Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo

Action Items

For K-5 Administrators (Action)

Science Core Leadership Team

from Curriculum & Instruction

The Curriculum Department is seeking administrators, teachers, and coaches to be a part of a Science Core Leadership Team to support the K-5 mission and vision for science instruction and make district-wide recommendations for successful implementation of the NGSS-designed Amplify Science. This team will help formulate a program implementation plan and continue to meet from year to year to further science instruction. This team will also meet to further refine the GVC to integrate SECD standards and refine it for cultural relevance. Please see this application link  for more details and criteria. Please review the link and forward it to staff who may meet the criteria and be interested in serving on this team. Contact Cheryl Beyer with any questions.

For Building Administrators (Action)

Equity Survey

from Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Hello Principals! The DEI team would like to thank you for attending our session on Stereotype Threat. There was great conversation and learning and we hope you learned something new about your colleagues, got a little uncomfortable, and can bring tools and strategies back to your building.

We also want to thank you for your time taking the brief survey. In order to better serve and support you we would like to ask if you can take a few minutes to answer a few follow up questions.

If you were unable to attend or did not take the survey in person please take this survey.
The DEI team values your input, your vulnerability, and your openness as we continue to embark on this ever important journey.

We appreciate your time and please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us if you have questions.


Canise, Linda, and Zak

DGSR due Today

from DERA

Today is the last day to sign-off on the Dropout Graduation Summary Report via KansasCAN and review your building’s data. See the emails sent by Dr. Yen To for more information. This is the last time to certify your building’s data which has implications for graduation rates and accreditation.

Student ILP Completion

from ESOL

Students who are coded as ESL will need a 2021-2022 Individual Learning Plan (ILP) completed. The window for ILP has now opened and all ILPs are due November 26th. As a reminder, the process to complete ILPs has changed and is now done in Infinite Campus. This purpose of the ILP is to aide the teacher with their instruction and goal set for student growth in proficiency.

Questions regarding ILP process contact: Jacqueline Rodriguez
Questions regarding Infinite Campus and ILP process contact: Connie Thao

For EC-5 Administrators (Action)

EC-5 Canvas Site Training Sign Up

from Curriculum and Instruction

This is for EC-5 schools only. Wendy Elkins has provided multiple sign-up opportunities to come to your school for the entire day and collaborate with teachers and administrators on how to use Canvas. Sign-ups begin on Nov. 2 and run until Dec. 17th. Generally, schools have been using PLCs as the time for Canvas training with outliers dropping in when they have availability. However, if you have a different format in mind, please feel free to set up the time that will work best for your building.

Use this link to schedule your site visit. You will schedule a time using Calendly, and the link is provided below. There are two days per week where the time runs from 8:30-3:30 and two days from 9:00 – 4:00. Please include the name of the school and a contact person. If you have any questions, please email Wendy Elkins.

Informational Items

For All Administrators (Informational Item)

KSDE Great Ideas in Education Conference

from Professional Workforce Development

Would you like to attend the KSDE Conference in November?

Great Ideas in Education Conference: Unfinished Learning
November 15-18, 2021
Held virtually each day from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Online registration ends after November 1.
PLEASE NOTE: All registered attendees will receive an invitation via email within the 1st week of November to select the sessions they would like to attend.

Registration Link

In an attempt to simplify the registration payment process and encourage participation, the Professional Workforce Development Department will cover the cost of registration for any USD 500 Administrators who choose to attend the conference.

You must individually complete the registration, using the link from KSDE by Monday, Nov 1. On the registration you will be asked the following billing information questions:

Please provide the Billing information.
Please provide an email for which your invoice will be sent.
Confirm Email Address:* (Enter your KCKPS email)
BILLING ADDRESS* (Enter your work address)
CITY* (Kansas City)
STATE* (Kansas)
ZIP CODE* (Enter your work zip code)
PAYMENT TYPE* (Mark “Check”)

After the registration is complete on Nov 1, KSED will send a list of all USD 500 administrators to Lindsey Schneider. Please DO NOT forward the confirmation email; that information will not be needed. The PWD department will work with purchasing to issue one check from USD 500.

Please note, if you have already registered and selected “Purchase Order” KSDE has agreed to send the invoice to the PWD department. If you have paid with “Credit/Debit” as your payment option, you can either cancel your registration and re-register, or go ahead and pay for the conference from your department’s budget.


HR FAQ is Live

from Human Resources

HR FAQ is now live. Please use this tool to assist in answering your HR questions.

KCKPS Open Enrollment Notice

from Human Resources
Please see the attached files.
KCKPS Flyer Options PDF
KCKPS Flyer Options – Schedule PDF

HR Power Hour

from Human Resources
We would like to host an HR Power Hour Thursday, October 28th from 3:45pm – 4:45pm. During this time HR will share updates and announcements. This is also a time for building administrators to ask HR questions they may have. We look forward to seeing you!!
Join the Zoom Meeting<
Meeting ID: 879 5150 8872
Passcode: 4PkQeF

Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents

From Communications & Marketing

Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.

Student injury forms have now been included to the list.

To find the reporting form for students go to this link: https://form.jotform.com/212366215525047

To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.

Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.

To do so, please use the following link: https://form.jotform.com/212304621025035

The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.

This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.

The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident,  there is a fight,  or even to report property damage.

An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.

There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.

If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.

Here is a link to the Incident Report form:  https://kckps.org/incident-report/

For Principals (Informational)

Teacher License Help – Sat., Nov. 6th

from Human ResourcesEmails were sent this week to all of the teachers in the district who currently have expired teaching licenses. Instructions were provided on how to renew their licenses, and I included an invitation to come to the Central Office on Saturday, Nov. 6th from 10:00 – 11:00 to get personalized help if they need it. If you’d like a list of your teachers’ licensure status please feel free to email Liz Meitl  and I will be happy to send you your list.

Mentor Training in January

from Professional Workforce Development
I wanted to let you know we have a few slight changes for the Mentor Training scheduled in January. All sessions will be virtual. A Zoom link and training materials will be sent to the Mentors a week prior to the training. Again, this training is only for Mentors; mentees do not attend. The 21-22 KCKPS District PD Calendar has been updated to reflect these changes and I have emailed all the mentors.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022
High School Mentors 1:00-3:00
Middle School and Sumner Mentors 1:30-3:30
8:30 Elementary School Mentors 4:00-6:00
9:00 Elementary School Mentors 4:30-6:30

Wednesday, January 19, 2022
High School Mentors 1:00-3:00
Middle School and Sumner Mentors 1:30-3:30
8:30 Elementary School Mentors 4:00-6:00
9:00 Elementary School Mentors 4:30-6:30

For K-5 Administrators (Informational)

Science Implementation

from Curriculum & Instruction
To support and showcase high-quality Tier 1 science instruction across the district, Curriculum and Instruction has put together this Wakelet to share ideas and resources with teachers. There are examples of science in action from schools across the district. This form will be updated and sent out once a month. Please share it with your teachers and encourage them to see examples of quality in science implementation around the district. Also please feel free to email pictures, videos, etc. to add and share from your classrooms. Contact Cheryl Beyer with any questions.