Tuesday, March 6, 2018


New Items

Previous Items

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Summer Seminar – for Secondary Administrators
Kindergarten Roundup – for All Administrators
Standard Response Protocol – for Building Administrators
Saturday Academy Information – for All Administrators

New Items

Previous Items

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Summer Seminar

From Alan King
This professional learning opportunity has been developed and is offered by own Board of Education Vice President, Dr. Valdenia Winn. Please encourage teachers who you feel would like the opportunity to grow in this area to apply.

Kansas State Board of Education. The seminar is intended to enhance professional competence of individual faculty in Culturally Relevant Pedagogy; to enrich middle and high-school curriculum by developing inter-disciplinary curriculum that is aligned with Kansas standards; and to increase academic achievement, promote college and career readiness and to empower both faculty and students through an Culturally Relevant framework and content. Emphasis will be on Latinos, African Americans, Asians and Native Americans. The Tri-Directors are Ms. Christina Valdivia-Alcala; Director, Tonantzin Society, State Representative Valdenia C. Winn, PhD and State Representative John Alcala. Nationally acclaimed scholars will present the scholarly data and review outcomes.

Experience professional learning and training on culturally relevant instruction with experts in the field. Most expenses are paid and a stipend is available upon completion. Applications are currently being accepted. Don???t delay apply today.

Application can be accessed at https://goo.gl/gWBJpA

A flier for the seminar can be accessed here https://goo.gl/jFQvjc

Information Guide

Kindergarten Roundup

From Mike Keener
Kindergarten Roundup information is now online, and can be viewed here, on the district site.

Standard Response Protocol

From David A. Smith
As we reflect upon the recent tragic events that took place in Parkland, Florida last month, it is important that we remember the importance of our own safety protocols. As you know, in the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools we use the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) to determine our response to ANY emergency situation. We do this to ensure that we are all following a consistent, appropriate response to any emergency situation.

Will Durant once said: ?????????we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act but a habit.??? To ensure that we have a consistent response to emergencies, it is important that we take the time, at every building, to regularly practice our emergency response protocols. We are required by law to have a monthly fire drill (Evacuation) in each of our schools, and we have asked building leaders to conduct at least quarterly Lockdown drills in their buildings. Please ensure that your building practice is consistent with district expectations.

If you are a new administrator, and feel the need for more detailed information about the SRP and its implementation, please reach out to Chief Henry Horn, who can provide you support. In addition, supporting information about the SRP is available on our website, here: http://staff.kckps.org/secretgarden/index.php/srp.

As you know, each classroom and office space should be equipped with an SRP bucket, filled with supplies that might be needed in case of an emergency. If you need either additional buckets or supplies for those buckets, please contact Raquel Ayala in the Superintendent???s Office at (913) 279 2218 or Raquel.ayala@kckps.org.

Thank you for all you do to keep our students and staff safe.

Saturday Academy Information

From Kristen Scott
This is just an FYI. Within the next couple of days we will be delivering the attached information, but in multiple languages, to a designated ESL staff member in your building. We have asked them to coordinate with you and your office staff regarding dissemination and collection. If you have any questions please reach out to me. Thank you.

Activity Consent Form Word Document

Saturday Academy Flyer Word Document