Friday, October 22, 2021

Administrators' Desk logo

Action Items

For All Administrators (Action)

Bullying Prevention Site Action Plans

From Student Services

Bullying Prevention Site Action Plans are due to the Office of Student Services by October 29th, 2021. Within the Bullying Prevention Site Action Plan Folder, you will find a plan labeled with your building name. On the right hand column, you enter your building’s specific information for each section. When completing your action plan, think what protective factors do we have in place to reduce bullying? How do we include all members of our community in this? How do we consistently respond to alleged instances of bullying?

Please also include any supporting documentation, which can be linked in your document. If you have questions or would like to walk through your document with someone from Student Services, please contact Tracie Chauvin.

For EC-5 Administrators (Action)

EC-5 Canvas Site Training Sign Up

from Curriculum and Instruction

This is for EC-5 schools only. Wendy Elkins has provided multiple sign-up opportunities to come to your school for the entire day and collaborate with teachers and administrators on how to use Canvas. Sign-ups begin on Nov. 2 and run until Dec. 17th. Generally, schools have been using PLCs as the time for Canvas training with outliers dropping in when they have availability. However, if you have a different format in mind, please feel free to set up the time that will work best for your building.

Use this link to schedule your site visit. You will schedule a time using Calendly, and the link is provided below. There are two days per week where the time runs from 8:30-3:30 and two days from 9:00 – 4:00. Please include the name of the school and a contact person. If you have any questions, please email Wendy Elkins.

Informational Items

For All Administrators (Informational Item)

Upcoming IC PL Sessions ~ MTSS and Reading

from Curriculum & Instruction

The Kansas MTSS Team will be working with our CSI schools to provide literacy training for select members of their BLTs. The goal is to build capacity in our school and teacher leaders to help lead the literacy work at each of your sites.

To support this work, the TASN team will be facilitating trainings with ALL Elementary and Secondary Instructional Coaches on the dates noted below. All trainings noted below will be in the afternoon. Please ensure that your ICs’ schedules on these dates allow them to be present for these trainings:

Friday, October 29th
Friday, December 3rd
Friday, February 4th
Friday, April 22nd
Friday, May 27th

HR FAQ is Live

from Human Resources

HR FAQ is now live. Please use this tool to assist in answering your HR questions.

KCKPS Open Enrollment Notice

from Human Resources
Please see the attached files.
KCKPS Flyer Options PDF
KCKPS Flyer Options – Schedule PDF

HR Power Hour

from Human Resources
We would like to host an HR Power Hour Thursday, October 28th from 3:45pm – 4:45pm. During this time HR will share updates and announcements. This is also a time for building administrators to ask HR questions they may have. We look forward to seeing you!!
Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 5150 8872
Passcode: 4PkQeF

Contracts and MOUs

from Purchasing

Administrators –

Please submit for review, all agreements/contracts and memoranda of understanding (MOU) to, especially those that obligate the District financially.

Please note that there are only 4 persons authorized to sign agreements on behalf of the District.
President, Board of Education (Over $20,000)
Superintendent (Under $20,000)
CFO/COO (Under $20,000)
Director of Purchasing (Under $20,000)

All others do not have authority to sign agreements on behalf of the District, doing so could create personal financial responsibility for the engagement.

If you have any questions, please contact Wayne Correll by email, or call at 913-279-2270.

Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents

From Communications & Marketing

Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.

Student injury forms have now been included to the list.

To find the reporting form for students go to this link:

To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.

Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.

To do so, please use the following link:

The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.

This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.

The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident,  there is a fight,  or even to report property damage.

An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.

There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.

If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.

Here is a link to the Incident Report form:

For Elementary Principals (Informational Item)

Arts Partners Programming

from IARC

Our Fine Arts Department is ready to begin scheduling our annual arts integration programming in our elementary schools. Our formal Arts Partners Plan brings the arts integration opportunities to every school. Below is a summary of the programs for each grade level. The Kansas City Young Audiences (KCYA) will be in touch with you to schedule the programs. They will work with you to schedule the programs for K, 1, 3 and 4. Our 2nd grade program will be scheduled directly with the classroom teachers, and the 5th grade program will be coordinated with the PE teachers.

• K – Letters, Numbers, Shapes and Colors
• 1 – Sum of Our Favorite Numbers
• 2 – Reader’s Immersion
• 3 – Tales With a Point – character, setting, plot and morals
• 4 – KS Cultural History
• 5 – Alvin Ailey Dance

With the approval of the IIOs, we are able to bring an entire grade level together (with as much distance as possible) for the K, 1, 3 and 4 programs. Second grade reader’s immersion will be done in each homeroom classroom, and the 5th grade dance experience will be done in the PE class.

For Principals (Informational)

Mentor Training in January

from Professional Workforce Development
I wanted to let you know we have a few slight changes for the Mentor Training scheduled in January. All sessions will be virtual. A Zoom link and training materials will be sent to the Mentors a week prior to the training. Again, this training is only for Mentors; mentees do not attend. The 21-22 KCKPS District PD Calendar has been updated to reflect these changes and I have emailed all the mentors.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022
High School Mentors 1:00-3:00
Middle School and Sumner Mentors 1:30-3:30
8:30 Elementary School Mentors 4:00-6:00
9:00 Elementary School Mentors 4:30-6:30

Wednesday, January 19, 2022
High School Mentors 1:00-3:00
Middle School and Sumner Mentors 1:30-3:30
8:30 Elementary School Mentors 4:00-6:00
9:00 Elementary School Mentors 4:30-6:30