrate here: https://www.bustle.com/articles/159026-how-to-celebrate-cinco-de-mayo-without-being-racially-insensitive

Kodomo no Hi

As a young child growing up in Hawaii I can remember my grandparents fly giant carp streamers outside our house to celebrate Kodomo no Hi! Even though these carp are made of fabric, It was (and still) is a beautiful sight to see these beautiful majestic creatures flutter in the wind.

Children’s Day, which is called Kodomo no Hi (こどもの日) in Japanese, is a national holiday in Japan held every year on May 5th to celebrate happy and healthy children and to express gratitude to their mothers. One of four national holidays during Japan’s annual “Golden Week” in late April and early May, Children’s Day is especially colorful with flying carp streamers and samurai motifs. In this article we will introduce the history and essential facts of this holiday as well as looking at some typical activities and traditional foods.


Here are some links that will immerse you in the traditions of Kodomo no Hi!




ESOL Voluntary Professional Development and ESOL Endorsement Opportunities: 

  • SIOP: Teachers will gain an in-depth understanding of the components of the SIOP Model and strategies to implement it. The main goal of SIOP is to make content comprehensible for independent learners with a strong focus on strategies for all students especially language learners. Participants will finalize training by creating a sample lesson using the SIOP Model features and components. This is a 12-part series with 5 live sessions with a SIOP certified trainer with the SAVVAS Company. Sessions begin June 3rd through July 29th through BrightSpace Virtual Platform. SIOP Book and Workbook provided to participants. Live sessions are scheduled for June 3, 17, July 1, July 8, July 29 at 3:00pm. Sign up by May 15th through the following google form. Email Jacqueline Rodriguez, jacqueline.rodriguez@kckps.org, with any questions

  • Culturally Responsive Teaching for Multilingual Learners Book Study: There is no time like the present for you to reflect on your role in culturally responsive teaching and use new tools to build an even stronger school community that is inclusive of MLs. This is self-paced 20-hour book study that is designed for educators looking for tools and strategies to suppor  the implementation of culturally responsive teaching in their context. Book is provided for participants that join.The book study is framed around Sydney Snyder and Diane Staehr Fenner’s new book Culturally Responsive Teaching for Multilingual Learners: Tools for Equity. The book study is self-paced and can be completed according to your schedule. This on-demand course includes:

    • Three reflection questions per chapter,

    • Videos clips that accompany a selection of chapters,

    • A pre- and post-course survey, and

    • A certificate for 20 PD hours.

Book study begins June 7th through July 29th. Sign up by May 15th through google form. Email Jacqueline Rodriguez, jacqueline.rodriguez@kckps.org, with any questions

Tuition Assistance

Federal Programs

AUDIENCE: Elementary Principals

SUBJECT: 3-5th Grade Student Survy OPEN NOW

The window is open for the 3rd-5th grade student survey!  Surveys will run 5/3/21 through the week of 5/14/21 to gather data on culture, climate, equity & inclusion, and instructional programs.

DATA will be used for KESA, District Strategic Plan, and in your School Improvement Plans. It’s important for all elementary schools to have strong participation rates in order for the responses to be a valid data source.

Please work with your teachers to make sure ALL 3rd – 5th grade students have an opportunity to participate in the survey.  The first page of the survey includes drop down menus where students will select a language in which to complete the survey and also their school.

English, Spanish, Hakka Chin, Hmong, Kiswahili, Nepali, Somali, Arabic, Burmese Survey Link:


Karen: https://kckps.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9HO1yaWRHEEnQ4S

Thanks for your help in collecting this important data! For questions, email or call Lisa Walker.


Subject:  REMEMBER – Any Department Plan Goes In Your School Improvement Plans

In order to streamline efforts and eliminate duplicate work, the District Instructional Leadership Team agreed that “Department Requested Plans” will NOT be separate documents, but will become a part of your School Improvement Plans in KansaSTAR.  Please remember this as you see department requests in the weekly Administrators’ Notice for “plans” to be developed.

Another training on how to use KansaSTAR as a hub will occur soon! KansaSTAR has the ability to incorporate folders of artifacts and departments and buildings can link data in various places, so that truly everything can be in ONE PLACE!

This will be terrific as we begin to submit our SIPs annually in KansaSTAR to KSDE, beginning this May, 2021.

Contact Lisa Walker or Kacie Olson if you need some 1:1 KansaStar/SIP assistance for you, your team, or your process manager.  We’re happy to help!

Finance Department

If you requested additional funding in your budget meeting and were instructed to complete a Case for Investment, the form is due to Tracy Kaiser by May 10th.

Human Resources

Board Policy Review

Message: The board policy review for the month of May is now active on Frontline Professional Growth. Each month you will be assigned a series of board policies through your Frontline Professional Growth account. The activity or activities, depending on your role, will be located under the Approved and/or In-progress section on your Learning Plan.

Please see below for the list of this month’s Board Policy Review. Please reach out to jared.alexander@kckps.org if you have any questions.

As a reminder staff has until May 31st to view the policies that are assigned to them for the month of May.

May Board Policy Review- Certified Staff 

May Board Policy Review- Classified

Professional Development

Principals and Certified Administrators – Please share this information with your certified staff:
In anticipation of Summer 2021 Professional Development opportunities, it is important for us to clarify mandatory and voluntary professional development, purpose codes in Frontline, and the pre-approval process for PD points required for PD occurring during non-contractual times. 
Please share the following document with your certified staff.


All Principals

Please communicate information and required training with your staff for Wednesday, May 5:

  • All School Librarians have a required training for end of year procedures. Session for Librarians will be open from 1:00-4:30.

Please let Lindsey Schneider know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Student Services

All Audiences -Principals, Assistant Principals, Registrars, Counselors, Attendance Secretaries, Principal Secretaries
Please sign up to one of our Infinite Campus Parent Portal Training
click HERE to sign up 
Our goal for this training is to update addresses for students that are currently enrolled in KCKPS. Parents must update this information in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and will ensure there aren’t any duplicative information. The information will solidify school projections, students attending the school in the attendance of their home address or submit a request for permit to accurately reflect the student should be attending. The registration will not impact any student course requests.

Universal Trauma Training

Thank you all so much for your hard work in getting this training completed! If you are still having trouble accessing the evaluation, please use the tutorial below or contact me: brittany.talley@kckps.org

Each school has their own Frontline Activity. If staff have already completed the training (either in-person or live-virtually) they should have a certificate. If anyone is experiencing issues with these trainings, or locating their certificate, please contact Brittany Talley: brittany.talley@kckps.org

Trauma Sensitive Tuesday: May 4th, 2021

Register Here!

Friday, April 30, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


Hello Everyone,

As we prepare to close out the school year, we know that some of you are planning activities at your school campuses for your students and their families. Many of you may have questions about what are the most updated restrictions and guidelines for planning events.

We have provided a list of guidelines that will need to be followed to help ensure that we mitigate the spread of COVID-19 during these gatherings as much as possible.

Indoor Activities/Events

  • Limited to students only
  • Masks required
  • Social Distancing Required
  • Soloists only for choir and woodwind performances
  • Can be held during or After school hours

Outdoor Activities/Events

  • Can be held during or after school hours
  • May include family spectators (Limit 2 per student)
  • Masks Required
  • Social Distancing Required
  • Band and Choir may perform with social distancing

If you have any questions, please contact your Instructional Improvement Officer.

State Treasurer’s Office Recognizing Teacher Appreciation Week, May 3-7, with $10,000 Giveaway

Ten Kansas teachers have the opportunity to receive $1,000 each in celebration of National Teacher Appreciation Week, which is May 3-7, Kansas State Treasurer Lynn Rogers announced.

People are invited to nominate a Kansas teacher for the $1,000 award by using this online form. Nominations will be accepted until noon Friday, April 30. The State Treasurer’s Office will announce two winners each day beginning Monday, May 3. Winners will be selected at random. Entries are limited to one per person. Duplicate entries will be deleted. No taxpayer dollars are contributing to this award fund, the State Treasurer’s Office said.

The awards will be paid through the State Treasurer’s Office’s partnership with Learning Quest 529 Savings Plans. Winners will have a choice to receive a scholarship or a contribution to a new or existing 529 Savings Plan.

Lump Sum Info

Principals and Certified Administrators – Please share this information with your certified staff:

Complete the Online Lump Sum Request/Rescind form by April 30, 2021. Under KSA 74-4940(b) to receive your summer pay in the form of a “lump sum”.

Changes made to your W4/K4 should take place starting May 31 thru June 4, 2021 on Employee Online.


If you DO NOT wish to receive a Lump Sum salary payment this year, but received it last school year, you MUST request that the Lump Sum be RESCINDED, by indicating your choice when prompted.  If you DO NOT wish to receive a lump sum salary payment this year, and did not receive one last year, you do not need to do anything.

Lump Sum Change Form
2021 W-4 Instructions
K-4 Form

Enough is Enough Sign-Up

Principals,  please share this pledge page with your staff – and ask them to share it with students and parents.

Curriculum & Instruction

EC & Elementary Principals

RE: Science of Reading PD Opportunity

Administrators are invited to join instructional coaches on Friday, May 7th at 1:00pm to engage in professional learning around the Science of Reading. Participants will select from a variety of webinars, articles, and podcasts and be given one hour for self-directed learning. Then, they will engage in 40 minutes of small group discussions to share their learning with colleagues who selected professional learning on a similar Science of Reading topic. Please reach out to allison.rice@kckps.org with any questions. 

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9904575555

Elementary Principals

RE: K-3 ELA Pilot

The curriculum department is looking for buildings that would be willing to participate in piloting K-3 ELA resources during the first quarter of the 2021-2022 school year. The resources being piloted are CKLA and Open Court Reading

Participation would require the following:

  • Ability for pilot teachers to participate in beginning of year training with the vendor. 
  • Ability for pilot teachers to possibly participate in Wednesday training half-way through the quarter.
  • Support of the building instructional coach
  • “Open door” policy with curriculum for in the moment training, observation, and modeling
  • Commitment to the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy

If you are interested in having the K-3 ELA pilot be part of your building’s first quarter, please complete this short Google Form. If you have questions, please email allison.rice@kckps.org. Expressing interest for your building does not guarantee teachers from your building will be selected, but it does mean they will be given the opportunity to apply. Please note, this form is for building principals to complete by Friday, May 7th

Elementary Principals

RE: Amplify Reading K-5 Usage Competition

Remember the usage competition for our Amplify Reading K-5 Pilot ends May 14th. The winning building will receive boxes of Amplify swag. The winning grade level team will receive Bluetooth speakers!!!

Here are this week’s rankings:

  1. Lindbergh Elementary: 80% (up from 70%)
  2. Eugene Ware: 75% (up from 53%)
  3. McKinley: 51% (up from 49%)

Diversity & Inclusion

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month – a celebration of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. Asian/Pacific encompasses all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia (New Guinea, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands), Micronesia (Marianas, Guam, Wake Island, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru and the Federated States of Micronesia) and Polynesia (New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands, Rotuma, Midway Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, French Polynesia and Easter Island).

Like most commemorative months, Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month originated with Congress. In 1992, Congress passed Public Law 102-450 which annually designated May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month.

The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants.

You can read more about the history of this month at https://asianpacificheritage.gov/about/.

In March, we brought to your attention the increase in attacks on the Asian American community and we provided these two resources:

Amid attacks, school principals concerned over Asian Americans’ return to class

As schools reopen, Asian American students are missing from classrooms

On April 22, 2021 the United States Senate passed S.937 – COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act with a vote of 94-1. This legislation was sponsored by Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii as a direct result of AAPI being victimized by hate crimes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here you can watch when that legislation was debated on the Senate floor as well as read what is covered in that act.



Here are 31 ways to celebrate Asian Pacific Heritage Month brought to you by the Asian Society of Texas.


Latina Empowerment Conference

Additionally, if you have not heard. KCKPS High School Latina students had an amazing opportunity to be a part of a panel discussion with three wonderful Latina Attorneys from across the nation. Our guest panelists were:


Maria Carrillo – Maria is an Assistant United States Attorney (federal criminal prosecutor) in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Philadelphia.

Grissel Seijo – Born and raised in the South Bronx, Grissel Seijo is now the Counsel, Employment and Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Restaurant Brands International (Miami, FL).

Adelaida Vasquez Mihu – Adelaida Vasquez Mihu (pronounced My-Hue)– is a Compliance Officer with Biogen, a global biotechnology company devoted to innovative scientific research of neurological diseases with the goal of finding cures to things like multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s.


The Latina Commission of the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) works on outreach to young Latinas with the hope of inspiring them to consider law as a career. Latinas are the most underrepresented minority group in the profession. We hope to change that! To that end, the Latina Commission is excited to partner with high schools throughout the country with a significant Latina student population on virtual outreach events. These events are panel presentations of 3 Latina lawyers who share their “Pearls of Wisdom” on what it means to be a lawyer and how they got there, all with the goal of motivating young Latinas, and Latinos, to consider law as a career. We look forward to partnering with Kansas City Public Schools!

You can watch the full panel discussion HERE!


Ramadan continues through May 12. Ramadan coinciding with the school year is both a special and difficult overlap for children and adults. Exercise understanding and empathy towards fasting individuals, keeping the line of communication open and honest.

  • Allow fasting students to:

o    Spend lunchtime in library or computer lab

o    Be excused from strenuous activities in P.E.

o    Save treats from celebrations to bring home

o    Take slow or transitory times during the school day to pray


Here are some other great resources to enhance your learning about this holiday, especially if you have any staff or students who will be fasting during this time:

9 Ways to Support Students During Ramadan

Celebrating Cultural Diversity With Ramadan

Column: How teachers can support students during Ramadan | PBS NewsHour

Ramadan around the world in 2021 | Office Holidays

Ramadan Information and Activities for Kids

Building Rep Meetings for May

Your Equity and Inclusion Building Rep is doing some asynchronous learning around creating psychologically safe spaces. As we are ending this school year, please be in contact with your building reps to begin setting building level plans for the upcoming school years. If you would like the Office of Equity and Inclusion to join you as you plan, use this calendly link to schedule a time with us. Also here is a planning templateto help you begin planning.

Virtual Field Trip Opportunities

Japanese American Experiences Electronic Field Trip

o    May 13, 2021 Session 1: 9:00am – 10:00am
Session 2: 12:00pm – 1:00pm

o    Take your classroom on a journey with student reporters based in California and Louisiana as they gather stories of Japanese Americans who were forcibly removed from the West Coast after the United States’ entrance into World War II. Review the difficult decision of young Nisei men to serve their country even as their country turned its back on them, uprooting their lives and the lives of their families. Understand the critical legacy of the preservation of the confinement sites and their stories—and the lasting reminder that democratic principles are often fragile in the face of war.

At the heart of the program will be an interview between Amy Mass, who was incarcerated at Heart Mountain as a child, and her grandson Ryo. Interwoven with Amy’s firsthand testimony will be a visit to The National WWII Museum for an up-close look at primary sources and artifacts, and an interview with Baton Rouge resident Walter Imahara, who was incarcerated at Rowher and Jerome, Arkansas, as a boy.

Student viewers will not just be sitting and watching but participating in polls and Q&A throughout the live webcast. Designed for grades 6-12.

Access curriculum related to the World War II Home Front at ww2classroom.org. Stay tuned for additional pre- and post-Electronic Field Trip resources on the Museum’s Flipgrid


The Department of ESOL will be offering two summer professional development opportunities. The summer series offerings are each a total of 20 PD points for movement on the salary scale. These are voluntary professional learning opportunities that will allow teachers to take a deeper dive into strategies that support our emergent bilingual students across KCKPS. Teachers will need to sign up by May 15th to reserve their spot and receive materials for either SIOP Training or Culturally Responsive Teaching for Multilingual Learners Book Study.

  • SIOP: Teachers will gain an in-depth understanding of the components of the SIOP Model and strategies to implement it. The main goal of SIOP is to make content comprehensible for independent learners with a strong focus on strategies for all students especially language learners. Participants will finalize training by creating a sample lesson using the SIOP Model features and components. This is a 12 part series with 5 live sessions with a SIOP certified trainer with the SAVVAS Company. Sessions begin June 3rd through July 29th through BrightSpace Virtual Platform. Sign up by May 15th through the following google form. Email Jacqueline Rodriguez, jacqueline.rodriguez@kckps.org, with any questions

  • Culturally Responsive Teaching for Multilingual Learners Book Study: There is no time like the present for you to reflect on your role in culturally responsive teaching and use new tools to build an even stronger school community that is inclusive of MLs. This is self-paced 20-hour book study that is designed for educators looking for tools and strategies to support  the implementation of culturally responsive teaching in their context. The book study is framed around Sydney Snyder and Diane Staehr Fenner’s new book Culturally Responsive Teaching for Multilingual Learners: Tools for Equity. The book study is self-paced and can be completed according to your schedule. This on-demand course includes:

    • Three reflection questions per chapter,

    • Videos clips that accompany a selection of chapters,

    • A pre- and post-course survey, and

    • A certificate for 20 PD hours.

Book study begins June 7th through July 29th. Sign up by May 15th through google form. Email Jacqueline Rodriguez, jacqueline.rodriguez@kckps.org, with any questions

Finance Department

Reminder about upcoming financial deadlines 

The last date to encumber funds for the current school year was April 10.  Purchase requisitions will now be denied.

All funds encumbered under PO’s that are not PAID on or before June 15, 2021 will be disencumbered, and funds will return to the District to use for districtwide projects.

“Paid” means that a check has been printed and mailed by Accounts Payable, receiving a PO in BusinessPLUS (POUPRC) DOES NOT pay an invoice. Please review the status of all open POs in your budget regularly to ensure invoices are received so payment can be made no later than the last board meeting in May.
If invoices are not received, it is the responsibility of the school/department to contact the vendor to get the invoice to AP before the June 15 deadline.

Human Resources

Classified Professional Development Survey

We are in the process of developing a comprehensive professional development plan for our classified staff.  We need the input of all principals and department supervisors.  The link below is to a Google form that will take you about 5-10 minutes to complete.  Please complete this and submit by the end of the day on Monday, May 3rd.  All questions should be directed to Sherrie Piedimonte.  Thank you so very much!


Certified Salary Adjustment Window May 1 – July 31, 2021

Leaders –

This year’s Certified Salary Adjustment window is open from May 1st – July 31st. The electronic form is used to request a salary adjustment based upon the following; completion of additional college hours, a combination of college hours and PD points, and/or add a National Board Certification Stipend. The Certified Staff Salary Adjustment Request form can be found in TalentEd Records under Available Forms. If approved for salary adjustment, a salary increase would go into effect beginning with the August 15, 2021 paycheck and onward.

Official transcripts and/or proof of National Board Certification can be uploaded directly to the submission form or sent to transcripts@kckps.org. All Official documents are due to Human Resources by July 31, 2021. If you or your staff have any questions,  encourage them to reach out individually to Shaunteh Jones at shaunteh.jones@kckps.org or Ariel Kittling at ariel.kittling@kckps.org. Please share this information with all of your Certified staff.

Stay Well!

New social media platform for HR and Recruitment 


Hi everyone,

HR and recruitment will be using Tik Tok as a new and exciting way to showcase our job vacancies, schools and creating particular videos for our high need areas. Stay tuned as we will post a new video each week. Please do us a favor and like, comment , share and follow us at @unlimited.possibilities

Attachments: Click here 

HR Power Hour

Message: Thank you for attending our HR Power Hour on April 22nd.  We would encourage anyone who was able to attend to share with your colleagues that this is an available resource for them.  We will be having our next zoom session May 6, 2021 from 9:30am – 10:30am.  During this time, any questions that Building Administrators or IIO’s may have they can ask our HR Staff.  Also, from an HR Standpoint, we will share any announcements or updates we may have.

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 834 3223 8376
Passcode: mdA63N

Teacher Appreciation Week 

Message: Teacher Appreciation Week is right around the corner. This year it’s the week of May 3–7, with National Teacher Day on May 4. While it is always important to recognize how much teachers matter; this past year is especially significant. Please make sure you are planning something fun and exciting for your teachers. Below are some examples of how you can show appreciation.

  • Thank You, Teacher printouts

  • Send an e-card

  • Send message on social media #IamKCKPS #KCKPS

  • Treats

  • Thank You video

IARC (Fine Arts)



Below is information from Kansas City Young Audiences (KCYA) for a professional development opportunity.  Please make your core classroom teachers aware of this no-cost event.

Arts integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form.  Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject and meets evolving objectives in both.

This KCYA session is May 4th, from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. and is facilitated by Harlan Brownlee.  Harlan is on the Kennedy Center’s National touring roster for the Partners in Education program and Changing Education through the Arts.  The session will cover arts integration, specifically related to movement and dance.  Teacher can learn more and register here.  There are both Zoom and in person attendance options.

Please share with your teaching staff.

Professional Development

Principals and Certified Administrators – Please share this information with your certified staff:
In anticipation of Summer 2021 Professional Development opportunities, it is important for us to clarify mandatory and voluntary professional development, purpose codes in Frontline, and the pre-approval process for PD points required for PD occurring during non-contractual times. 
Please share the following document with your certified staff.

Special Education

Student Services

Universal Trauma Training

All school building staff (classified and certified) need to have completed the Trauma Sensitive and Resilient School’s Universal Training by May 1, 2021. This training is located on Frontline, and consists of:

  • 4 video modules (approx. 3 hours run time total)
  • 3 handouts
  • 1 Learning Check/Evaluation (which appears after each modules/handout has been “launched” and “completed”). 

Here’s a short video tutorial on how to access the evaluation. 

Each school has their own Frontline Activity. If staff have already completed the training (either in-person or live-virtually) they should have a certificate. If anyone is experiencing issues with these trainings, or locating their certificate, please contact Brittany Talley: brittany.talley@kckps.org

Trauma Sensitive Tuesday: May 4th, 2021

Register Here!

As this is our last meeting, we would love to hear from you about your favorite TST moments. If you are up to it, please record a short (5-10 second) video telling us what you love about Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays. All videos must be submitted by Friday, April 30.

Send completed videos to brittany.talley@m.kckps.org

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


Lump Sum Info

Principals and Certified Administrators – Please share this information with your certified staff:

Complete the Online Lump Sum Request/Rescind form by April 30, 2021. Under KSA 74-4940(b) to receive your summer pay in the form of a “lump sum”.

Changes made to your W4/K4 should take place starting May 31 thru June 4, 2021 on Employee Online.


If you DO NOT wish to receive a Lump Sum salary payment this year, but received it last school year, you MUST request that the Lump Sum be RESCINDED, by indicating your choice when prompted.  If you DO NOT wish to receive a lump sum salary payment this year, and did not receive one last year, you do not need to do anything.

Lump Sum Change Form
2021 W-4 Instructions
K-4 Form

Enough is Enough Sign-Up

Principals,  please share this pledge page with your staff – and ask them to share it with students and parents.

Curriculum & Instruction

Mid-quarter Progress Reports for 4th Quarter (DUE THIS WEEK)
To: All Building Administrators

Per Board Policy IHA, report cards for all students shall be sent home and posted in the online grade book four times a year at the end of the quarter (please see district calendar for the end of quarter dates). In addition, progress reports for all students shall be issued at the midpoint of each quarter. 

The following week will be dedicated to sending home Quarter 4 Midpoint Progress Reports:

Quarter 4- Week of April 26-30, 2021

6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re:  KSDE and KCKPS Dyslexia Mandatory Training Modules 

All three mandatory dyslexia modules are available in Canvas. Teachers need to use this URL( https://kckps.instructure.com/enroll/R9Y9EX) to enroll and gain access to any modules in the Secondary Dyslexia Training course. All required participants must have all three modules complete by the end of the day on April 28.  

Required participants at the secondary level include: 

  • ELA teachers 
  • ESL teachers 
  • Special education teachers 
  • Reading Specialists/Interventionist

Participation is recorded through the exit slip within the participant slides for each training.  Once the exit slip is completed, the building IDP rep will record attendance in Frontline. 

Please contact Tracy Cooper if you have any questions about the dyslexia training modules.  Contact Wendy Elkins with questions or concerns regarding the Canvas course. 

See Below (Community Math Week)

Attn: K-5 Principals

Re: Community Math Week (Remake Learning Days)

KCKPS is taking part in Remake Learning Days! As part of this exciting event, KCKPS will host community Math Week. From May 3-7, we will celebrate learning inside and outside of the classroom. Our goal is to reach 2,000,000 minutes of math learning, as we partner with districts across the metro. Minutes will be tracked on the website by families and teachers. Let’s lead the way as we Remake Learning through Community Math week. Please forward the attached flyer and videos to teachers. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Renee Freers- Diploma + Coordinator (renee.freers@kckps.org) or Marica Rhone- Math Curriculum Instructional Coach (marica.rhone@kckps.org)

Teacher Flyer 

Family Flyer

Community Flyer (English & Spanish)


Video (English)

Video (Spanish)

Flyer examples

Human Resources

Classified Staff Evaluations

Message: This is a reminder that classified staff evaluations are due May 1, 2021.  If you need assistance with your TalentEd please email DeAndre Tuggle

HR Power Hour

Message: Thank you for attending our HR Power Hour on April 22nd.  We would encourage anyone who was able to attend to share with your colleagues that this is an available resource for them.  We will be having our next zoom session May 6, 2021 from 9:30am – 10:30am.  During this time any questions that Building Administrators or IIO’s may have they can ask our HR Staff.  Also, from an HR Standpoint, we will share any announcements or updates we may have.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 834 3223 8376

Passcode: mdA63N

Board Policy Review 

Below is the link to the progress report for the March Board Policy Review. As a reminder the deadline to complete the training was moved to April 30th.

Attachments: March Board Policy Review Report 

IARC (Fine Arts)

All Administrators

KCKPS launched our first digital art show – Art Uploaded.  Please see the postcard for the link.  This link was shared on the district’s social media.  Additionally, art teachers shared with their students.  Please take time to view the show and share on your respective school platforms.

Instructional Technology

KCKPS Mobile Minutehttps://sites.google.com/m.kckps.org/kckps21/kckps-mobile-minute

Canvas updates, Subs and Canvas, Seesaw and Canvas, and so much more!

Professional Development

Please read the document outlining required PD, as well as suggestions for PD topics, for the remainder of the school year.

Please communicate information and required trainings with your staff for Wednesday, April 28:

  • All School Librarians
  • All Secondary CTE Teachers
  • Secondary ELA, SPED, and ESL – Asynchronous training (Required for All Teachers Needing Dyslexia Training who have not completed the training.
  • Trauma Sensitive Resilient Schools Training must be completed by May 1 – Asynchronous trainingCompleted Training List

Please let Lindsey Schneider know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Student Services

  1. A2A Attendance Support: 

All attendance clerks should have received a link to the tracking google doc from the building nurse. In addition, Ms Elizabeth Morris shared the Student Absence Tracking form for additional information regarding absence tracking and attendance flags for COVID related cases. Please note that for those students who are authorized to do temporary remote learning by the nurse, the TIS will be creating a ‘Temporary Remote Group’ on IC. This will allow teachers to know when a student is authorized to join remote and can take attendance accordingly. We thank the TIS team for taking this on to provide additional support to buildings.

We continue to host our bi-weeklly attendance meetings to share updates and provide support. Please see information below and know that anyone is welcome to join.

Attendance Clerk Meetings

April 28th / May 12 and 26

Secondary: 10:00 am/ Elementary : 11:00 am 

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/95386364224?pwd=U3dkb2M4TGdESmd3SVJQMWZnNzZLUT09

Meeting ID: 953 8636 4224


  1. PACT Program Referral 

o    PACT referrals are open. When submitting a PACT referral, please include  the PACT Contract. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Naomi Tolentino (naomi.tolentino@kckps.org/913-568-0147).

o    Link to 2020-21 PACT Referrals

Friday, April 23, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


Official Elementary School Contest Rules


The Wyandotte County Public Health Department is keenly aware that students have been uniquely affected by COVID-19.  We know the interactions that are fundamental to a child’s social and emotional development have been severely restricted by efforts to manage this outbreak.

Students are encouraged to create a poster in any art medium depicting or related to the theme “#I Helped Conquer COVID!”.


All students, grades K- 12, here at KCKPS are eligible.  


Entries must be original artwork created in pencil, pen, Crayola, marker, paint, or other similar materials.  Computer generated artwork (including clipart) is prohibited.  Computer generated text is acceptable.

Entries will be accepted beginning now  until 9am on April 23rd, 2021.

Turn all entries into your school.

SCHOOLS – Please send your entries to the Central Office (c/o Sharita Hutton).

Entry Submission Deadline: April 23, 2021

What happens with entries?

After your school receives the entries for your school, you will be asked to pick the one you want to represent your school and potentially move on to the grand prize that is worth up to $500-$1000 for the student. $1,000 for the classroom teacher to use in their classroom.

Once you pick the winner we need you to roll up the entry and secure it in a safe way and send it thru intra-office mail courier  to District Office c/c Sharita Hutton. Entries need to be to District Office by April 30th at the very latest.

From there the district will handle the rest.

Thank you in advance for helping promote and run this amazing opportunity for our students.

Official Elementary Flyer Official High School Flyer Official Middle School Flyer

Lump Sum Info

Principals and Certified Administrators – Please share this information with your certified staff:

Complete the Online Lump Sum Request/Rescind form by April 30, 2021. Under KSA 74-4940(b) to receive your summer pay in the form of a “lump sum”.

Changes made to your W4/K4 should take place starting May 31 thru June 4, 2021 on Employee Online.


If you DO NOT wish to receive a Lump Sum salary payment this year, but received it last school year, you MUST request that the Lump Sum be RESCINDED, by indicating your choice when prompted.  If you DO NOT wish to receive a lump sum salary payment this year, and did not receive one last year, you do not need to do anything.

Lump Sum Change Form
2021 W-4 Instructions
K-4 Form

Enough is Enough Sign-Up

Principals,  please share this pledge page with your staff – and ask them to share it with students and parents.

Curriculum & Instruction

6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re:  KSDE and KCKPS Dyslexia Mandatory Training Modules 

All three mandatory dyslexia modules are available in Canvas. Teachers need to use this URL( https://kckps.instructure.com/enroll/R9Y9EX) to enroll and gain access to any modules in the Secondary Dyslexia Training course. All required participants must have all three modules complete by the end of the day on April 28.  

Required participants at the secondary level include: 

  • ELA teachers 
  • ESL teachers 
  • Special education teachers 
  • Reading Specialists/Interventionist

Participation is recorded through the exit slip within the participant slides for each training.  Once the exit slip is completed, the building IDP rep will record attendance in Frontline.  

Please contact Tracy Cooper if you have any questions about the dyslexia training modules.  Contact Wendy Elkins with questions or concerns regarding the Canvas course. 

Elementary Principals

Re: Amplify Reading K-5 Pilot Usage Contest

Our pilot with Reading K-5 is well underway! There is a friendly competition to see which building is using Reading K-5 the most. The winning building will receive Amplify teacher swag for all. In addition, the grade level team with the most usage will get a special prize. The competition closes May 14th so buildings have three more weeks to participate! Please email allison.rice@kckps.org with any questions.

Here are this week’s rankings based on percentage of active students:

  1. Lindbergh Elementary (70%)
  2. Eugene Ware (53%)
  3. McKinely (49%)


The KAP Testing window is open now, and runs through May 7.

o   As a reminder, the opt-out form is for remote learners only, and is intended to be used as a last resort.  Families can either complete it, or you can complete it on their behalf after having had contact with them.   Please see the notice from Friday, April 16 for links in both English and Spanish (translated via google translate).

The FastBridge spring screening window will open on May 10.

Human Resources

Mandatory Training Bundles 1 & 2 – Report

Message: Following many questions on when the next report will be run to see if your department/buildings is complete for the Mandatory training, we offer this information. A Mandatory Training report will be run at the end of this month regarding the completion of bundles 1 and 2 found on Frontline Professional Growth. If you have questions about these trainings, please contact your department/buildings IDP Representative.

Professional Development

All Principals

Please read the document outlining required PD, as well as suggestions for PD topics, for the remainder of the school year.
Please note, there is a NEW link for the K-12 SPED and K-5 ESL- DYSLEXIA MODULES MAKE-UP DAY training scheduled for Wednesday, April 21. (The link for Secondary ESL Dyslexia Modules Make-up Day training is the same.)

Please let Lindsey Schneider know if you have any questions. Thank you.

All Principals
Cooperating Teachers for the 2021-2022 School Year
Thank you to those that have already completed the Cooperating Teachers Recommendation form.
If you have not had a chance to complete the form, please do so by the end of the day today. Cooperating Teacher Recommendation Google Form is due today, Friday, April 23. Thank you for your assistance.

Student Services

Universal Trauma Training
All school building staff (classified and certified) need to have completed the Trauma Sensitive and Resilient School’s Universal Training by May 1, 2021. This training is located on Frontline, and consists of:
  • 4 video modules (approx. 3 hours run time total)
  • 3 handouts
  • 1 Learning Check/Evaluation (which appears after each modules/handout has been “launched” and “completed”). 

Each school has their own Frontline Activity. If staff have already completed the training (either in-person or live-virtually) they should have a certificate. If anyone is experiencing issues with these trainings, or locating their certificate, please contact Brittany Talley: brittany.talley@kckps.org

Trauma Sensitive Tuesday: May 4th, 2021

Register Here!

As this is our last meeting, we would love to hear from you about your favorite TST moments. If you are up to it, please record a short (5-10 second) video telling us what you love about Trauma Sensitive Tuesdays. All videos must be submitted by Friday, April 30.

Send completed videos to brittany.talley@m.kckps.org

First Call 

Thank you so much to each of you who attended the First Call information sessions to learn about the substance use and alcohol use prevention services, parent education opportunities, and other resources  that they are offering us for FREE.  Flyers and handouts are linked here: First Call Information Folder. Please reach out to Naomi Tolentino or Tracie Chauvin if we can support you in accessing these great resources.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo


Official Elementary School Contest Rules


The Wyandotte County Public Health Department is keenly aware that students have been uniquely affected by COVID-19.  We know the interactions that are fundamental to a child’s social and emotional development have been severely restricted by efforts to manage this outbreak.

Students are encouraged to create a poster in any art medium depicting or related to the theme “#I Helped Conquer COVID!”.


All students, grades K- 12, here at KCKPS are eligible.  


Entries must be original artwork created in pencil, pen, Crayola, marker, paint, or other similar materials.  Computer generated artwork (including clipart) is prohibited.  Computer generated text is acceptable.

Entries will be accepted beginning now  until 9am on April 23rd, 2021.

Turn all entries into your school.

Entry Submission Deadline: April 23, 2021

What happens with entries?

After your school receives the entries for your school, you will be asked to pick the one you want to represent your school and potentially move on to the grand prize that is worth up to $500-$1000 for the student. $1,000 for the classroom teacher to use in their classroom.

Once you pick the winner we need you to roll up the entry and secure it in a safe way and send it thru intra-office mail courier  to District Office c/c Sharita Hutton. Entries need to be to District Office by April 30th at the very latest.

From there the district will handle the rest.

Thank you in advance for helping promote and run this amazing opportunity for our students.

Official Elementary Flyer Official High School Flyer Official Middle School Flyer

Lump Sum Info

Principals and Certified Administrators – Please share this information with your certified staff:

Complete the Online Lump Sum Request/Rescind form by April 30, 2021. Under KSA 74-4940(b) to receive your summer pay in the form of a “lump sum”.

Changes made to your W4/K4 should take place starting May 31 thru June 4, 2021 on Employee Online.


If you DO NOT wish to receive a Lump Sum salary payment this year, but received it last school year, you MUST request that the Lump Sum be RESCINDED, by indicating your choice when prompted.  If you DO NOT wish to receive a lump sum salary payment this year, and did not receive one last year, you do not need to do anything.

Lump Sum Change Form
2021 W-4 Instructions
K-4 Form

Enough is Enough 

Do you know what Enough is Enough is about? If not, learn more, join the cause, sign the pledge. Visit: Enough.kckps.org for more information.

Take the Pledge

Principals,  please share this pledge page with your staff – and ask them to share it with students and parents.

P3 App

Principals, please share with your families:

Did you know reporting a crime, suspicious activity, a runaway, and much more can be done with the click of a button? On all KCKPS websites, both on the main district page and your individual school sites, is a P3 reporting app button (the Enough is Enough Ribbon is the background image) that allows you to fill out the information, hit send, and it will get to the right people immediately. You will remain anonymous.

Curriculum & Instruction

Attn: K-5 Elementary Principals

Re: Amplify Science Material Delivery

New Amplify Science materials will be delivered to buildings beginning on April 21st. Buildings should be prepared to receive these pallets. This will be the first of two deliveries. Please refer to this document for information on how many pallets will be delivered to each building. Information on the second delivery will be provided and added to the document as soon as it is available. The second delivery will be considerably smaller than the first delivery. The materials may be stored for use for the 2021-2022 school year. They are grade level specific materials that are clearly labeled.They are not for individual classrooms, as they will be shared across the grade level. Teachers are welcome to unpack them for storing in a central location or wait until they return in the fall. 

In preparation for the new Amplify Science materials for the 2021-2022 school year which will be distributed starting April 26th, Curriculum and Instruction has created a support document. This document has been prepared to explain the process of Amplify Science implementation, material distribution, as well as what to do with previous science materials. Linked within the document is a timeline of distribution, GVC revisions, professional learning, and other responsibilities for teachers, coaches, and administrators. There is also a National Geographic keep/discard document by grade level to assist in the science material organization. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Beyer cheryl.beyer@kckps.org 

Attn: 6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re: Secondary Literacy Cadre for ELA Teachers (grades 6-10 in 2021-2022)

The Curriculum and Instruction Department is seeking Middle and High School ELA teachers to represent each building in developing strategies and routines for structured literacy practices that support student access to content learning through My Perspectives.   Cadre members will be part of a year-long PLC to vet and monitor student progress, in their own classrooms,  with the literacy strategies/routines developed through the summer cadre work.   There will be a limited number of educators selected to participate in this cadre. Specifically, one ELA teacher per each middle and high school will be selected. Middle school applicants must anticipate teaching 6th, 7th, and/or 8th grade ELA next school year.  High School applicants must anticipate teaching 9th or 10th grade ELA next school year.  Please forward this application to your ELA teachers.  The selection criteria for this cadre is detailed in the application.  Applications are due by Monday, May 3. 

Please contact Tracy Cooper (tracy.cooper@kckps.org) if you have any questions. 

Attn: 6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re:  KSDE and KCKPS Dyslexia Mandatory Training Module 3

The 3rd module, presented to 6-12 instructional coaches on March 26, is now provided in an asynchronous format for all required educators.  The video of the presentation and the related interactive Google Slides are provided through the Secondary Dyslexia Training Canvas Course at the link below.  Each teacher will be prompted to make their own copy of the Google Slide deck and it must be accessed through the district Google (m.) account.  As teachers watch the video they will engage in the learning as prompted through the slide deck.  All the guidance for the learning process is provided in the slides, including the required exit slip. The exit slip data will be provided to IDP reps for Frontline attendance submission.   For the purpose of state reporting, the exit slip and Frontline will be used to keep a record of those who complete the training.

Teachers need to use this URL( https://kckps.instructure.com/enroll/R9Y9EX) to enroll in and access for three modules for Secondary Dyslexia Training in Canvas. All required participants must have all three modules complete by the end of the day on April 28

All information and materials are provided. Teachers will NOT be submitting any work through Canvas.  Canvas is just providing all of the resources they need.

Please contact Tracy Cooper (tracy.cooper@kckps.org)  if you have any questions about the dyslexia training modules.  Contact Wendy Elkins (wendy.elkins@kckps.org) with questions or concerns regarding the Canvas course. 

Attn: 6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re: Building Level Purchase of Novels 

At the secondary level, we consistently consider the quality of grade level text that we provide for our students while also considering the themes (and student interest) within those texts.  We are continuously navigating the changing landscape of text and all that is available to teachers and to students. 

This year, we began a process around requests (and/or orders) of supplemental text–if teachers and PLCs–step “outside” the district approved (vetted) resource, myPerspectives.  Specifically, if buildings order additional novels for their building collections, we recommend that teachers and PLCs engage in completing the Text Complexity Placemat that was created by the state. 

What is essential about the completion of the Text Complexity Placemat is that it allows an opportunity for teachers to dialogue and explore questions and concerns related to an additional novel choice.  Within the document, teachers and PLCs are asked to consider quantitative measures, as well as qualitative measures, when requesting building purchases for novels to supplement building collections.  

The Text Complexity Placemat addresses specific considerations for reader and task.  One consideration being, “What are potential challenges this text poses?”  

Other questions teachers and PLCs should consider when requesting the purchase of additional novels for building collections: 

  • Where does this novel align with our current GVC?  
    • When looking at the units within the pacing guide, what essential question(s), big ideas, and standards does this novel address?  
  • Is the requested novel being used as a substitute for the text selections within myPerspectives, or is it being used to supplement the current resource?  
    • If the novel is being used to substitute text selections within myPerspectives, has the PLC determined the skills that the novel addresses within each chapter?  
      • Are there detailed lesson plans that address these concerns/questions? 
  • Have we cultivated a safe and open environment for all students to feel comfortable engaging with this novel? 
    • Most importantly, have teachers prepared parents by making them aware of the content with the novel, and have they provided an alternate read in case parents (and/or students) opt-out?  
    • The communication between ELA teachers and families must be transparent regarding novel selections. 
      • Regardless of the text, it is best practice for teachers to send a home connection letter to families, prior to the launch of a unit, which highlights the important aspects/components of an upcoming unit.  An example of a home connection letter from myPerspectives can be found here.  

This process of requesting additional novels for building collections was developed during recent cadre work.  All buildings had representation in this work.  If you have additional questions regarding this process, please feel free to reach out to Kristi Chalk (kristi.chalk@kckps.org). 

Attn: 6-12 Secondary Principals 

Re: myPerspectives Student Consumables 

As we approach the end of the school year, please be aware that student consumables will be replenished for the 2021-2022 school year.  Quantities for consumables will be replaced per site based on enrollment numbers in Infinite Campus. Any unused consumables from this school year should be inventoried by textbook liaisons. 

  • Consumables will be delivered for the 2021-2022 school year in July.  Delivery information will be shared with textbook liaisons.
  • Middle schools will receive one consumable per student.  
  • High schools (grades 9-10 only) will receive two consumables per student (Vol.1 and Vol. 2.)  

This year, students can (and are encouraged to) keep their consumables and take them home!  

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Kristi Chalk (kristi.chalk@kckps.org).


As we begin Spring Testing, please keep the following dates and reminders in mind:

    • As a reminder, all KELPA scoring and uploading (e.g. K-1 written materials) must be completed by 4/20, including those responses requiring a second rater.
    • KAP testing is from 4/19-5/7.
    • FastBridge Spring Window is 5/10-5/21.
    •  Please have your building review the Spring FastBridge Proctor Checklist prior to 5/10.
    • https://tinyurl.com/KCKPSFastSpring21
    •      HGSS data collection sheets are due (3rd, 6th, 9th grades only).  Data analysis will begin soon; please submit scores on your collection spreadsheets located in your m drives.

Federal Programs

AUDIENCE: Building & District Administration

SUBJECT: Regular Review of Title IX Supportive Measures

Please conduct ongoing reviews of the supportive measures put into place by you and your teams for students and/or staff involved in Title IX misconduct incidents. Campus teams should work together to ensure supportive measures continue to be appropriate for both complainants and respondents, that both parties are following their supportive measures as set forth, and documentation exists of your monitoring efforts and findings.

Supportive measures should be provided to ALL parties throughout the process and should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Non-disciplinary, non-punitive;
  • Individualized;
  • Restore or preserve equal access;
  • Without unreasonably burdening other party;
  • Protect safety of parties or environment, or deter sexual harassment;
  • If supportive measures are not provided, document why not.

District Departments (IIOs, SPED, Student Services, Federal Programs) can provide additional support to building teams by providing input on existing plans and additional adjustments and considerations which may be needed. Please refer to the new Title IX Reporting & Investigations page in the HR Admin Guide for a list of typical supportive measures.

AUDIENCE:  K-8 Title I Principals

Subject: NEXT WEEK – Spring District Title I Advisory Meeting

The District Title I Advisory Meetings are scheduled for:

  • Monday, April 26th – 4:30 – 5:30pm: All Middle Schools
  • Wednesday, April 28th – 4:30 – 5:30pm: Elementary Schools (Alpha order: Banneker- Lowell Brune)
  • Thursday, April 29th, 4:30 – 5:30pm: Elementary Schools (Alpha order: Mark Twain-Whittier)

Please confirm participation of your 1 certified staff and 1 parent representative and make sure you’ve forwarded the calendar invitation with the Zoom link to your stakeholders.

Extra duty must be pre-approved by BOE at the one remaining meeting scheduled for 4/27/21.

Human Resources

Elementary School Sponsor Supplemental Submissions – Due April 21, 2021

Below you will find the link to submit the names of all Sponsors for the May 31, 2021 Supplemental pay date. Your final, complete responses are due by April 21, 2021 at 4pm. Please note that if your response is not received prior to the due date your Sponsors will not be paid on May 31, 2021. Depending upon when a late response is received, the earliest that your Sponsors would be paid is June 15, 2021. Payment can be delayed further depending upon your submission dates. All Sponsor inquiries with regards to late payment will be redirected to the responsible Administrator. There are directions below for how to complete the survey.

The provided link below will take you to a Google form to complete. The survey is preprogrammed with the appropriate number of allocated Coaches/Sponsors per activity. If you feel that your building requires additional allocations or has received them in the past, you must email me to discuss any needed additions. All requests will be evaluated, and you will be notified of the decision made. To begin your submission, you will have to select your building. From there the survey will take you through each activity that is slated to be paid on May 31 and allow you to enter the name(s) and I.D. number(s) of all active Sponsors. If any Sponsors are returning for another season, re-type their names on the provided line.  If you did not fill every Sponsor position and/or your building didn’t participate in that activity this season type N/A in all fields where it may apply. Once all fields are complete, click the done button to submit your survey. If you do not click done your responses will not be recorded. If any changes need to be made to previously submitted information return to the site using the provided link below (preferably using the same computer) and resubmit a new survey. You will also need to notify me by email of any resubmissions so that we can update any modified information.


It is important to note that if you have any Sponsors that are sponsoring their activity for the first time, they must be cleared by HR PRIOR to beginning the activity. This is true for current Certified and Classified employees as well as new employees.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.



Classified Staff Evaluations

Message: This is a reminder that classified staff evaluations are due May 1, 2021.  If you need assistance with your TalentEd please email DeAndre Tuggle

HR Power Hour

Thank you for attending our HR Power Hour on April 8th.  We would encourage anyone who was able to attend to share with your colleagues that this is an available resource for them.  We will be having our next zoom session April 22, 2021 from 9:30am – 10:30am.  During this time any questions that Building Administrators or IIO’s may have they can ask our HR Staff.  Also, from an HR Standpoint, we will share any announcements or updates we may have.


Meeting ID: 846 5569 6927

Passcode: r90sj1

Professional Development

All Principals
Cooperating Teachers for the 2021-2022 School Year
We are already receiving requests to place student teachers for the 2021-2022 school year.

Please recommend teachers you feel would be amazing cooperating teachers for student teachers, practicum students, or college students requesting an observation in our district. By completing this Google Form now, we will be able to use your recommendations to make placements quickly (without a lot of additional emails to you.)  As you know, we receive great teacher candidates through the student teaching programs. Your help with providing the names of cooperating teachers will ensure that we continue to have future teachers choose our district. Just a reminder, all Cooperating Teachers must have completed at least 3 years of teaching experience.

Please complete the Cooperating Teacher Recommendation Google Form by Friday, April 23, 2021. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.

All Principals

Please read the document outlining required PD, as well as suggestions for PD topics, for the remainder of the school year.
Please note, there is a NEW link for the K-12 SPED and K-5 ESL- DYSLEXIA MODULES MAKE-UP DAY training scheduled for Wednesday, April 21. (The link for Secondary ESL Dyslexia Modules Make-up Day training is the same.)


Please let Lindsey Schneider know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Student Services

Universal Trauma Training
All school building staff (classified and certified) need to have completed the Trauma Sensitive and Resilient School’s Universal Training by May 1, 2021. This training is located on Frontline, and consists of:
  • 4 video modules (approx. 3 hours run time total)
  • 3 handouts
  • 1 Learning Check/Evaluation (which appears after each modules/handout has been “launched” and “completed”). 

Each school has their own Frontline Activity. If staff have already completed the training (either in-person or live-virtually) they should have a certificate. If anyone is experiencing issues with these trainings, or locating their certificate, please contact Brittany Talley: brittany.talley@kckps.org

Trauma Sensitive Tuesday

Our next TST (April 20 @Noon) features Amy Treadwell from Synergy Services to talk about self-compassion.

Register Here

Please complete the ProQOL Survey prior to attending next week and keep a copy of your scores. You can take a screenshot of the last page of the survey, OR put your email address in and I will send it to you.

ProQOL Survey

See you next week!

Tracie and Brittany