Friday, April 29, 2022

Administrators' Desk logo

Action Items

For All Administrators

Bullying/Harassment Reporting Structures with Staff and Students

from Federal Programs

Please include a review of the Title IX/bullying and harassment policies and reporting requirements with ALL staff and students on your end of the year meeting agendas. Refer back to the mandatory training talking points for guidelines and be sure to include the following:

  • Identify who the Title IX Building/Department Coordinator/Investigator is for your building/department.
  • Remind staff/students that by policy, they are required to report any Sexual Harassment or Race Discrimination incidents they experience, witness, hear about, or receive a report on from a colleague or student.
  • Remind staff/students the required process is to report incidents of any staff or student misconduct to the Building Principal/Department Manager or the Building/Department Title IX Coordinator/Investigator.
  • If the staff member/student doesn’t feel comfortable reporting to the building, they can contact Human Resources or any of the District Compliance Officers that were listed in the final video.
  • Staff/students can also use the Bullying/Harassment Report button on the website/student devices to make a report. Reports go directly to central office leaders.
  • Staff/students can also use the district phone line which is 913-627-2550.

For All Principals

Assessment Updates & Important Dates

from DERA

Important Dates

  • FastBridge Screener:
    • Early Childhood:  Monday, April 25 – Friday, May 20
    • K-12: Monday, May 2 – Friday, May 20
    • Review Assessment Schedule for further details

KAP Wrap-Up

  • KAP teacher survey available in Kite® Educator Portal until May 6.
  • Student Scores Report will be available around May 2-9 except for Grade 10 Math. Grade 10 Math will not be available until Fall 2022 as standard setting and cut scores are completed in Summer of 2022. KSDE is putting a note in the Parent Portal why Grade 10 math is not available.  Parent results week after scores in Educator Portal.


  • ACT and PreACT 8/9 reports are now available in Success.  Currently no historic data is available for PreACT 8/9, only the results for fall 2021.  
  • ACT is no longer producing the graduation cohort reports that have been sent to the district in the past.   Generate and customize those in Success.
  • For reports that will be delivered to schools, see the Reporting Schedule in section 7 under the ACT tab on the Kansas ACT website.  That schedule gives a timeline and format for the reports that will be available to schools.
  • myACT: Students may access their ACT scores and request scores be sent to colleges through myACT.  Please encourage your students to create an account if they have not already done so.  Only about 78% of students that tested in KS this spring have set up their myACT accounts.
  • 2022-2023 Dates Released: Click Here for 22-23 Dates


  • Scores should be collected and entered into Infinite Campus by the classroom teacher (click here to download instructions for score entry). We are still allowing the elementary and middle school scores to be added through Friday, April 22nd, 2022. The window for the high school HGSS assessment closes on Friday, May 20th, 2022. 
  • Please note that all K-12 students should be assessed using the HGSS scoring rubric before the window closes. 

Please contact the DERA Team with any questions you may have at

Reminders for Adding/Updating Goals & Progress Monitor your SIP in KansaSTAR

from Federal Programs

As the end of the year approaches, keep working to move two of your School Improvement Plan categories to Approaching or Transforming! Here are two SUPER quick videos that will show you how!

How to Add/Update Goals in KansaSTAR
How to Progress Monitor and Update Timelines in KansaSTAR

Contact Lisa Walker if you want some 1:1 KansaStar/SIP assistance for you, your team, or your process manager.

For Elementary and Assistant Principals

Math Week is Almost Here

from Diploma+
Math Week is almost here and we are celebrating math fun reading and math games. Please share this information with your teachers and help them get ready to open the door to fun math games for kids!! The games are in English and Spanish and prizes will be awarded to the buildings with the most minutes in the game and the most tweets of math week. Get ready……..
KCKPS Math Week Spanish Flyer (Word Document)
Math PDF Flyer for Families
2022 Math Flyer PDF

Delivery of Eureka Math (K-5) and CKLA Consumable Workbooks (4th & 5th Grades) for 2022-23 School Year

from Curriculum & Instruction

Please expect vendors (Great Minds and Amplify) to contact your school to schedule delivery dates for shipments in the next couple of weeks. Vendors have been provided with school, principal, and head custodian contact information. Deliveries will arrive on box trucks with lift gates to unload the pallets from the truck to the ground. Materials will be brought inside over the first threshold. The carrier will not break down pallets to carry materials inside nor will they bring pallets up steps. Due to COVID-19, some carriers still have stipulations in place limiting inside delivery considering the health and safety of their employees as well as the receiver.

To ensure prompt and accurate reporting of missing or damaged items delivered from vendors, we have established the following procedure to ensure all inventory is received and in good condition.

  • The person (Custodian, Admin Support etc.) receiving the items will check to ensure all items being signed for (# of Boxes, packages, or items etc.) are received before signing for the delivery. We cannot dispute receiving a total quantity of boxes/packages with the vendor if the school has signed for the order.
  • To ensure all items are received, boxes will need to be opened and verified according to the packing slip(s). If items are missing/damaged, notify Tresia Hassan via email within 10 days of delivery. Include a copy of the packing slip and notation of what is missing or damaged.
  • Please note that Vendors nor the Curriculum and Instruction Department will be responsible for replacing damaged/missing items when notification is not received in a timely manner.For reference, this linked Google sheet indicates the number of books requested by your site. Please contact Suzie Legg with any questions.

Informational Items

For All Administrators

DCIP Live – 5/4/2022 @ 2:30pm

from Student Services
For our last DCIP Wednesday (May 4) Tracie and I are hosting a live Crowdcast event!

It will start at 2:30pm and end at 3:30pm. The theme is (obviously) May the 4th be with you!

Grogu (Baby Yoda)
Please share with your staff or if you all will be doing PD in the same space/room, you can project it and watch together. We will have a few giveaways/raffles related to the theme, AND most importantly, we’ll be joined by one of our District Occupational Therapists to talk about meeting the sensory needs of our students!

For All Principals

For Elementary Principals

Special CKLA PD for Principals & APs

from Curriculum & Instruction
Rachel Scott, our PD Partner from Amplify CKLA, will be in town Thursday, May 5th. We are excited to offer a short optional session for elementary principals and/or assistant principals. The session will be in Central Office Room 132 from 1:30-2:30 or 3:00-4:00. Please come to the session that best suits your schedule. Topics will include establishing why we have adopted a new resource, the research behind CKLA, and how to support your staff as we transition to structured literacy. We look forward to seeing those who can make it!

If you have any questions, please contact

F&P Materials

from Curriculum & Instruction

Buildings may begin the removal or repurposing of Fountas & Pinnell Classroom materials. Please use this linked document for guidance.

If you have any questions, please contact Allison Rice.

F&P Recycling

from Curriculum & Instruction

Buildings interested in recycling some of the F&P materials should use this linked Google Sheet to understand the recycling company’s expectations and to sign up for a recycling pick up.

If you have any questions, please contact or

CKLA Shipments

from Curriculum & Instruction

Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) materials are shipping soon! Shipments are scheduled to arrive the week of May 2nd. Each elementary building will receive materials for entire classrooms K-3. These classroom kits ship as one giant box on one palette per teacher. The linked “Start Here Guide” will be a helpful tool for teachers to ensure they have received all materials. Buildings will also receive print teacher manuals for 4th & 5th grade teachers. Consumable workbooks for 4th & 5th will ship separately the following week. Please remember these materials are intended for use during the 22-23 school year. Teachers will be given Wednesday PD time on either May 11th (9:00 schools) or May 18th (8:30 schools) to organize materials.

If you have any questions, please contact or

For Secondary Principals

Updates Regarding Secondary ELA myPerspective (Savvas Pause Period)

from Curriculum & Instruction

Savvas Realize will experience a Pause Period this summer. This timeframe allows our district the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming school year without impacting access to the current school year’s data, etc.

The Savvas Pause Period for KCK will begin July 1st and end July 28th. During the Savvas Pause Period, you will still have access to Savvas Realize for planning purposes. You will not have access to student rosters, etc., until on/after July 28th..

For additional information regarding this Pause Period, please see the information provided from Wendy Elkins.

21-22 End-of-the-Year Savvas (Pause Period) Information

If you have questions or concerns regarding this, please do not hesitate to reach out. This information has been communicated to ELA teachers.

myPerspectives (ELA) Student Consumables

from Curriculum & Instruction

As we approach the end of the school year, please be aware that student consumables will be replenished for the 2022-2023 school year. Quantities for consumables will be replaced per site based on enrollment numbers in Infinite Campus. Any unused consumables from this school year should be inventoried by textbook liaisons.

Consumables will be delivered for the 2022-2023 school year in July. Delivery information will be shared with textbook liaisons.

Middle schools will receive one consumable per student. High schools (grades 9-10 only) will receive two consumables per student (Vol.1 and Vol. 2.)

This year, students can (and are encouraged to) keep their consumables and take them home!

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Nicole Blakeney or Suzie Legg.

For Edgenuity Coordinators/Administration

Upcoming Integration between Edgenuity and Clever

from Curriculum & Instruction

As you know, we have been working on integrating Clever and Edgenuity. Just as a reminder, here is the “why” behind this integration

  • Students will no longer need to remember usernames and passwords; they will go to Clever and select the Edgenuity Tile.
  • We will no longer need to create accounts for students
  • All KCKPS students will have an account
  • When students switch schools within the district, the switch will happen automatically through the sync with Clever.
  • There will be no interruption for students
  • Will be easier as a system to gather data
  • Reduction of the data entry for our staffThe integration will take place on Wednesday May 4th. To make this happen, they will start transferring student and staff accounts on Tuesday May 3rd AFTER 3:30pm. So, what does that mean for you and your students?
  • Students and staff may not be able to log into Edgenuity on Tuesday May 3rd after 3:30 pm until the morning of Wednesday May 4th.
  • Please make sure that this is shared with teachers and students so they can plan accordingly.
  • Wednesday May 4th, students and staff will log in via Clever.
  • Log into Clever and select the Edgenuity Tile
  • Please note, all students will have the Edgenuity Tile and would be able to log into Edgenuity. However, if they are not enrolled in any courses, they would not be able to do anything.
  • Students that already have courses and work done in these courses will still be available to them.Wendy Elkins has made sure that she has a direct line to our Edgenuity CSM on May 4th-6th, and has blocked off her schedule to be available if there are any issues. The hope is that there will be minimal issues, but she will be available if needed.There will be some account clean-up we MUST do at the end of the year, and Wendy will be sending communication out to Coordinators in the next few weeks.

    Please let Wendy Elkins know if you have any questions about this process.


Leadership EDIT Summit

from Student Services


We are thrilled to invite you to attend the Leadership EDIT Summit on Friday, June 17, 2022. Along with our partners from around the country, our goal is to create a cohort of building and district leaders who are focused on creating equitable and trauma-informed systems.

Leadership EDIT Summit poster

Participants will leave the Leadership EDIT Summit with increased capacity to engage in transformative change within their systems. Additionally, our networking sessions will build a foundation for building and district level leaders to consult, collaborate, and connect with one another.

This conference includes keynotes, multiple breakout sessions and two networking sessions for leaders. Highlights Include:

Opening Keynote: Mr. Jim Sporleder, Consultant and former Principal of Lincoln HS in Walla Walla, WA
Closing Keynote: Dr. Lateshia Woodley – Assistant Superintendent of Student Support, Kansas City (MO) Public Schools

Building Leader Networking Session: Led by Jim Sporleder, Consultant and former Principal of Lincoln HS in Walla Walla, WA
District Leader Networking: Led by David Spellmon, Behavioral Specialist, HipHop Pedagogy Coach, Positive Archer Solutions

Crowdcast Link

Connector Deadline Approaches

from Diploma+
The use of Connector is going very well this spring. Please remind your teachers time is almost up to submit their live session request-the deadline is Friday, April 29th. FA week for Diploma+ Careers is May 2nd so lots of fun Connector sessions are right around the corner.
Connector Goals (Word document)

Trauma Sensitive and Resilient Schools MiniGrant

from Student Services

Reminder about mini-grant funding:

– $500 to spend by August 1, 2022
– Funds must support your implementation of Trauma Sensitive and Resilient Schools.
– You must be able to articulate how these funds will help you achieve your TSRS Goal (or BSEL Goal)
You must request funds BEFORE you spend them. Student Services will no longer approve the use of mini grant funds without prior approval.

As always, please let Brittany Talley know what questions you have, or how she can  support your work!

Trauma Sensitive PD Scholarships (please share with your staff)

from Student Services

The Trauma Sensitive and Resilient Schools Initiative is offering PD scholarships this summer! Student Services will pay the registration fee for any staff member who is interested in attending a training related to: trauma, social-emotional learning, or diversity, equity and inclusion.

Trainings must be completed over summer break and attendees will provide a 15-20 minute presentation on their learning.

Please have staff complete this form if they are interested!

Art Uploaded – Digital Student Art Show

from IARC

KCKPS launched our digital art show – Art Uploaded. Please see the postcard for the link. This link will be shared on the district’s social media. Additionally, art teachers shared with their students. Please take time to view the show and share on your respective school platforms.

Use the menu in the upper left to quickly find your respective school.

Lump Sum Information

from Communications

Please share this with your certified staff:

This year’s Lump Sum Request/Rescind form is available now through April 29th. You can find the information at the top of the Staff Links page on the website.

3rd-5th Grade Student Surveys Open April 1 – April 30

from Federal Programs

The window is open for the 3rd-5th grade student survey!  Surveys will run 4/1/22 through 4/30/22 to gather data on culture, climate, equity & inclusion, and instructional programs.

DATA will be used for KESA, District Strategic Plan, and in your School Improvement Plans. It’s important for all elementary schools to have strong participation rates in order for the responses to be a valid data source.

Please work with your teachers to make sure ALL 3rd – 5th grade students have an opportunity to participate in the survey.  The first page of the survey includes drop down menus where students will select a language in which to complete the survey, their race/ethnicity, and also their school.

English, Spanish, Hakka Chin, Hmong, Kiswahili, Nepali, Somali, Arabic, Burmese Survey Link

Karen Survey Link

Thanks for your help in collecting this important data! For questions, email or call Lisa Walker.

New Staff Intranet Launching Soon/Review of District Forms and Departmental Pages

from Communications

Due to new and ongoing issues with the old intranet system, we are launching a temporary (but more user-friendly and accessible) staff intranet for everyone’s use.  The new, temporary intranet will also have a section titled “Administrators’ Corner,” with links to this newsletter’s homepage, admin-only form links, and more.

Before we launch this temporary intranet, however, we need a lot of old data updated or even removed.  To start, there is a page that housed a number of all-purpose forms and manuals; if your department handles any of these forms (or used to), please visit this link and send any changes needed to forms or links directly to Mike Keener as soon as you can, as it will help speed along the live launch of this new intranet page. Additionally, let him know about any other content on either the live site (or old intranet) that needs to be edited for inclusion on the new site.

New District Letterhead

from Communications

Please use this letterhead template for district communications.

Electronic Reporting Forms for Injuries and Incidents

From Communications & Marketing

Just a quick reminder that many of the forms you need when it comes to incidents are now electronic.

Student injury forms have now been included to the list.

To find the reporting form for students go to this link:

To make the reporting of workman’s compensation accidents less time consuming, the Supervisors Accident Report is now an electronic form.

Regardless of severity, immediate supervisors & directors are required to report all work-related injuries within 48 hours to Risk Management.

To do so, please use the following link:

The Incident Report helps document any incident involving non employees.

This includes our students, visitors, parents and guardians.

The incident form is to be filled out for a number of situations including: a child is missing, if a student is injured in a way that could require medical attention in the future, police have to be called during an incident,  there is a fight,  or even to report property damage.

An example of a fight that needs to be recorded- a fight that breaks out that others are around and it may have been recorded. A fight that someone may not realize they are injured immediately but could later on in the day. Fights that do NOT need to be recorded: two kids on the playground hit each other in the arm over a ball.

There may be other incidents that could also require use of this form.

If you have questions about whether an incident falls into this category, please reach out to your IIO.

Here is a link to the Incident Report form: