Action Items
For All Administrators (Action)
Family Surveys for KESA, Title I, School Improvement Plans, District Strategic Plan
from Federal Programs
We’re PUSHING OUT our annual family survey between 2/1/22 and 2/28/22 to gather data on YOUR SCHOOL’s culture, climate, equity & inclusion, and instructional programs. Surveys are for ALL SCHOOLS. DATA will be used for KESA, Title I, School Improvement Plans, and the District Strategic Plan. It’s important for all schools to have strong participation rates in order for the responses to be a valid data source.
Surveys will be made available through the following measures:
-Principals should provide structured opportunities/computer stations at Family Advocacy conferences so parents can
complete surveys on site.
-Principals should send out survey links in their School Newsletters, encouraging parents to provide important feedback
about their schools.
-Classroom or department teachers should send out survey links in their weekly/daily posts for parents.
-Survey links will be posted on the district website.
-The Communications Department will send out the survey link to all families through Flyer Connect and Bright Arrow
Please note there is ONE link for 8 languages and a SEPARATE LINK for the Karen translation.
A PDF that includes a short message (9 different translations) inviting families to complete the survey, followed by the survey link, is located in the Federal Programs shared drive. A copy of the Survey is also in the folder.
New Staff Intranet Launching Soon/Review of District Forms and Departmental Pages
from Communications
Due to new and ongoing issues with the old intranet system, we are launching a temporary (but more user-friendly and accessible) staff intranet for everyone’s use. The new, temporary intranet will also have a section titled “Administrators’ Corner,” with links to this newsletter’s homepage, admin-only form links, and more.
Before we launch this temporary intranet, however, we need a lot of old data updated or even removed. To start, there is a page that housed a number of all-purpose forms and manuals; if your department handles any of these forms (or used to), please visit this link and send any changes needed to forms or links directly to Mike Keener as soon as you can, as it will help speed along the live launch of this new intranet page. Additionally, let him know about any other content on either the live site (or old intranet) that needs to be edited for inclusion on the new site.
KSDE Data Quality Certification Training (Required)
from DERA
Administrators: Please use the following links to sign up for KSDE’s KESA-required DQC training.
KSDE is hosting a KESA-required DQC training for department/building teams who upload, enter, coordinate, or validate student data coordinate. Participants consist of principals, superintendent, counselors, registrars, SPED staff, TIS staff, Free and Reduced Lunch staff, Migrant staff, and other district staff who contribute to state reports such as those submitted via KSDE web applications (see list below). Attendees learn how data submitted to KSDE is used by the State and Federal governments, and how it impacts our school and district funding. The training offers insights on creating a culture of quality data through accurate data entry and submission, auditing, and data handling practices.
This all-day training is KESA required and offered Tuesday 02/22/2022 and again on Thursday 02/24/2022 from 9am-4pm at Central Office (Rm 131-133). Please attend one of these trainings by signing up via Frontline using the links below and share this sign-up with your data team.
Tuesday (02/22) Link
Thursday (02/24) Link
KSDE Applications:
AMOSS – Academic Measures of Student Success
Annual Statistical Report(18E)
Auditor File Exchange
Categorical Aid Personnel System
Designation of School Attendance Officers
Direct Certification
Directory Updates
Driver Education Reimbursement
Dropout/Graduation Summary Report
Early Childhood Foundations For School Success
Form 16 – Accreditation Licensure Waiver
Foster Care Application
IHE Portals
Interlocal Agreements (D0600’s only)
Juvenile Detention Center – Final
K-PAC Report
Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA)
Kansas Grants Management System (KGMS)
Kansas Grants Reporting System (KGRS)
Kansas Integrated Accountability System (KIAS)
Kansas Teacher of the Year
KCC Management System
KIDS Assignment System
KIDS Collection
KLAS – Use only for Forms 2, 3a, 8, or 20
LCP System
Lea Forms
License Application – Use for all other license applications
Mentor Programs
Migrant Web
Neglected or Delinquent
Outcomes Part B
Outcomes Post School
Principal’s Building Report (PBR)
School Safety Hotline
Special Education MIS Collection System
Star Recognition
State Forms
Student Record Exchange
Superintendent’s Organization Report (SO66)
Virtual School and Programs
New District Letterhead
from Communications
Please use this letterhead template for district communications.
Annual Inventory Reporting
from Risk Management
A new year is upon us and so is the annual inventory counts for your respective buildings, departments/offices and classrooms. Attached you will find a template to help guide you with the inventory accountability process.
We DO NOT need every pencil, paper clip and staple, as those are considered supplies.
We DO need all the electronics, furniture and equipment to be accounted for.
This includes but is not limited to: Couches, Desks, Dry-Erase Boards, Cabinets, iPad charging carts, radios, TV’s computers, electronic learning devices, heavy machinery etc.
If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact Dennis Martine.
Inventory Instructions PDF
Inventory Template XLSX
For Elementary Administrators (Action)
Elementary SS Review/Revision Cadre
from Curriculum & Instruction
The Curriculum Department is seeking a variety of classroom, SPED, and ESL teachers to represent K-5 grade levels in work around the KS HGSS (History, Government, and Social Studies) GVC resource review. We will engage in a cadre that will come together to examine and revise inquiry units and review sources for bias. There will be a limited number of educators selected to participate in this cadre. If you meet the criteria below and are available and enthusiastic about engaging in this work, please submit your interest via this application form. Applications are due by February 11. Cadre members will receive extra duty pay for their time. Please forward the application to teachers who might be interested in serving on this cadre.
Contributes and shares expertise and new ideas with colleagues to enhance student learning in formal and informal ways
Analytical individuals that can filter through information efficiently
Ability to support PLCs with standards-based planning using IDM resources
Solid understanding of and experience teaching the KS HGSS standards
Solid understanding of KCK Model of Instruction
Ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with others
Comfortable using Google docs
Availability to attend meetings 4:30-6:30 on Tuesdays (March-May)
Informational Items
For All Administrators (Informational Item)
Mentor Training Rescheduled
from Professional Workforce Development
Please note the Mentor Training that was originally scheduled for Wednesday, Jan 12, cancelled due to staffing shortages related to COVID, has been rescheduled.
The mentor training will now be on Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022
High School Mentors Training from 1:00-3:00
Middle School and Sumner Mentors Training from 1:30-3:30
8:30 Elementary School Mentors Training from 4:00-6:00
9:00 Elementary School Mentors Training from 4:30-6:30
The 21-22 KCKPS District PD Calendar has been updated to reflect the changes. Thank you.
COVID-19 Contact Tracing
from Communications
The Board of Education approved KDHE and the local Unified Government Health Department guidelines for Contact Tracing. Based on the new guidelines, school districts may temporarily suspend identifying specific susceptible close contacts potentially exposed to COVID-19 in classroom and extracurricular settings. The District will suspend contact tracing effective February 1, 2022. This will go into effect for 30-days until KDHE and KSDE reevaluate the recommendation. The District will still be able to track work related exposures.
Updates from the Health Team for Attendance Clerks
from Student Services
Thank you again for working hard to support our students, families, and staff. Please read all the information below and reach out if you have any questions or need additional information.
HS updates:
We thank the health team for continuing to provide guidance about COVID-related absences. Please see important updates below.
HS1 Flags (5 days): please excuse 6 days as we need to count the start date as day zero
HS2 (10-day flag): please excuse 11 days as we need to count the start date as day zero
HS3 – Cleared to be returned (Mark early return on previous HS1, HS2, or HS4 flag and create a new flag with HS3)
HS4 – (10-day flag): please excuse 11 days as we need to count the start date as day zero
End Date: **spProgram endDate is the day the flag ends and the student can come back.
These updates will be effective next Monday, January 31st. You can find all this information on the IC Support Site. To provide additional support, the TIS team and the A2A team were available via zoom from 7-11 and 12-2 on that day.
2022 Provider Contacts
from Human Resources
Click here to view a revised list of providers.
HR Staff Update
from Human Resources
Effective 1/26/22, Syler Colaco joined the Human Resources Team as the HR Advisor for Investigations replacing Magdalena Mumphrey. Many of you already know Syler as he was most recently a KCKPSPD Sergeant and employed with the district since 11/14/2014. Syler’s work with investigations encompasses years of experience with Police Department and Fire Department investigations. We are thrilled to have him join the HR team! Syler can be reached at 913-627-2557.
Strikeout COVID Vaccine Event Coming Soon (Feb. 2nd Event CANCELLED)
from Communications and Marketing
Administrators, please share this info with staff and students:
Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools is partnering with the Wyandotte County Health Department and the Kansas City Royals to Strikeout Covid for those ages 5 to 11 for upcoming vaccine events.
Disqualifiers for getting the vaccine:
- Sick now with any new fever, cough, chills, body aches, sore throat, fatigue, congestion, headache, shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of taste or smell
- Positive covid-19 test in the past 10 days
- Living with anyone who is positive currently.
February 2nd Event Cancelled
The COVID-19 vaccine event at Gloria Willis Middle School on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 has been cancelled due to expected inclement weather. More information will be coming soon for the event’s rescheduling.
Central Middle School – Thursday, February 10, 2022
A COVID-19 vaccine event will be held at Central Middle School on Thursday, February 10, 2022. The event runs from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Those youth receiving the vaccine will get a free meal on site and be able to pick up other great giveaways.
The Wyandotte County Health Department will be on hand to administer the Pfizer vaccine for those ages 5 to 11. A parent/guardian must be present at the event. No vaccines for those over 11 or booster shots will be offered. Masks are required at the event.
Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents
From Communications & Marketing
Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.
Student injury forms have now been included to the list.
To find the reporting form for students go to this link:
To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.
Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.
To do so, please use the following link:
The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.
This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.
The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident, there is a fight, or even to report property damage.
An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.
There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.
If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.
Here is a link to the Incident Report form:
For Building Principals
Infinite Campus Parent Portals – Updates
from Student Services
Thank you for your planning around parents accessing their Infinite Campus Parent Portals. IC Parent Portals will play a critical role in planning for 22-23 and summer school. We appreciate your buildings planning creative ways to reach parents.
Based on your questions and feedback there have been a few adjustments. Teachers will be able to look up all building students from February 16-18 and two Ad Hoc reports have been built and deployed to the Principal folder in Infinite Campus. Details about these additions have been added to file here.
Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week and Day
from Student Services
RAK Week is February 13th-19th and RAK Day is Thursday, February 17th.
We encourage you to participate in RAK Week/Day this February within your school communities. Even the smallest act of kindness can change a life! To sign up, access lesson plans, activities, and tools kits please visit the Random Acts of Kindness website.
For EC and Elementary Administrators
Canvas and Instructional Technology Support
from Curriculum & Instruction
In an effort to be available to support staff on the use of the Canvas, Wendy Elkins is hosting open, drop-in office hours (via zoom) in Jan. and February. These times occur on most Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can find the exact times and the zoom links on the mobile minutes. If you or your staff needs more personal assistance, you can schedule a time with Wendy Elkins using this Calendly Link.