Action Items
For All Administrators (Action)
Crisis Communications Guide
from Communications and Marketing
Dear Principals and School Administrators,
I want to share some minor changes with you regarding how we communicate issues or emergencies to administration and Central Office in the future.
The purpose of this minor change is to ensure that we have an effective system in place for coordinating internal and external communications during an emergency. This will also provide a much clearer outline of roles and responsibilities for immediate dissemination during an emergency or incident.
In the event of an incident or situation that involves an emergency at your school, please contact KCKPS PD immediately:
- Shooting/stabbing
- Major fights like brawls or physical altercations
- Fire, contact the fire department then call KCKPS PD
- Bomb Threat
- Suspicious activity
- Student brings weapon to school
- Health related emergencies
- Reports of weapons in school or students with weapons of any kind
- Intruder or unauthorized visitor
Once this is reported to the KCKPS PD, then the second step is to notify Edwin Birch, Executive Director of Communications and Marketing of the emergency at 913-304-2981.
Incidents including sexual misconduct should be reported by the building or department Title IX Coordinator following the district Title IX reporting procedures.
In the event of an incident or non-life-threatening situation and parents or guardians need to be notified, please contact Edwin Birch, Executive Director of Communications and Marketing at 913-304-2981. Depending on the situation or crisis, Communications will then initiate the notification protocol to:
- Board of Education
- Superintendent
- Superintendent’s Cabinet
- IIOs
- Parents and Guardians
Any media calls and inquiries should be immediately directed to either Edwin Birch or Sharita Hutton in the Communications Office. Before any written or verbal information or communications is released to the media and/or the public, it must be reviewed and cleared by the Communications Office.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
New District Title IX Investigator
from Federal Programs
Magdalena Mumphrey has transitioned to the Federal Programs Team as the new District Title IX Investigator. Magdalena will take Curtis Nicholson’s place when he transitions out at the start of January 2022, to pursue a new opportunity in Wyandotte County. We appreciate Curtis’s service and his contributions in developing and facilitating our KCKPS District Title IX Procedures!
We’re excited for Magdalena to join the team! Her previous experiences as a former HR Advisor-Investigator, as well as an officer with KCKPS and KCK Police Departments, will enable her to bring a deep expertise to the Title IX district framework.
Magdalena can be reached by using the ‘Please Call’ process, as well as using the HR Admin Guide and KCK Principal Handbook where her contact information has been listed on the Title IX resource pages.
KELPA Testing Plans
from ESOL
It is that time of the year again to begin planning for the KELPA assessment. KELPA testing plans for the 2022 testing window are due by December 16, 2021. Building administrators, testing coordinators and ESOL should plan to collaborate to complete the testing plan that will include training, administering, scoring, and number of students to test.
For questions, contact Jacqueline Rodriguez.
New District Letterhead
from Communications
Please use this letterhead template for district communications.
Annual Inventory Reporting
from Risk Management
A new year is upon us and so is the annual inventory counts for your respective buildings, departments/offices and classrooms. Attached you will find a template to help guide you with the inventory accountability process.
We DO NOT need every pencil, paper clip and staple, as those are considered supplies.
We DO need all the electronics, furniture and equipment to be accounted for.
This includes but is not limited to: Couches, Desks, Dry-Erase Boards, Cabinets, iPad charging carts, radios, TV’s computers, electronic learning devices, heavy machinery etc.
If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact Dennis Martine.
Inventory Instructions PDF
Inventory Template XLSX
For Title IX Building & Department Coordinators
Title IX Reporting Procedures
from Federal Programs
Recent Title IX reports made over the past several weeks indicate two areas that need more attention from Title IX Building/Department Coordinators in following the KCKPS Title IX reporting procedures.
#1 – CC your principal and IIO (or department supervisor) when sending the ‘Please Call’ email to
#2 – A reminder that NO investigation or discipline can occur with students or staff until AFTER you’ve sent the ‘Please Call’ email AND the District Title IX Coordinator’s office has talked with you and made a determination on whether or not you will proceed via a Title IX investigation or via a student/employee code of conduct or investigation. This process must be followed each time, regardless of the level of seriousness of the misconduct and regardless of whether or not the misconduct is tracked on the Title IX spreadsheet or through a Title Incident Report and Title IX Complaint Form.
Please refer to the Title IX Procedures page in the KCK Principal Handbook and the HR Admin Guide or contact Lisa Walker, District Title IX Coordinator, with any questions.
For Secondary Administrators
FA – Spring 2022 (please share with teachers)
from Student Services
We have created Canvas Modules for each grade level. Teachers can find them in the Commons (filter by Kansas City Kansas Public Schools only), or by using the links below. They can then import the modules into their already created Canvas course for their FA.
I also created a walkthrough video to show them how to access the course and a preview of the course materials. Most of the course content is provided (via audio or video recording) by Mindful Momentum. Students can use the annotate function in Canvas assignments to complete the reflection questions, check-ins, or journal prompts.
I will also be delivering originals (of the schedule, the teacher manual, and any student worksheets) to your buildings if your teachers prefer to make hard copies of the assignments/materials.
Here’s the FA Pacing Guide for your reference.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or require any further information.
11.18 Principal’s Meeting Info
from Student Services
Thank you all for participating in our Carousel on 11/18. See the google folder for the results from our 5 Core principles of a Trauma – Informed Community carousel. Again, the action steps section can help inform your BSEL school improvement goal for 22-23. I have also included information on interactive modeling and an electronic copy of the Restorative Conversation card.
PREP-KC Math Relays Team Sign Up
from Curriculum & Instruction
Hello KCKPS Secondary Math Teams!
We are excited to announce the 12th Annual PREP-KC Regional Math Relays (Virtual for one more year) will be held in January again this year. Teams will be competing on either January 22 or January 29 from 8:45-11:00 and 12:30-2:45.
The Prep-KC is very excited for your students to compete once again! We know that everyone has had a whirlwind school year so far, and we have made the decision to bring students, teachers and volunteers from all over the city together virtually once again. The only difference this year will be that teams may choose to compete from their own school setting rather than their homes if they choose. Please note the participation guidelines below:
-Each school can bring up to 16 participants (competing in Individual and Team Events) AND up to 4 participants to compete in the Marathon competition (a $500 scholarship will be awarded to the top winner).
-A Student (if not participating in the marathon) can participate in up to two individual events and one team event.
-Each team in a team event will consist of exactly four students.
-Photos will be taken and distributed via email and social media. If you have a student who has not agreed to a photo release in your district, please note that on the enrollment form.
The preliminary enrollment deadline for entries will be Thursday, December 16. with an opportunity to finalize in mid January. After the deadline, we will once again work with your district’s IT department to ensure students are able to access the required technology mediums. Please find all of the information you will need in the Math Relays Coaches Folder. All the links were shared via email from the district CANVAS page for Secondary Math teachers by Dr. Parker.
A coaches meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 15 at 3:00 pm or Wednesday, November 17 at 3:30 pm. Your coach(es) will only need to attend one of the meetings. Feel free to take a look at the coaches agenda prior to the meeting.
Please submit team entry forms to Susan Engelmann ( or Cecil Christwell ( and copy Dr. Kurt Parker (
As always, please reach out to Susan or Cecil if you have any questions or if you have a new Math Relays coach in your building or district.
We are looking forward to the relays!
PREP-KC Math Relays Team
From KCKPS Curriculum & Instruction Department:
The goal is for each school to have at least one team participate this year. The C&I budget can compensate one coach per building for 10 extra duty hours. If a building has a full team participating (16-20 students) and is choosing to meet at their own school on competition day, we could compensate an additional coach if needed. In order to get paid, you must complete the GOOGLE FORM for timesheet approval by the Board prior to attending the coaches’ meeting.
All links were sent to your teachers through the Secondary Math Canvas Page. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Kurt Parker.
Informational Items
For All Administrators (Informational Item)
Parent Survey for Students with Disabilities
from Special Education
Survey for parent(s) of students receiving SPED services
KSDE requires KCKPS to solicit feedback from parents regarding involvement in the special education process specific to their child. They want to know what is working, but we also want to know where improvements can be made to help ensure parents are involved in the educational process. This information is vital to our annual indicator reports for KSDE. We would like to have a high return rate.
Parents will be asked by to complete either a paper or online survey. If parents have more than one child receiving special education services, they should complete the survey for the oldest child.
The survey can be accessed here.
SPED Coordinators will share this online survey link with case managers who should send it out with the KSDE parent information letter. The information will also be made available on district website like last year. Parents with students who ONLY have gifted services do not need to complete the survey.
Please contact Dana Nelson if you have questions.
Parent Survey PDF
Parent Letter (Word Document)
Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents
From Communications & Marketing
Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.
Student injury forms have now been included to the list.
To find the reporting form for students go to this link:
To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.
Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.
To do so, please use the following link:
The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.
This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.
The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident, there is a fight, or even to report property damage.
An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.
There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.
If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.
Here is a link to the Incident Report form:
For Secondary Administrators
KCTC Survey – Implementation Window Open
from Student Services
The KCTC implementation window opened November 1, 2021. On our FA Pacing Calendar there are suggested implementation dates in order to ensure that students have enough time to complete the survey prior to the window closing at the end of January. Each building identified a KCTC point of contact earlier in the year. This person has all the information needed to support your school community in implementing the KCTC survey. If you have any questions or need support in implementing the KCTC, please reach out to Tracie Chauvin.
For Building Principals
Quarter 2 Grades Due and Returned Grade Card Processing
from Infinite Campus Support
Quarter 2 grades are due from all teachers Friday, December 17th by the end of the day. Building administrators are responsible for checking that teachers have submitted grades in Infinite Campus before Winter Break begins. Teachers will not be able to enter missing grades or make adjustments over Winter Break. Grade adjustments can be entered by teachers from January 10-14. Refer to the attached document Grading Windows.
In the November 9 notice we shared information about returned grade card processing and the need for buildings to get updated parent info for registrars to process. The file is attached again here.
There are over 850 outstanding returned mail events in IC. Congrats to the eight buildings that made substantial reductions in their returned mail. Please discuss with your building registrar and implement your building plan to correct as many of these as possible before Q2 grades are mailed home.
FREE Responsive Classroom Webinar
from Student Services
The Center for Responsive Schools is hosting a free webinar on December 16th from 6p-7p called, “Resolve to Rewind, Replay, and Rejuvenate This January.”
Please share with your staff. They can register with this link.
Additionally, they have an article about Inviting All Winter Holidays into the Classroom.
HGSS Administration Notice
from Curriculum & Instruction/DERA
For the 2021-22 school year, grades 3-11 will be administering the HGSS Classroom Based State Assessment. This will be administered for all classes/grades during the third quarter with the exception of 11th grade American Government, which will be given prior to the end of each enrolled semester. Teachers should be aware of this assessment as it is embedded into the curriculum resource. State HGSS assessment data collection will now be submitted via Infinite Campus. Teachers will be submitting their student scores directly into Infinite Campus. Directions on how to do this are forthcoming. The state will be requesting some student work samples from three buildings. Those principals will be notified by DERA of specified student samples to be submitted.
Please direct any questions about administering the assessment to Brenda Burney (secondary) or Cheryl Beyer (elementary).
Any questions regarding the submissions of the scores and testing data should be directed to Troy Pitsch in DERA